Review: UnMetal
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@Calypso694 21 сағат бұрын
just picked up WOA and the devs definitely know their fan base. The moment iwas wondering "gee i wonder if theres going to be a hotel level" and immediately the next mission was the hotel level. Amazing.
@c.jarmstrong3111 Күн бұрын
Over a decade and many good memories. Love you George
@LiamMurphy-sw6ng 2 күн бұрын
Jesus I’m watching this in 2024…
@breadmilkYT 3 күн бұрын
Sonic does literally every right like music, design, sound, and now movies. Only thing they don't do right is actual video games lmao
@user-ow1bc4sx2r 3 күн бұрын
I started playing this game blind and got 10 minutes in before I just stopped, uninstalled and went to look up a review. In that exceedingly short amount of time played it felt almost like a bad Mario maker level, with platforms and enemies semi-randomly placed. I play metroidvanias as a completionist usually and like to explore but it only took like 3-4 completely empty rooms that looped back into the same path to make me realize “ah, there’s no reward here”
@Thenameless1 3 күн бұрын
I swear Superbunnyhop videos always have a prescient and timeless quality to them.
@c.jarmstrong3111 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for continuing to make great video essays
@Bluberry31 4 күн бұрын
I just got the platinum for this game. The best item is definitely the stabiliser lv 3… cause now I can jump off cliffs
@Gaz66d 4 күн бұрын
10:00 “recessive clone” Inferior clone, Solid was the dominant but inferior one. Liquid only thought his genes were flawed because they were recessive. But they hold Big Boss’s strongest soldier traits. Ocelot even says lost credits “the inferior one was the victor after all” This means that Liquid wasn’t told the truth about his genes superiority, but he was operating under the assumption that if he’s not “dominant” he has the smol p.p and that makes him “inferior” by his own misunderstanding of how genetic alleles work.
@ghhn4505 4 күн бұрын
@Thenameless1 5 күн бұрын
Thus reminds me of the depth of exploration in a particular niche of gameplay present in the Reciever games, albeit related to walking not operating a firearm.
@efsa95 5 күн бұрын
10 God damn years ago. I hope you're doing well George. This was my favorite channel for the time and one of my favorite hosts of one of my favorite podcasts.
@X7393 6 күн бұрын
I’m very much stuck on the double plated red laser walls! 😮
@X7393 6 күн бұрын
It’s the same thing as the part 2 game of Axiom!? Those laser walls are so annoying that it’s not even funny anymore! 😮
@Jlezy 6 күн бұрын
While the side ops are still boring, if you want to just finish them for the sake of finishing them, use stealth camo, easiest thing you can do.
@xBINARYGODx 6 күн бұрын
There are legions of videos talking about the issues with this remake, but I dont see nearly any blowback in those comments - but man, the fanboys from when this game was newer sure are triggered little babies.
@xBINARYGODx 6 күн бұрын
nvm, I sorted by new and there still are triggered babies. Weird - i guess they avoid the other videos.
@Thenameless1 7 күн бұрын
0:53 Shit man, the more things change the more they stay the same.
7 күн бұрын
@Thenameless1 7 күн бұрын
Really hate the way this George guy pronounces his Ts in Automata, but he was my favorite character on Seinfeld so he gets a pass.
@bigtimediamond1088 7 күн бұрын "Tricks and Traps?" That reminds me of MAP08, the eighth level of Doom II's initial release episode: Hell on Earth. I've gotten very few blues better than the Dave D. Taylor Blues (which I don't think is primarily a blues track, but still blues-inspired)! Of course, UnMetal doesn't seem to be as polished as Doom 2 (which itself has some levels with inconsistent quality), but is still somewhat neat to observe because of its rough, yet interesting blend of classic 2D stealth and poking fun at the tropes of the classic Metal Gear games.
@Thenameless1 8 күн бұрын
To be honest I don't think there's anything wrong with making an anti-wargame fun or to put it more appropriately, engaging. It's like, keeping the player engaged is for the most part a fundamental part of how games just work. Weaving your game's themes and aesthetics together with gameplay that asks the player to engage with it has alot more potential to get a point across to the player than if the medium did the opposite. Like a game who's end goal is to not be played or to discourage a player from continuing as an anti-war statement may not be invalid as a piece of art, but it certainly comes off as not utilizing the medium to it's fullest potential and maybe even being just pretentious.
@andersonsansonowski5644 8 күн бұрын
100% facts
@caraeabha8632 8 күн бұрын
with the side ops, there is a third option, use stealth camo to do it faster and make it less tedious
@SalvadorSonOfZedicus 8 күн бұрын
Jake Eyes sent me here.
@catpoke9557 8 күн бұрын
I am so absolutely distraught we didn't get the second part of the game where you get to play as early humans.
@mrpgr2321 10 күн бұрын
Playing non leathal is way more hard and trying to get zero alarm and zero kill on permadeath is very hard.
@mrpgr2321 10 күн бұрын
I don't know the PC you got for the gameplay but it must be powerful in 2016 critera. Because the graphics and colors are way better than on Xbox one even if I agree colors has more to do with tv but still consoles are limited quality vs top pc.
@taintidpictures 10 күн бұрын
Weird to think $18 million was crazy, but they just surpassed $700 million
@RecruitXP 11 күн бұрын
i just wana fast forward your video into rainbow six today... and show tom clancy spinning in his grave... calmly..,
@phillipshrader5726 11 күн бұрын
For me, the biggest problem is finding enough green and black metals...and im on floor 23 with no irl cash... The real key is to use specific classes for what you want in your run. Also, TDM is where you grind cash and splithium, quests for death metals and trading in skematics and skills for the other currency... Send your chars on expeditions and defense for passive gains of random stuff. Its a grind, but really what game with rpg elements isnt?
@jairdinh7563 14 күн бұрын
For your music take that is literally the point. You first enter this area and it seems beautiful and serene then the music plays. After a while exploring the area you see all this horrific mutilation and the music doesn't change but now its context is drastically different and it contradicting the tone of what is happening only accentuates it to a higher level. Not all music needs to fit the exact specific basic tone of a scene it can do anything it can even contradict it there are no limits to what can fit.
@czarkowskipawelyt 14 күн бұрын
@Cartograph176 14 күн бұрын
Pretentious bullshit video for a pretentious bullshit game.
@craigashcraft7599 14 күн бұрын
I had to play on easy because I fucking suck at games and life
@Sinn0100 17 күн бұрын
Bioshock sold way more on console than it did PC. The reason it hit such critical acclaim was because it released across so many platforms. Without a console release, it would have been remembered fondly by PC only gamers and one locked out of its full potential but I digress... Perhaps the worst take is the notion that playing System Shock 1 or 2 on a controller would be impossible. My friend, the days of being limited by any control scheme have long since past us. We are living during a time when everything is possible. It's a time where standard consoles come with 16GB of GDDR6 RAM. A time where most PC games can be played on the go. It's a timeline where System Shock, Stalker (all of them), Age of Empires (all of them), Populace, Civilization, ect...are all playable with an Xbox controller. It's a timeline where System Shock 2 is being released on all modern hardware in due course (thank you, Night Dive). It's a fantastic future for the retro gamer longing to play all of those old DOS and Windows games. I hear we might be getting XCOM and X-Wing/Tie Fighter in due course. Absolutely fantastic!
@zblackcapricorn 17 күн бұрын
I can't remember the year, but I do know the story of how a small Norwegian village "solved" a murder. They put the victim's severed head inside of a linen sack and hanged it up in the church. Then every man in the village had to stand under the sack for a certain ammount of time. The idea was that when the murderer stood under the head, God or the woman's ghost (can't remember which) would make the blood from the sack drip down on to the man's head so that the murderer would be revealed to the other villagers.
@georgelopez7926 17 күн бұрын
He was right back then and he's definitely right now
@dr6559 18 күн бұрын
Well, the Bethesda and Activision buyout is going well. Tango’s dead, Xbox is still in 3rd, the industry isn’t doing so hot right now. On the upside, I think these acquisitions are going to slow down significantly for a little while at least. If you’re worried about Sony or Microsoft buying up all publishers and locking everything down, well basically everything is going multiplatform these days; they can’t afford not to.
@EonFigure 19 күн бұрын
This game mode was completely bias and tailored the for the spy to win. Advantages the spy had: Magical air-taser: breaks physics: due to it firing concentrated electricity in plasma bolts? Infinite ammo btw only a quick recharge time. Mythical Grenade: It auto-fired...that's right, fired 3 grenades WITHOUT reloading. Ignored collision: That ground lunge of theres never had a down side against walls or obstacles, it was intentionally not programmed in. No bonking your head like the mercs had with their charge-attack. Magical lungs: Why the heck didnt they fall asleep from their own gas grenades, bias. Magical Smoke: it physically slowed down the merc as if it was matter occupying space as a barrier. For mercs it was like walking through chest deep water. Infinite stamina: Hang from a ledge by your fingertips as long as you want, run as long as you want. Maps specifically made for the spies: How many maps have you seen in ANY other game that look like a jungle gym. Man-sized vents everywhere. Low lighting everywhere: Not even doom 3 had stages that dark. Complied with that single shade element of only one type of black colored rendered, and yes, it was invisibility just by standing in a shadow. More lives: Really? THE ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE Third Person Camera: lets you see around corners. Omni Vision basically. Yes the mercs had firearms but it took about 7-8 shots to kill a spy. the only effective weapon was the mines and grenade launcher...which were canceled out by the spy havinh a sleeping camera they could snipe with at long range from the dark. This game was never meant to be balanced it was meant to make ubisofts wannabe samfisher (the spy) as the hero. No way the developers were going to make a game where their main character loses. That would cancel them out, most importantly their sales. You cant sell a loser, your hero has to win. The spy, which is a spin-off of sam, had to be the victor for the vs-mode, otherwise people would of laugh at ubisoft and stop buying their games. 7:28 it's very evident you didnt play tournaments otherwise you wouldnt be saying that. At competitive lans i experienced nearly invincible spies due to mercs being underpowered. Even today if you watch modern replays of good players, youll see how difficult it is to play merc. Think of it this way just as the tip of the iceberg, spies each have 20-25 sleep cameras each. The Spies had accurate tasers...the mercs had inaccurate guns.
@Nikusa-Gameplay 20 күн бұрын
Let it die : farm game to be strong , so shut your mount dude . Go and farm and play
@dragondragonwolf 21 күн бұрын
Death Stranding borrows imagery and themes from Eva more overtly than Metal Gear did.
@Ultimate_Sin-ry9iw 21 күн бұрын
It's basically the exact same as Origins
@RPGCrash 21 күн бұрын
Australia probably wasnt mentioned because its a smaller market, but its super whacky, give it a look. Fable, when it was originally released on xbox, was a soft M, which has no age restriction. Fable: the Lost Chapters on PC and Xbox, was rated MA15+, getting an age restriction. Then Fable Aniversary on Xbox 360 was given our fresh new rating of R18+. It makes no sense at all.
@craigashcraft7599 22 күн бұрын
Lol upgrades like 'you can carry one more health or grenade' is so pointless unless that shit matters to you I guess, but yeah I've quit games just because I didn't care to stop and upgrade every five damn minutes
@wavereb 22 күн бұрын
Well seems like sbh prognosticated the shit were in now fairly well
@NeutralDrow 23 күн бұрын
There's something kind of fun and wacky in how Sophitia _only_ makes sense when taken as a whole, because otherwise the individual bits of context make no sense on their own. Why is she a warrior (besides her own personal badassery)? There's a pretty long-running tradition of them in the eastern Mediterranean. Why would that be the case when she's from basically the most misogynistic Greek city-state, and not Sparta or Scythia or wherever? Because it's not Ancient Greece any more, it's a couple millenia later and the Ottomans are in charge. But then wouldn't it make more sense for her to be Orthodox Christian or Sunni Muslim? It would if Hepaestus didn't _literally talk to her_ on the regs. Not at all historical, but kind of a fun, weirdly-balanced ahistoricity.
@shubhamgupta4919 23 күн бұрын
"Nothing to do with title"? Athetos is an Axiom
@gyozanomics 23 күн бұрын
Tekwar predates this by a year making it the original immersive sim
@DarenSankari 24 күн бұрын
7:31 Where is that sound clip from??
@JuggyFM 25 күн бұрын
So the plot is basically Training Day?