@Googlebums 11 сағат бұрын
Maybe he feared being corrupted
@nzothfatherofdream9231 11 сағат бұрын
Couse of this i dont like Gandolf the white… he uses more his blade than his brain..too aggressive and confident in what hes doing.
@JohnWilliams-gy5yc 16 сағат бұрын
Manwe : Don't be half-hearted Olorin. You're just in the valley of despair according to Dunning-Kruger's paper. You will overcome it eventually.
@BoabyGeorge 17 сағат бұрын
the orcs were once elves themself
@Zathaghil 23 сағат бұрын
Someone trying to be seen as a knowledgeable person in Tolkiens creations, failing with the basic facts they base their entire video on is kinda sad. The Istari was NOT equal in power with Sauron. No other maia was. Even as unbound free sprits. Just like no single Vala was as strong as Melkor. And to further make them even LESS powerful, the Valar purposely weakened and bound the Istari, to avoid another destruction of the world, which is what putting powerful maiar against each other would result in (and also why the valar themselves never personally interfered again). So no. Try again.
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
Meanwhile tulkas ties up melkor in hog tie and can send melkor away with his tail between his legs like the ninny that he is.
@youcanttakemyDIGNITY Күн бұрын
This is amazing! Thank you Dragon my good friend 🙋🤎
@ewancarmichael3412 Күн бұрын
Why didn't Manwe just go out there and take Sauron out? He was a god after all. It would have saved a lot of bother.
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
They took a unspoken vow to not take direct action. When Ainur clash: land masses sink to the bottom of the sea like Beleriand in the the War Of Wrath etc. this was why the sun and moon from the last flower and fruit being set in an area where Morgoth couldn’t go to ruin them. He followed Tillion and Arien and got majorly burned by Arien as she was evidently stronger than him. And even the Valaraukar that became balrogs were of similar type of Ainur to Arien. Same as when Eru didn’t attack anyone. Moving Valinor into a limbo zone between Eä and the rings of the world which caused arda to bend and caused tidal waves that didn’t just sunk Númenor. It destroyed entire coastline of middle earth and killed many innocent people. People who think Eru intentionally levelled middle earth don’t know much about the AllFather and free will and how sacred it is!
@smorrell5786 Күн бұрын
Hi great video ! Do you know how Gandalf got a new staff ?
@middleearthtales Күн бұрын
I will make a video about it :)
@smorrell5786 16 сағат бұрын
@@middleearthtales haha brilliant thanks
@tscarb Күн бұрын
Thank you very much!
@TheRootandBranchAssociationLtd Күн бұрын
Dear Middle Earth Tales, Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Mr. Lowell Joseph Gallin
@whynottalklikeapirat Күн бұрын
Stop saying “Gandolph” Americans. There is no such character in the book and no it is not a plausible interpretation of a name with norse roots carefully chosen by a professor of language who damn well understood the difference “alf” which denotes “elf” and “dolph” which has germanic roots and denotes “wolf”. He is not effing Gandolph Hitler. If one wants to be taken seriously in most situations it’s good to at least get names right to a polite degree. When it comes to contexts where the specific application of language is rather crucial to a phenomenon under discussion at an elevated level of interpretation - it borders on the intellectually disrespectful to everyone involved to persistently pronounce words in ways that, aside from just being wrong at the basic level of reading words from a page out loud, evoke either entirely different meanings or simply the impression that the speaker may not have a particularly nuanced approach to the matter.
@patty4349 Күн бұрын
Can you properly pronounce pedantic?
@whynottalklikeapirat Күн бұрын
@@patty4349 Can you properly go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut?
@middleearthtales Күн бұрын
I understand you, but I disagree. Tolkien is English, yes, but the world he created is universal. People from all over the world, from every culture, enter this world with the same feelings. They get lost in this world. How reasonable is it to expect a Japanese, a Polish, a Ukrainian, an Australian to pronounce every character in the book in the same perfect way? At the end of the day, isn't the only important thing to get lost in this marvelous world? Thank you for your warning, I will take it into consideration. Please try to focus on what I am discussing in the video.
@whynottalklikeapirat Күн бұрын
@@middleearthtales There is a difference between having a regional accent and simply changing nature of the word. There is no linguistic principle that I am familiar with that suggests that the syllable “alf” should somehow naturally morph into “olph” in pronouncation in an American context, and it’s not unbearably difficult for a native English speaker to pull themselves up by by the boot straps and get it right. If we have to speculate, to me it comes across simply as the familiar cognitive dynamic that when faced with a slightly awkward syllable, concept or sound the brain tends to revert towards the closest familiar concept - here the conceptual frame of more familiar names that end in “dolph”, which incidentally is pretty far removed from Middle Earth. So It’s not about having perfect British pronouncation it’s about having and communicating conceptual clarity, which should concern anyone proposing to do serious work in any field. The movie has an international cast - and they manage. Hell - I am not even a native English speaker myself, and I still do not go around saying “Gandolph”. Now as for your recommendations: - There is absolutely no reason for you to assume that I say this at the cost of personal immerson, simply because I put emphasis on a specific thing in my post. I suppose it might be convenient to think of me as a person suffering from some variety of perceptual narrowing, but that does nothing to detract from my actual point. - There is even less reason to assume that pointing out something like this should destroy the potential for immersion for anybody else. - There is certainly no reason to assume that I have not focused on our video simply because I point this aspect of it out either. I am under no obligation to provide a full balanced review of the whole thing, simply to make this one point, which is true of not just one video but which is actually VERY pervasive with mainly American Tolkien content creators. It’s a thing. - It’s not a “warning” either. You asked for feedback and you can do with it whatever you like. The feedback you are getting from this viewer is that for some people it’s rather annoying to listen to in the long run, it gives off a poor impression and feels lazy, even if the work as a whole is not. It’s rather like a thesis defense where the student keeps getting the name of their main theorist wrong - not due to some pervasive regional linguistic pattern - but simply because it didn’t roll off the tongue and something more conceptually familiar felt more safe and convenient. It’s just bad form is all. Doesn’t detract from the content, just from certain aspects of the presentation.
@whynottalklikeapirat 18 сағат бұрын
@@patty4349 Yes I can Putty … or was that Petty or Pity? Never mind, only matters to Pedantic People, right.
@haroldh3863 Күн бұрын
The problem with the thesis here is that the Istari were specifically designed to have less than Sauron. Even if Olorin was also a Maia, in middle earth they had less power.
@billgoodman9103 Күн бұрын
The Istari were sent into this fight with their hands tied behind their back and their glory subdued. Saurons power was unchecked.
@LanceYunkin-v4j Күн бұрын
Sauron, much like Melkor, weakened himself by investing much of his power and essence into his creations. Combined with some diminishing due to previous defeats, I believe that Sauron was not nearly at full strength, either. Still formidable, of course.
@RoyCyberPunk 17 сағат бұрын
​@billgoodman9103 Yes because power corrupts as the fallen angels Melkor and Sauron proved and later by Saruman who was the most powerful Istari.
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
Also in a dying world so there was less essence to draw from unless you cast away your physical raiment and kept your tether connected to Eru like Melian and Even Olórin did much can be done. Elves have also less inhibiting them and they always had more head of them. Destinies of sorts. In some ways surpassed the Valar. Sometimes the more powerful you are the more inhibited you are. Side note. Ainur really found it hard to reform a new body. Takes years upon years. They disliked losing their bodies especially in battle or to be a naked soul before another ainur or anyone else. Much of why gorthaur>Sauron let Lùthien banish him away from Taur Ín Gaurhoth.
@RoyCyberPunk 11 сағат бұрын
@Makkaru112 The 2 towers reaperance of Gandalf refutes this notion of the Ainur taking years to take physical form as does the appearance of all the Istari. Tolkien may have hated allegory but he leaves no question that the Ainur are the equivalent of Biblical angels with all their hierarchies. The Istari were in fact low cast angels that were given human form. Also Arda (Earth) wasn't a dying planet by any stretch of the imagination.
@tarminas6805 Күн бұрын
Again with the 'Gandolf'!
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
Gawnd-alf. Staff elf.
@tarminas6805 11 сағат бұрын
@@Makkaru112 Grondolph, Battering Ham.
@TrevorwiththreeVs Күн бұрын
Because he was smart
@sayagarapan1686 Күн бұрын
Learn to say the names correctly, There is no such being as OH-lo-rin. It's oh-LOR-in. Emphasis on the second to the last syllable unless on is crammed together with another vowel such as in gal-LAD-ryel (Galadriel). No exceptions in the Sindarin Language and nearly all the familiar names and places, even among the Dunedain, are in SIndarin. Every name on a map, in Sindarin. Every monster and notable bad guy all Sindarin.There are language rules to Sindarin. Learn them or suffer masses of dislikes until people quit listening to you, rookie. Likewise. there is no such entity as a vuh-LAR. It's pronounced VAL-ar you simpleton. I've about had enough of you.
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
A lot is also in Quenya. Even middle earth is called Endor by the Noldor for Hitherlands. It’s why even in songs the term hither shore is used often.
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
Do we know he’s not using some automated voice that can’t pronounce anything ? It why I use voices that are naturally Italian or spanish etc as they’ll pronounce the elvish phrases and entire pages translated to full elvish so darned well. It’s wonderful. When a audiobook pronounces everything as it was meant to it’s even more immersive ! ❤
@edutainme7265 2 күн бұрын
Great question - I've always wondered this!
@Makkaru112 16 сағат бұрын
Many of the giant channels like GirlNextGondor cover this in heavy lengthy detail
@dandojambo1176 2 күн бұрын
The giant Eagles were definitely mixed or corrupted into dragons
@angelz8861 2 күн бұрын
I like to think they have a evil mcdonalds or something
@steakismeat177 2 күн бұрын
Was Saruman actually corrupted or simply playing his part in the history sang of in the Ainurlinadalae? Ultimately I believe that Illuvatar forgave Aule not because of the explanation. He forgave him because he created Aule to be this way. The great Illuvatar needs some of his Ainu to play the bad guys. It’s all part of his design as he told Melkor himself. Telling him reveling is fruitless because you just contribute to my grand plan either way
@miro_lino6211 2 күн бұрын
You get your like once you start writing your script yourself instead of this AI crap.
@BrianSmith-ql5nj 3 күн бұрын
Fell beast.. cross of bat and snake. Dragons.. cross of fire wyrm and eagle.
@t.s.adrian8785 3 күн бұрын
I love how George RR Martin, as a much younger man, was disappointed that Gandalf "came back." He felt that both lessened the effect of Gandalf's death (and death in general), but also cheated the reader who felt that loss. It really illustrates the difference between these two writers. Tolkien had created a story between gods playing chess. Gandalf was the pawn who made it to the other side and resurrected as a more powerful piece. Martin plays checkers. You die, you stay dead. If you're lucky, you can live long enough to be crowned, but even then you might be sacrificed to win the game (or lost because your player did something stupid; a meaningless death.)
@MidnightMaker 5 күн бұрын
It's been a while since I read the books, but in the movie, when Frodo chose to go through Moria, Gandalf reacted with dread, which foreshadowed the Balrog.
@ssapp72 6 күн бұрын
How did he get his ring back?
@Waster_War_Boss 7 күн бұрын
My personal theory about dragons in middle earth is they are great serpents twisted by morgoth in a more the eagle and the viper style tale but that’s just my theory
@tarminas6805 7 күн бұрын
@ryanlockhart5328 7 күн бұрын
Meat. :)
@sweettt321 8 күн бұрын
If I'm remembering this right, Tolkien wrote Gandalf's confrontation with the balrog before he decided to give Gandalf the ring of fire. By announcing to the balrog that he wields the flames of the very sun itself, something that Morgoth and his servants feared and hated, Gandalf is revealing to the balrog that he, too, is a Maia, but he remained true to his purpose, that he is a force of good and will not let a servant of evil roam free. Anor is the Sindarin word for the sun. Gandalf wields the flame of Anor, the sun that struck fear into all evil.
@calebevans3690 8 күн бұрын
I think its more likely that the Fellbeasts are a mockery of the Eagles in terms of size and anatomy
@Nauda999 9 күн бұрын
Eru Ilúvatar recreated Gandalf as Gandalf the White and sent back to Middle Earth, why did he recreate the ring of fire Narya? Did Gandal ever use that ring? if yes, then when and how?
@suntcineva1406 9 күн бұрын
You see in the movie the eat eachother
@youcanttakemyDIGNITY 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Dragon 🧙💛🤍💛
@rubenlopezusa 9 күн бұрын
Even both are Maia, Olorin (Gandalf's Ainu name) has the direct mandate of Eru Iluvatar to help those who opposed Sauron. That is the reason why he could never fail. He is backed-up by the Sacred Fire.
@Timelord2001 9 күн бұрын
To be fair to the other Istari, I have seen videos discussing how Palandu and Alatar contributed from afar in their own ways. And some (like Peter Jackson) have portrayed Radagast as having been helpful once or twice as well. That would mean is was only Saruman who truly failed, and that was, sadly, quite deliberate. What *I* want to know is why (in Jackson's tale) Gandalf couldn't remember the names of those first two colleagues. I submit that he should have.
@jesse_cole 9 күн бұрын
10:47 "Then Gandalf was sent back... naked... until his mission was complete..." Gandalf's return: "Gandalf!!" "Yes... that's what they used to call me... Gandalf the Grey... I am..." "Gandalf, where is your robe?!?" "My mission is not yet complete."
@kitdacrazephillythekraze7561 10 күн бұрын
Looks like meat back on the menu boys Orcs use to be human or elves
@196cupcake 10 күн бұрын
I never read the novels. The movies are mostly what I know as LotR. Instead of them eventually coming back up, and the mountain that we see being a mountain on the surface of Middle Earth, I had thought for a long time that the mountain peak was really in some bizarre plane of existence that you eventually get to if you keep falling. Like, after hitting the surface of the water they keep falling, and then somehow (???) they fall through the water into something else, and then something else, etc. .. and then somehow one of the levels below the lake bed is terrestrial with an atmosphere and mountains. What we see if it in the movies, if I remember, is they hit the water, then we see the end of the fight at the mountain top, and then we see Gandalf awaken in the afterlife.
@BrucknerMotet 10 күн бұрын
Answer: He couldn't get up. By now it has become canon that Gandalf yelled out "I've fallen and I can't get up." Followed by a quick visit to a non-Wendys fast food restaurant where Gandalf tried a burger and exclaimed "Where's the beef?!"
@jasonsoto5273 10 күн бұрын
I'm betting on the nameless things. For there always exists a grain of truth in old tales. Why are they called wyrms anyways, and why do they take such offense to it? I think their origin is etched, unreadable deep, but still etched onto every dragon.
@terryschoenith5249 11 күн бұрын
On the movies he became about 200% more gay
@davidnelson7786 11 күн бұрын
He fought, died, got resurrected and got up again. Maybe people should learn to read.
@AbstractStew 11 күн бұрын
Aren't there elves with a Maiar ancestor? Edit: Never mind. You mentioned it.
@ianmclaughlin8987 11 күн бұрын
He gained allot of experience, levelled up, learned new spells, rolled lots of 20's
@jamesw.scarber4924 12 күн бұрын
He has to have the months ...to explain the years of middle earth...I'm thinking it's because a different name for them would throw us off topic ...
@Edward-nf4nc 12 күн бұрын
Sauron created the Uruks, that were known as the Black Uruks of Mordor, and Saruman created the Uruk hai. Saruman improved the Uruks, if an orc can be improved!, and I think it was his ring that allowed the Uruk-hai to endure the sun. I think the orc that says the Gate of Minas Tirith is too strong is a Black Uruk as he is tall, straight backed, has Black skin and seems to be of a high rank, but is not Gothmog.
@ronerrodrigues8600 12 күн бұрын
Nice video tnx
@alexhulea2735 13 күн бұрын
Something else made at least Glaurung unique: he could use magic. He froze Turin in place, wiped and restored Nienor's memory, created mist.
@berjo77 13 күн бұрын
That was interesting.
@johnt.inscrutable1545 13 күн бұрын
This would be better narrated by a human.
@Tony-sq8vq 13 күн бұрын
Skip to 10:12 to get what the title promise