@NewmaticKe 9 күн бұрын
Singapore citizen and being Singaporean is not the same
@zhen86 19 күн бұрын
I am ok with new citizen that do not use loop hole. Malaysian like to ask the wife to get Singapore citizenship while the son and husband remain PR to get BTO. And no PR is still foreigners.
@markjones2781 24 күн бұрын
Glorious exploration of what it means to be Singaporean. Complex, nuanced and diverse but still, the central message rings through.
@aidaville 26 күн бұрын
I'm a Malay married to a Chinese, and lived in Hong Kong for 18 years. It would be fair to say there are prejudices and judgements from all sides. Perhaps for Singaporeans living through the 60s, 70s life was all about survival, most had to rebuild their lives after Independence, lifting themselves out of poverty, educating their children and at that time the last thing on their minds was being One United People. By the 80s, slowly the awareness and importance of preserving our cultures became apparent. As for being Racist, anyone who hasn't lived outside of their communities would hold some form of generalised prejudice simply because they didn't know better, were not exposed or had the chance to mix with other races, judgements are perpetuated until it becomes accepted. There was a long discussion about MOE SAP schools which exclusively promoted the Chinese culture and language, they totally excluded other races from entry. Life is about moving forward ...... what's important is what type of Singapore do we want to leave behind for our children ? It doesn't matter what race we are or the language we prefer to converse in, it's about being open, kind and inclusive, about being human.
@chua2237 27 күн бұрын
We are all foreigners here's their grandfather and they are sons of the soil.
@anananwar6073 Ай бұрын
@yourstrulypig93 Ай бұрын
I was born a Malaysian in Singapore (second gen SG PR) and was raised in SG just like any other singaporean. Growing up, I’ve seen how the corrupted Malaysian government disadvantaged Chinese (my Malaysian relatives) and how the country has stopped progressing. Administration was done in Melayu and being illiterate in it has made it a huge pain for me. Meanwhile, Singapore has offered me great education, safety and many opportunities. Singapore is where my home lies and where my family and friends are. I still remember when I was in Pri 5, the school brought me to watch NDP. I cried while singing national anthem as I was so proud to be there and happy for the nation. 2 years later, I performed for NDP and once again, I cried when the national anthem was played. That’s when I realised that my loyalty lies with Singapore. Today, I’m a naturalised citizen and I’m so proud to be a Singaporean, sometimes even more than my native Singaporean husband 😂
@clementihammock7572 Ай бұрын
Last few weeks met a native Malacca naturalized SG. I told him not to waste $1200 monthly for his two kids hefty tuition fee. 😂 Nowadays, Sg education system has many paths, and with much more resources to right the wrong even if one's early years didn't make it for whatever reasons in their school days. In 70s and 80s, then still known as Vocational Institute, many Johorean Vehicle apprentices (now most of them are repair shop towkays) studied evening class here, and many don't even have primary school education. And they treasured the VI instructors didn't look down on them and help to graduate with skillsets and a NTC Level 3 certificate. For those Aircon technicians too, many Malaysian were from STI which offered them solid Aircon Servicing Cert and foundation.. A few had eventually relocated to Australia and Canada having and doing their HVAC trade well.
@Color_wolf Ай бұрын
What is just cultural for Muslim that is not religious? Hari Raya Puasa?
@ryanseet8314 Ай бұрын
Gentlemen, thank you for choosing to be one of us.
@deschan2246 Ай бұрын
Only Singaporeans who have history in Singapore are true blue Singaporeans. The rest are opportunists n freeloaders.😂
@deschan2246 Ай бұрын
During good times, any Tom Dick Harry is calling themselves Singaporeans. 😂 When bad times come, they will be first to eject n distance themselves from Singapore. 😂 Singapore is destined to doom, just a matter of when.😂
@qistinaadam2941 Ай бұрын
“They think I’m Malay” But you are. A mixed identity consists of multiple cultures, and you encompass all of them wholly. Don’t let anyone make you feel as if you don’t belong somehow, and especially in Singaporean society, don’t be led into believing being mistaken for a Malay person is somehow a bad thing. Yes, you’re Malay. Yes, you’re Chinese. You’re both. If you want to learn more about your Chinese side, that’s definitely possible - there are various resources in Singapore for this, and if you’d like to take your religion into account, assuming you’re Muslim, there’s a specific association for that as well. Internationally, there are opportunities to explore this side of your identity too. I’d look into this if I were you. Keeping in touch with our roots requires active effort.
@yut576 Ай бұрын
Now can preaching in poly?
@anananwar6073 Ай бұрын
7:45 21:29
@imycunt372 Ай бұрын
It will be interesting to interview ultra rich and famous naturalized (former PRC) Singaporeans like Haidilao owner Zhang Yong, Li Xiting, Jet Li, Gong Li etc, whether they feel more Chinese or Singaporean. Not sewing discord, due to lack of common memory, as an organic Singaporean, I find it extremely difficult to identify them as my fellow countrymen.
@Humorousguy64 Ай бұрын
How can she prove Sg chinese racist? My god ,,,,
@Humorousguy64 Ай бұрын
Keling is not a bad name or bad words . Thats what i got from google
@sitiopalarcadesatur5007 Ай бұрын
I admire Tou Chen's response especially in regard to the migrant worker's case. TC's identity and loyalty is to a set of civic values which the SG government embodies and puts into practice rather than to one's ethnicity. This is not to say that ethnicity and culture are not important; they are. But in a modern and multi-ethnic society, one must transcend 'blood ties' in favor of civic values as embodied by a society and its state and government.
@supreme87878 Ай бұрын
One people one nation one singapore, that is the way they we will be forever more......
@TanDenise Ай бұрын
Tou Chen's responses are very heartfelt. His story about how Singapore did not give up on the young migrant worker during Covid moved me to tears. And his testament about building unity during good times is what will carry all Singaporeans through the tough times was so poignant, especially in light of the increasingly fragmented world we are experiencing now, post Covid. This is really an excellent and down to earth interview and really gives a lot of food for thought on what it means to be a citizen of Singapore.
@radiosparrow851 Ай бұрын
hopefully Chinese people who respect such choice is not ignored and those who abduct other nationals by ethnicity are not taken advantage of for an internalised racism convenience. after all, respecting how you identify is one topic and white's supremacy is another, which is beyond anyone's control here. 5:30 and the american company Cisco helped china build that first version firewall, just FYI but i guess, it must be well known in such a free world outside china, right? and any comment on that American who kept asking the Singaporean CEO of tiktok if he is Chinese?
@TheMandinotan Ай бұрын
Great show Odelia!!! YT suggested me this video! Means you’re on to something!!!
@dennisleong7866 Ай бұрын
Indeed Covid 19 is a very good case study for Singapore 👍 Singapore really did it very well compared to other countries
@P53eud0nym05 Ай бұрын
Problem is many ppl don’t know or choose not to know what some words mean. “Ang moh” for eg means red hair. But there was this youtube clip with a young student claiming it means red devil 🙄
@jansg405 Ай бұрын
Lots of PRCs who turned SG citizens do not integrate in Singapore society because they don't see the need as there is quite a number of them here.
@Slla-th5vt 11 күн бұрын
Same for Indians. They started small communities among themselves. But it is not just in Singapore, they do that in all the countries they migrate to. US, Canada, Australia, etc.
@erictayverystrongimaginati1662 Ай бұрын
The end lah 👻
@chitrachannelvlog4822 Ай бұрын
@bc3255 Ай бұрын
Got do NS or not?
@limbehh8494 Ай бұрын
Hahaha.... do NS if only u r in the right age group n not all does. Importantly is the solid loyalty.
@jansg405 Ай бұрын
@@limbehh8494 How u know these ex PRCs are truly loyal?
@anrashid47 Ай бұрын
Wahliao !! Sino Power !!! What about other emigres aaaaahhh ???
@jiadong7873 Ай бұрын
Lohei exists in some parts of China, I think he really needs to do some research...
@thatone8085 Ай бұрын
When he went there late ,,it was not there but got law mai kai , har kow and chee chong fun. If he talked some more ,that ex malaysian guy would cry..
@jessicalang7320 Ай бұрын
This question should be posed to Tou Chen, “what made you loyal to Singapore? Why did that happen in 2011? Why not earlier or later than 2011?”
@Y3llow_Submarin3 Ай бұрын
need time to be PR then slowly citizenship. not like once you got posted there you get citizenship ma
@limbehh8494 Ай бұрын
​@@Y3llow_Submarin3..yalor. also loyalty need time to earn n built up mah. 😊
@limbehh8494 Ай бұрын
​@@Y3llow_Submarin3..yalor. also loyalty need time to earn n built up mah. 😊
@user-kp9jh6nh7v Ай бұрын
I disagree that older Chinese generation is racist. At our time, we mixed around, hence it was so common to hear other races (especially Indians) spoke in dialect or Mandarin. However, both kids and adults did joke on race, dialect group, etc....to the extend the person of that joke laughed along, and even joked on his/her own race, etc What I noticed is that people are getting very sensitive over such things, and refer every single thing as racist.
@user-kp9jh6nh7v Ай бұрын
In Hong Kong, Caucasian is referred as gwailou (鬼佬); Singapore Cantonese referred Caucasian as 红发鬼 (red-hair ghost) 鬼 means ghost, not devil
@lynetteleong906 Ай бұрын
Singapore is a place to develop career path and practise professionalism. Must hv a skill and or professional paper qualifications. Yes agreed that ID is Singaporean first rather than ethnicity.
@ukbulldog2024 Ай бұрын
Are there ANY Chinese attractive ladies in SG? Birth rates are falling and foreigners are plunging into SG to do the dirty work??
@ukbulldog2024 Ай бұрын
That Poly Tech ENGLISH Pronunciation was POOR The Senior is well balanced his English has good diction. The Point is . SG Education System is not that good as we perceived in STEM which is regurgitating text books which the Chinese pour numerous hours but cannot think out of the box. Socially Chinese in SG are a FLOP. Why???
@user-ne8yi1io4h Ай бұрын
No worries brother, Singapore is the second Malaysia. You will just carry another passport.
@limbehh8494 Ай бұрын
Hahaha . Hey bro.. Singapore is Singapore not second Malaysia lah. Heehee.
@ukbulldog2024 Ай бұрын
I went to TAMIL Primary in MY. I remember my best days. Later I had to go to REMOVE CLASS meaning one year b4 English Stream to learn English. AIYOOOO. English was difficult to comprehend. We have a diet of all things TAMIL. That was a disaster, a failure in the School System and left school with Grade 2 MCA and pass in Malay Language. Was UNEMPLOYED for 5 years. I then became a grass cutter. Learning Mandarin was HOSTILE. A language without non Chinese Teachers and there was no trust to Learn. I like to learn Mandarin but where if to pay a little only as disposable money is diminished. My grass cutting Clients are all Chinese TOWKAYS Mansions in the Klang Valley. Language is a key to MY/SG Progress in Business and Interaction. Learn Vietnamese today as the next economic powerhouse in Asia.
@ukbulldog2024 Ай бұрын
A look at the Singapore Government Website. There are so many rules. Can a Chinese from Shanghai just come to SG and take citizenship. Mana Boloeh?? It is confusing but if you are Chinese maybe CAN??, If you are professional maybe possible. What is a Chinese or a Chinaman?? Today, 2024, the determined Chinese in Malaysia are gaining economic ground and much better living standards with quality of life. In Malaysia Chinese STUDY in Chinese Private Schools taking an ALTERNAIVE Exams recognised in SG but not in MY. Chinese are seggregating themselves. Ask a Chinese HOW MANY NON CHINESE FRIEND HE/SHE HAS?? Probably NOTHING. Why, Eat Chinese, Talk Chinese, Do business with Chinese and have Chinese Friends. This is major problem unless you learn MANDARIN. You can tackle the Chinaman. In SG Migrant workers are housed in open air prison apartments and doing the dirty work that the Chinaman does not want to do. Quite Racists to in SG. Fly SIA and it is all Chinese ONLY. I would leave SG and go to Africa.
@naivoj122 Ай бұрын
Near chicken, eat chicken. Near duck, eat duck.
@meloon5876 Ай бұрын
ICA should strictly give out our extremely precious & powerful Singapore citizenship to only those who ARE LOYAL to Singapore, not out for their own selfish or convenient economic gain. Which country needs "citizens" who will fled the moment there is economic downturn or war?
@jansg405 Ай бұрын
Most PRCs turned citizens want to make use of Singapore Passport to jump ship meaning to go to 🇺🇸. The India Indians are like them too.
@Mylovelydaddy8778 Ай бұрын
Exactly!! Most of the prc (I read on xiaohongshu often) who keep complaining on spore and even some already new citizens here but they don’t even want to learn national anthem and English to communicate because they always in their own group of ppls.
@jansg405 Ай бұрын
@mamamallow6027 they become Ass**le once they form a gang of their own kind.
@Slla-th5vt 11 күн бұрын
​@@Mylovelydaddy8778and they still refer to themselves as 中国人。
@Humorousguy64 Ай бұрын
Very very honest n realistic commitment to be Singaporean...Touchingn
@InfernoXV Ай бұрын
surprising she didn’t know non-mandarin forms of chinese can be written down. in this age of wikipedia and the internet? tsk.
@rogeretiennedelacruz3000 Ай бұрын
I can fully resonate with them, especially Joseph, as a mixed race person. I have a Chinese father and a Eurasian mother. I look Chinese, I have a general pale face. hahah It is easy for me to slip in and out but being a lot more fluent in Chinese, I am better with the Chinese community but I detest being considered as just being Chinese. It is a complete disregard of who truly am.
@RebekahAPinto Ай бұрын
Same here. Except for me, it's the other way around. When I was in primary, my mother(who doesn't know Mandarin or Cantonese at all, & the only dialect she speaks is Hainanese(which I don't even understand a word of it) wanted me to study in a Chinese school(due to me being very bad in maths) but luckily my dad put a stop to that...... because I was already struggling to pass exams in Sekolah Kebangsaan + none of us speaks Mandarin @ home.
@rogeretiennedelacruz3000 Ай бұрын
As a Singaporean, I was so touched by Tou Chen's sharing. As we put the difficulties of the Covid pandemic pandemic behind us, a lot of us have forgotten what the migrant workers had to go through. Many of them were infected, and had to go through the strictest of measures to prevent the widespread infection of the virus while helping to build the infrastructure work. The migrant workers were not neglected-, their safety and care were just as important as everybody's. That much I appreciate the government's care for every resident here. Great sharing from the 2 interviewees!
@sadistmy Ай бұрын
Oh no i just found your channel today and so far love it! Thank you guys and gals for this project and i hope we can see your collaboration of similar sorts and genre again in the future. All the best and good job!
@kwekkelvin Ай бұрын
It would be useful if there’s Chinese subtitles for the would be Chinese speaking people from China…
@hoonirene7534 Ай бұрын
👍🏼 discussion
@iAxianguy 2 ай бұрын
I am so moved by Tou Chen story of the migrant worker during COVID. 🙂🙏👍
@amyg1073 2 ай бұрын