Fixing Ash’s WORST Adventure In Pokemon...
The Future Of Zanolith...
8 ай бұрын
@Actionfan19 44 минут бұрын
If anybody in the Alola group had romantic feelings towards each other it was Mallow and Lillie.
@mirazy4059 2 сағат бұрын
I kinda ship ash with Gou
@ianmurphy3840 3 сағат бұрын
Poor Roy still waiting his chance to become a Pokemon Trainer. And speaking of the Rising Volt Tacklers (RVTs), what happen to them? I feel they are still looking for her. I feel that Ash and Liko preserve them as villains too so they ran away from them, even though they are her body guards. I think over time they become friends and now Ash and Liko got a ride to travel the world. Plus how are they going to pay for their expenses. I feel team rocket may have to try harder to dupe Liko in their plans because I feel Liko and to an extend Sprigatito would easily discover this is a trick and would get out of the way before it's too late. Because I feel as time goes on Liko would easily distinguish them from their size, hair, and behavior. I feel Roy can be still be added to the list to give an unexpected twist that Lucius' last Pokemon is on an island in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Roy could join the Explorers? Who knows.
@harryalan9818 3 сағат бұрын
I know Serena is the perfect girl for Ash (who has feelings for him before the original series), and Lillie is like the sister he never had (even though she already has a brother), but my favorite girl in the anime is definitely Mallow. She really deserves more love and appreciation for reuniting with her deceased mother in "Memories in the Mist" (the saddest Pokémon episode ever made) and for perfecting her z-move during her match against Lana in the Alola league in "Battling Besties" (who really should have been more understanding and given Mallow a better chance instead of scolding her for trying to forfeit and beating her so badly).
@kerrygligorovic9758 4 сағат бұрын
Ash maybe very good at training his Pokemon, battling and improved his skills as a Pokemon trainer but the only thing that he's bad at and that is failing to notice any girls have feelings for him like Misty, Anabel, Angie, Serena and Miette. The problem with Ash is that while he does show a lot of emotion in the series but the only emotion that he never experience or understand is love unlike his friends who do know what loves is while Ash continued to be clueless.
@kerrygligorovic9758 4 сағат бұрын
Serena is very difference from the other past female traveling companions because she never get angry, scold, criticise or get irritated by Ash's annoying behaviour except once when Ash yelled at her to leave him alone after he lost the Gym battle at Snowbelle Gym. Apart from that she often more worried about Ash whether it's training, being reckless and in his Gym battle compare to Ash's past female friends like Misty, May, Dawn and Iris who were never worried too much about Ash's battle skills although they sometimes criticise him.
@JacobElyachar 4 сағат бұрын
For me, I believe that Misty and Serena are the Top Two Poke Girls (Love Interests) for Ash.
@NRPG64 5 сағат бұрын
I can somewhat agree on every one of your takes, but I disagree on your sibling-like take with Dawn. They get ship teased in the show. The show itself acknowledges the idea of them being a couple and textually stating that their romantically compatible (When Kenny & Conway considered Ash a romantic rival for Dawn, when Lyra shipped them) and not to mention that nothing about their dynamic was really sibling-like. Yes, they do bicker sometimes but there are different types of arguing, and I personally see their arguments as "they fight like a old married couple." They always end their arguments in a peaceful compromise rather than rage or disappointment. And outside of the first few episodes, most of their arguments are about being strong willed rather than trying to antagonize each other like how siblings too. And many people have different interpretations of a sibling relationship because they vary from time to time, but this reason is the exact reason why they should just be considered as best friends and not siblings. Best friends? I can get. But siblings? Definitely not. Ash and May have also gotten ship teased in the Advance series despite Drew.
@Aleximo 5 сағат бұрын
I ship Ash with Professor Oak personally I think they’re written in the stars you know
@DragonNinja20 6 сағат бұрын
Ash and Serena are one of the best couples ever in the Pokémon anime and their romance is not one-sided. Also, no matter what anyone says something to me, Amourshipping is definitely canon. Period.
@SMM5 6 сағат бұрын
So you deleted your comment before I could respond and now you have this comment adding onto what the original said, in direct reference to me You know, I didn’t mean anything bad when I made my initial reply, but now I’m starting to think that I probably should have. Here’s what I was going to reply to your reply with btw: _I didn’t say you said anything bad, just that Burnet and Kukui is much more canon that the very vague canonicity of Ash and Serena as a couple_
@DragonNinja20 6 сағат бұрын
​​​@@SMM5 Oh, come on now. Ash and Serena are so close to be a canon couple. How can it not to, huh? I don't care what anyone says, but Amourshipping is canon and that's all I want to say. You didn't have to respond to me, if you don't have anything to say to me.
@SMM5 6 сағат бұрын
@@DragonNinja20 yeah, _so close_ , not exactly on the same level as Burnet and Kukui who are literally married and had a biological kid. But if you think Amourshipping is canon, then that is fair enough I wasn’t arguing against your opinion, as I recognize shipping in general to be a rather subjective topic and, by proxy, something very pointless to argue over. I was simply poking fun at it by bringing up the ship that’s most infamous for actually being undeniably canon, as opposed to being heavily implied but still very debatable. I mean, let’s be realistic, who’s actually debating on the canonicity of Burnet and Kukui’s relationship?
@DragonNinja20 5 сағат бұрын
​@@SMM5 I'm 100% sure that Amourshipping is canon. Of course it is. Even the Pokémon company ships Ash and Serena. Actually, Tetsuo Yajima wants to make Ash and Serena a couple in the future and I guess he still wants to do that, if only Ash returns in the anime. Well, they might not be on the same level as Kukui and Burnet, but still it's very very close for Ash and Serena to be in a romantic relationship and get married and have a family in the future. Anyway, I appreciate that you're not mad at me or something.
@mewmewpowergirl1625 6 сағат бұрын
Ash and Misty have daughter
@DragonNinja20 6 сағат бұрын
Lies. Ash and Misty are not a couple. Ash and Serena are canon.
@UnwantedGhost1-anz25 7 сағат бұрын
The unspoken rizz of Drew is probably unmatched. But Gary got that unmatched harem. 😎
@SMM5 7 сағат бұрын
Fax, Gary had a whole bunch of cheerleaders and even almost pulled Dawn in D&P, bros got Rizz for days
@FireTypes4Ever108 7 сағат бұрын
In all honesty I only shipped Ash with Misty and Serena because they are the only traveling companions that actually had feelings for Ash that's it
@machadragonii145 7 сағат бұрын
This was great, start but Sycamore does sound like a robot no offence to the va
@UnwantedGhost1-anz25 7 сағат бұрын
If only Leaf appeared early in the main canonical anime to be a romantic tease to Ash or Gary.
@UnwantedGhost1-anz25 7 сағат бұрын
Ash's Pikachu also got unspoken rizz.
@thatoneaxolotlguy9969 8 сағат бұрын
ok we all know the best and most cannon shipping on pokemon which is Pikachu and a ketchup bottle
@mikef.gonzalez655 8 сағат бұрын
What he said it’s true but but in Ash’s end the ones he has the closest relationship with are Dawn Serena and Lillie
@SMM5 8 сағат бұрын
I used to think Amourshipping was the end all be all ship for Ash, but I can honestly make a solid argument for Lillie being Ash’s most likely love now, which is great since that’s actually my favorite Ash ship I know Serena had that as a whole plot point in X&Y, but their actual interaction in Journeys didn’t give off anything romantic. Granted, Lillie and Ash’s interactions in Journeys weren’t that much either, but he did jump a bit when she mentioned him in the letter. You might say that’s me looking too deep into it, but I would counter and ask for your explanation for that. I mean, Lillie’s interactions with Ash happened when she found her dad and finally came back home to Alola, so it’s not like there was much time for any of that Add to it, both Serena and Lillie blushed at Ash a lot, but the difference is that Ash actually blushed at Lillie during that one otherwise mid Rotom-Dex episode when they talked on the beach. The only other time this ever happened was when Team Rocket suggested that Ash and Misty were in love, which is a big deal from a shipping standpoint, though I would add that that moment was directly related to romance, whereas the Lillie and Ash blush scene was more of a “step away from subtlety” moment that happened naturally without anyone suggesting romance, so in my opinion Ash and Lillie had the superior blushing scene (that last part actually felt weird to say XD) On top of that, a big point the S&M and Journeys anime’s made was that Alola is another home to Ash, so imo it makes sense for Ash’s girlfriend to be from Alola. I know that’s a flimsy argument at best, so take it as you will That’s just my opinion. I see Serena as the girl who opened Ash’s horizon a bit, and Lillie being a somewhat second love for Ash… that never became canon because Pokémon’s always had problems with romance for whatever reason That’s just me, tootles
@DragonNinja20 6 сағат бұрын
No, Serena is actually Ash's girlfriend. No one else.
@SMM5 6 сағат бұрын
@@DragonNinja20 wow, interesting opinion, too bad I actually presented some solid arguments for my position and all you did was state your opinion
@zacharydunham1858 8 сағат бұрын
There were also advanced movies that give more hints for example like ash and may were swimming with tones of luvdisc and ash pits may, manaphy and Pikachu in the capsule in order to save the sea temple, just in my opinion the best advanceshipping moments
@wordlife25money 9 сағат бұрын
I do think ash and dawn's relationship has more romantic undertones than people give credit for just look at movies
@tyanajones8399 8 сағат бұрын
@NRPG64 5 сағат бұрын
This right here. People literally overlook the fact that Conway and Kenny saw Ash as a romantic rival for Dawn and Lyra shipped them too, so the show textually states that they're romantically compatible. And if you interpret ONE by Crystal Kay and In Your Heart LaLaLa being about Ash from Dawn's perspective, then it hints at something more than a friendship. I'm glad someone here gets it.
@PK_HH 9 сағат бұрын
Im saying it but I headcanon him as Aroace
@eliaskyriakou6253 9 сағат бұрын
I was pretty sure Macy is Ash’s canonical true love 9 сағат бұрын
I have no problem with PokeGirls Characters Are being lacking of love attractive and PokeGirls Characters Are less boring than Meowth culture well duh 🙄 9 сағат бұрын
Lack of Ash age of 10 should not be considered with Serena age At all because of classic Ben 10 2005 Including Iris age of 10 Don't get me started with Iris age of 10 You know
@SMM5 7 сағат бұрын
Not to mention Cricket from Big City Greens is also 10, and he has a girlfriend. Just sayin, we are well past “kids of this age can’t be in love”, and it’s not unrealistic either. I mean, I had a huge crush on a girl when I was in 5th grade, I doubt I was the odd ball out 9 сағат бұрын
Ash age Reminds me of Classic Ben 10 TV Show I'm just saying about 10 Year's was for Classic Ben 10 TV Show 2005 reminds me of call of duty 2006 and 2007 as well
@princessyumenijino8969 9 сағат бұрын
I think Misty,May,Dawn,Iris,Lana and Mallow(the alola girl green hair) and lastly Chole only in my opinion is Ash as a Brother like siblings and mentor/Teacher and a great friend travel companies and lastly for Serena and Lillie. My favorite character shipping for ash as couple love triangle there know more about him and understand him more and play big role on there return on pokemon journey anime series to meet ash again i think there make a perfect couples and same goes for they're pokemon like Pikachu x Sylveon.Grenjija x Delphox Snowy(Alola Ninetales form) x Lycarock(Dusk form) and that all my reason and opinions 😊 9 сағат бұрын
Serena should attractive to Ash age but unfortunately never considered As surprised You know
@andrewwilks58 9 сағат бұрын
Great video ash and Serena are a great couple 😊😊
@tyanajones8399 9 сағат бұрын
After kiss ash losing steak has finally over.
@maxtopia5733 9 сағат бұрын
Both Ash and Serena are the perfect couple
@DragonNinja20 9 сағат бұрын
I agree. Ash and Serena are perfect together.
@maxtopia5733 9 сағат бұрын
@@DragonNinja20 Yeah‼️
@BradyKaynee 3 сағат бұрын
*Misty gets out her big mallet*
@tyanajones8399 9 сағат бұрын
Only serena that's it.
@caimanders3380 10 сағат бұрын
I know people hate Iris, but why (and don't just say because she is a misty clone cause a: that not a good reason to hate the character and b: undermind Iris hole arc
@Zanolith 10 сағат бұрын
I actually love Iris. I think she has an interesting story. I just wanted to take her character in a different direction not only to do her justice, but also create another brand new character people can enjoy. I pretty much made Iris one of the most important characters in the series
@caimanders3380 9 сағат бұрын
​@@Zanolith yeah I know, it just I am seeing alot of Iris hate in the comments so I would like to why she so hated
@LittleAl016 10 сағат бұрын
Ash's worst adventure was DP, not BW.
@Mezza2611 10 сағат бұрын
16:41 i really love this music! could someone tell me what it's called?
@poppie267 11 сағат бұрын
Your Team Rocket VS Team Plasma idea is waaaay better than the unaired two parter. I have read the script of those and i am not impressed. It would have been just a tiny fight between Jessie and Woobat agains a Plasma grunt usine Leopard. Oh and i love how you actually let Giovanni and agent Pierce do something because in the real special they do nothing but sit in a helicopter/plane while the trio do the work. And worst of all even despite i loath how one demensional Jessie James and Meowth are in the Black And White anime i will admit i actually like the idea of a ongoing gang war story arc in where we would have seen cool stuff like Giovanni VS Ghetsis and seeing agent Pierce fighting some Plasma grunts but sadly it was never supossed to be a huge story line what some people thought. At least according to my knowledge maybe someone knows a interview with a creator that i have never saw in where it is said it was going to be a huge story line.
@poppie267 12 сағат бұрын
For all those people who hate the Black And White anime and believe the main reason it was ruined because Team Rocket VS Team Plasma did not aired i am sorry to infrom you but even if that special did aired the rest of the anime would still have been the same or at least season 1 and the majority of the anime. There was never a big storyline planed because some people seem to believe that. It is nonsense because episodes are already finished 5 months before it is aired.
@realteamwall 12 сағат бұрын
It's not the worst one.That's just a meaningless talking point.
@Luigifan305 12 сағат бұрын
This series is truly amazing, and a must-watch for any fan of the anime. That said, while I know that Ash having so many Unova Pokemon in the canon story was part of the issue, due to the focus being spread too thinly between them, I won't pretend that I'm not saddened that you basically pulled a Thanos and snapped more than half of them in favor of a random Darmanitan because you already gave Hilda Tepig yet still thought Ash having a fire type was necessary, when that final slot could have instead been filled by Roggenrola while still avoiding any repeated types, and it'd have been great to see him finally evolve all the way to Gigalith to boot. It'd still suck to lose Leavanny and Scraggy, but at least those are understandable when he's already got Grass and Dark covered. Finally there's Palpitoad, who... existed. Okay he was almost nobody's favorite, and would never make it in over Oshawott AND Krookodile, but I still wouldn't wish nonexistence on the guy lol. If nothing else, I wish that at they were at least caught by Hilda or Cilan so that they weren't utterly left behind and forgotten. But yeah, aside from that (and the only other minor nitpick of Petilil somehow evolving without a Sun Stone), this was incredible!
@uchennanjoku8948 15 сағат бұрын
Cartoon King: Pikachu and Zekrom teamwork
@uchennanjoku8948 15 сағат бұрын
Cartoon King 👑 Artoonist: I saw some of this video 📹 nice work man 👨
@ElectroPikachu 15 сағат бұрын
Still my personal favorite from the Zanoverse continuity. Due to my Unova bias, yes, but also because it was the one which did the best as far as rewriting in my opinion. I don't remember having a single complaint with this series (maybe BECAUSE I'm biased, idk) or even a minor nitpick or something. I feel like this one does the best at making changes to differentiate, while also not losing what made Unova so great. It combined aspects of the original, story beats from the games, ideas from the Adventures manga, and new ideas that all managed to blend together well. Maybe my opinions will change upon a full rewatch, but so far it's still the one I enjoyed the most
@g.wolfsterr8788 19 сағат бұрын
this makes me laugh because you basically snapped Noibat away from being his team member, and that's a snap on the story's branch
@ShisuiCrossing Күн бұрын
Thank you so much 😢for making this video honestly I watched from start to finish and honestly if they animated your story. This would have been the best Pokémon anime story hands down. You deserve more recognition for the hard work you put in. Have a great day! ❤
@limeminun6042 Күн бұрын
My Rankings 1. X&Y 2. DP 3. SM 4. HZ 5. OS (Kanto) 6. BW 7. AG 8. OS (Johto) 9. JN I am personally not a fan of the johto portion of the OG series and really hate Journeys. But other than those two series, I rewatch every other series regularly. They are so enjoyable, even with some of their flaws
@meta527II Күн бұрын
I personally thought this saga was quite underrated. The only thing I hated about it was how much of a horribly unlikeable brat Ash is in it.
@Lidlman-jl8fp Күн бұрын
i hate horizon,i feel like it is so boring