@fuccboidotexe Күн бұрын
and I'm sitting here, wondering what did I do wrong? what went wrong with my life? Thinking that with all of the material things that I've ever wanted I was going to be happy, that I was going to live freely and in peace, but... in the end, there's something missing, something warm is missing, I feel like my soul is disappearing, my motivation is going away and my path is blurry. I don't know what to do, but I have no one else to blame because it is all my fault, I decided the events that happened in my life, I decided to go down this path, and I'm feeling regret even though I have too much pride to accept it, I've lost people, opportunities, missed one in a lifetime situations... "why me?" I always ask to myself, when I have to ask myself... "why did I do it?". I hope that I can get out of this, soon...
@Aceofspad3s21 2 күн бұрын
the things that happen in our life that are caused by our subconscious thoughts instead of our conscious ones. The thoughts that run through our minds that seem automatic. As I become more conscious of my thoughts and words that are limiting, I stop them in their tracks. Any time that I use the words “always, all, and never”, it is a clue that the statement is untrue. I can say, “no, I actually believe that anything is possible. I believe that life is for me. I believe that I can have and deserve all that is in my heart”. I am uncovering new insights all the time. Even by writing this blog article, I came to realize more specifically how my health condition arose. I choose to know that these insights can only lead to more robust health in my body and a fuller expression of life. As a spiritual practitioner, I know that for you too. Let’s know this together and co-create an amazing, shared experience of this world.
@user-vd9yf1nc5o 4 күн бұрын
At the start when they said everyone loves you but no one likes you and that is the lonelyest feeling in the world That hit my soul 🥲
@corymartin3018 7 күн бұрын
"Everybody loves you, but nobody likes you..." fuck. That's how I feel all the fucking time. I'm so sick of feeling this way. Why does everybody say how awesome I am, how rad I am, how fucking incredible I am: yet no one will follow through? I just want to enjoy a Friday night, but somehow everyone is too busy for me. I can spend all night riding Shepard dog for all the drunks around me, but no one can hang and hear my bullshit if I even dare to have one beer. I just wish someone would want to smoke with me and have some deep talks about the universe, I'll take care of the rest. Fuck...
@synthiahall9668 7 күн бұрын
I'm here for you Broski
@paige_iaconelli3034 8 күн бұрын
Those Seth Rogan quotes in the begining hit hard af 💔
@dms8537 15 күн бұрын
goated playlist
@05tom65 16 күн бұрын
I almost forgot about the first masterpiece, its one of the greatest Sad Lo-Fi i ever heard
@erabsolute 17 күн бұрын
@smallboymarkx4990 23 күн бұрын
Me and my friends had some real talks while listening to this in the am hours. Such a great mix fr
@mohammadrezaolyaie8743 24 күн бұрын
Been years I've been away and never felt like this torn a part on my birthday night by the people I love.thank you
@labigbean Ай бұрын
the original playlist helped me destroy myself only so i could pick myself back up in the right place its strange hearing the first track after so many years
@CountLemongrab Ай бұрын
This is the perfect soundtrack to write my paper on Plato's Symposium. To the rest of you...Cheer up people! When you have nothing else, even the will to live, then you don't have to worry anymore about losing something! But eventually, something will spark your curiosity, a person will befriend you, a book will inspire you, or you will be walking under the night sky and you will laugh, even if still in a bit of pain, and be grateful that you could see how beautiful the stars.
@CountLemongrab Ай бұрын
This is the perfect soundtrack to write my paper on Plato's Symposium. To the rest of you...Cheer up people! When you have nothing else, even the will to live, then you don't have to worry anymore about losing something! Eventually, something will spark your curiosity, a person will befriend you, a book will inspire you, or you will be walking under the night sky; you will laugh, even if still in a bit of pain, and be so goddam grateful that you could see how beautiful the stars are.
@PapaTooHigh Ай бұрын
This is a long time to feel sorry for myself
@arnabkalita6596 Ай бұрын
It's heart when there's no one to your side. And them who is wrong and everyone's with them. 🙂
@user-pj8xv6xj5e Ай бұрын
@translucent3172 16 күн бұрын
How do u do
@fedup132 Ай бұрын
No one does I am smart
@StephenYoung-ct1om Ай бұрын
Lowest of the low right now, much love to those who feel the same
@dreamingsilver Ай бұрын
@novadrinker7779 Ай бұрын
Used to game and listen to this for hours, now I'm trading and listing to this instead of gaming, crazy how you can grow up overnight
@-DeathKing- Ай бұрын
The difference between alone and lonely has really gotten us here...
@WhiteIslandMusic Ай бұрын
Existence is akin to a voyage on turbulent seas, at times anchoring you firmly, at times granting wings to your aspirations. Bear in mind, a measured pace to your end goal is preferable to a hasty dash that may lead to missteps. Embrace the timeless principle of reciprocity, extending kindness as you would wish to receive, and persistently counter malice with benevolence.
@killerjay1740 Ай бұрын
Stay Strong King/Queen
@GrubKiller436 Ай бұрын
At least you guys know what to do. I've learned so much and yet somehow it's still not enough. The world has put my future into question. I don't have a normal life. I can't imagine where I'm going to end up 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 30, etc. I regret being born.
@tecnobeast3041 Ай бұрын
I have been looking for this video for so long
@translucent3172 16 күн бұрын
Welcome back
@jacksonh2083 Ай бұрын
@Shaftalooooo Ай бұрын
At 29 No parents One brother who lives thousand miles awa No sister In a foreign country No friends
@translucent3172 16 күн бұрын
Much love
@billyjoe2974 Ай бұрын
For anyone else listening to this alone after midnight... Keep going. Life is full of cycles. After day, comes night, seasons change and fade to the next. Bad things become good. Like you, I'm here in what feels like a never ending night... Longing the warm sun that is compassion from friends and a girlfriend, but accepting it is not time yet. Keep going. Trust in God, and move forward. I hope to see you when your life is warm and full of sun again. Remember, life is a cycle full of ups and downs.
@Jimmyyyyyyyyyyyyy Ай бұрын
Name the firts song?
@EvO357 Ай бұрын
@EvO357 Ай бұрын
@spartan2ar949 Ай бұрын
When you lose a close friend, you try forget about them because they wronged you, but you miss them so much you can't get over it, so you just cry uncontrollably.
@themissingpeace7956 Ай бұрын
Amazing selection of songs, it makes me feel floaty and high while I'm sober it's pretty amazing.
@ricedprius Ай бұрын
Most men receive flowers for the first time when on their death bed
@jefoxbtw5192 Ай бұрын
Anybody got a solution to suicide without goin to hell
@eldragonrojo42069 Ай бұрын
Nobody likes or loves me, me included 😅 i can feel the dry mouth from whisky and cigarettes coming already
@dayotupamxcano Ай бұрын
yo how tf did i fumble bro
@theoneandonlydopeboy6173 Ай бұрын
I really miss my girlfriend Felicia I pray she forgives me I hurt her and haven’t talked to her for couple days I was going through so much I neglected the person I love I feel like an idiot and I feel so alone :( I just wanna die to be honest life sucks with out her in my life
@_FlRE_DRAG0N_ Ай бұрын
Im done.
@ItsZyy.69 Ай бұрын
hey bro . what's up ? do you want someone to be a good listener? If you have anything to say, just say it here. I am there for you. but remember after heavy rain, will come the rainbow. okay bro ? take care and love you!
@krizzy_kai 2 ай бұрын
Thank you... I loved this person very much, this person was the first friend I made in America after I moved from a whole other country. He helped me go through change, I appreciate him so much for the friendship he gave me; it was special. Our friendship lasted 2 years, it's hard to see him react that way to me. I thought we were friends, turns out I was the only one holding on to it. He threw it in the trash like it meant nothing, the amount of time that was put into the friendship is a lot. He was hurt and angry and I guess he felt safe taking all his anger out on me, I still need to thank and bless him. I am working on forgiving him, I have to ask my Father for help though. I thank him for giving me a glimpse of what's in his heart but more importantly, how the real world is, it is full of shattered hearts and pain caused from people without a heart. From now on, I will not see him as a friend or a brother but instead, a stranger. I thought I knew him, but I really know nothing about him. I won't share my breath, trust or joy with him anymore, instead he will get the empty side of me. I hope if he apologizes, it will come from his heart. I can't see him the same way again. This taught me to choose people that can like me for me and won't try to change me. Yesterday was traumatizing, I am afraid of getting hurt again, I can't trust anyone. I'm sincerely thankful and sorry. I loved him enough.
@A-10GoBRRRRTT 2 ай бұрын
For someone who comes from a whole other country u sure do no ur english more than i do lol. Assuming ur first language isnt english. Ofc correct me iyw too 😅
@TheSerpentElite Ай бұрын
“This too shall pass” all things are temporary and you’ll move along some day. Something breaks, it’ll get fixed. Something gets lost? It’ll get found or replaced. All things are temporary.. Everything will someday feel.. alright. You will always have grief. But it’ll get better…. My heart aches for you.
@LiftedLegend2000 Ай бұрын
I felt tf outta that
@105trang 2 ай бұрын
You know, this playlist strangely touches me. That's just because I'm so lonely IRL. All my friends are so toxic. My only trustable friend died in grade 6, 3 years ago. Now I'm 14, with depression. I think I really wanna just end my misery...
@KayleighE-gc1xh 2 ай бұрын
It's gonna be okay, life will be good soon. You're still a kid, and that is not a sin. There are good people in this world, you are lonely now but it won't be forever. Do not feel guilty about being sad when you think you shouldn't be, your feelings matter. Keep at it and don't let the downs of life stop you from reaching the peaks of it.
@realbrennerbob8069 2 ай бұрын
Man fuck my life I’m done.
@hamburgerdog25 2 ай бұрын
Sleepless - Getting Over It _Stop, children, whats that sound? Everybody look whats going down_ _It might feel good, it might sound a lil' somthin'_ _But damn the game if it ain't saying nuthin'_ _What is game? Who got game? Wheres the game in life?_ _Behind the game, behind the game_ _I got game, she's got game, we got game, they got game, he got game_ _It might feel good, it mght sound a lil' somethin'_ _But fuck the game if it ain't saying nuthin'_ bit of Public Enemy for ya's
@xsoloxyt1687 2 ай бұрын
man i used to hear this on repeat yeah i got depressed during my 10th boards but somehow it bossted my productivity and i scored a decnt percenatage of 80
@88_exclusive.ej6 2 ай бұрын
Today has been the wordt, my friend finally couldnt take it anymore...im thinking abt going with her. To anyone that this may concern, don't quit.
@CHug_ARmy 2 ай бұрын
i just want to be loved, to be believed in. I don't want to be treated like trash. Hope you guys are doing well. Stay safe.
@darkgamer555al 2 ай бұрын
I feel stupid for thinking it was gonna be something but once again I’m alone but I am going to cherish and miss the company and the talks it was nice while it lasted..
@russia4biden221 2 ай бұрын
You put yourself in your position. You are in charge of your own life no one else so stop crying about being alone. Thats the reason no one wants to be around you