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@michaelglenn367 Ай бұрын
@jojje3000-1 2 ай бұрын
Inte sexuellt umgänge i Sverige, åk utomlands.
@monkeeseemonkeedoo3745 6 ай бұрын
The intro reminds me of this: In the long run, we are all dead.
@astridhailee6066 6 ай бұрын
"Promo sm" ⭐
@johnsnowkumar359 9 ай бұрын
I support both sides. Wherever and whenever the NATO group expands, the American forces seem to try to get rid of the ethnic Russian population there. Average European says to American NATO officials "You Americans have more experience in getting rid of populations of native Americans. Let the Americana handle this issue in east Europe and north Europe. We members of the Deep state of the western hemisphere are very experienced in massacring of native Americans in the western hemisphere and in arranging for internal exile of the surviving native Americans. If we radical Americans decide to massacre an ethnic group anywhere in the western hemisphere, we can massacre all people of African origin in the western hemisphere within one month, " Most ethnic Russians have been the eastern Ottoman lands from the time of Peter the Great, googled research seems to indicate. Especially the Cossacks seem to have been in the area of greater Kyiv from 500 AD, Internet research indicates. The American President completely controlled by members of the Deep State was President George W Bush, Jr, most likely. The native American population of Oklahoma City have not been deported from Oklahoma City. I used to live somewhat close to Walker Avenue in Oklahoma City. I have availed free food from food banks in Oklahoma a few years ago. Conquering the western hemisphere did not bring bad luck to the A=Canadians and to the professors and leaders of the US.
@shellycassidy Жыл бұрын
Jeg er glad jeg tok opp krypto da jeg gjorde det, da det var et vendepunkt for meg økonomisk min beste beslutning så langt 🤓😎🤓
@swedeykx Жыл бұрын
Riktigt bra samtal.
@Ricardo-su1nm Жыл бұрын
*Promo SM*
@jasonsmith1155 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it be weird if he was receiving grants from the military industrial complex to sell missiles? That would be really weird.
@MariaM-fu6wm Жыл бұрын
I do think that Putin knows about the famine that will come from climate change and this invasion is a way to secure grain for themselves without saying it. The way the country has been destroyed shows a preoccupation to flatten everything and make way for larger agriculture. Putin will not talk this l about this as well as China did not talk about this when investing in fertile Aftica.
@MarieGobeille Жыл бұрын
🌬💙💛🙏 Merci tellement! Les mois passent et ma compréhension s’affine. Vous ai-je déjà dis combien j’apprécie apprendre de vous? À jamais redevable. 🙏💛💙
@johnhume4346 Жыл бұрын
Or maybe its because after the Soviet Union broke up the Western powers went into Russia and robbed them blind. How bad does it have to get in a country for the life expectancy of its citizens to drop five years anyway?
@monkeeseemonkeedoo3745 6 ай бұрын
The oligarchs of Russia are Russian though. People indeed were robbed, but not by the west, just by those who are now the oligarchs, ie other Soviet Union citizens
@ydjeen Жыл бұрын
Great lecture, thank you Professor Snyder!
@juanramonrojas6138 Жыл бұрын
Behind all this are the evil claws of the vampiric rabbies of the syn agogue of satan aka "god of armies" and "great architect"
@potter275 Жыл бұрын
I find Professor Snyder brilliant at times. He is processing a lot of history, particularly the deep history of Eastern Europe, trying to see patterns in history. In doing so he is organizing and naming: inevitability (not a new concept), eternity (seems related to a religion), and catastrophe (we witness). These are categories, ways of thinking about thinking and projecting have consequences that follow if there is little or no awareness nor remedy ( counter force/s). To those here and elsewhere who have nothing good or only bad things to say about Snyder, I can only surmise that those thought processes, the work of trying to understand, have shut down so completely, their minds shut or lazy, or worse so not free anymore, that they cannot consider, or think openly, feel only threat to themselves. This itself proves what is being said..exhibit A. Again, Snyder is using a language and you have to follow it to understand. He has much factual knowledge to convey, to REMIND us of especially those with cherry picked narratives, pushing propaganda and lies.
@starfishw7138 Жыл бұрын
So who was it all this time destroying the environment?
@jackiebang4717 Жыл бұрын
He is so right about studying history. How many time did I hear that history is boring and good for nothing major. When I pointed out how our path to Trump’s presidency mirror that of Hitler’s, so many people told me that we will never be like Germany. I don’t see how people cannot see the similarities.
@jackiebang4717 Жыл бұрын
@Tomas Bjarnesson Just so that you know, I am not comparing Hitler and Trump because of Timothy Snyder, it is after reading and studying German history since college. The similarities are there. You may say that one can apply Snyder's ideas to many other horrible leaders. And that is the precise point. Evil people follow evil paths. Most nationalists say our country first. And it happened in South Korea as it happened in Germany. All Trump did was copy that path. What Snyder did in his books and many lectures is to educate us to look out for the dangers of those simple talks that sound good to the ears, but bring doom to the existence of your own nation.
@joesniffy7362 Жыл бұрын
A very talented and entertaining shyster. He'll go (has gone!) far in the academic world.
@joeyfotofr Жыл бұрын
That is simply a lie. He is a peer reviewed historian. if you want to misapply the word shyster (actually the word for a Jewish lawyer) to a dishonest historian you could use if for Newt Gingrich who publishes distorted history to sell to right wing bigots. That slur does not apply to Timothy Snyder in any honest way.
@pierrerienier3214 Жыл бұрын
again brilliant lecture, learnt so much in just an hour. thank you. (love the inevitability - eternity - catastrophe framework)
@theredscourge Жыл бұрын
The problem with the theory that politicians like Trump are using "the politics of eternity" is that this logic can basically be used to dismiss any political movement which wants to move things in any direction other than the current one. Logically, there will inevitably be a time when the politics of a country move in a certain direction, and then the majority of the people suddenly decide that some sort of course correction is needed. This need not imply that everyone who wants to do so is "on the wrong side of history" or is engaging in "the politics of eternity/inevitability". This sort of argumentation can basically be abused by anyone, and if they do so, it's not all that different than the concept of one political faction labelling every single opposing political faction "fascists".
@evgkabot8690 Жыл бұрын
Timothy Snyder is a dishonest political operator who screws naive minds in order to satisfy his only and overwhelming obsession - the hate of Russia. He taught my son in Yale that Russia , among other barbaric features , did not have any literature before XIX century. And he thoroughly lies about my mother Ukraine !!!
@ShammuaMekonnen Жыл бұрын,,,
@poobum9857 Жыл бұрын
so let me see if i got it right .. a trained lier , invents a story that inevitably ends up as war with russian characteristics .. yes , then when western greed and corruption exposes inventory losses on a russian scale .. the little man calls up the boys who share his wet dream of a united soviet russia or in western parlance "shining city on a hill" that the boys have a "red pill" moment and flee the state of putin for peace and freedom ..
@ShammuaMekonnen Жыл бұрын
John Mearsheimer and Stephen F. Cohen and many others who have at least an 1oz of ethics, morals and credibility about them. Professor Timothy Snyder is a PHUCKING hypocrite, he came to make the case for Ukraine, he, a product of the USA, where the professor's ancestors provided STOLEN lands for WHITE people to live on, wiping out 500 Nations on the North American Continent (Nations etymologically speaking are people, not big ROCK with people on it, that is called LAND). The USSR should never have been dissolved, it made way for the Western Oligarchs to move INCHES Eastward, in violation of the agreement (s) established in the 80s. This Professor is a hypocrite, and though he CLAIMED he is not "here..." to talk about Russia, THAT is what the talk was about, using words of art, and deliberately manipulating the facts......Not once did he mention the Minsk Accord, he failed to mention that President Putin resigned recognising all the former USSA Sates as Sovereign, and he surely DID NOT mention the EUs, NATO and USA violations. This talk is corrupted by a professor from the USA, with a HISTORY of invading Nations, wiping out entire lineages across the GLOBE, in Europe, Germany, France, Spain, UK, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Norway have BLOOD STAINED genocidal hands, Denmark etc etc etc.........the USA has 100 years of invasions (South & Central America or the entire Caribbean which is known as the Americas.......Russia has no such history, in fact, Russia came to the USA assistance TWICE (2) (ungrateful descendants of Europe). Russia has a history of fighting of invading forces that ALL came up through Ukraine.....there is no history of Russia leaving Europe to invade no Nation and settling and ultimately controlling for 3-4 hundred years like the rest of the blood thirsty Europeans.
@monkeeseemonkeedoo3745 6 ай бұрын
What do you make of the Katyn massacre? Don't you think a country like Poland is in their right to look for a protector to prevent such an event from happening again?
@garfieldbraithwaite8590 Жыл бұрын
Starts at 6.18
@briseboy Жыл бұрын
It is implicit, or should become clear, that social animals (actively mobile individuals) have limited methods or combinations into which they can coalesce to form systems stable enough to remain or function as social organisms. We can abdicate cognition and responsibility to become eusocial - the ideal of Marxism, as well as the ideal of the several fascist, acquisitional empires. We can also look inward, colonizing only exteriorized outgroups. We can become inclusive, instead, attending to inequalities. You will notice that all three of these generalized methods of attaining some form of eusociality DO depend upon some solipsism. It is easy to fall into regard of all else than human being merely "environment" to be exploited. But, just as we exchange the most simple atomic and bonded elements with each breath, supporting, as I do implicitly and in reality here, ancient and giant redwood trees just outside this shelter. Sending CO2 from my ingestion and respiration directly to their creation of photosynthetic CHO-including structures, as well as their own continuing , constant, respiration. The oxygen they break off, they give to the atmosphere, in turn supporting the lives of all animals and other aerobic organisms. I differ from anthropocentrically-oriented individuals in inclusion, then, of other living organisms as equal partners, rather than diminishing their lives to exterior objects for exploitation. We take, as North American, and a few other cultures with which I've become familiar, as some high Asian and steppe indigenous, the recognition that we are merely one kind among many forms of life. Just as individuals are single members of larger related (if indistinctly so) groups. Running into huge herbivores and carnivores, we see easily the same cognitions. Whether bear, a very limited social animal, or a more obligate social mind like wolf - some intimate exploration of both have been subjects of study - we continually EASILY, again, observe that they, too recognize , in the same emotional way as do we, recognition and purposeful signaling of wants (need, desires; emotional expressions of utility, as it were) across species. I also encounter large herbivores. Bison encountering me, respond in distinct oral ways, and other ungulates signal across species in numerous ways, their responsive behaviors. Smaller organisms, as we understand from research, recognize densities of selves through chemical densities, changing outputs immensely, in phase transitions, which Professor Snyder has alluded to in speaking of the human heuristic "narratives" of politics. Polity, I remind you, is from Greek "community." Inclusion is familiarity, recognition of family. While some of my main intimate study has been of the cognition of carnivores, especially the social carnivore wolf, with questions involving recognition and basic causes of selection, it is habituation and intimacy which becomes striking. Just as you yourself first experience a nebulous awareness, discerning and habituating, refining over time the familiarity that you may test, or repeatedly test, it's clear that individual distinction functions in non-eusocial species. Ants and some other highly eusocial species respond in more stereotypical ways than do those who retain individual relationships (with other than the single reproductive member- "queen" in bees, or harem-keeping and self-iconizing males in our species). Let NO individual become an ikon, or image of "purity"; instead, recognize that the universe individuates, that there, but for fortune, go you or I. We are neurologically and cognitively built, evolved, to retain this recognition. This may well be why we so prize democracy, though under perceived threat, we may subject ourselves to a group or ingroup. An eidolon is a mental image. Brains necessarily create such associational heuristic (highly simplified) images, in order to respond as instantly as possible. It is universally true that demagogues, dictators, and some groupings of humans must and do constantly signal exterior threat, in order to maintain their social control. The threats that move individuals from a demanding democratic polity into a submissive unquestioning violent fragment of their own entity, may or do arise stochastically- unpredictably, requiring rules - normative behavioral pressure. This, though, is a phenomenon of complex dynamical systems, subject to constant modulation. To understand Prof. Synder's descriptions listeners may have to learn more of complex system mathematical theory. Chaos is merely one form, in which primary factors, "strange attractors" are indiscernable, due to complexity. ALL factors, in fact, include the tiniest separable, and unpredictability IS the norm in dynamical systems and this universe. Change is constant. This can be looked to as reason for constant adaptation in social contracts = laws. You actively exist within giant active systems, responding in part to yourself. If you look, as do the young of every species, at the motivating factor of the world being Eagerness, then you will understand yourself and all others. Remain eager, for, as those who nurtured me teach: "we are ALL relatives."
@llyrghmnghyll Жыл бұрын
I'm struck by how the politics of eternity and the politics of catastrophe mirror certain pre-European type mythologies - Revelations, Greek Pessimism, and Ragnarok. it seems like this even feeds into some Japanese ideas within Hagakure about the decline of civilization.
@Johnconno Жыл бұрын
In Britain after 'Brittania Unchained' we've emerged into the sunny uplands of T S Eliot's Hollow Men.
@margaretgoodheart4167 Жыл бұрын
Having listened to interviews and speeches by President Putin for several months before postings from Russia were banned in the my country, I found him to be a student of history and philosophy aside from his PhD in Economics. Professor points to a problem of info in Russia, I experience it here and now in the us. Also, 7months into the SMO, a legal term as defined by the UN and followed by Russia, we watch as ukr shuts down tv stations, prevents war correspondents from traveling to areas of fighting, and criminally published a "hit list" of journalists and private citizens who say or print things President zelensky doesn't want read or heard. Not only a list of offenders but of their children or parents, giving addresses and putting xes through names of those murdered. This lecture was given before such horrors occurred but now we see a broader picture. Although, I am puzzled by the introducer calling Russia and China "imperialist" nations when both have stated and shown their objectives not to be acquisition of territory or resources belonging to other sovereign states but rather engaging in trade and respectful agreements. Remember, please, in fairness, the Donbas and Lugansk oblests under the Minsk Agreements were supposed to have been recognized as autonomous areas within the Ukraine but for 8 years were instead bombed by Kyev. When Russia moved in, it was at the request of regions that had endured 8 years of shelling and were about to be invaded by the Azov military divisions intent on murdering Russian speaking populations. There is much more but please, before you draw your swords, do a bit of research or just consider the possibility of the UN stepping in at any time during those 8 years and promoting considered non- military solutions rather than the fiasco generated by nato and the eu with sad numbers of lives lost.
@mishaknopkin2199 Жыл бұрын
This professor blocked comments in his "Ukrainian lectures." I am taking an opportunity to say that those lectures are such BS.
@sharongardiner9156 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for providing so much information and depth and the Politics and Time concepts.
@donroberts1339 Жыл бұрын
Everyone should read ALL Timothy Snyder's books. He is a very talented man & a great historian & writer. He's able to synthesize the mound of evidence for a resurgence of fascism in a concise & clear way.
@gveregregor9965 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting seminar. What a guest! I learnd a lot. Timothy Snyder great orator! Hi from Ukraine!
@razrasmussen5850 Жыл бұрын
Listening to/ reading Tim Snyder is a kind of fortification against despair. Even though the topics are grim, the lucidity of his thought process and deep knowledge of history is like being thrown a lifeline in the midst of a whirlpool. The clarity of his deconstruction of current crises in a historical context makes them far less overwhelming.
@123axel123 Жыл бұрын
A bad, amateur sociologist. "Politics of inevitability" - This is a valid old point that was made half a century ago. But Snyder has his own narrative about the world. He says that Trump and Orban are fascists. Amazing how he can do the analysis without realising that he himself is a narrative machine for another future. Snyders utopian view of the the future is more scary than fascism. Why? Because he combines all currently trendy leftwing ideas, i.e. refugees are victims, nuclear power is bad, wealth inequality. Maybe revolutionary ideas are bad ideas that not yet have been tested. Always when Snyder talks it is about good and evil. The evil side (Putin, Trump, Orban) has narratives and Snyder has the objective good truth. He criticises Putin talking about Russia's 1000 year history of being together with Ukraine, restoring purity. True, but exactly the same can be said about Israel or China. The US goes back 300 years but also have values. Snyder is picking his examples so they suit his view. Finally, Putin should have left Ukraine alone. My comments refer to Snyder's amateurish sociological theories.
@andreykaminskiy2391 Жыл бұрын
The dude feels something vaguely, he understands that the transition from one state to another is not so simple. He tries to formulate this difficulty of transition as "the influence of time". Fortunately, everything was invented before him. This difficulty of transition that arises after a revolution is called "political reaction". After any revolutionary change, there is a political backlash. For example, Russia is now in the stage of political reaction. The collapse of the Soviet empire was the liberation of people, along with Putin, enslavement came after the liberation. Fidel Castro is also a good example. This man was first a revolutionary, he brought freedom, then he became a reactionary, turning the island into a prison.
@johnpayne3282 2 жыл бұрын
I as a veteran and retired letter carrier who left college for family reasons has been fortunate to actually meet Mr. Snyder at Harvard Bookstore and The Boston book festival. Mr. Snyder actually wrote a card to me from his hospital bed. I also sent him last fall a tourist map of Ukraine. I am so happy to have returned to education. John Payne of Boston.
@garfieldbraithwaite8590 Жыл бұрын
That’s beautiful, keep going
@Hermph 2 жыл бұрын
Kanske borde ha övat in denna video innan ni spelade in, för ni verkar inte ha någon koll
@henriknordlund5568 2 жыл бұрын
A reflection about all those Russian trolls in the comment section: beware people, they are out in force.
@vandaamorim7388 2 жыл бұрын
Johnstone är grymt!
@larstenfaelt1859 2 жыл бұрын
A very interesting lecture that I heard again today. I really love his aspect that Europe and EU to a large extent a forum also for old imperials that lost its powers. I have always been thinking that Brexit to a large extent is caused by a big group of influential Brits still living with the thinking of speciality and entitlement (most Brits don't though...but the society is coloured by it). To think that lots of the others are old imperial countries who has matured in their thinking and using it for unity is a fascinating and positive thought. I will discuss this with my UK friends...
@Fireefly100 2 жыл бұрын
nästan alla väldfärds länder går ner ...
@christypatton3573 2 жыл бұрын
America - listen up! The GOP, helped by Rupert Murdoch is just getting started on their attack on truth in public discourse - waste too much time ignoring them or laughing at them and you will end up living like Russians do today.
@cnordlinger100 2 жыл бұрын
Would’ve loved to have Press Pastor Snyder as my history teacher. I guess he is everybody’s history teacher.
@capitandelnorte 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting talk. But there are some things that do not make sense to me, Russia has a variety of ethnicities that span from slavic too asian, so even though there is a lot of racism, they realize there is also need for a lot of inclusion. Whereas China, which still has high social mobility, at least compared to what they used to, is stepping up it's war against an ethnic minority to try and achieve a greater degree of cultural and ethnical uniformity. There is aways a disaster to blame somewhere, so I don't feel like the exclusion of minorities is something particularily connected to climate change.
@torstenwinkel2183 Жыл бұрын
I think of Russia as a segregated state: the Slaves and Asians don't matter. There is a stark difference in wealth and political power between Russians and other ethnicities. The "russian" army fighting in Ukraine is not primary russian but asian and slavic (and from other minorities). The big uproar around the mobilization was NOT because of the war, but because the war started to impact RUSSIANS.
@joeyfotofr Жыл бұрын
Many bad things that are not caused by environmental stress are made worse by things like climate change. Bad things go on all the time in more manageable ways, then are made worse by pressure, until they explode into crisis.
@danielschulman4909 2 жыл бұрын
I have often found the 'eternity cycle' to seem to manifest in the minds of many many people and groups in different 'sectors of association' . . . not just in the most recent 'Trumpian' or now 'Putinian' manifestations (on the Right side of things) . . . but across the spectrum . . . groups of 'like minded' people most often seem to have some notion of a time in the past when things were 'ideal' or 'perfect' . . . many on the 'progressive' side of the Left for example, most often invoke a return to some perception of indigenous cultures as a time when humanity's relationship to nature and to life was ideal or perfect . . . . another version that shows up on the 'progressive Left' sees that time in the past as before Western Colonialism, into which, then, almost every problematic on the planet is now intersectionalised - for example the Israeli-PalestinianArab conflict - with total ignorance of the many repeating cycles of prior imperialisms to which that region was subjected (Ottoman, Byzantine, Roman, etc), 'Palestinian life' prior to 1948 was 'ideal'. These are just examples . . . there are so so so many . . . just to say I think this phenomenon of the Politics of Eternity plays out across the political spectrum.
@colbysvids 2 жыл бұрын
These professors like Snyder are brilliant but when they talk about the bad things in past world history mainly war and all the atrocity's that come with it like, starvation, disease, torture, genocide, war crimes etc they analyze and study these things like they had a beginning that was created by a normal balanced human (and things just got a little out of hand)and that the answers must be normal like the historian himself. Rarely do I ever hear them talk about the mentally sick, often psychopathic and abnormal behavior attributed to men I.e Hitler and how distorted and dangerous their minds truly are and how their mental/emotional deviance is the unique feature and factor behind the desire for power, resources, wealth etc and that war in their own mind is the solution (inflicting pain brings pleasure to psychopaths, they need victims to emotionally stay fueled) These Narcissist elite powerful men (in the past ,present and future) are variable and unpredictable but they are common throughout history and are the very people responsible for the worst of the worst crimes against humanity, it's aftermath and then history.
@andycope6683 2 жыл бұрын
I heard the term 'Hyper-normalisation' for 70s and 80s Russia and for neo-liberalism
@redolentthought7085 2 жыл бұрын
"On Tyranny" and "Road to Freedom" are essential reading (Black Earth probably is too, just haven't gotten to it yet) I wish we had this man on our news broadcasts every other night, explaining this stuff, deprogramming our Masses...
@willgary8792 Жыл бұрын
That last part more than anything....and his deliver, which results in very easy (at least for me) to understand and process thoughts and ideas, is perfect for as you said, deprogramming the masses. He doesn't talk over your head, relates to widely known events and concepts and delivers the core idea very clearly.
@richardgenz7406 2 жыл бұрын
Snyder's analysis takes us far beyond conventional right-left thinking about autocracy worldwide, including rise of Trump. And also about the climate emergency, seen as part of politics of catastrophe. I'm finding Snyder's long essay on Russian Orthodox Fascist philosopher Ivan Ilyin to be a coherent expose of the profound danger Putin poses for the world. Thanks to U of G. Excellent questions from you here.