Slayer Pilebunker Loop Staples
A.B.A 300 damage high/low mixup
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@Shareezz Күн бұрын
left/right discussion: suicide against most chars, free throw on slayer. Useless. OTG meaty high/low: tested, DOES NOT WORK, the hits do not combo. Useless. dash brc: free throw unless you get LUCKY with timing. TWICE, with brc and slash. Useless. kara: not humanly inputable, only possible with machine input. Useless. frc into dandy: not humanly inputable, only possible with machine input. Useless. 2HS aka automatic death vs characters with aerial advance moves: no, it will not eat pokes. No, it is easily destroyable with lows. Only useful if you pressed it and didn't die for it, but it basically never happens, so Useless. 16:32 fake input window: you f'd up overdrive input, didn't have a clear 1 there, but it still come out. It doesn't come out if you skip 1.
@Gearsclips 2 күн бұрын
Thanks man. This is great info!
@me_lolo Күн бұрын
ofc! thank you! note that the fd vacuum effect is gone so getting the meterless fuzzy on backturn 842 (the high that looks like a low) is only possible with no FD now.
@Shareezz 5 күн бұрын
FRRC is not a humanely possible input to achieve without cheats, so the difficulty for it is set REALLY REALLY REALLY WRONG. It's about 100/5, not x/5. The rest of the combos either got patched out or never worked to begin with. In other words, none of the combos in this video are functional. 0/10, downvoted.
@me_lolo 4 күн бұрын
@@Shareezz troll?
@Shareezz 4 күн бұрын
@@me_lolo no, just a guy very upset for spending 20 hours in training over a video with combos that are either not working or not humanely possible to input.
@me_lolo 3 күн бұрын
@@Shareezzit’s not cheats to use the provided macro…
@Shareezz 3 күн бұрын
@@me_lolo Tried with a "macro", still not inputable by humans.
@me_lolo 3 күн бұрын
@@Shareezzskill issue
@Shareezz 8 күн бұрын
"autotimed" is a lie. Every single time it is used.
@juanokug4 20 күн бұрын
i still don't get how to get a pickup from c.s into 2h. I cannot for the life of me do it, I've tried a ton of different timings and it doesn't work
@me_lolo 20 күн бұрын
the only way to get a loop off of this meterlessly is to do a microdelay bwa on the 2h into 2s kdandy p (then end with cs 2s/2h pdandy p depending on what side you want them on)
@juanokug4 19 күн бұрын
@@me_lolo bwa?
@MrXBOCAX 21 күн бұрын
Late to the party but TBH having a few matches on F10 there is mostly due to you attempting and failing the celestial challenge over and over. I'm a solid 1700 player, but get matched in celestial with people over 2000, so it's quite tough to beat this calibver of players 5 times in a row. Of course, eventually you do get lucky and find people of similar skill level and it gets easier.
@me_lolo 20 күн бұрын
yeah of course that’s fine, this is more to highlight people that intentionally engage in this behavior
@K7Showoff 21 күн бұрын
@JaboodyEnthusiast 24 күн бұрын
This combo I can land 1 out of 10 times: S -> 2S -> 214 K+P -> Red Roman Cancel Hit -> immediate 2S -> 214 K+P -> C.S -> 2S -> 214P-P -> 236K
@TheFuguHimself 26 күн бұрын
20:00 - Conversion off CH 6H Me: Oh he just going to show us how to time the mini gun better. *Flying Behemoth from fullscreen*
@krazyzyko Ай бұрын
The lobbies need a full redesign. Open Park is good because of infinite rematch but most ppl there are casuals. F10 gets you the most matches becuase ppl are just grinding to go to heaven. But, they are not that good and it looks like you're smurfing. Heaven sucks because you get kicked out every month unless you get aura. But with aura or a high rating, you get ducked or rage quitted on. Back in season 2 I grinded heaven to get all the auras and the top 1 Axl badge and got to Top 1 overall on console ru 2402 ELO.(my tag online is AXL THROW) After that, I could only get matches in the open park with my secondary Testament. Had to wait for the aura to run out and the ru site to reset the rankings.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
indeed does this highlight the glaring issues with the system. alas, the redesign with need and deserve will never arrive before the sun sets on this game, I fear…
@felisk4304 Ай бұрын
At the end of the day, people just need to understand that MMR doesn't mean everything. This is not really a problem. There are a lot of ways to cheese the system to make that number go higher, but if you actually care about improving, then you need to stop caring about that number as much. Here's hoping we do get an official MMR system in strive for season 4 though
@leslievods3133 Ай бұрын
Is it smurfing if the game allows you to continue playing in floor 10 even though you are a celestial player?
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
yes. what the game allows is not pertinent to what is and isn’t smurfing (otherwise why stop at floor 10?)
@leslievods3133 Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo I guess I think of smurfing as an alternate account for the sole purpose of destroying less skilled players, but if your definition is just targeting less skilled players then I guess it applies
@xav9793 Ай бұрын
Omg i Actually felt a lil bad there at the end
@NativeNovaToad Ай бұрын
Finally someone goes through the actually hand motion execution instead of telling me "Its easy bro, you just gotta do it." Thank you
@egoregorov2978 Ай бұрын
They are not doing it for some points or rating, just enjoying the 95% winrate, winning is fun. I would say it's less of a problem of a leaderboard invasion and more of the stomping learning players
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
I agree
@HeAvEnShades Ай бұрын
Btw Puddle Farm is the new rating update for those who care 👍
@snoopyadoo8819 Ай бұрын
My rating update has been down since march, how are you getting it to work for you?
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
it’s on a new website, the link in the description. if it still isn’t working on that one then you should probably head to their discord and ask about it
@HeAvEnShades Ай бұрын
It's called Puddle Farm now if you want to access it
@Blustride Ай бұрын
I had this happen a while ago before I was hitting Celestial regularly. Someone sitting at 2k elo farming floor 10 instead of playing better players. This looks way more widespread than it was back then, though. The Axl you pointed out doesn't look like they're farming F10, though. They just took a few tries with their Celestial challenge, and they haven't played in a week. ratingupdate always gets funny around new character releases and resets, which I think is also contributing. and as a voice of dissent about the lack of a true ranked mode, I kind of like that tower's not a real ranked mode. I found that even with ratingupdate being outside of the actual game, I put too much stock into making number go up instead of improving at the game. I really fucked up my mental keeping track of it, to the point where I just disabled it outright. Once you're in Celestial, tower is a pretty stress-free place where you can just play the game, get matches against a variety of characters, and learn without the massive skill gamut in Park.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
very true about the axl, yeah. and it is a good example of the system being finicky around certain changes as you mentioned. transitioning to a proper ranked system does indeed have that trade off of giving a sense of stake which does stress a lot of people out, but overall I think it would be a much better experience. and yeah, disabling on RU is definitely the way to go if you don’t wanna bother thinking about it and I’m glad they have that option! to join you in your dissent, I’d also say that the population probably isn’t high enough to healthily sustain the top echelons of a proper ranked system and it’s especially important to consider that one way sf manages this is by having the player count to not have to match people with 100+ ping in ranked, but in strive as a west coaster that’s 90%+ of my games! I still think it would be for the best, though
@Mika_Returna_Enthusiast Ай бұрын
I've been saying that ratingupdate ratings are meaningless since it came out since strive has no matchmaking since it came out and people continue to gaslight
@sleepfgc Ай бұрын
Feels so weird hearing Mech95 get called out like that, he's genuienly a great person. 😢
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
then explain what happened to the other 94 mechs
@sleepfgc Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo we don't talk about that...
@Mech.95 Ай бұрын
I saw this video because a friend of mine found it. I didn't even know that GGS rank system works like this. I don't play to be the best in the world. I play just to have fun and also I don't want to do celestial challange everymonth (I don't have time to play a lot to be in the top 100 of the month). In any case you can think what you want. I think that ASW should create a proper rank system
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
let’s hope one day we do get a good ranked system… I would ask, though, do you fit into the category of someone that is substantially better than floor 10 players? if so, is it really that much of a hassle to do the celestial challenge? are you farming people in floor 10 with 80-90% win rates on floor 10? it’s more meant to call out a small subset of players intentionally engaging in this behavior, even if you are casual or don’t have that much time to play. if you fall into that very specific category then you’d still be doing decent in celestial anyway without spending any significant additional time getting there, you just wouldn’t be at a 90% wr stomping learners. that’s kind of what I was trying to get at, not that there is absolutely no defensible way to ever play in floor 10 under any circumstances
@Mech.95 Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo I'm not better than floor 10 player. Everyday I also find people who have completed celestial challange play on that floor. I usually play against these people and I don't win everytime
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@@Mech.95 but lord mech, I would probably say that by definition you're better than floor 10 players. I'm not sure what region you're in so it could be that your celestial tower is just super unpopulated, but it seems to me going through the match history that at most, being incredibly generous, 20% of the people you run into are celestial and not floor 10 players. In reality it seems more like 90% of the people are floor 10 players, but I can't go through hundreds of games - I just looked at the last 30 or so. since your win rate is 90%+ and the substantial majority of your opponents are true floor 10 players, then respectfully how is it not the case that you're better than floor 10 players? im just curious why you don't play on celestial all the time, it's not necessarily about needing to be trying your absolute hardest, it's just about smurfing being a bad experience for actual players of that level of play. and besides mech95, with the other 94 mechs assimilated into you and with your 90% win rate, I'm sure you'd enjoy celestial as much or more since you'd be cooking there too, most likely. it's better practice, too - more enjoyable than beating up on learners. of course I don't mean to insult you personally, I don't wanna come across that way. thank you very much for engaging with me on this!
@Mech.95 Ай бұрын
​@@me_lolo I didn't say that I only play against celestial player, but that I also play against them (I don't understand why complete celestial challange if you don't want to play on that floor. But this doesn't concerne me. They can play where they want, I don't care). Other people are floor 10 player, but their skills are similiar to me (not everyone of course). I played a lot of matches that were very close. Yes, I won the most, but it wasn't easy to me. If they don't want to play against me, they can block me or refuse to accept match request. There are a lot of player you can play with. I'm not the only one there. I don't play on celestial floor because I know my skills and I'm sure I could lose the most of the matches. In any case where I want to play is my business. How I said in my first comment, I play just to have fun. P.S. the 95 in my nickname stands for my year of birth. I don't use it because there were other people with this nickname. In italy we can shorten the years of 1900 with the last 2 numbers. I don't know if there are other country that can do it too
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@@Mech.95 it's interesting you mention the last 2 digits thing, my dad is also italian and uses the same thing (his birth year) for some usernames and stuff.
@Fatih120 Ай бұрын
Should I permanently ignore the tower? I just started playing after so many months of being out of it and I don't seem to have lost my "touch" but no matter what I've never been able to do the celestial challenge even though I feel I easily manage to "get in". Feels hard to get park players who will smear me and get something to learn This feels really yucky to type as if I'm good lmao but I'm not, it's more like I can't seemingly find players who at least fought GL or even reached floor 10, maybe I've been unlucky.......... (i really don't wanna bother with discord)
@davidsphere43 Ай бұрын
I just play in park and against friends and such. It does me just fine
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
there’s a difference between this and having 500 games in floor 10 with a 90%+ winrate. if you’ve never managed to succeed in the celestial challenge then respectfully you’re not what I’d consider to be significantly better than floor 10 players and there’s hence no problem. kind of generalizes the specific archetype of player I defined in a way that isn’t consistent with what I was saying
@yugimumoto1 Ай бұрын
@@davidsphere43 yeah tower kinda sucks unless you really want celestial. I don't have fun playing tower unless I'm trying to grind and improve my overall strategy. it really doesn't help with character specific things like matchups and it doesn't give real immediate feedback like talking to someone about the match would. plus forced best of 3 kinda sucks.
@ZaltZalt-cz1mh Ай бұрын
I dont think the replay channels pick based on rank, i think they just pull from known pro players and scrounge up their "rank" afterwards. And like you said, their just internet points. Its not like whatever name in whatever spot is going to affect YOUR mmr. Especially if you dont play floor 10 yourself. So this isnt really hurting anyone. If saul badguy wants to inflate his fake number I couldn't really care. Unless you have actual examples of replay channels using any of these players? And if so, analyze the footage to show how they arent representative of a playstyle thats conducive to emulation and has things to learn from? Like even if a farmed up aba fought say, hotashi, the footage would still teach viewers a good playstyle for fighting flowcharty or unoptimal aba players, so their would still be things to take away.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
I’m extraordinarily confident that replay channels use RU to scout who to show. the point on that was just to outline one potential issue and not to say this is what’s actively happening en masse. maybe I didn’t get my ideas across clearly enough. the main point is to just identity that this is happening and that it’s interesting and odd that it’s as prevalent as it is. as someone with lots of results I could give 2 shits if floor 10 ky has 10 more points than I do. would you take the same stance if the top 10 of every character were entirely such players and replays started to consist of them playing against each other on floor 10? what if those players consisted of the entire top 100 on every character? the point isn’t to be offended that mech95 has a couple more unearned points than I do, the point is that it’s cringe behavior and it’s odd how widespread it is. in cases of smurfing, again that’s very clearly a thing deserving of criticism. the point was not that they’re taking over the replay channels or ruining the greatly integral ranked leaderboard that is RU (sarcasm).
@ZaltZalt-cz1mh Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo Well hey, heres a quote from the description of "GGST: High Level Gameplay" channel: "After the data reset, the ranking has not yet formed properly. Players farming ELO on 10th floor will be ignored." This is from weeks ago. So unless you informed them, seems they were already aware and theres nothing to worry about lol.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@@ZaltZalt-cz1mh oh that’s great
@7AM_Tzar Ай бұрын
Honestly I'll boot up f10 to play some games on a secondary, but my May got inflated like 200mmr cause I hadn't played in long enough for the delta to decay. Went and played 2 sets in celestial and it dropped back down to a reasonable number. Issue is that you can contextualize that but you can't contextualize only playing on floor 10 with this game count as well, that's just playing for the internet points unfortunately and cringe.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
indeed, nor doing it on every character
@shark...3804 Ай бұрын
tower gameplay in the corner like we’re ipad babies who need subways surfers.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@Fatih120 Ай бұрын
​@@me_lolo pin this comment bro lmfaoo
@IchBinFreierGeist Ай бұрын
Even with a proper mmr system it will need a proper matchmaking system as well. You are able to pick your battles and can farm that way too by avoiding mu you don’t like. Would need to have both players not able to see their opponent until you’re at a point where disconnecting causes you to lose points, the only thing you should know about opponent before accepting a match is region and ping basically
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
very true, there are tradeoffs and such
@DRANBOLT Ай бұрын
i figure some people just get tired of dealing with tower and opt to find games via discord at some point. especially cus i dont think towers gonna change anytime soon
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
this is definitely the case for a significant majority of tournament players at the very least
the floor 10 farmers finally getting exposed. one, who i will not name, uploads their matches as "high level gameplay" and its crazy how if you don't play the game you have no way of knowing he's lying. on a side note about how busted the tower is, i have a friend that recently reached celestial for the first time and the first person he got matched against for his challenge was testyourluck. no other game is like this.
@exactoknife1249 Ай бұрын
Bro I’m scared for floor 10
@zxt5148 Ай бұрын
Not to say anything about dudes who are top 10 at their characters, but for me at least, as someone who runs between Celestial and floor 10, I typically play floor 10 because Celestial is completely empty. At least on the west coast. Not sure if its the same in other regions. I do wish the game had a more robust ranking system, but I also sort of enjoy the open ended nature of the tower. People tend to put too much value on their and their opponents rank. But it's good to know about this, and not to always give merit to "The number 2 Bedman" or w/e
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
I'm also west coast... it is unfortunate that the celestial playerbase is nonexistent, but it seems all the west coast (and central) players go on east coast tower anyway
@nicholasarenas1587 Ай бұрын
yea just play east coast if you have a wired connection, you'll honestly rarely run into a bad connection, I havent played west coast in forever because the only time its populated is the week after an update
@lilguipo1407 Ай бұрын
Wow, people who do this are lame as hell.
@apaleguy Ай бұрын
For some reason I can consistently KC KMappa easily However whenever I try KC Bite I jump cancel like actually And with PDandy Step it doesn't do it I am following the same timing but it's not coming out 😢 Any advice oh Dandy one?
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
so kara mappa is definitely the easiest, so it’s fairly expected that if you have trouble then it would be with the other karas. because the input is harder, most likely you are not doing the kara p dandy at the same timing even though your brain can fool you into it. getting jump just means you were a little too slow, with respect to bite (and of course make sure you pressed dash in neutral/forward and then up + h as sometimes I’d forget the h and get a jump). as long as you’re following a method like on the video and right thumb gaming it’s just a matter of practice. it’s still a very tight input in terms of time to do it but the layout makes it easier to input faster. overall, you’ve just gotta fiddle with it til you find the timing once then practice that timing, sorry if that’s not too helpful
@apaleguy Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo no that's perfect and has opened my eyes a bit I'm streaming my labbing so I can study my hand movements. But I've been actively using my right thumb, granted this is my 2nd day with my leverless so I'm pretty happy with my results already 😅
@denryu4954 Ай бұрын
@NoobQQMoar Ай бұрын
I wish tech like this wasn’t a thing. Just not being dexterous enough feels bad.
@reglewd Ай бұрын
for dandy kara, the easiest thing for me is to think about it is like a potemkin garuda but with an up input at the end
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
this is also how my friend does it (he’s a pot player)
@formagdrungbh9178 Ай бұрын
"yo guys" instead of "yo goons" this is an end of an era
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
they’ve hijacked that word sadly
@nyten81 Ай бұрын
keyboard and hitbox players win again
@Kniightisa Ай бұрын
Hell yeah, thanks for the forbidden tech. I use the exact same button layout so I will be stealing this.
@metalllich3493 Ай бұрын
How to make karas more consistent on keyboard? I have no trouble with mappa, but bite and dandy are very hard
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
the most translatable thing from this video is probably to use spacebar for up instead of w and then just trying to replicate it, aside from that I'm not sure
@metalllich3493 Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo I tried to do so when learning BDC in Xrd, but it really messes up with my muscle memory. Also my keyboard seems to have ghosting issues, lol, guess the only way out is brute force it... or stop caring since I play casually lol
@metalllich3493 Ай бұрын
@@me_lolo Also thanks for the vids, they are very insightful! I had some trouble reajusting to GGST Slayer after playing the Xrd one, and your vids really helped me to get in him and in the game overall
@SonicAxl Ай бұрын
Bro your character plays alone why do a tech video Its made for people that wants easy wins lmao
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@Norirane Ай бұрын
This might be the first time for me when using left pinkie for dash feels disadvantageous lol.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
are you on a box style controller? or extra buttons like pws controllers for parry and di and such?
@ram_apologist Ай бұрын
Tfw you use your right thumb for P (excellent guides btw)
@seasons2of1 Ай бұрын
Pad users like me be crying rn
@jacksons9546 Ай бұрын
Another L for us analog andies
@grantm.5975 Ай бұрын
It’s a lot easier to do on analog or on fightstick, but honestly I think it’s impossible to do on pad. One of the few times where controller type actually matters, unfortunately.
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
slash plays on analog and is very consistent!
@j2thedissle304 Ай бұрын
This is so useful. I feel like slayer might have the best benefits on hitbox besides goldlewis
@grantm.5975 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video, love your breakdown! A tip for everyone trying the BRC bite setup at 4:55, if you watch the animation, slayer brings his head forwards as the recovery frames end. Try to time the BRC as soon as his head comes back to a straight position, and you should hit it every time. This also works for the kara dandy setup at 9:00, if you time the 214 motion somewhere in that window, you will get the kara dandy every time as well. Thanks a lot for this video man, hope to see more slayer stuff in the future!
@thisistherun4015 Ай бұрын
Lovely video and makes Slayer look even more fun. Thanks for the detail in what you explained, this is the real deal and even gives me ideas for my own character.
@G-raverobber Ай бұрын
> "difficulty: 2/5" > try it out > fucking impossible
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
@coopmeister3000 Ай бұрын
Any advice on timing / getting the bite FRC PB? I can FRC into dandy off of any other hit but for some reason getting it off of bite seems way harder for me
@me_lolo Ай бұрын
unfortunately I don’t have any advice beyond practice for that one
@AkiraSatou Ай бұрын
5:07 You don't even need to do any buttons on their block to give them a chance to yellow rc the mix, you can do; bite > red rc > K dandy > p dandy > p dandy > overhead/low and it auto-times meaty, very funny looking but not a single yellow RC point for the opponent, same meter investment, they also might be inclined to burn their burst here instead, but that's a better outcome for you anyway
@mattsheehan3604 Ай бұрын
Why not just combo off the command grab if you are going to spend 50?
@AkiraSatou Ай бұрын
@mattsheehan3604 the reset, if you hit the overhead/low does a crap ton more damage, and the command grab scales your damage really hard if you rc and combo after, so you can drop it on purpose for a huge reward