Joker 2 Please Don't Suck
Rebel Moon Part 2 Has Me Nervous
The Crow Reboot No One Asked For
we're still arguing about this?
Shogun Isn't Game of Thrones
Wholesome Iseki About Moms
2 ай бұрын
Underrated Hitchcock Classics
A Final Look Back At The DCEU
Comic Book Media Is Dying... Good
I've been gone lol
Жыл бұрын
The Flash Doesn't Look Terrible
I Have No Hype For These Movies
@user-cs1ko6wr4q 3 сағат бұрын
I loved this movie.
@fckihate69jokes 4 сағат бұрын
uprising, more like uprooting all that work del toro did to lay the foundations down.
@stephaniemoura3214 7 сағат бұрын
About the CGI industry, I think today's artists could do so many incredible things, if they just had the time. Their bad conditions are really clear. Like, how else would we have better technology and worse looking movies? Just compare PoTC's original trilogy to almost any Marvel movie or Disney Live Action remake dinr today.
@andreobastos 11 сағат бұрын
i think he deleted the video, I can't find it (writing before watching your video) Saying the rings of power isn't bad is a bit of a lie lmao though I made an effort recently to see through the critiques and try to see the tolkien lore behind the series. Initially I considered it to be a complete disrespect to anything written in the books, but now I see that many choices they took can be considered representations and interpretations of what Tolkien wrote. Putting myself in their head, maybe making the time span shorter feels like a better choice to make the series smaller and with more content. Ok. I can deal with that, it's just an adaptation. Of course, in my opinion they lost a lot of potential in there, but if they want to make it like that, it's their choice. With that in mind, Sauron being like that can be an interpretation of what in the books was described as Sauron actually repenting after the first age and seeking to hide under a new life. Of course, he eventually turns evil again, and this show made a fairly alright job in showing how he moved back to his old way of living. Can't say it was the best way, but it's acceptable. Galadriel being like that, of course, is a terrible thing for lotr fans, but it can also be considered an interpretation of the fact that Tolkien describes that she stays in middle earth after the end of the first age out of pride and the desire of having a kingdom for her own, and is also why refusing the ring from Frodo allows her to pass to the West, as she overcame her pride. Now, Tolkien never wrote Galadriel was a selfish, arrogant prick that acts like she owns everything, but then again, the choice of how Galadriel's pride is portrayed is only theirs. Not the best, but... yeah. Gandalf arriving at the second age is acceptable once you also accept the timeline shortening. And maybe "arriving in the western shores" as written by Tolkien caaaan be interpreted as arriving as meteors on the western shores. There isn't anything quite against that idea, and in theory Círdan is still the only one that can see the meteors (if we consider that Gandalf's one wasn't alone, and that the order of arrival of the Istari was respected) coming from Valinor. Alright. Though Círdan giving the ring to Gandalf now is a bit harder to put in the series. Considering that when Gandalf arrives none of the rings are made yet... Shameful, but I will come back to this. They aren't wrong about Eregion being built when they discover the dwarves have found Mithril, so kudos for that. A small detail from the Return of the King's appendices that wasn't overlooked. What a surprise. Though... It is said that the friendship between the elves and dwarves was established through Celebrimbor and Narvi, and I don't believe anything is said about Durin and Elrond. Anyway, it's something that might yet come. I hope. Before it's too late. Númenor being like that, with the last queen already there and Sauron's war not having started yet, surely was an overlook on things. Númenor in their last years would never aid the elves during siege, but they might be going for a junction between Sauron's war on the elves and Ar-Pharazôn capturing Sauron. If it is their intention... it might work. Now, in my opinion, there is only one major error regarding lore in the series. And no, it isn't mordor needing an ignition key, even that can be... overlooked. It is the three elven rings being made first, with the help of Sauron. It is written how the elves evolved through many years, maybe even decades, until they reached the peak of their abilities in the forging of rings. Which includes the 'many magic rings in this world' that Gandalf mentions to BIlbo and the nine and the seven. Only in the end Celebrimbor forged the three rings. Without the help of Sauron. These two very important details dictate how 1. The Elven Rings are the most powerful among all the ones created in Eregion 2. Although bound to the One Ring for being made with the techniques taught by Sauron, he didn't have the chance to directly pour his malice onto them, so they don't affect the wearer as long as the One Ring is also not being used by Sauron. Having removed these two details, now the three elven rings might as well be plastic toys that the elves created as a prototype before creating more beautiful and powerful rings. And of course, the whole idea of Galadriel, Elrond and Gandalf being able to use the rings and not becoming corrupted goes down the drain. I don't thing the problem with this series has anything to do with hate towards the actors' race or cultural background. It is a very common thing to have race swaps, even actors playing characters from opposite genders, in theatrical adaptations. In this show's case particularly, they even created new characters to do that, instead of putting, say, Elrond as a black elf. Sure Tolkien created the northwest of Middle Earth to resemble an ancient Europe, but the lore of Middle Earth as a whole is supposed to be a mythological tale of the entire world. That is made clear when in the Ainulindalë the Valar, alongside Eru, are said to have many names among men. For me, that shouts like trying to associate the many different religions that have existed and exist today, in many parts of the world. Now, I will say why saying the show isn't bad is a bit of a lie. Even when all the issues that I said aren't so bad, the rings of power series has a terrible issue in writing in some parts (or in its entirety, it depends of the viewer). Some may say that Galadriel being like that through the entire show is supposed to happen, to show how blinded she was and how close she resembled Sauron, and how it was all a big character arch for her to become the Galadriel we are more familiar with. I say this character arch, if existent, was very poorly shown. And let's be honest. Galadriel swiming for hundreds of miles, an arrow that can destroy a tower and a little hammer that represents "all power we here possess" is really, really bad writing. So yeah, although it didn't deserve all that hate that people (myself included) gave it, in the end it isn't stellar writing and definitely not a masterpiece, and the creative choices they took regarding lore, although acceptable, still make me uncomfortable. Sorry about the wall of text
@Nostalgic80s-nd3qb 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this review! I honestly like both of these movies the same. I like Minus One because the human characters are perfectly written and it made you route against Godzilla and it made him very scary again. And I like GxK because whilst it’s very silly and doesn’t make a lot of sense, it made me felt like I was watching a Showa Era Godzilla movie, which is amazing! So yeah, I think people need to accept that GxK is different from Minus One and that it’s ok.
@PsychedelicPenne Күн бұрын
I thought this was a nicely measured, rational opinion piece that was clearly coming from the perspective of a fan while still cutting through all of the noise of hyperbole like “x movies are the worst things ever made” or “x movies are masterpieces” that you so often get in fandoms like Star Wars. Good video and well written and organized! I was hoping for a bit of text and other visuals on screen to break down your core ideas and their sub-points to make them easier to keep up with but that’s a bit of a nitpick on my end. Overall I enjoyed and I definitely resonate with your stance here. It’s not a doomer “All Star Wars is bad” - but it’s not going to let these movies off easy solely because they’re Star Wars.
@dimitristsekeris1821 Күн бұрын
You don't need to be some anti-American cinephile snob to realize that Godzilla X Kong sucks in all ways possible. It's horrible even for Monsterverse standards. It has an overblown lore that is spoiled through exposition before we even see it, and it checks all Hollywood cliches on the list from the one-dimensional quirky characters to product placement.
@7evenseas975 Күн бұрын
Thanos in the comics literally did all he did to impress death, yes a baddie, but he was a simp Darkseid is... He is when you thought of doing something terrible, something wrong, something evil. The Lego you stepped on, the time you told someone to die in a online argument Darkseid is not just the god of evil, He IS evil, evil in a form we can comprehend because he can never die as long as evil lives on And we let him around, without knowing We are not a truly race, but it isn't hard for us to do evil Darkseid is, but so are we Thanos just got the better movie
@peymanrstg3261 Күн бұрын
When they add a female character just to silence some feminazis know they're out of ideas.... It's the joker...not joker and Harley queen adventures....I know it's nothing wrong with adding Harley queen into the story but the movie is about joker ...they didn't give the suicide squad's joker much time in it because it was suicide squad...but if this is going to be a Harley Queen movie for some feminazis who have their wet dreams for it then I'm done with this ...just like other shitty movies that they destroyed
@benjafranklin5996 2 күн бұрын
monsterverse is dum
@Matt_Gon.23 2 сағат бұрын
@lubis1991 2 күн бұрын
Yep, and film should be more than just superfluous and meaningless action. Go play a video game if that appeals to you. Films should be an art form that evolves as human culture evolves. These 'MonsterVerse' 'movies' rehash the very same trope in every monster-based video game that every teenage boy plays since the 1990s. Move on... and grow up, please.
@lubis1991 2 күн бұрын
It doesn't matter how rich the history of Godzilla is. Even your description of GxK's plot made it sound so fucking stupid. It doesn't matter if a movie has your favourite, most versatile lizard. There's much more that goes into a movie (script, cinematography, character development). So no, I am not going to give GxK a free pass just because it demonstrates the versatility of Godzilla. If it's shit, it's shit.
@jimwashington860 2 күн бұрын
Infinity war way more action and endgame has too much talking and not enough action and fight scenes. Was boring compared to infinity war.
@Natebeast35755 3 күн бұрын
I enjoy the movies to and I understand why it’s hated. But it’s a great way to past time and seeing robots murdering each other is great
@simpliside 3 күн бұрын
The two movies complement each other. Minus one attracts people who love long context. The extreme violence is toned down. I'm sure some people who watched minus one developed interest for the others
@siuu156 3 күн бұрын
The biggest villains in Guillermo Del Toros filmmaking career has been studio executives and budget restrictions.If you take these two problems out of this mans carrer we wouldve got a lot more epic movies than we have right now for example Hellboy 3(potentially even more movies because the comics are pretty ducking awesome and very adaptable imo)and the pacific rim franchise😭
@kurosan0079 4 күн бұрын
How does one screw up a kaiju-mecha franchise?
@philipandrelogonzales2569 4 күн бұрын
Sure I way not have liked the Supergirl Cw suit at first but at least it got the skirt I understand for The DCEU they were being realistic. But I could tell they don’t give a shit about making the costume good the CW suit is way better because Supergirl should always have the skirt as part of her costume
@Nixeroni 5 күн бұрын
Honestly…I would have been ok if this ran 3.5 hours
@Dayiondavis 5 күн бұрын
The films might be ok but the fanbase is garbage and i mean kong and godzilla fanboys
@whataboutda3965 5 күн бұрын
My dad showed me this just today and I usually like all the movies he shows me but after seeing this I had mixed emotions, i honestly couldn’t tell if I liked it or didn’t, I like the action and the style but I just didn’t feel very intrigued in the story but I still loved how it looked compared to the original comics, but my rating would probably be 7.4 out of ten.
@sabineb.5616 5 күн бұрын
Tex, I fully agree with you that Martin Freeman's Bilbo is fantastic! He is in my opinion a much better hobbit than Elijah Wood as Frodo! And movie Thorin is a much better and much more interesting character than Thorin from the novel. When I re-watch the Hobbit movies I simply skip the parts which I don't like. There is a pretty good movie underneath all the clutter. And I like the first movie best.
@Groggle7141 6 күн бұрын
1:49 I think it’s also important to mention that Batman’s creator Bill Finger liked the no-kill rule. 6:18 Batman doesn’t kill the criminal in that book. And Batman didn’t kill the Joker, the Joker killed himself. The idea that the Joker was killed by Batman is an unconfirmed theory.
@centuriongirlw5822 6 күн бұрын
If you want cool Kaiju, get into the anime/manga Kaiju no8
@billyrosco5796 6 күн бұрын
............I LIKE
@dipyaman93 6 күн бұрын
The issue with the last film's supposed feminist pivot using Carina as the astronomer, and in the fourth through Cruz as a female counterpoint to Jack, is reminiscent of the entire 2010's corporate pandering to what they think is woke. In reality the original trilogy already had interesting feminist themes, from Swan's evolution into piratehood, to having Calypso as the woman of colour who not only drive the story but also subvert gender in many ways. The later ones just seem to be doing social media punchline feminism of sorts with some of these characters.
@deontecrawford9483 6 күн бұрын
Was? How good was it???....bro it's not even close to over 😂 and this video 3 years old lol
@lauracola2478 7 күн бұрын
Snyder fan
@pmssmp5876 7 күн бұрын
2014 is the best. They have represented monster as a monster(scary and large w.r.t humans ) while in 2021they were more like a character
@louiswalusimbi8006 8 күн бұрын
I watched Arrow Season 1 and 2. Never watched a full of episode of the Flash. I did watch Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow. I think that covers everything
@midori8807 8 күн бұрын
godzilla was also at 50% of his power the entire fight against kong
@PhabioTheHost 8 күн бұрын
Pacific Rim isn't a franchise though. It's a standalone film with no sequels or tie-ins.
@smaugsauron4000 9 күн бұрын
Hot take: anytime Matt stone and Trey Parker try to make fun of Michael bay I think there not funny and also pearl harbor sucked is one of the worst songs of all time it's not funny because everyone uses the song lyrics to criticize him. Fuck pearl harbor sucked
@KawaiiJackHonne 10 күн бұрын
War on crime and that JL Episode show Bruce's compassion
@gezz2002 10 күн бұрын
I want to know what happen after the strange trident
@rapturedmourning 11 күн бұрын
1st film = giant robots punching giant monsters in the face = genius. All side plots simple and built the world. 2nd movie = ??? (everything = nothing) = Justce Leage. You can't skip the world building to the capstone movie.
@cheekibreeki921 11 күн бұрын
Underrated film Underrated soundtrack Bottom line, fills me with nostalgia.
@undeadaeon9992 11 күн бұрын
I need a gozilla comedy where theres a barney suit and when the person takes off the suit, its just godzilla under there. Like this could happen if some scientist finds a way to shrink godzilla nd it has to find a way to live with us, he could work as a personal lighter, using his heat wave to loght peoples bong bowls. Godzilla comedy gold
@RyanKarolak 11 күн бұрын
The first movie should have been a single movie with a very narrowly focused story. It's unfortunate because as you said Snyder, the crew, and cast of the show seem to have had a good time filming the movies and getting into their characters and lore. It's a shame that didn't end up translating on screen.
@popculturekid 11 күн бұрын
3:31 only attack of the clones is poorly written and they are some bad lines in revenge of the sith no wooden performances no bloated runtimes some misdirected runtimes and pacing issues are only attack of the clones
@nikolatasev4948 11 күн бұрын
300 and Watchmen were adaptations of graphic novels. Snyder had a developed story and characters to build upon. Here the training wheels were off, and he had no idea how to present a coherent story or do exposition.
@leandrobenitez292 12 күн бұрын
At first i just dodged this movie cus Fin was the main character and Disney Star Wars had been so bad it turned his likenes into venom to my eyes then i heard Del Toro was not directing it, then i read a sumary of the plot, then i actually watched the special effects... what a bullet dodged
@jamesmoriarty7796 12 күн бұрын
I’ll never understand anyone that watches a prequel Star Wars and says “this is peak cinema” or “these are the best Star Wars”. They have highly choreographed lightsaber fights, I’ll give them that but the blue screen everything and the terrible writing brings these movies way down. No amount of flashy lightsaber fights can save bad writing.
@TF2Fan101 12 күн бұрын
TLDR: Never take creative control away from Del Toro.
@ssssammyg5910 12 күн бұрын
Star Wars is just dumb overall. I’m 24 and went thru the Star Wars phase. It’s part of my childhood but once your prefrontal cortex develops, you realize all of it sucks
@MrRobot2027-wd9iw 6 күн бұрын
Dune and Warhammer 40k is better, however, KOTR and KOTR 2 is peak Star Wars.
@jogsi1558 Күн бұрын
​@@MrRobot2027-wd9iwno it fucking isn't 😂
@MrRobot2027-wd9iw Күн бұрын
@@jogsi1558 The prequels contain "the funny." I DONT LIKE SAND! I HATE YOU!!!!
@TheSpinkels 13 күн бұрын
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Best idea for a sequel would have been - Jaeger Cold War. No more Kaiju means suddenly a whole bunch of nations right next to each other with the tech to build nuke proof rock-em sock-em robots, plus the sudden revelation that Kaiju are technologically engineered and could be reversed. There's gonna' be fallout over that for sure. It's dark, it's gritty, it's action-y, and there's avenue for a big monster resurgence that doesn't just feel like a "somehow Palpatine returned." I'd buy 10 tickets for something like that. Also points if the Aussies are the evil overlords, seeing as they're canonically the ones with the primo MK5 Jaeger tech.
@ZombieZealot 13 күн бұрын
Your arguments and talking points are just as pretentious and loosely written as the movies you're watching lmao
@FardeenRiyadh16 6 күн бұрын
Ironic comment, you didn't even disect any of his points coming full circle again
@ZombieZealot 5 күн бұрын
@@FardeenRiyadh16 i would, only if you knew how to properly spell "dissect." I didn't write a long ass rant because I thought Snyderbots are low IQ idiots not worth addressing. You just proved my point.
@chasehodgmo5537 13 күн бұрын
If there were any news for a 3rd movie, i think most of us could universally wish for it to be a prequal during the glory days
@thesemfnnutts 13 күн бұрын
I don't know what movie you were watching, but in Infiniy War, the Avengers were the antagonists.
@PHcountryball 13 күн бұрын
Minus One and Godzilla x Kong both aims a different story, Minus One is a dramatic and emotional. While Godzilla x Kong aims for a theatrical monster brawl. Both are awesome in their own way, these critics never understand the diversity of Godzilla. Comparing these movies are dumb.