Quick Channel Update
14 күн бұрын
It's time to move to Linux
28 күн бұрын
Making a Pogo Programmer
Ай бұрын
So we're shaking our coffee now?
Simple Pot Roast
5 ай бұрын
A Technical Look at Coffee Water
Lodge USA Enamel Dutch Oven
6 ай бұрын
The dumbest trend in espresso...
@mntofdk66 9 сағат бұрын
all that and they never got to room temp?
@scottwilkins 10 сағат бұрын
I'm sick of Linux heads.
@Azamyth 11 сағат бұрын
I started hating gimp's newer versions very clunky navigation
@arvaneret_329 12 сағат бұрын
I hate Windows 11, the Globohomo Spyware Edition.
@adrikstepanov5307 13 сағат бұрын
Ask any Linux-seller what they use the Linux for? They start to go on and on about you could theoretically use it for anything, but they never tell you what they use it for. Because they don't understand the question. They use Linux to fix Linux errors. Nothing else. You wouldn't have time for anything else, Linux would probably experience several crashes even during the course of the video. Even Windows 95 wasn't as hillariously unstable you have to troubleshoot its source code every five minutes. Bricking your computer with Linux isn't answer to Microsoft questionable politicies. You don't have to make your computer unusuable to escape their spying, just turn it off, you can skip extra steps with Linux.
@saalmoi 13 сағат бұрын
TempleOS! Here I come!
@terryhayward7905 13 сағат бұрын
I have been using Linux Mint for years, the only reason to not use it is if you REALLY need Photoshop, even then, there is a program that does most of what PS does, its called Krita, and like almost all Linux software, its free.
@evgener886 14 сағат бұрын
Just delete edge and defender turn off diag services via regedit. Use thru image to make you windows image. Done! Its easyer then fuck around that trash shit (linux)
@OklopnikSilni 16 сағат бұрын
The only flaw within Mint is fractional scaling. I hope the Wayland becomes a standard by the next major release. The experimental is still buggy.
@quantuminnovation2743 18 сағат бұрын
No i wont go to linux because most games don’t support linux
@xxxazzo 20 сағат бұрын
Thinks people say every 5 years a new feature gets released which is a mandatory feature in 10 years
@user-tj2bp8mn6z 20 сағат бұрын
mmmm, I think this push is shoving more and more people towards Linux, what the majority of new people do not know is the SystemD wreck in Linux, and since Microsoft now has it's fingers in every pie INLCUDING LINUX, it's not long before they do the same with you in Linux. There is no where to go for us anymore, live with it because the Linux world is more and more becoming constrained by SystemD and under control of IBM/Microsoft. Happy days
@jgarbo3541 21 сағат бұрын
Why does any intelligent human still MS (outside the mandated office)? Well he's not intelligent (girls usually are smarter). Secure, ad-free, free software, lots of help (don't whine, these are adults), and a smooth ride...25 yrs never looked back.
@Alexantey 21 сағат бұрын
I use Nobara and oh boii it's way better then windows
@Dutch-linux 21 сағат бұрын
what you could do is to run windows 10 in a vm and controll the open ports to the internet for only the programs you use on windows and do your daily task in linux.... it doesnt matter if you do no longer get updates for win 10 at that point just use it only for the software you can not live without!!!!
@UnsavedTrash 22 сағат бұрын
The month windows 11 was accessible to the public was when I moved away from windows with basically no linux experience. I've only been in the pool for a few years but its been a great reality and perspective change. Linux even 2 years ago was a completely different beast of problems but these days I would equate the experience to windows 7/8. 95% of the time everything works as expected but just like back in windows 7/8, there is that 5% of the time where you just need to pull out the CMD window or open a registry or some other weird process to fix something or alter something. Now this has been mostly with Endeavor/Arch but with Ubuntu and Fedora I have found this 5% is more like a 1% and its really only ever even been for power user stuff like not just playing games but modding them as well. Also for stuff like programming or using various creative tools you will need to find alternatives or adjust to new workflows but depending on how flexible you are with your mediums and applications its not really a big deal. For basically all the workflow changes you'll need to adapt to you can just google "linux alternative for [whatever] app" I will say, until the full transition to wayland is more stable I still have a bit of trouble recommending it to the most casual of users, especially ones with accessibility needs as this transition to a different display stack is confusing and just too much to learn about for the average user as to why some apps just behave weird or wont launch. I imagine by time Win 10 hits EOL all the wayland transition will be completed.
@akooladafool4086 22 сағат бұрын
Its good when microsoft banned your country, and now you have all basic updates and dont have all stupid ones 🎉
@MrXerios 22 сағат бұрын
Come on, I don’t need AI in my OS. I just want the same features there was in windows XP, but with better graphics.
@Moros311 23 сағат бұрын
Windows 10 literally crashed while watching this video because of a recent Windows 10 update interacting weirdly. That update? One which attempts to get you to upgrade to 11 with a splashscreen hijack... Gee, I wonder why I've been doing research on Linux Mint for my next PC? I wonder why...
@jasonswearingin1009 Күн бұрын
Utilized Regedit GPE and PowerShell plus personal security software to block this feature on my PC. FYI Disclaimer my PC is my own personal build it is not a pre-built off the shelf PC so this gives me freedom of action that can cause serious harm to pre-built off the shelf desktops laptops tablets notebooks smartphones and other portable/non portable computer/computing devices. I'm using windows 11 and have had 0 problems from intrusive Microsoft software because I effectively block and destroy such software before it can even install!
@borisjulinuv2776 Күн бұрын
DesignSpark is the same as the one i use at my job (Spaceclaim) but it got a free version and maybe would work better
@marcuscurtismusic Күн бұрын
I will go to Linux once support for Windows 10 ends. Most of the software I use is open source anyway. There are Linux versions of everything I use.
@whisperSSG8 Күн бұрын
I've recently gotten a new laptop and holy crap is migration made difficult. Microsoft keeps pushing onedrive for no reason, and there was a point where my documents that I ported disappeared because I put them in the identically named onedrive folder instead of the local folder by mistake and you only get 5gb free one drive space. Like who even needs cloud storage??
@innegoniemam2870 Күн бұрын
100% agree. I'm moving to Linux (still haven't decide on the distro) as my daily OS, windows will be on a separate drive as backup for applications that might not work on Linux.
@summerWTFE Күн бұрын
Been through the same steps. Ended up buying Plasticity. It kinda works for my 3d printing needs.
@MitatEfeUnal Күн бұрын
You have WHAT as your main display excuse me? ☠️
@rafa_br34 Күн бұрын
Same thing here, currently using Windows 10, planning in moving to a Linux based distro when Win10 support ends.
@ragtop63 Күн бұрын
But can it play Crysis?
@barchilandia Күн бұрын
I'am probably going to move to linux when the Windows 10 lack of support begins to be an issue.
@bigtree7071 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this well made production. Thank you 🙏🏽. Maaaaaaan ppppphhhhhhhhhffffffffffUCK all that. If I’m not on my kali system, we’re probably gonna be on windows 🤣🤣.
@saiv46 Күн бұрын
I have old used ASUS laptop I bought and the only problems was (as usual) Nvidia dedicated GPU and no Bluetooth drivers for Wi-Fi card.
@RED01SEA Күн бұрын
The only reason why i dont just have linux as my main because my canon 6030 printer just doesnt work , like at all , i tried everything , it just doesnt work !!!
@colincotterell3365 Күн бұрын
I would say swap unless you're an office worker or super serious gamer, a lot of competitive games have performance issues or don't work due to invasive kernel level anti-cheat (valorant/league). Office workers can have issues with stuff like screen sharing, libreoffice isn't as good as microsoft office and having a different workflow than your coworkers isn't really viable. Otherwise I really like linux, and for me as a tech worker it's the obv choice.
@shadowfoxreaper Күн бұрын
its time to come back to android linux users
@chad_giga6934 Күн бұрын
I use arch, btw
@researcher4good Күн бұрын
Welcome to the party.
@davidthescottishvegan Күн бұрын
Windows has went downhill since the end of support for Windows 7.
@arvaneret_329 12 сағат бұрын
Windows 7, how I miss it! That's when Windows peaked.
@davidthescottishvegan 12 сағат бұрын
@@arvaneret_329 Agree Windows 7 was my favourite version of windows I can't say that about the recent versions.
@user-lt2nc6yv1m 2 күн бұрын
When he mentions Mac he says you’ll have far few choices. He forgot to mention you’ll also have far fewer money,repairability and storage space
@Snailz5 2 күн бұрын
Long bulet, short ojive, poor combination. Couldn't have known without that information being available on the website. The bullet may still work, but I don't know how comfortable I would be with a bullet that deep in the case. Thanks for getting that info out.
@user-ec3lk1dy4k 2 күн бұрын
Very well made video - I have programmed mine with Tasmota but it is essentialy the same approach - Thank you!
@juniorlima1942 2 күн бұрын
Hi! have you tried VMware player? It's perform better than Virtualbox....and other thing, did you change the grafics of fusion 360 to OpenGL, in fusion options?
@TechDregs Күн бұрын
Does the free version of VMware have GPU passthrough or 3d acceleration?
@juniorlima1942 Күн бұрын
@@TechDregs It has 3D aceleration, when install WMware tolls in the windows virtualized, and your small icons is caused due to high resolution in your monitor, you have to find a way to adjust the scale resolution for each aplication under wine, and not globally, this happened to me when I changed to a higher resolution monitor, I have to adjust scale, for each aplication installed under wine.
@Verklunkenzwiebel 2 күн бұрын
Linux' biggest flaw is that developers use Windows. So the goal is to make Linux better than Windows. This is why linux desktop is somewhat better than windows98 But not by much. If all linux developers would develop off of macos, and target improving that, you have a chance of going somewhere
@normal_human 2 күн бұрын
100% has infinite problems. Unsolvable screen and refresh rate issues with almost all monitors, 3 of my wireless Bluetooth mouses can't work. A laptop lasts 1 hour instead of 6. List just goes on and on. I'm done with commands and scripts.
@the_xenturion 2 күн бұрын
Not gonna Lie, I'm testing Linux in a VM for a couple of weeks now and to be honest, i can get around better and better every single day. My next computer will highly probably be a Linux based one. As far of today, Windows will not be missed. Even LibreOffice is a surprisingly solid alternative to MS Office.
@Tymelost 2 күн бұрын
ewww fanboy? who the fuck fanboys anything at all? so pathetic to do so.. it is a mere OS.. nothing more.. so unimportant.. i have never in my life wasted a cent on windows.. i have never wasted time using a real key even tho i have had access to hundreds of thousands.. i write cut scripts so most of the shit that goes to their servers is disabled as bitchsoft gets zero of my data.. lolollol at morons freaking out at recall.. i laughed in windows 10 and the fact i could clientside stop that no matter what the cunts want..
@whybutwhy 2 күн бұрын
Moved to Ubuntu never regret, games working. Love it!
@tomspettigue8791 2 күн бұрын
There will be Adobe support if and when enough people use Linux. 🤷‍♂️
@R3yne 2 күн бұрын
Been late to the party but have you test it again with dumping the ground from height like Lance did in his video, just want to take as much info as possible before i buy one
@TechDregs 2 күн бұрын
I haven't finished a formal test (maybe in the next few weeks), but in my ad hoc testing, dropping from height does not change the distributional characteristics. It's still quite uneven.
@rockethereptile8381 2 күн бұрын
I just used Group policy edit to disable copilot, it can’t reenable as far as I know
@vansmith1738 2 күн бұрын
If you code, Kubuntu is great. KDE works seamlessly with remote servers. Dolphin, the file manager, can browse remote file systems just like you are browsing local files, and you can edit the files just like they were local. KDE is atheistically pleasing, is highly configurable, and it's easy to adjust to it coming from Windows.