Final Shape First Impressions
24 күн бұрын
Shadowkeep is horrible
Ай бұрын
Halo 4 Shouldn't Exist
3 ай бұрын
Part 4: Forsaken
3 ай бұрын
The WORST remaster EVER
7 ай бұрын
Part 3: Warmind
11 ай бұрын
Battlepasses SUCK
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Halo Mobile 2 still sucks
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Part 2: Curse of Osiris
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Part 1: The Red War
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Halo mobile SUCKS
3 жыл бұрын
@hmx8694 3 сағат бұрын
It's so hard for me to imagine there was a time when not even the baseline expectations for an expansion campaign could be met. Stuff like a well paced coherent story, actual difficulty in missions, actually impactful cutscenes. This stuff that we take for granted now literally didn't exist before witch queen. Back in shadowkeep and beyond light Bungie strung together a bunch of patrol objectives and 3 or 4 missions and called it a campaign. Those were truly the dark ages and I have no idea how I even tolerated it.
@maatoangeleri2913 13 сағат бұрын
Zavala's character in this expansion is terrible. He gives up to an obvious trap that even HIMSELF knows is a trap by the Witness Completwly abandons what being a "Commander" means by splitting from his fireteam And gets Targe killed for no good reason by going into the Dark alone
@GavinLeeRacing 15 сағат бұрын
Create hazards and plant seeds of doubt even now with final shape the traveler has never given a reason to not trust it. It’s a silent god who wants living things to make their own destiny traveler represents freedom not control like the witness. And again bro the traveler teraformed IO to no longer be an uninhabitable moon same as it did to mercury Venus. Mercury the closets planet to our sun had lush plant life growing so yea IO didn’t become this terrifying moon with volcanoes everywhere
@GavinLeeRacing 15 сағат бұрын
Other than that I do enjoy these videos and yea I agree make lore to explain plot holes suck but a lot of media does that so you can’t really chastise bungie for it completely I’m just waiting for your nightfall video cause you said in the red war video you were excited I’m wondering if that changed I didn’t get lay light fall but people say it was bad so I want to get your opinion as some one who’s giving retrospective on each expansion now that final shape has released
@user-nw2hq4kg8h 15 сағат бұрын
variks is the goat idk what you're talking about i love his munching noises he does randomly like hes feasting on some walnuts or some shit
@OverlordSpartan 21 сағат бұрын
Shadowkeep might be terrible, but Eris Morn is FREAKY and can get it 👀
@vollied4865 21 сағат бұрын
Unpopular opinion but as someone who started with forsaken, this campaign wasnt bad, the loot is shit, but the campaign really is a cute monster of the week story that introduces a huge story important character we literally couldnt live without
@GavinLeeRacing Күн бұрын
The traveler itself cause no affect to earths gravity and yes the traveler terraforms planets and I don’t think it has limits as it quite literally gave a tiny little AI robot the ability to bring dead people to life and be able to hold the power of the sun in your hands, the raw power of lighting, and the infinite void of a black hole. So yes IO doesn’t look like it’s real life counter part like ik this is a retrospective but by Far read war of d2 was great if cures of Osiris and warmind had actual been good others would agree
@Nanokk_ 21 сағат бұрын
Okay let me clarify, it isn't consistent with Destiny itself. Destiny has fantasy stuff and science breaking stuff but nothing like saving an entire moon, like I don't know if you understand how much would have to fundamentally change about io for it not to become a hell planet instantly all over again. The liquid methane oceans of titan are consistent, the dunes of Mars are consistent, so why isn't io? The answer is because it isn't
@CallMeShoe Күн бұрын
Trash video. Shadowkeep is 100x worse than Beyond Light.
@boi_z9583 Күн бұрын
cant wait 4 lightfall
@MrMcqu33n Күн бұрын
Shadowkeep is more of a snoozefest in my opinion it did absolutely nothing compared to forsaken and the whole campaign can be boiled down to doing bounties instead of an actual story
@NoRestForTheWick3d Күн бұрын
Im sorry but no, Cayde banter is literally peak bungie writing
@Demigodking Күн бұрын
This is the most nit pick shit I’ve watched. For god sake I couldn’t make it to the end of the video you cry about the absolute tiniest shit
@rockstarskolas Күн бұрын
“I can’t be wrong! Plenty of people in my echo chamber agree with me!”
@Blizo123no Күн бұрын
It's the best dlc hands down
@GloriousKingJames6 Күн бұрын
you kinda sound like lightning Mcqueen
@FireStriker_ Күн бұрын
12:45 Ether is quite flammable if I recall
@vollied4865 2 күн бұрын
It's a shame they spent so much marketing time teasing a pyramid ship army, and getting us hype for a war just for the pyramids to be empty and the campaign to basically have nothing at all with the campaign 😅
@emile04 2 күн бұрын
The main reason this expansion felt underwhelming was because it was their first expansion without Activision, which was a massive cut in workforce. It's obvious why they couldn't develop everything you mentioned.
@Aim-Ace 2 күн бұрын
Ha ha. Among us
@boi_z9583 2 күн бұрын
"lightfall is only a few months away and i could not be more excited to play the story for it" Daaaamn feels bad
@Nanokk_ 2 күн бұрын
Yeah dude this hurt me
@no-ib2kr 2 күн бұрын
Idc what anybody says beyond light is peak
@individual7046 2 күн бұрын
When I first played Curse of Osiris I actually didn't mind it. I've been playing the game since D1 released so when I saw two dlcs being released before a big expansion I was expecting House of Wolves quality; a campaign about three missions long, a single strike and a raid/ or arena. To my surprise in curse of osiris we got a story that was longer then House of Wolves, had its own patrol area, two new strikes, and a raid about as long as the original dark below. I was actually pleasantly surprised.
@ammod4827 2 күн бұрын
ther raid was sick thi
@arshkhanlm3086 2 күн бұрын
Beyond Light ❌ Beyond Mid ✅
@NickDolphin 2 күн бұрын
does anybody know what's the song at 13:45 ?
@DeliBoyzz 2 күн бұрын
i love alot of the destiny videos i watch theres always a small subtle kingdom hearts reference 🤣
@OverlordSpartan 2 күн бұрын
13:01 I think why that is is because Eramis' character in concept is interesting, but in the context of the goofy and boring story we got she isn't all that interesting of a character, and since the fallen all wear masks, it's really hard to convey to the audience how they might be feeling or emoting without just explicitly telling you. That's why every movement is over acted and over exaggerated.
@lambousginiguccigod2007 2 күн бұрын
Naw bro I cant try to defend shadow keep. That shit next level dumpster and I hate thinking about that dry dull moon again. Beyond light wasn’t that bad IMO, was definitely more invested with learning how to control our power and stop Eramis.
@ShadowReaperX07 2 күн бұрын
"Our Motivation to kill the big bad is '[they] murdered someone important'" I hope to god you bring this back up in TFS; because if we're talking 'wide reaching threat and consequences' oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I'd consider that an abject failure. Good fan service. Poor villain, threat and resolution. No honestly, think about it from the perspective of 4/5 years. What did they *actually* achieve that we still feel now?
@kimikothetanuki314 2 күн бұрын
Lol he said the siege pass is good. That's funny
@Moisty-oo4hx 3 күн бұрын
Shadow keep on release, you just had to be there. The pyramid reveal in and of itself was huge.
@Nanokk_ 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I was there, and tbh I didn't really care. I was more interested in playing the game with all my friends now that the game was free to play
@thenutman7483 3 күн бұрын
Lmao, the two ads I had combined were longer than the Eramis fight
@Nanokk_ 2 күн бұрын
Maybe I should start placing ads myself instead of getting youtube to do it lol
@BungieStudios 3 күн бұрын
Beyond Light is why I never play my other two characters. I don't feel like running the long ass campaign and quests again to unlock Stasis for them.
@BungieStudios 3 күн бұрын
I should probably add Lightfall to this comment as well. 😒
@BungieStudios 3 күн бұрын
This DLC screamed limited budget. Especially it being the first DLC after leaving Activision.
@BungieStudios 3 күн бұрын
The DLC was hollow, short, buggy, and super grindy. Everything was made into a damn quest/bounty. The intro was great but the rest was crap.
@qylov_d2639 3 күн бұрын
Beyond light is up there for me, not because it’s necessarily good, but because it’s nostalgic and kept me company through the initial isolation of the pandemic.
@kyleparkhurst1720 3 күн бұрын
When did owen wilson start reviewing destiny?
@Nanokk_ 3 күн бұрын
That is the first time I have ever been called Owen Wilson ever
@a_faceinthecrowd8762 3 күн бұрын
"Darkness was mentioned 52 times." The Veil: "Hold my Radial Mast."
@wtfox8206 3 күн бұрын
I just thought it was lame how the season of undying got the raid
@105thBattalion 3 күн бұрын
6:00 Didn’t we run multiple Strikes to defend Rasputin’s assets in D1? not just that but also with the clearance of the Vanguard?
@VanillaSoul 3 күн бұрын
I actually loved Beyond Light and the whole finally discovering darkness storyline. Although, Forsaken is by far the best designed content ever by Bungie, even compared to The Final Shape. I say that mostly because of The Last Wish being the best raid in Destiny history still.
@noumena6456 3 күн бұрын
This expansion was my introduction to Destiny and it will always hold a discuss place. The story, the location, the characters, enemies, the music. Exploring Europa for hours while learning the mechanics of the game. My first raid.
@lyg483 3 күн бұрын
Postgame carries this expansion tbh Tho about the dark vanguard, IIRC this was the covid year expansion and a lot of content was lost. They had to cut them out mostly and with the lack of time they had to make ghost speak for the dirfter (I think the voice actor was sick and they had no tiem no wait or he was occupied with something else) The mission was still a banger thanks to exactly ghost's impression of drifter but MAN this DLC was really hurt by covid.
@105thBattalion 3 күн бұрын
it is a war crime they still charge us for it post-sunset
@heretichero2160 3 күн бұрын
I can definitely see a lot of IHE inspiration for some of the gags and points you made, was that intentional? Great video regardless
@Nanokk_ 3 күн бұрын
It wasn't intentional, but it probably unintentionally bled over into the script, this was my first time attempting something of this magnitude, and the script had been written months before the release of the video
@Gummypuss 3 күн бұрын
I don't think you have some good points and there is some wasted potential they could have some more and that would have been nice but the knife wasn't at Bungies throat yet.
@Gummypuss 3 күн бұрын
I quit d2 during forsaken came back in splicer I gotta say I enjoyed Europa and beyond light I think you're just over exposed to destiny's grindy repetitive nature having a fresh perspective on it I think beyond light is an awesome dlc and the hate is unjustified.
@Nanokk_ 3 күн бұрын
Idk man I don't remember a campaign of a single other game I've played giving us busy work as half of the story. That's not over exposure to destiny's grind, that's having standards
@Trust676 3 күн бұрын
18:00 those are NOT seconds bro 💀
@LizardWizard403 3 күн бұрын
Didnt shadowkeep droped like 4 years ago, whats the point on making this video lmao
@Nanokk_ 3 күн бұрын
Why not? Why does it matter that it's been years later? Think about this for half a second and you realize the "video being years late" is stupid
@redcrystal7x 3 күн бұрын
6:12 The Eliksni don't *need* Servitors to generate Ether, but other methods are less efficient due to the scavenger-esque nature that has become of their people. Actually, in terms of story, this is one of the few points I really enjoyed, as we know from Destiny 1 (without delving into lore) that the Eliksni built the Servitors in the shape of the Traveler as a form of reverence. Eramis destroying one in front of her new house with Darkness power is actually a huge message in-world. I think they fumbled the aftermath, not really knowing what to do with Eramis and House Salvation, but in Beyond Light, this actually got me a little hyped.