EVO Japan 2024 News | Triple K.O. #72
Fatal Fury Blowout! | Triple K.O. #70
Ed, Tekken 8, and EVO! | Triple K.O.
Tekken 8 REVIEW! | Triple K.O.
Soul Calibur  | Triple K.O.
6 ай бұрын
MK1 & SF6 Issues?  | Triple K.O.
MK1 Review!  | Triple K.O.
9 ай бұрын
MK1, Tekken 8, EVO Talk!  | Triple K.O.
EVO 2023 Recap  | Triple K.O.
11 ай бұрын
Rashid & The Lin Kuei | Triple K.O.
SF6, MK1, FGC UPDATES! | Triple K.O.
MK1 Hands-on! | Triple K.O.
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SF6 REVIEW!  | Triple K.O.
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@MajinAsuraPath 2 күн бұрын
Super DBZ is more of an 3D fighter than had 2D inputs for specials. Like Akuma in Tekken. The game suffers from Tekken 4 stage syndrome.
@RougeMephilesClone 3 күн бұрын
The Kill la Kill: IF arena fighter is the most competitive game of its type, to the point of having a competitive mod in ongoing development that makes it easier to run on weaker computers and makes the story-exclusive characters real, among other things. It's a lot closer to a normal anime airdasher in terms of speed, mechanics, and combo length than any other arena fighter, there is no split screen camera, and it only takes like three minutes to fully unlock the small roster. Kill la Kill: IF is up there with Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy as an arena fighter I can point to as proving the formula works for fun, competitive play.
@bananabike279 4 күн бұрын
Braum looks glorious! I loved that thumbnail in Max's video hahaha
@ComboTrigger 4 күн бұрын
The lack of anime arena knowledge hurts me so much lol No mention of Spike, Byking and the Kill La Kill struggle 😭
@Charlie_Xmas 5 күн бұрын
F. Yagami is a legend himself! TFG been around since 2001! He is the reason I got into fighting games. i'm so glad you guys got him on the podcast! Go blow up his Steve videos and go follow him on Twitch! 🤙
@Vt3kbOi 5 күн бұрын
MVC4 4V4 😮
@maddoggnick96 5 күн бұрын
There was a Metal Slug character (I think Fio) in KOF2000 as a Striker as well.
@jorrellrichardson3181 5 күн бұрын
Jm crafts is awesome you should have him on
@jorrellrichardson3181 5 күн бұрын
Jm crafts is awesome you should have him on
@tj_puma 5 күн бұрын
42:00 as a league player for 10+ years, them being obvlious to these awesome characters is very entertaining XD Vladimir is who justin wants to name, and Samira is who Max wants in this game. Samira is extremely likely to be added in, as she would be the "dante" of this game. 43:40 The "Sentinal" of this game would be Malphite: The "biggest" scaled character in league. He's litteraly a mountain lol. Nautilus would be my best guess though, as a he is a titan goliath with an anchor, a very common pick in most metas.
@hateful8bit 5 күн бұрын
I love the JWong, YIPES duo.
@shonenderpb4760 6 күн бұрын
8ing made the very good Clash of Ninja series for Naruto on GameCube and Wii with TOMY, however the game you were think of was Ultimate Ninja which was made by CyberConnect22 and i yhink they had hands in it before they were called that. 8ing honestly couldve had hands in Ultimate Ninja too ngl it has their dna all over it but i dont know as much about this series
@CMerig 6 күн бұрын
this was such a great episode. please give us the Yipes special before the MvC collection!
@Blurrygil 6 күн бұрын
I STILL feel the OST doesn't fit with MvC2. I was there DAY ONE when we got the Naomi kit in the arcade I was managing. When it booted up, I loved the characters, the chaotic gameplay, etc. But to this very day, and I know I'm alone on this hill to die on, I still don't like the original soundtrack with MvC2 🤷🏻‍♂️
@RDG99 6 күн бұрын
Warframe's fighting minigame can be accessed anytime but yeah it's still there
@RDG99 6 күн бұрын
I remember the final boss thing they were talking about happened in Tekken 7 and it was fun as hell
@SlimeKingK 6 күн бұрын
i think a major One Piece game would be on hold until the series’ final stretch can be seen so that the dlc could contain the end.
@STRIDERSPINEL 6 күн бұрын
how about an arena/anime fighters epidose? FT. GuileWinQuote
@TevorTheThird 6 күн бұрын
So about rosters favorites, I'll admit to getting a little salty anytime my boy Shingo Yabuki gets snubbed but really I used to get more upset about character overhauls then anything else. For instance Lin, also from KoF, was my edgelord of choice then he got basically a complete do over and was essentially a different guy. That was worse to me, at the time, then when he got cut outright. Or the way so many MvC2 characters had to be massively reworked to even function with only four buttons. There are two things that happened that made me change my tune and I'll never complain about a roster again; First - NetherRealm. Their no sacred cows approach to sequels, it turns out, is something I actually love. It really proved to me that even if you think certain characters "always" have to be there, or that characters "have to" play a certain way, well, you're wrong. It had been done on a case by case basis before, guys like Kyo or Jin Kazama for example, but NR doesn't give a F'. They'll 100% change their most iconic characters game to game. And it's fine. New game, new you. Second - Honestly this is the big one. They put Shuma Gorath in MvC3. WTF. My friends couldn't believe it. My #1 low tier, beloved, pet character, freako. I can never complain again simply because I already won. I got mine. Everything else on is just gravy. I hope you all get yours someday.
@steelixman 6 күн бұрын
i think max is so on point with the mk community
@geosan312 6 күн бұрын
I love fighters generation! I'm so excited for MvC collection.
@misplaydave 6 күн бұрын
That was fun, you guys should advertise this more
@bendoucet8641 6 күн бұрын
Where's footage of the new buster wolf?
@user-vn7rq7dn4x 6 күн бұрын
On the topic of 2XKO, I wonder what these three would think of Samira who is basically League's Dante character. She would be a hugely cool character for a fighting game.
@garrickgreathouse 6 күн бұрын
I refunded MK1 because it shipped so busted, and any drive I had to re-purchase it just died after that.
@CappuccinO80 6 күн бұрын
Thanks Matt for sharing the 1v1 question. I'm one of those who hate the kameo system and just want 1v1, along with all my acquaintances who play fighting games. We're old school MK fans who never really cared about the competitive aspect, and I believe we're part of a big chunk of the actual MK audience. Kameos are OK as a new gimmick, but we just want Mortal Kombat to be Mortal Kombat, mano a mano, one versus one like it always was. I get that it may be boring for more competitive-minded players, but that's not the case for us. Right now I'm not even considering getting season 2 of MK content, but if a 1v1 option is added, I'll pick the game back up for sure.
@soggy11 6 күн бұрын
I’ll play the LoL fighting game if Pyke is in it
@GigaMan91 6 күн бұрын
Max is laying on that MvC2 Twitch Rivals tease real thick.
@gregmeli951 7 күн бұрын
Sajam Slam is the best FGC Content Model for tournaments IMO. I think Justin should do closer to that
@emperormegaman3856 7 күн бұрын
Bleach could lean more towards 3d fighter with some Arena fighter rather than full Arena Fighter.
@veeng5619 7 күн бұрын
@perriwinkleiii5361 7 күн бұрын
13:02 Yes, this whole thing about cutting away from the game too early is a huge problem in Smash Ultimate. When the red kill screen flashes, it doesn't automatically mean the attack killed, but if production thinks it killed, you'll be left stuck watching the players for 5 seconds while the game is still going, and they have to cut back. The popoff meta has gone a bit too far, I'd say
@QuietStorm3007 7 күн бұрын
Kill la Kill
@zubrhero5270 7 күн бұрын
Anime games: Is it a fighter? Do you hold down a button to charge your <insert anime trope like chakra>? Is it Dynasty Warriors but with <anime team>? Yeah? Always is.
@Gimnbo 7 күн бұрын
Capcom already knows people like Makoto in theory. What I wonder is if Tominaga will give the SF6 crowd second thoughts about letting the demon child anywhere near them.
@erykvermeulen882 7 күн бұрын
I was almost certain they hadnt mentioned KI this episode and boom hits me at with the KI 12 minutes left
@ext609 6 күн бұрын
lol 🤣
@Narding5566 7 күн бұрын
Someone should clip Max live chicken bet and send it to City of the Wolves developers. Not because I want to see Ken in that game, I want Max to lay a fcking live chicken on stream
@zaqqaz 7 күн бұрын
That Marvel 2 Twitch Rivals should have Chris Matrix and Neo commentary.
@Yofu 7 күн бұрын
You not knowing who she's friends with is hilarious. She's gonna be just fine lol.
@DanteMasaru 7 күн бұрын
Also consider this: Anna was among the many hidden sub bosses in the earlier Tekken games (specifically 1 and 2) and she was a pallet swap of Nina. Just like Alex, Prototype Jack, will never precede their counterparts, Jack and Roger respectively. All that said though, some of these sub boss characters have had significant character development over time (Lee, Kuma and Panda) and I could see Anna at the very least dropping at the same time as Nina in a future game.
@IsaacSperrow 7 күн бұрын
Its also more that they don't know what to do with the character. Anna has not progress in the same rate that the other characters do at all. She basically have been stuck as the same character for a while.
@DanteMasaru 7 күн бұрын
@@IsaacSperrow I disagree. The sibling rivalry between the two sisters as hokey, as it is, is character development. From a simple rivalry (T1 and T2) to endearment (T3 cryosleep (Anna voluntarily doing so)) to it becoming rather bitter in subsequent entries. Yeah, it's something of a running joke (it is Tekken) but the two sisters have really progressed lore wise as well as in their move sets which have become more distinct from each other.
@IsaacSperrow 7 күн бұрын
@@DanteMasaru I meant things that the more casual fans can tell. They see Nina doing other things while with Anna, it always becomes Nina vs Anna. Yes, the rivalry is important, but they need to introduce a more obvious story element for Anna than just Nina. Let her do other things too. Let her have friends and relationships. Heck, pair her with Reina going forward. They clearly have bigger plans for Reina in future entries. Pair those two together and add another (new?) character in. Overhaul Anna's design a bit to show visual progress as well. Then they can still lean on the rivalry in story, but still show that Anna is part of a larger thing outside of just Nina. Also, give her a story win. It is kind of weird how much she loses. They want to make it like a running gag, but it doesn't mesh as well when you want to tell an overarching story.
@DanteMasaru 6 күн бұрын
@@IsaacSperrow I don't think it needs to go that deep. It's fine as as: sibling rivalry with bits of endearment thrown in between. About that whole relationship thing, well, Anna did previously pursue a relationship and wanted to get married. That wedding dress Nina dons in T7 was actually Anna's and the man Nina killed while wearing said outfit was the man Anna was going to marry. Their rivalry to one-up each other has been the theme of these two the entire series. By the way, though Nina didn't know beforehand that her mark was Anna's fiance, but I imagine she was delighted when she did, but I digress. I don't see Tekken abandoning its hokeyness with its characters and certainly not these two for something more deep. The death of Richard Williams, Nina getting amnesia, the cryosleep plot point--are about as deep as it's going to get and I think that's fine.
@justincha4973 7 күн бұрын
Thank God,ceo is leaving daytona🎉
@kongobongo2156 7 күн бұрын
Ceo 2024 was so good, especially BBCF grands It was also nice that i got Justin to sign my big ass star
@maddoggnick96 7 күн бұрын
I agree that 2XKO will have a smaller launch roster, but one thing that is worth noting is that the official website has 18 slots for characters. They could absolutely be placeholders, or even open slots for DLC though.
@BigJC777 5 күн бұрын
the roster was spoiled and i was skeptical at first but they predicted yasuo, illaoi and braum, which braum isn't a guess anyone wouldve made so i'll trust it for the spoils it was 20 or 22 characters i don't remember but its close to that number. if you wanna know who the others are im listing the ones i remember here akali, seth, teemo, katarina, thresh, riven, zed and some others i don't remember
@kamen.rider.decade 7 күн бұрын
45:20 Yes it did! It felt like playing Street Fighter 1. But slower. It was a neat novelty to play outside of the MMO grinding and I'm glad that it's there, but nothing I'd go out of my way to play again.
@bambers5155 7 күн бұрын
Maybe 2XKO haven't announced any non-humanoids yet because they're struggling to make them look presentable in the graphical style and engine. I would LOVE Cho'Gath as a huge body character.
@IsaacSperrow 7 күн бұрын
Or they know that all of them would be fan favourites. A lot of cool bait and waifu bait on the non-humanoids side. So they want to wait to reveal them closer to release to build more hype and FOMO for the game.
@animustewshineotakusauce 7 күн бұрын
Slight correction on the Kill La Kill: If developer, while ArcSys did publish it, it was actually dev’d by A+ Games. We technically still have yet to see what ArcSys proper could do in the arena fighter space.
@JSiky 7 күн бұрын
Zed will be Max's character.
@itsyaboijordan415 7 күн бұрын
I really hope that they reveal Vi or Jinx at Evo. Arcane Season Two is coming soon and what better way to get everyone hyped than to put the two main characters in 2XKO.
@jumpfold 7 күн бұрын
I was pretty salty about no playable Heihachi. lol
@Grimbear13 7 күн бұрын
Hilarious ya'll talked about Sleet Fighter! I'm a huge Dota fan so them putting that in as a little easter egg game mode made me laugh. Also made it so I can chuckle (all in fun) and be like "Look at Riot following in Dota's footsteps again!" haha