Moving with my homing pigeon.
What should I feed my pet pigeon?
Do you really think pigeons eat that?
One must pet the pigeon
2 жыл бұрын
Pros and Cons of having a pet pigeon
@KisatoMbili 2 күн бұрын
that awkward feeling when you need an auto-translation of an English video shot for a Russian person's channel.....
@cuckoos_ 3 күн бұрын
This is exactly how it went for our budgies. We'd spend everyday with our first one for years, him out the cage with us and toys, he developed bad hormonal issues and had to hump his toys everyday. Despite our constant attention and bonding with him, and making sure he had a good diet/vet visits said he was okay, and we always tried to keep his hormonal behaviour down in every way we could. When we got the second bird, his hormonal issues stopped. He doesn't hump any toys anymore, or the other budgie, he is more himself again :) however, like you said...they aren't that close, they bicker and refuse to share food and the new bird is young and fiesty, however they're bonded and will preen and feed eachother despite not being super chummy ❤
@excelternow 3 күн бұрын
Same for me. My first pigeon was happy with just me. Then I rescued a second bird whom she hated! I released the second after his injury healed. 🕊️🌠
@sad_doggo2504 3 күн бұрын
I could not handle my birds following me everywhere, I would cook and eat them I'd get so annoyed! 😂 But that's why having a mated pair is perfect for me. They're in their own little world, just like me. Except when its peanuts time. Then they are AAAALL about me lol
@muhammadishfaq6621 6 күн бұрын
hi good girl❤❤❤ pigeon good❤❤❤ please WhatsApp number please answer me
@thegreatoutdoorsbakersfield 7 күн бұрын
So cute
@ChelsFoReal 10 күн бұрын
I ABSOLUTELY love your videos, I just discovered your channel. I have one bird already, a green-cheek conure named Piggie, And, two guinea pigs named Tiramisu and Cappucino! Anyway, I have thought for so long to get a pigeon and your videos are so cute and entertaining (dont forget informational) but thank you for your content <3
@thomasfrazier3378 10 күн бұрын
It can replace a cell phone and send the most secure messages ever. Morpheus had some in John Wick too
@flashlitestriker4028 10 күн бұрын
So... ALL pet Pigeons DON'T take kindly to birdy-harnesses ("flypers")???
@user-iq5kg8em2y 11 күн бұрын
I have already 38 pigeons
@TheSluebke 11 күн бұрын
I enjoy your videos and your little humor nuggets sprinkled throughout. I love pigeons but am not sure if I am ready to commit to owning one (I mean cohabitating with one). Until then, i will live vicariously through you.
@Telechad 12 күн бұрын
We dont have pigeons in texas... We have mexican chickens though.
@AlexWhittemore-it6rs 12 күн бұрын
Mike Tyson ahh backstory.
@geostillo78 13 күн бұрын
You have a very nice, clean apartment. I bet there's pigeon shit everywhere. And that's a damn shame lady.
@jenniroberds1571 15 күн бұрын
We just got a dove. I was curious, someone since told me their poo is dangeous??
@Murder.Muffin 15 күн бұрын
are your birds potty trained? would you mind showing the process if they are? thank you <3
@Murder.Muffin 15 күн бұрын
come back to youtube?
@Me_llamo_vic_arte 17 күн бұрын
I have a dove, and 3 parrots. Two budgies and a cockatiel. They do not get along very well. The can chill sometimes but dove is very mean and will chase them around lol they just prefer to sit on my head and be around me. It’s so sad cause it’s a rescue 😭
@Telechad 19 күн бұрын
I noticee her foot ring, you can take it off with a pair of plyers.
@pufocina 11 күн бұрын
The Medic?!
@Telechad 19 күн бұрын
@68fosforo 20 күн бұрын
Beautiful colors . I had birds for so many years. Ended up having over 100 birds. And they are awesome pets. Mine were outside. In a pigeon loft. Eventually I had to part with them. For medical reasons. But hopefully down the road I will get back into it. Love pigeons.
@mattmason7554 23 күн бұрын
What about the poop
@oppositeofh8 23 күн бұрын
our pigeon has bonded to my teenage son & whenever my son goes into the bathroom, the bird just flies from my son's bed to the bathroom door & back again, until my son is finished & exits. but when my son leaves the house, the bird will deem one of the rest of us "good enough" to hang out with. 😹 with four people in the house, it's pretty rare for our bird to be alone for any length of time. he's the king of the household & we live to serve our feathery ruler. 😻
@nekomasteryoutube3232 10 сағат бұрын
Lol, you people are just the back up family when your sons not around lol XD
@inershareaville9206 24 күн бұрын
How about the dynamic between 2 girls or 2 boys? Is one of those cpmbos more aggresive or wpuld that be better?
@DAVID77774 24 күн бұрын
Why did You stop making videos on Your little friends. I enjoy and learn alot from watching The Love You give to Your birds Thomas x
@oppositeofh8 24 күн бұрын
my kids & i have a house pigeon (he prefers "house falcon") named horus. he lives in our house & doesn't have a cage. we found him on the street after he fell from his nest as a baby & his parents were shunning him. we fed a particular flock on our street, daily, so we knew the various birds well. he's been with us for about four years -- i hope he lives to 15. we love him so much & he makes our lives very happy. pigeons have so much to give & they're such a joy to have around. we had another house pigeon before horus, our dear compass, that we allowed outside but he eventually met his demise after about six years. losing compass was heartbreaking, i think i'll always miss him. that's why we keep horus indoors & he's none the wiser. he's spoiled, bossy, loving, smart, & funny. pigeons are also loyal. they are fantastic pets!
@contrarianrealist3898 24 күн бұрын
I usually don’t watch random videos but this was great. Never owned a pigeon was more of a hookedbill kinda guy, but kinda want a pigeon now that my hookbill passed (old age no neglect). Appreciate you.
@yashin2068 25 күн бұрын
I love birds :)
@pigeonfun1771 26 күн бұрын
4:44 Is nobody gonna talk about hoe the bird just landed on her should the perfect time 😳
@leonBUSSNESMROINA 28 күн бұрын
I give mealworms to pigeons and they like it
@gardenair700 29 күн бұрын
I had a pigeon find me. He’s a racing pigeon that showed up in my yard and I finally brought him in after 2 days. The owner didn’t want him back… so now he’s mine, but he’s alone. So now I’m considering getting another pigeon. He’s not very handleable… hopefully this changes in time.
@Christopher28283 Ай бұрын
That a cute fat pigeon 😍
@elkejohanna8611 Ай бұрын
Please can you tell me what you do with the droppings?pigeons are poop machine sadly and I don't see healthy for her to aleays wear deapper...
@erikas6362 Ай бұрын
I just watched all your videos. Your editing and humour is so wonderful! The mix of informative and entertaining is perfect! I'm hoping to welcome my first pigeon friend into my home this year and after watching your videos I'm even more excited! Thanks for making these wonderful videos!! :)
@cositoelpalomo Ай бұрын
@sucrecalderon Ай бұрын
I got many wild pigeons and some got a name too ,,they come when i call them and eat out of my hand ,i pet them too ,some only with peanuts in hand ,without they not want that i pet them and fly on hand and away again😅,,,when i work in garden they follow me like soldiers and some try to land on my shoulder or head😂
@LionheartNh Ай бұрын
I have a feral pigeon called Steve (I'm fairly sure he is male). Anyway he was injured by a predator (probably a cat) and his right eye was so badly damaged he cannot see out of it. Six months later he is fully healed although blind in the right eye. He loves being on his own and tells me off if I stroke him to much. I cannot let him go as he will almost certainly fall prey to another animal but he seems really happy living with me where he is fed and looked after. He hardly ever comes out of the bathroom and doesn't follow me around so I guess I have a pet pigeon for life without being followed lol.
@nohahamdy4452 Ай бұрын
I love pigeons
@AbigaileCZ Ай бұрын
It's good that you are bringing up this topic. I have dozens of rescued pigeons at home and have observed that they form pairs with those they find sympathetic. You can't just take any two pigeons, put them together, and think it will be fine. I offer people the chance to temporarily take their pigeon, and with a bit of luck, it will pair up here. Then I return two pigeons to them. I wish every pigeon owner had such an opportunity. When they are in a true pair, it's a beautiful sight.
@BLGsophie Ай бұрын
Very well done. The video
@LMG7 Ай бұрын
Good advice.
@peterhulse1064 Ай бұрын
don't they poop all over?
@BossFlight Ай бұрын
Pigeons were domesticated and abandoned, not sure why'd be illegal, it is as legal as raising a cat or a dog.
@mohammadalmasalmeh6 Ай бұрын
Your pigon is trying to mate with another one 😂😂 its making the sine it needs a female
@summersmooth Ай бұрын
" Pigeons are so clever little birds ,xxx "
@summersmooth Ай бұрын
@summersmooth 0 seconds ago I use to be homeless up untill january this year. I use to sit out side home bargains begging everyday. everyday fgor 12 moth a brown pigeon would come sit with me everyday and share food i got of customers. She once came with an broken egg stuck to her bottom, so i caught her and removed the shell. I am now in recovery and live in a lovely home. but that little pigeon got me through the covid lockdown and she was so inelligent, Just after 2 weeks i saw her in the main city of Wakefield, I saw a pigeon the same color as my pal, so i shouted and to my amazment, it was my pal. she flew out of the pack and wobbled running straight towards me lol xx
@lornemcneil Ай бұрын
Screw regulators and thier regulations 😊
@user-do6qr9rm3l Ай бұрын
А ты оказывается русская 😊
@nicolehirsz-rivet9340 Ай бұрын
Do they poop everywhere ?
@muiravenue7182 Ай бұрын
Pigeons are smart one of mine could open the seed drum lid and jump inside to Eat - Recognised faces every letter of the alphabet - they have probably read all your books while you are away