@rabsharky 2 минут бұрын
BRAVO! Well said! I have been a fan since 1977 and am a member of the 501st. Seeing the horrible treatment people have had to endure for loving what they love in Star Wars has been breaking my heart.
@YellowKodiak 3 минут бұрын
Very Well said. people need to learn how to communicate and debate without personal attacks. We can disagree and come out the other side with a better understanding.
@McBearyOne 6 минут бұрын
THANK YOU! Exactly what is happening since the beginning of the internet: People that hate or have problems tend to be louder and pull people down with their negativity. I don’t watch any critic channel anymore, I ignore hate posts after commenting on a show. I just don’t care anymore about people that are negative about the things I love. Is Acolytes a good show? So far, I like it and I’ll rate it for myself after all episodes are out. It’s a bit short though, could’ve been longer episodes. And yes, any show has its ups and downs, but I love Star Wars and I consume everything I can like a vacuum on steroids. George Lucas didn’t do anything with the license anymore, so nobody loses anything, if he/she just ignores the new shows and watches the original trilogy over and over again (which is out of any competition anyway).
@dustinthegermanagent 6 минут бұрын
After seeing The Last Jedi Star Wars is just a joke. Yeah, I did see bits of The Rise of Skywalker & thought it was a disaster of a film. We can debate on the status of the franchise if you like.
@KatiaBarga 7 минут бұрын
I really got emocional when you mentioned luke and twin Suns. Its the best time to be a star wars fan and sometimes the worse too So much unnecessary hate...
@chitalian22 7 минут бұрын
Video sponsored and paid for by Disney.
@martincrabtree7378 7 минут бұрын
This show is trash,not being hateful
@owlbear2010 10 минут бұрын
Thanks you for bring this up. Iv noticed way to much hate and it’s dividing the starwars community. Keep doing what you do! We love you and may the force be with you!
@SaveDareDevil-Mx 11 минут бұрын
Also ^this doesn't get mentioned enough but bts, G.Lucas started to think about a refined version of the creativley complex but rushed & contradicting legends mess, b4 the disney aquissition was ever even in talks, & Lucas also passed starwars down to filoni before this signing of the whole company over to disney... ... but when this happened... Filoni didn't leave... or change... he only went along with the change in "IP-ownership" as part of the package deal of everyone that stayed hired, which was pretty much everyone, defended his creative control, & kept working with Lucas whenever Lucas had the time to bring both their combined untold stories about the connective tissue & expanding stories that were already thought up years before the disney aquissition to life in moving pictures & refined now-cannon comics. These things were all for the most part thought up b4 the acquisition & the process of turinging these into films also started if at least, concept & script wise & some of them even released b4 the star wars acquisition as well, like for example the 2D clone wars series & the beginning of the 3D clone wars seasons
@MotoAviator 12 минут бұрын
I really wish more people would speak up like this. I love that there is more and more Star Wars being made and I love that Disney/Lucasfilm is expanding the history and lore of the universe we all love. HOWEVER, at this point I almost with they would stop making more Star Wars because the fandom is so divisive and toxic that its making it almost miserable to be a Star Wars fan. I love this is universe and this fandom too much to see if torn apart by all of these George Lucas fanboys crying every time something new is introduced.
@joefeese4441 14 минут бұрын
You are absolutely right!! I have been a Star Wars fan for over 40 years and it can be a very toxic fan base. I am not a fan of the Acolyte so far, but to say it’s killed Star Wars is crazy! We need to be more positive
@zacharysmith7324 14 минут бұрын
@bunny4president 14 минут бұрын
Carly, you're probably one of my favorite peoples in the Star Wars community, and I agree that the hate is, and can be.... overwhelming, annoying, and tiresome. Peoples opinions are exactly that, sure, but by posting publicly and having a face, as you do, you've become a figure in the community, whether by intention or by subsequence, and we're all happy you're here. You're a super fan of Star wars, mainly because it's an amazing franchise, like you said, full of adventure and wonder... Many of us have grown up with it, and stick by the original trilogy, with some love and respect to the prequels, and things like Andor and Rogue One... but being a super fan, and having a platform, doesn't need to be about hate, but it should exist as a method of holding those accountable when they stray from the source material that has built the foundation for generations of people. Imagination is crucial. Creation, the very meaning of life. Fandom is important too. That's how legacies are forged. Mythos, that define time and perception. In this, I have to admit i feel it's your responsibility to hold the subsequent creators that have faltered from the path responsible, as I would hold myself accountable for the same deviation. When you create something, it starts with a vision... And that vision can evolve, but within the laws and construct of the principle you've defined. The Acolyte is simply awful, in every regard, its cannon breaking, spits on the legacy of the original foundation, and it sends all the wrong messages. This is, and was not, star wars by any stretch of the imagination. I respect you completely, and love your videos, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, and while HATE I do agree is unnecessary, however.... the heavy criticism is entirely warranted.
@NicVegas 16 минут бұрын
@1331Raven 24 минут бұрын
So you watch the Acolyte and you DO NOT ask yourself: But...this doesn't make any sense. What just happened? Why did Mae suddenly decided she's good? Where are all the ships on Coruscant? Why did they change Ki-Adi-Mundi's age? Why did Master Torbin just drink this potion? What did he do? He LITERALLY got caught by the witches in whatever that was. Even if there is a twist, by the time they get to it, the fans are already disappointed. And that is the main thing I'm trying to say, even thought I can't find the right words for it. Fans are disappointed, some are more vocal than others, me personally, until today, I've only commented on recent events in the show with my big brother (Im 28 if that matters). And there isn't a single thing to talk about, only weird turns the show decides to take, which ultimately falls on itself. Why is Star wars theory, my most favourite star wars youtuber so disappointed?(And why do I feel so sad watching him get disappointed?) The star wars guru himself questions EVERY scene of the Acolyte. If you eat food and it's bad you don't just smile and move along. You either swallow, or spit it out. And later comment on it. Some would think it wasn't bad. Sure. But as it stands, 86% of those that watch this show - hate it. It's normal. It's not the first show to ever receive hate. Imagine no one saying anything. The creators would think they're doing it right. Yeah the scores would show otherwise. Consequences. That is what this show reaps. It gave you bad food. Almost no one liked it. It received hate. Deal with it. I'm really sorry for this rant, I rarely speak about anything, as I consider it futile. After all, who cares what I think.
It is Poop I AssureYes
@tylerbokunewicz9420 25 минут бұрын
I understand the sentiment. But consider this. When the media, showrunners, and even the president of Lucasfilm goes out of their way to disrespect fans for being critical with the current direction of star wars, something that is considered a modern day myth. Why should fans take that level of disrespect and not expect to dish back out what they have been serving? I don't see genuine evidence of hate. I don't like the show, I personally think it's garbage and we as fans should be able to demand good writing. The last jedi divided fans for many good reasons. This show divides fans because it goes out of its way to disregard continuity. It's fine if you like something but to me Disney star wars failed to capture its audience and failed extremely to maintain Lucas's vision of the fighting between good and evil. I think it's easy to call people angry trolls when you dismiss what they are criticizing because Disney hates any kind of criticism. That's my take.
@LadyHwesta 26 минут бұрын
Thank you so much for this and opening up about yourself. Star Wars is about fun and there is so much we can like and agree upon that what we should concentrate on that. Oh, and, there is a Yoda origami pattern! Where, must have! Cheers!
@darthmaul13 27 минут бұрын
I look at it like this. It’s like the new Star Trek shows. They r injecting their own issues etc into them & they r just too on the nose! Where as before they were subtle & the viewer can draw their own conclusions. Also changing established lore where a character looks to now be lying about something is just stupid. They have a license to print money! All they need to do is give us a KOTOR trilogy or Darth Bane Trilogy & put cool interesting characters in it & people will eat it up regardless of their sex.
@SaveDareDevil-Mx 28 минут бұрын
🙏thank u, Thank u,, THANK U 🙏 ...for finally leading the big names of the fandom into finally say something, speaking out against the toxic infection spreading through the fandom, & proving wrong the idiotic lies of the statement going around that ALL starWars fans are finally coming together to UnAniMoUsLy hate on 1 thing as a collective group... cuz how the F can that even be beleived in the slightest by anyone with enough intact braincells & 2 working eyballs... especially when it's a show like the Acolyte that clearly shows a lot of care, effort, & prod quality, that also just happens to have very obvious controversial non-cannon-breaking inlcussions that would obviously trigger a grifter/bigot
@bagelhog4967 28 минут бұрын
That was a perfect statement I totally agree. Really like your take. I have not seen the show yet myself but heard some of the reactions to it and was just like ugh here we go again. I'm getting tired of that uglier side of the fandom. I will say that sometimes our emotions get the best of us humans and no one is perfect. We might get tribal about our favorite films and our strong opinions as you said. It's fine to express that as long as you don't excessively bully or rain on someones parade and target people who are actually enjoying it. I used to regrettably do this sometimes with my favorite music artists I would kind of snobbily look down at others tastes sometimes. I eventually figured out that it wasn't so cool and I'm glad I did. I tried to slow down and became more curious and less judgemental about music I didn't initially care for. I still have my likes and dislikes but you don't always need to be so vocal about it. I learned that there is space for everyone. If you really don't like something or it's not for you find something that is for you. Find new passions and don't waste so much time and energy hating on things that others enjoy. Life gets better when you do trust me. Also really relating to that Luke scene at this stage of my life. Thanks Carly
@Pab47 31 минут бұрын
What a lame KZfaq commentary, down voting
@evilz365b5 32 минут бұрын
People like us still make it special. Sure I would have done some things differently, but even in the wrost of Star Wars there is still a handfull of cool shit that is pure Star Wars. Also, not all of us look at you and just see some chick, you ARE one of us, my whole family loves your content from my kid, to the wife n me, even the grand parents. Don't let them cry babies shake you. But don't forget to make some time for you, that burnout is the real deal.
@RexinAround 33 минут бұрын
Hang in there! Everything you’re doing is 100% right, earnest, and with integrity. You’re the best of all of us.
@Cailus3542 35 минут бұрын
Yikes. This comment section is a toxic minefield. Carly, this will probably get lost amidst the other comments, but please take care of yourself. Don't drown in all of this negativity. I can't imagine what it's like going through all these comments.
@dehjosh 35 минут бұрын
I think with the Acolyte there are 3 ways to look at it. 1 - Is it a good show? Well produced? Well written? Does it make me care about about what comes next in the story or the characters? For me the answer is no. TBH it is kinda boring story. And production is not great. i.e. Post edited audio in Ep1 (I think). 2 - Does it break the cannon of Star Wars? And well TBH it has in several instances. I think most notably is Ep 3 and the rule of two. To me it seems like this Sith character has two apprentices. It breaks everything about the Sith in movies 1 to 6. And finally is who created it? And this is where we agree. Hatred, bigotry, etc. is not ok. And anyone who is saying stuff like "this is because a woman directed it" should be shamed beyond belief. Now me saying Kathleen Kennedy should be fired is different. I think she should be gone because she has constantly produced shows that is not in cannon TBH quite boring. This has nothing to do with her gender or anything. She never took the years to learn under Lucas like Filoni did she she does not have the expertise. But I think we also split discussing our displeasure for a project. I feel it is just as important as us discussing our pleasure for something. You say that you don't like to talk about things you don't like but frankly with the platform you do have I think you should. And this is why personally I don't put too much credit on people who review Disney content when they say they are being invited to private viewings. You may not be "paid" for your review but the moment that you say something bad about the content that Disney has made they will drop you. If Disney was to be ok with the criticism then people like SWT would be invited to events.
@blazindragon296 38 минут бұрын
my problem is Disney needs to keep politics out of their movies and actually tell a good story. I fell they have lost their way in good story telling because of their political views. I say this because this world is in shambles, and I want to be lost in the Star Wars world and be told such a fun story and have something Exciting to look forward to. Also, side note it's not just Star Wars its all of their movies they had released in the past 10 years roughly have lost their touch. I would love for them to come out with the Old Republic movies that is a gold mine if done correctly but I'm afraid they won't tell that story as well I as think they will be considering Disney's reputation of today is.
@dallaskinard3143 38 минут бұрын
Let's also point out the fans who resort to ad hominem attacks and personal insults when you DON'T just blindly love and consume every piece of SW content Disney has pushed out. Just because a fan doesn't like Reva, does NOT mean he's a racist sexist incel bigot who should be silenced for voicing that opinion. It goes both ways.
@MasterKCx 39 минут бұрын
Unnecessary hate .. ?? Strong opinions aren’t hate. So where’s the line?
@jasonschwartz80 43 минут бұрын
Okay. I follow a lot of channels. From guns to Star Wars. From race cars to whiskey. From gyms to cooking channels. … But this post, kid. Absolutely awesome. Keep being you!
@cozzmo17 43 минут бұрын
I will serve you lady Kryze until your song is written this is the way
@Gusabold 43 минут бұрын
The Fandom Menace?
@MrDarkSide111 43 минут бұрын
Disney shill
@Octaaf92 45 минут бұрын
Im sorry but this video feels incredibly forced and one sided. As someone who (like many it seems) doesnt like the Acolyte at all, i feel like the community is actually uniting and saying no to a director who does not care one bit about the brand, the franchise or the lore, and who's main purpose is to out her personal frustrations. Does this come from hate? no. It comes from passion for something we love and care about. Im also kinda confused about the fact that you say its getting review bombed when people do have valid reasons to dislike this series. And thats exactly what i mean with thats this video feels very forced. Its hard to take this as something that is sincere when the person making the video gets invited to premieres and many other Star Wars related events. Ofcourse you dont like being negative when you know very well that if you are, certain doors will close for you. And you say you get alot of hate because ''you are a woman wearing make up liking star wars''? Come on now.... lets just be real and admit that a very, very big part of your subscribers/followers started following you for THAT exact reason.
@NoThanksBrody 50 минут бұрын
Brother who doesn’t like you because your a woman who wears makeup and likes Star Wars. L vid
@JayTheRobin 51 минут бұрын
I don't like the Acolyte so far because the writing and the way the story is presented has been mediocre and amateurish. If other people like it, that's fine but just as you and many others are calling out the loud minority of Star Wars fans that truly are spiteful and hateful for many reasons you should also call out the “Pro-Acolyte” side when they unjustly and prejudicially label people who don’t like the Acolyte as “-ists” and “-phobes”. Not all the people that dislike the Acolyte think the same as these incels. We just want a well written story that values the pre-established world of Star Wars and not just change the lore to fit a narrative inorganically. We want a story that actually makes us connect with the characters and have that sense of escapism and fantasy/mysticism, not just ideologies and agendas. I am a male and most of my formative years I grew up with my wonderful mom and older sister and have many friends that are a part of the LGBTQ community or are active supporters of it. Most of my favorite stories have great female leads and supporting characters in them and that goes double for Star Wars. So it burns me to see the head of Lucasfilm and so many people with a “platform” say that “The Star Wars fandom” is sexist, masogynistic and any other descriminatory label when that is not even close to the majority. People will always over react and resist change when adapting to the times, some more than others. All I ask is that the people in charge don’t just jump to conclusions and bash on the people that critique the new projects but still want to support the franchise and ultimately destroy that good will with us in the long run.
@kiry2099 52 минут бұрын
Well, mami, most creators are fake, and they act or respond or have some characteristic like yours, which is why people hate them. Remember, there's a lot of hate on social media, especially when you don't pay attention to people. haters hate.
@Pandee_customs 52 минут бұрын
I quite enjoyed the acolytes episodes 1 2 and 4. I am very hopeful for the show to be good but I don’t agree with the intentions of the actors and directors but I’m still super hopeful for a good show.
@alejandrovilla2871 55 минут бұрын
Respect Carly. I remember me and my brothers reciting /acting out the mustafar scene between Ani and Padme/Obi. That’s the happiness I miss. At the end of the day, I just want some great storytelling and I feel like recently only the animated shows have been hitting harder than live action 😢 anyways always hold on to hope everyone 😊
@JerichoLeon 58 минут бұрын
Great commentary! Keeping it positive!
@eliezerrodriguez5863 Сағат бұрын
@darthtitan8315 Сағат бұрын
YES, YEEES, Let the hate flow through you.. jk
@DextrousJOE Сағат бұрын
I have never been more frustrated being a SW fan, yes the shows have not been perfect. However do we need to be the same people that caused Lucas to sell and stop making SW films to get the change??
@EmeraldJEM710 Сағат бұрын
Preach It Sister! Bring positivity back to our fandoms by ignoring the Anti-Fans!
@sickskoobie6768 Сағат бұрын
Never judge. Fully respect the opinions of others. Even if they are not your own. Have fun! Show love. The force is with us always! 👍
@advmotoviking3581 Сағат бұрын
Thanks so much for using your platform to say this. I couldn’t possibly agree with you more, and this absolutely had to be said. I’m also a lifelong Star Wars fan (geriatric millennial here) and very well-versed in every little pedantic nuance of its lore. The volume and flavor of hate this show has spawned is disgusting. The show is ok. It has aspects I like, and aspects I don’t. Things that give me goosebumps and things that make me cringe. In the end, it’s just another Star Wars story to add to all the others in my head and I’m grateful for that. How boring this all would be without fresh ideas and perspectives.
@ghareebcolt3954 Сағат бұрын
Hi Carly new subscriber here. Thank you for making this video. Getting picked on for liking star wars as a kid sucked. Seeing "fans" pick on each other is almost worse.
@SnowDragon24 Сағат бұрын
I can’t believe KK doubled down!??! make her put a chick in it and make her gay & lame 😂😂
@grayflaneur4854 Сағат бұрын
If you don't have a copy already, please get yourself a copy of the Ralph Mcquarrie Portfolio. It comes in two volumes and weighs like 20 pounds. It is easily found on Amazon, etc., and it is absolutely fabulous. Totally full of his actual paintings as well as design concept work. Really a wonderful exploration of his work. If you get bitten by the Star Wars art bug (Its like it's own thing..), check out the five volume set of books done by George Lucas between like 2010 and 2013. It covers concept, illustration, posters, comics, etc. Absolutely great stuff. Its like food for the soul. Of course, there are all the movie art and concept art books that really help illuminate the creative process of the movies. Specifically, the art books for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX really show some of the links between Lucas' final outlines for the sequels and what they evolved into as part of Lucasfilm's efforts under its ownership by Disney. I appreciate your content and guidance you provide on light sabers. I started my experience with Star Wars in 1977 as a seven year old boy. Its a life long love through adolescence, time in the army, college, my professional career, fatherhood, etc. Your input on light sabers has been wonderful in experiencing Galaxy's Edge with my son and daughter. They are 20 and 22, but sharing the experience of building light sabers at Savi's was great. In a sense, you became part of it. Thank you.
@thedabbincabin Сағат бұрын
I love your channel and love you are a women that loves Starwars and how you want positivity I really do if this show gave you same spark it did when you were a kid that is amazing. It is. like I don’t want to be someone who makes it seem out right awful. But to me at least this is worst Starwars show I can think of and things it’s doing and breaking canon is so annoying George wrote the first 6. old heads didn’t like prequels and some Star Wars fans didn’t like a lot of the acting but I always stood by them and loved them so if that’s how you feel about acolyte that’s understandable I can’t really be mad at you for having opinion but it feel the writers don’t understand Star Wars it makes me worried that they’ll keep changing stuff just because it’s what they want or include things to fit some agenda at end of day just because I’m a person who doesn’t like it doesn’t mean if Carly or a friend irl likes the show that’s inherently wrong it’s just not. This topic makes my head hurt.