Gen X REACTS - Dangers of Gen X
My Last Moto Vlog???
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@matsjohansson3645 3 сағат бұрын
Einstein toke credit for others work, and was wrong in many teorems
@matsjohansson3645 3 сағат бұрын
Diskbreaks, ABS, air suspension, adjustible suspension, AC, Heating, stearig hight adjustible, Seat adjustible, frigdge, automatic breaks if some come to near in front, speedcontrol, automatic gearbox, And so on
@TomasErikssonErnt 5 сағат бұрын
When you get settle in Germany, don't miss to visit Sweden.... Especially the northern part.
@misfitjester14 7 сағат бұрын
As a personal fact I've been an otr driver is the US for 25 yrs. California has a 75mph for cars & 55 for trucks, total clusterfuck of traffic jams 24/7. Ohio had a 55mph limit for trucks until about 10 yrs ago but changed it to uniform speed for all vehicles. They had to change the law because traffic accidents & fatalities were 10x higher due to some ignorant peckerwood like you driving 15-20mph faster, talking & texting on his phone, & spouting bs he has no idea about. My suggestion is you're running late for something leave home sooner. Also to add to your arguments I transport food in my truck. Would you like to go to your local grocery & pickup rotten juice or milk that's been in my tanker trailer for 7 days from FL to CA
@kimflycht2258 14 сағат бұрын
The clam that comfort is bigger in a long nosed truck is simply not true!!! European trucks have the hole cab resting on air cushions and this have been standard for more than 20 years, so I don't know what this guy is talking about!!!! And no sound or vibration is not a problem, European trucks is very sound proof!!!!! The video You watch is heavily tilted to favour the America produced and style truck than the European and the rest of the world too!!! US trucks need a massive turn-circle to manoeuvre an even longer than necessary vehicle and it will limit the places the operating area for these trucks!!! In Europe there are limits to the space around buildings and roads to manoeuvre in tight landscapes! I have found a video on KZfaq that proves my point beautifully, link hereunder! kzfaq.infozsiPiVm3j48 Also in the video You watch it is alleged that the safety is lower in US trucks than European trucks..........really??????!!!! I can assure You that these trucks would not be on any roads in Europe if that was remotely true!!! Here is some food for thoughts. If You should be quite honest about this which country have problems with corporate corruption US or Europe??? So it is not like big companies can buy public test centres and make them lower safety in trucks, but where would You think the Auto-Industry could do that??????!!! If You take a look inside an US truck and compare it to an European truck one thing will jump out at You! The sheer level of sharp edges and exposed metal surfaces around the driver is mindboggeling and VERY dangerous for the truck driver!!! So in which truck do You think the driver is most likely to be injured??? Besides in European trucks there are special features like steering wheel will be dragged under the floor in a collision as well as a lot of air-bags are all around the driver and so on!! Kind regards the Danish Viking
@HeavyDave997 15 сағат бұрын
I like American trucks as much as the next trucker, but there is just something special about a swedish truck. And i love both brand equally but for different reasons, i love the volvo for it comfortability and safty where I love Scania for it looks, history and that V8 sound. But no truck is perfect they are all built for their intended use, i drive a lot off road and have a crane mounted on the back and if im honest then my brand new MAN is probably the best trucks ive had when it comes to driving off road.
@Justanotheropinion-yq5vc 15 сағат бұрын
I'm so glad I stumbled upon your reaction. This is exactly how most people and especially in the EU I think, for decades seeing what's happening in the States. People even complain and are concernt that their system implements just a tiny part of the USA system. So we see the USA as the worst system and trying to stay away from it as much as possible. I'm really not exaggerating here. Stone cold truth. The sad part is that we often see it as a joke. while so many people suffer or struggle. It's not a joke at all. It's a huge problem and I actually think it's unsustainable over the long time. And you can not fix this by simply replacing the people at the key posistions, because the real problem is layer underneath it. The rich companies that fund. It's way to complex. At some point it will collaps. Tip for you: read (or watch) "the four horseman". It's about the rise of superpowers and eventually their downfall. (Rome, the Greek, the egyptians etc.) When decadence reaches the top (easy loans, lies in advertisements, people owning three or for cars, meals for a few bucks that are so extremly over the top that actually 5 people can get enough calories out of it to make it trought the day..) I can go on and on. You hit the nail on the head: People giving their money to the rich and powerfulls and with proud. It's not stupidity, this is litteraly brainwashing. If you have the change, Just go live for a year in another country. Changes are quite big that you will stay for the rest of your life. I'm from The Netherlands and we are known for our directness. This comment is fits that perfectly. It's the hard truth, but as long as people ignoring that, Things will never change. All the good to you sir, wish you all the best! One of the best reaction videos I've seen, rsulting in a new sub! 🙂 cheers! From The Netherlands.
@racamon 22 сағат бұрын
Europe as a Union is as big as US, and as a Continent, it is even bigger. The reason trucks don't have big sleeper cabins, but they certainly have, is that Europe countries use trains for longer distance, or even big boat on big rivers like Danube for transport. Railroads system is much more developed than that in USA, and trains can pull more. That said, truckers in Europe do sleep in cabins, and the size matters because of other restrictions.
@paulc2689 22 сағат бұрын
Good on ya Nate. Us in the world already know this. I am fed up of constantly hearing Yanks spouting such silly things, like Charlie Kirk repeatedly say that the US is the greatest country ever to have existed. It is stupid and wrong. Is humility and being humble not allowed in the US ? Big and powerful country... Yes without question. Are there many good and decent people .... Absolutely. But I find it really strange how backward it is in so many different areas. For example .... yes your health care. Tax system - why is it still done manually with everyone doing their own taxes requiring regulators etc ... instead of automatically paid at source by the employer - 90% easier and efficient. Standardising VAT across the country and displaying the actual total price. CHIP and PIN card transactions ( and now payment by swiping and via Mob Phone App ). You can improve all these things ( and many others ) that will greatly improve peoples lives in the US and be cheaper, easier, quicker, more efficient and effective. So again, good Vid Nate . We can only watch to see if the US can catch up eh ?
@TomiThemself Күн бұрын
1:30 That's so dumb - no, the taxes won't increase. Americans already pay a lot in health-insurance. Now imagine that all of that money is transferred into the taxes, and you get everything for FREE. Not only that, but if we look and compare out taxes - Americans pay even more taxes, and now also add the things that you need to pay to private insurances! All because the insurance companies need to profit... The logical step would be to socialise it, so that there is no profit motive - this way, not only would one's insurance costs decrease, but probably even the taxes... It's not that the government can't pay for it (hell, have you seen your military budgets), it's that they don't want to. Why? Because as people can see in this video - it's unpopular. People are misinformed and see socialised health-care as this "boogyman to freedoms". As you've said - it's not that I'm mad at these folks, but as a European, I'm rather very sad and even pity them... I cannot imagine dying because of not seeing your doctor, because you'd otherwise get fired; or getting into unpayable debt for the whole life - it's not "OMG, Americans are so dumb", but moreof a "Wow... I'm so sorry for the Americans, and even sadder when I see that they are so misinformed because they fell for propaganda..."
@TheRealmBetween Күн бұрын
I'm not a truckdriver, but I'm neighbour's with one. As far as I know the truckdrivers don't go for months living in the truck (but from the amount of trucks parked at reststops long the highways there should be sleeping compartments in there...) and may come home over the weekends. I also believe it takes three days to go from Sweden in the north to Italy in the south of Europe. And here's a horror story. A truckdriver was delivering metal tubes, but hadn't bound them properly, and when for whatever reason he hit the breaks, the police were scratching their heads trying to figure out how to get the pieces of the driver out of the tubes. Because when you drive a multi-ton vehicle, you need the breaks to stop that kind of weight as fast as possible. A hero story. There had been an accident on the road and the ambulance and police were trying to tend to the wounded in the highway traffic. A truckdriver pulled his truck across the road, cutting off the traffic so that the medics could do their job and save lives without risking their own. Rather than maybe an hour, the road was cleaned off of victimes and carwrecks in fifteen minutes.
@TomiThemself Күн бұрын
I love how you reacted to a socialist - Second Thought genuinely is a socialist (he himself says so). It just shows that if you want to know actually something about the US's problems, you'll understand that the only way to fix this is with socialism....
@skayt35 Күн бұрын
In Europe, truck body width will usually be 2.5 m while in the U.S. it's about 2.6 m, some inches wider. Before the 1970s, U.S. trucks were actually less wide but then regulations were changed there. It's important to note that mirrors don't count for width in Europe, meaning trucks are more than 3.0 m wide in total. Lane widths on European freeways are very similar to the U.S. but city roads are usually much narrower.
@datractor Күн бұрын
Man I feel your pain, I just spent a month in the states and my god has it gone to shit. New Zealand isn't perfect but I was so glad to get home.
@Karl-Benny Күн бұрын
Its why they call it land of the free .. FREE LABOUR
@alexmekuria748 Күн бұрын
There's a channel called Bes D. Marx worth checking out, especially their videos on how Nazis were re-integrated into the Cold War security apparatus of West Germany, and Operation Gladio and stay-behind networks. Those videos pair well with a series on the CIA by the channel Eyes Wide Open. All worth getting more eyes on these
@mariehoffmann8150 Күн бұрын
Insurance now control heath care i want socialize but they will fight it they have such better in france and its sociolized
@mariehoffmann8150 Күн бұрын
I am all for socialize heath care as opposed of what we have now its
@4390hoover Күн бұрын
How many times can I like your attitude , you've got it
@4390hoover Күн бұрын
My problem as a Scotsman is what the hell are you doing to change to get you out of being a 3rd world country
@hernerweisenberg7052 Күн бұрын
Trucks having a "drag race" on the autobahn happens here too unfortunately. Some drive the speed limit, some think they need to go 3km/h faster then the limits cause that wont get them a ticket. Then the rear trucker about to switch to the middle lane to take over the front truck might forget to check his mirror prior to switching lanes and my cousins little VW Polo gets mangled under his trailer. RIP Wulf.
@LiquidBlackWolf 2 күн бұрын
All traffic is obligated to keep right.. they dont. But they are.
@andystone6777 2 күн бұрын
one of the most important reasons for that "cab over engine" thing here in Germany is the regulation for the vehicle's total length. The more space you safe with building the cab over the engine . . . the more cargo area behind the cab you'll win !
@0oDaan12o0 2 күн бұрын
You mention the whole living rooms in trucks in the US and not in the EU, now I don't know how it works in all of the EU, but at least in NL it is illegal to sleep inside your vehicle. You may park it and sleep at a nearby hotel. You also need to take breaks at regular times which you are not allowed to spend inside the vehicle as that's your workplace and a break only counts when away from the workplace.
@owenjones506 2 күн бұрын
The reason as i know it on the UK is because of tyre limits. truck tyres have a bad reputation for exploding at certain speeds so 60mph is a safe speed .
@uwehansen2915 2 күн бұрын
Ok one point is that in Europa you can own a truck but mostly you wörking for a Company that pay you to drive they organis every Trip and the drive hourers are strikt
@kennethbrynleyjohnsweet4252 2 күн бұрын
They do see and they do understand...but seeing and understanding doesn't make you a fortune 500 doesn't buy you an 18 million dollar condo in Miami or a skiing holiday in Aspen every year. They don't give a possum's rectum. In America if the corporations or political parties cared then either their share prices would fall and their stock portfolios would collapse or they simply wouldn't get elected.
@stevekenilworth 2 күн бұрын
truck speed limits should always be slower than cars and vans. uk on motorway (interstate,freeway) trucks can do 60mph legally even tho most trucks adapt the 56mph eu ruling but cars can do 70mph unless towing then that is 60 mph. on a single carriageway so standard two lane country road in a national speed limit zone the white round sign with a black line through it it don't give a number like rest of signs it down to what you drive so you must know the limits on what you drive, on normal two lane country road England and wales inc N ireland trucks can do 50 mph in Scotland that is 40 mph but same limit cars can do 60 if safe to do so. i find it very unsafe when everything travels at the same speed like an example road works on motorway (interstate) the posted limit can be 50 mph so everything all bunched together at 50 is lethal and with cameras all over cars stuck at side truck far longer than necessary so it adds danger. i feel these zone the laws should change and adapt speed difference on national speed sign the 10mph rule so you are about at least 10mph slower than other light weight transport it make thing a lot more safe. ive stopped using motorways because this issue im passing so every right to be in lane 2 but a truck at 50 mph inches from my rear bumper its deadly and one thing they don't think about or do not care for life closer they are more space in front i need to stop or slow as i cannot hit brakes i got to slow gradually so i need a bigger gap to slow or stop from the same speed. that is one rule / law i wish they put in place like road work zones on fast road a limit for trucks and limit for lighter transport it make things a lot more safe. ive seen vids usa trucks stopping and even tho they carry less weight they do not stop as well as trucks from Europe and one reasons along with crazy speed allowed you see trucks plowing through stopped traffic that is a lot more common in usa than Europe. comfort that maybe 20 years ago these days they ride just as well like Rolls-Royce so smooth and safety have you seen crash tests with cab over they far safer than you think and a lot safety stuff too
@angrysloth1 2 күн бұрын
The elephant race...a long drawn out affair, covering many tens of miles
@RaginKavu 3 күн бұрын
It's good to know that there are people like you, whom actually realise what the whole world already knows. The video just forgot to mention a school shooting a moth, practically. You guys think it's so normal that you can buy food AND guns in the same place, when it's actually total insanity! But hey! Freedom, right? Yeah, freedom to have your lives made as miserable as you have, by "the system". No country is perfect. Mine is far from it. But we do have universaly free healthcare, including foreigners, for one. It's just easier to mock the ones who think they're perfect, when everyone around can clearly how much they suck. You guys from the US have to make a change if you don't want to be the laughing stock of the world. Try adopting the metric system 100%. That alone would be a major point in favour of you guys.
@Karl-Benny 3 күн бұрын
You still have slaves paying $15.00 an hour is slavery if you cant feed clothed House yourself on that wage it`s slavery not to mention people working for nothing while learning is slavery and lets not mention your Prisons
@kinkong1961 3 күн бұрын
there are European trucks with the nose and the sleeper cabs on them like Scania and Scammel trucks make them which are not very popular in Europe. They mostly cab-overs with a sleeper for long hauls like Scotland to London because of the hours they are limited to drive with the tachograph as it is cheaper to sleep in the cab than a hotel same in the States. They used to sleep in layby's pull inns in the US now they are only permitted to sleep in truck stops. In the UK
@richardgreene4029 3 күн бұрын
The most ignorant drivers are four wheelers. They don’t know how to merge. Government trucks are the worst and if we had European engines in our semi, we could pass each other faster obviously he is not a truck driver and he doesn’t talk to his Truck Driver family apparently because they would’ve schooled his butt.
@richardgreene4029 3 күн бұрын
Matter fact, I’m the whole right lane only trucks that is ignorance. Yes when you’re talking about the incident, the driver in the right lane is supposed to blow off the throttle and left the driver over. It is ignorant USA roadways interstates to be two lanes only they should be a minimum of three if you want to relieve traffic in major cities, have all truck not getting off the freeway all the way to the left lanes, because most people do not know how to merge onto the freeway and causing traffic accident causing traffic delays
@randyruck2793 3 күн бұрын
because you need an educated populous
@Luredreier 3 күн бұрын
18:20 Yes and no. US ones *are* better if you want a place to sleep, or a efficient long haul option. A EU truck *is* better in the mountains and cities. With more horse power and better turning rate. A US truck will generally have less advanced teck allowing a owner to repair it easier, a EU truck is more likely to have new teck making driving it easier, like autopilot etc. But be prepared for a hefty repair bill when something goes wrong...
@nevalelapena 3 күн бұрын
You say you prefer how American trucks looks.. And i can't guarantee you here in Europe is the same, and i can tell you why, trucks are beautiful because they're big... Growing up i learn to appreciate our trucks, but everytime i saw a long nose at some motor show i love it ...i've never seen one of those "working" btw, just over personalized
@leinster22 3 күн бұрын
Pledging allegiance to a flag ???? That’s insane. No other country does that
@leinster22 3 күн бұрын
America needs to focus on the needs of its citizens instead of meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. Stay home!
@leinster22 3 күн бұрын
$10 for one aspirin in a hospital ER. $7400 for 3 hour ER treatment
@VikingCoffie 4 күн бұрын
European truckers are employed in companies and how long they can work is regulated. Typically they work 5 days, some longer but then they get extra days off.
@Karl-me4mh 4 күн бұрын
I only watched the first few minutes and already there are misconceptions and false information. Most Truck drivers in europe just drive the trucks that their companies own or lease. Back when I drove, I lived in the truck during the week and was at home on the weekends. But for those who drove longer distances it was common to live in the truck for 2 weeks. Then theres the eastern european truck drivers of which many drive for weeks or months in one go, without ever seing their families at home. They LIVE in their Trucks for months. EU tried to stop this, and get the eastern european countrie's companies to obey the laws about work times aswell, but it is easier said than done. Sometimes such a truck is even lived in by 2 people. Society doesn't care, doesn't notice. The only short tiny recognition truck drives got, was when Covid broke out. But it was foirgotten in a matter of days, really. Anyway, I'm out.
@brettpeacock9116 4 күн бұрын
One thing immediately struck me about the opening: America (ie the US) may be the richest country ever, anywhere on Earth but.... "Rich" is not the same thing as "Wealthy". Rich means you have a lot of money. To me and many others, Wealth means you have Real value - as a person, regardless of your tax bracket/position/place in society.
@tlabort 4 күн бұрын
In the UK the bridges over the motorway are taller and there are a lot of taller double hight trailers that where not shown. When i visited Florida i noticed the lorry's where long but not very high
@Warentester 4 күн бұрын
Mate, Europe is larger by area than the US. The distance argument doesn't hold water.
@HannsMartinSchleyer 4 күн бұрын
6:40 to 6:55 is Zittau.
@HannsMartinSchleyer 4 күн бұрын
4:08 to 4:32 is Görlitz, very beautiful. I was there two weeks ago.
@philipshannon3521 4 күн бұрын
I like cab over. Especially racing trucks
@666numberofthebeast68 4 күн бұрын
The difference lies in the total length, which in Europe is limited to 18.75 m or precise 61.51 feet so if you fit a nose the cargo space gets smaller, you fit a sleeper and nose then you have even less space for cargo, s ess cargo means less profit and the profit magins in europa are much smaller and to get a semi driving lisence in Germany for example cost you today between 5000 and 10000 $ on average you cann today 2024 calculate with 7000$ thats why we have a massive shortage of drivers and the the income is low too as we are in the european union and truckers from eastern europe cost half and less then a German trucker who earsn as a beginner 2000$ brutto means after tax and helath and pension insurance which you cant reduce you loof at 1500 neto and max you can earn is 3700 $ after many many years of driving which are netto under 3000 $ , thats why you find not many owner trucker as a new Semi will set you back at least 100000$ and with sch a low income you will struggle t find a bank to give you the loan
@brendanaengenheister5351 4 күн бұрын
More and more european trucks are sleeper cabs