@jazzynet1 Күн бұрын
This is absolutely magnificent! I love it!
@DisconnectedAutomaton 3 күн бұрын
88 Keys is the way a Keyboard should be~
@JM1701ABCD 6 күн бұрын
Release that giant D ship under a different name eh.
@SkittleKicksPlays 8 күн бұрын
An idea I had (not sure how hard it would be to code) for a great feature would be making all display screens touch capable. Using the mouse can be a bit cumbersome to get pointer precisely where you need it, and in some cases affects FPS.
@lars_of_the_north 8 күн бұрын
I only found out about this game a couple weeks ago but I am fully redirecting my stream courtesy of this game. I find what you are making to be very inspirational and will simply be flying around the milky galaxy until I can make more immersive content with crew members. I am slowly building my crew from fellow Dual Universe players that I have known for months or years who are jaded from playing a game that has been all but abandoned by the devs. I am currently playing the part of the lonely ship captain who is in charge of too much ship and not enough crew. I spend a lot of time staring wistfully out of windows.
@lars_of_the_north 8 күн бұрын
I am on a lonely journey towards Sagittarius A* right now with an estimated 23 hours and .3 hours remaining. Regards, Captain Larkin NSFW White Star Will be paying for Commodore Access on Ko-Fi in a few days. I had a few unexpected expenses.
@catatonickuala 9 күн бұрын
A piano should have 88 keys.
@sbutler860 9 күн бұрын
As a musician myself, I have been WAITING for the opportunity to play that piano! x
@amtiv 9 күн бұрын
I appreciate the dedication :)
@garygoldman9429 10 күн бұрын
Ive always wanted a sort of “Star Trek” Simulator. This seems to be the closest attempt at that, that I have ever seen. Nice work! I hope it works out and I can’t wait to play the final product
@ryancox4498 12 күн бұрын
Any chance of adding bearings and headings in to navigation and helm? It might be more rewarding to steer manually if you can tell what angles things are relative to yourself, or your own angle relative to the galactic center and plane. It might also be worth separating Navigation in to a separate station from Sensors. The sensor station could be using a selection of different types of sensors to gather different information. Like an infrared sensor to provide a list of contacts, then an "FTL Radar" to get bearings, headings, and velocities, then a spectrometer to get specific information like class of star or planet, or type of ship. The navigator can then either select from this list of sensor contacts or from star charts in order to lay in a course for the helm to then execute. (This list of sensor contacts could also be fed in to the Tactical station for combat situations.)
@SkittleKicksPlays 12 күн бұрын
I noticed in the engine startup module that if you don't follow the way points exactly, A.V.A. will not activate the next task. There are two sets of stairs starting on F Deck and as I just used whatever one to get to the Bridge, I had to go all the way back to F Deck and retrace the steps following the way point. That's a weird mechanic for that particular module.
@Cleeeer 12 күн бұрын
We have a lot of people who need a slow tutorial, with very specific instructions, to be able to learn the functions and their way around. You can press 'enter' to skip, or 'backspace' to go back a step. Those will be put on the tutorial soon.
@ScooterBond1970 12 күн бұрын
Exact same thing happened to me, I got to the bridge and stood there for like five minutes before I figured it out
@fredpryde8555 12 күн бұрын
thanks for sharing this series with us truly awesome
@lars_of_the_north 12 күн бұрын
This ship could replace Star Citizen of you play your cards correctly. My stream will likely be dedicated to it shortly once we have most of the ship to RP in. Regards, Captain Larkin NSFW White Star
@lars_of_the_north 12 күн бұрын
Game* (not ship)
@lars_of_the_north 12 күн бұрын
Could we get the ability to change the emblem of the ship on the floor of the bridge?
@ScooterBond1970 12 күн бұрын
Custom Uniforms (specifically, custom garment/department colors) would be hot as well. The fact that you can change the registry number's format and even the starship prefix suggests these ships might not be all part of a singular military fleet, but rather an array of pseudo-paramilitary groups with their own codes, rules etc, maybe operating as subcontractors to the overarching Space Navy.
@SkittleKicksPlays 12 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for the hard work you put into Starship Simulator.
@ainsleyfrastructurekpopmashups 14 күн бұрын
This game is designed to be extremely addictive because of lots of things to explore. Infinity out of 10 for me. Can't wait to play this and get hooked into this more than I spent time creating digital products.
@evangelicalcatholics 14 күн бұрын
This should be an MMO so a whole crew can work together to operate a ship.
@Cleeeer 14 күн бұрын
It doesn't need to be an MMO for that :) The whole point of this game is to have a whole group running the ship together. Multiplayer is already in game :)
@SkittleKicksPlays 15 күн бұрын
This is truly an incredible undertaking. I've been exploring the starship, and WOW you all have put a lot of passion into this. I know there is a lot more to be fleshed out, but what you have thus far in the demo is a work of art. Once you have fully released this to the public, I will definitely being buying it! One thing I hope will be coming soon is optimization. 30 or 60 FPS is giving me only 11 to 13. Whether graphics are high or low it is still the same result. Other than that, bravo on a heck of a simulation!!!!
@honeybadger9425 15 күн бұрын
Looking good 👍 I tried to play on Steam Deck a few months back it all loaded up and ran fine but controls and rebinds were a problem to setup so I never got out the start meeting room which was a bit of a shame. Anyway just a note for your I’m sure very long to do list, keep up the good work.
@homeonegreen9 17 күн бұрын
To simulate the real Navy can the ship be undermanned yet still somehow have so many crew that the enlisted end up hot bunking? Also paperwork, officers have to stand 2 four hour watches and do 8 hours of paperwork a day. Junior officers need to make lots of PowerPoint and do repetitive useless training. NCOs need to do the real work while the junior enlisted break every rule in the book.
@homeonegreen9 17 күн бұрын
On a similar vein, crew taking a critical system offline to repair a component without getting approval, getting called to general quarters for a drill, turning on a certain type of guidance RADAR and sparks shooting all over CIC would be hyper realistic. Or the starboard engine being restricted to slow but only the night watch knows about it until the morning watch tries to maneuver and causes an engine fire.
@statinskill 18 күн бұрын
Hey is there a version planned without the "UN" branding? We prefer a multipolar world here instead of some dark "One World" fantasy.
@Tenebrosoo6z 19 күн бұрын
Esse jogo e bom, eu
@DonaldHolben 20 күн бұрын
I was a alpha tester back when there was a dev group for a star trek game around 202 or 2012 or so,. Any connection?
@dzoni_mvp6166 20 күн бұрын
Relese date plis ?
@StarshipSimulator 20 күн бұрын
Early access will be sometime 2025/26
@hurmzz 20 күн бұрын
Really like the looks of the black holes! They look really accurate to what I thought they look like. For example the lighter and darker sides. But apparantly huge black holes dont have a flat acretion disk but more of a toroid shape, like a disk that gets thicker to the edge and it’s centre would be be very bright. Maybe a little like the old black hole version you showed. Sag A* should indeed look special, a bit scary with an acretion storm. But still think the generation system looks great for smaller ones!
@gerdpilot7968 21 күн бұрын
Ich sage es mal auf Deutsch, da mein Englisch zu stark eingerostet ist. Das ist Fantastisch was ich bis jetzt sehen und selber ausprobieren konnte und wird so einige Games wie Elite und Co. in den Schatten stelllen. Ich habe leider erst heute davon gehört was Ihr da die letzten Monate auf die Beine gestellt habt, bin seit einigen Stunden schon auf der Brücke und Reise durch den Weltraum.👍🖖 Ich werde euch auf jedenfall unterstützen.
@georgefaulk2528 23 күн бұрын
Can't understand aa word you are saying. Fix your mic.
@gehteuchnixan8256 23 күн бұрын
I'm not sure that this is related to his microphone. I understand him clearly, even as a non-native speaker, as he speaks a nice british english.
@JirachiXP 23 күн бұрын
I can understand aa word he's saying. Fix your stuff.
@skinnyhol 23 күн бұрын
I can here him fine. Fix your sound system bud
@Devon7839 19 күн бұрын
Maybe you need subtitles? No shame, my wife needs them when watching most of her videos. To me he sounds perfectly fine, his accent isn't too thick and it's loads better than with his old mic.
@bryanillenberg 23 күн бұрын
First of all, excellent game, amazing ship design. I found this channel 3 days ago, and have been glued to my screen ever since. But I do have a recommendation: Rotate the crew quarters 90 degrees, so the interior of the ship can rotate, providing artificial gravity. In case of combat (if that's even a part of the game), the exterior hull (where any weapon would be mounted) could spin far faster than the crew could survive, while preventing the crew from being turned into goo. The bridge of the ship, as well as the major control stations, would be oriented with down being the direction of the engines thrust, so that in combat, the most important crew don't have to deal with varying gravity. The rest of the crew would not enjoy an engine burn, but it cannot be avoided. The fusion reactor can sit in the center, so that it doesn't have to deal with any stresses from "gravity". Any loads will be in the direction of the engines thrust (unless the ship gets hit by something, but additional supports can be added as needed). For potential weaponry, I recommend missiles: kinetic energy goes up with velocity squared, so if you double velocity, explosive power is increased by a factor of 4. Lasers don't scale to this extent.
@scottbotgo4218 23 күн бұрын
How symbolic ❤
@robinsourtoe9416 26 күн бұрын
Sometimes i miss an episode. But i always watch it the day after or so. Yesterday i showed the dev-build to a friend who is fiddling around with Unity and stuff. And he was right away excited. I am proud of being part of this.
@PKerusso 26 күн бұрын
Elon musk stuff here. Awesome
@TheeJackal_ 27 күн бұрын
Another live stream today, can't wait lol and I got no sleep either
@Cleeeer 27 күн бұрын
Providing you don't carry out your threats, all is good :)
@TheeJackal_ 27 күн бұрын
@@Cleeeer it's a new day. So...
@kingscorpion7346 27 күн бұрын
when does it go into Beta?
@jamesbowyer3578 27 күн бұрын
As someone who is a child of the 90’s and is currently re watching Voyager…. This is the game for me!!?
@devinhorner2358 27 күн бұрын
Maybe someone suggested it already bit maybe deck/overhead instead of floor/ceiling? Having another F in the panel code could be confusing with F for Forward quadrant. Just a thought
@majorbud4207 28 күн бұрын
Set a course for the center of the galaxy, 4 days travel (real) time. Can't wait to get there!!!!!
@skwadfpv5450 28 күн бұрын
Why do u have so much buttons on the toolbar while you are using shortcuts....more screenspace to work dude
@MauroBenjaminMistretta 29 күн бұрын
OMG, hurry up Dan! I am literally freaking out and can't wait!
@fredpryde8555 29 күн бұрын
awesome the graphics are so incredible love watching these series
@Eliseu_sayadim Ай бұрын
Will there be support for other languages such as Brazilian Portuguese?^^
@Cleeeer 29 күн бұрын
Yes, when we get near to early access, we'll sort out all localisation.
@mbob4337 Ай бұрын
I love the new panel details. With the ID system. In universe, the ships sensors would use this to detect where a problem is located around.
@sbutler860 Ай бұрын
Three points just from the first thirty minutes: 1. If the panels are able to 'fit into crates', then it follows that, once in the crates, they could go through the doors. 2. So, did I hear you correctly: did you say that CROWS are more intelligent than PRIMATES? I've seen chimpanzees use tools for getting insects out of tree stumps, but presumably these are as you called them 'opportunistic' tools rather than the chimps actually keep them around with them in, say, a bum bag. 3. I'm afraid it's the old health & safety issue: if there is a fire on one of the lower decks that spread upwards, everyone in a panic, what will we have in the way of fire exits and ways up and down, and exterior doors as well (assuming the ship was on a planet)? Or at least a means by which everyone could get to an escape ship? x
@GypsyMoon881 Ай бұрын
Moving large panels and other large objects is one of the functions of the transporter. Design one and use it to move items throughout the ship 🙂 In the future, you could use it for other purposes.
@kg4lod Ай бұрын
Please no transporters. Transporters are a ridiculous make believe technology that don't belong ina simulator. In a game, they'll break every rule and attempt at balance or fun gameplay... or you'll look very silly trying to explain why they don't automatically create instant win scenarios. Boarding action? Teleport the bad guys into space! Can't do that? Teleport metal slugs into where their internal organs are supposed to be. Etc...
@kianfit55 Ай бұрын
I been here since day one can’t wait for the full release
@kralkrauterblach414 Ай бұрын
Boring simulator