@Riley5782 Сағат бұрын
Has anyone asked Hatfield if he’s a bit scared of John 😂
@AdamS447 10 сағат бұрын
I know people are saying BKG is slipping I think mostly cause of his semis performance the last couple of years but tbf he literally didn’t do one of the events last year and he still tied for 10th that many years in the top 10 I guess it has to end sometime but I wouldn’t be so quick to count him out when it gets to the games
@jessm96297 12 сағат бұрын
I think you guys are massively overhyping grace walton I like her but she came 15th at WZA and that’s with the points from an event win in the swim and we know that that wasn’t a games caliber field especially on the women’s side if you’re coming 15th there with that competition I’d expect mid to low 20s for the games. It reminds me of Ellie turner back in 21 she wins back to back event at WZA and then makes it to the games her first time with Kara in the field and 3 spots people really hyping her up but then places 26th still good for a rookie - I know you’ll say they’re different athletes and I agree but I do think it’ll be difficult for grace to make the top 20 imo.
@AdamS447 12 сағат бұрын
I agree like Gracie too but think she’s gonna struggle at the games
@AdamS447 11 сағат бұрын
Plus im pretty sure in the cross ranking for the semis all her event results minus the rowing one were in the bottom 20/30
@bbbt8090 3 күн бұрын
Being a SoCal Native, nobody goes to Carson or will stay at a hotel there.
@SPM40 3 күн бұрын
Does JY still have semi finals aspirations?
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
For reasons unknown, YT isn't posting my response to Dallin's reply to my original comment. So I'm posting it here, in the hope it actually goes up. You're absolutely right, Dallin. If you (and people like you) say nothing, nothing will change. And, I find it difficult to believe a man capable of working as hard as you are, is also the kind of man to essentially say, "There's nothing I can do, so why try?" Why not say, "I don't like the cuts because it corrupts the test. But, I'm training to make that corruption irrelevant."? Frankly, I hope you do make the cuts irrelevant...by taking the title by too many points for the scoring tables to matter. I say that not only as fan of yours, but as someone who wants an honest and accurate answer to the question, "Who's the Fittest Man on Earth?" (Incidentally, the part regarding "mathematical literacy" was a general statement intended for the people who say they like the cuts because of the "drama" they inject. It was not directed at you. I should have written that more clearly. My apologies.)
@thebarbellspin 4 күн бұрын
Weird. I can see your comment in the backend.
@dallinpepper_ 4 күн бұрын
That’s a reasonable response for sure. I definitely could’ve included that these conversations are being had by PFAA and it’s members (including me). I also should clarify that it is at this specific point of the 2024 Games season I cannot care about cuts because they are coming and that won’t change anything in my preparation. Good questions and good conversation
@theunknown2352 3 күн бұрын
@dallinpepper_ It's great to hear the PFAA is at least trying to solve this problem. Too many people seem to believe it's a trivial issue. It's not. Give 'em hell in Texas!
@dallinpepper_ 3 күн бұрын
@@theunknown2352 🤝🏻
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
If Dallin understood the math, he'd care about the cuts. Not because they jeopardize his ability to make the final day, but because the final day events mean more in terms of relative placing (due to adjusted scoring tables). For example, it is perfectly plausible that his best events happen before the cuts, while the later events favor his closest competitors. In that scenario, he could beat them in overall placings through the week but lose podium position because the point gap between placements in the post-cut events gave his closest competitors the edge in total score. Whether this effect helps him or hurts him, if he understood it, he'd care. The fact is cuts have a multivariate impact that compromises the integrity of the test. They inject an outcome fragility external to the test itself, which deligitimizes the title and diminishes The Games. If you like cuts, fine...just admit you care more about the "show" than you do about finding out who is actually "The Fittest on Earth." (Either that, or you're mathematically illiterate.)
@thebarbellspin 4 күн бұрын
Based on this I would call into the category of watching it for the show. With that said, we still call the winner of the NCAA basketball tournament the national champion even if it’s an upset. Same for any sport with a playoff. In CrossFit’s case we are crowing the world champion, or “Fittest on Earth”, based on the format with cuts.
@theunknown2352 3 күн бұрын
@thebarbellspin An "upset" just means the expected winner didn't win. With the cuts (as currently instantiated), we can juggle a few event orders and get a different "winner" for no reason other than the impact of reweighted placement values. This increases the odds of winning without actually being the best. While, to your point, this is also true of other competitions, it is not an aspect that CF should seek to emulate. Furthermore, while all sports contain a significant element of luck, it is usually, though not exclusively, an unintended consequence of operating within an imperfect world--a problem with execution. In the case of the CF cuts, it's an avoidable flaw in the design and represents a regression in the formula. The Games of 2018, for example, were superior in this regard. I was drawn to CF for several reasons. First, I have always, without exception, fought to the "death" in every aspect of every competition in which I have ever competed. "Death before surrender" is a code that has served me well in sport, business, and life. I saw people dying on the floor on ESPN years ago and immediately thought, "These are my people." Second, I live in pursuit of truth...to the exclusion of all other considerations. The exhaustive tests and consistent scoring of prior years represented a form of beautiful truth. It wasn't perfect, but it came as close as any sport ever has. Dave has made it clear that the reintroduction of cuts is primarily about putting on a better show. Sadly, in making this transition, he has sacrificed the pursuit of truth upon the altar of "entertainment value." That sacrifice offends me to my very core.
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
If Dallin understood the math, he'd care about the cuts. Not because they jeopardize his ability to make the final day, but because the final day events mean more in terms of relative placing (due to adjusted scoring tables). For example, it is perfectly plausible that his best events happen before the cuts, while the later events favor his closest competitors. In that scenario, he could beat them in overall placings through the week but lose podium position because the point gap between placements in the post-cut events gave his closest competitors the edge in total score. Whether this effect helps him or hurts him, if he understood it, he'd care. The fact is cuts have a multivariate impact that compromises the integrity of the test. They inject an outcome fragility external to the test itself, which deligitimizes the title and diminishes The Games. If you like cuts, fine...just admit you care more about the "show" than you do about finding out who is actually "The Fittest on Earth." (Either that, or you're mathematically illiterate.)
@dallinpepper_ 4 күн бұрын
I understand the math and exactly how this works, I promise. There’s nothing I can change about them happening so why waste my energy? I sign up to play the game not make the rules. But, what do I know as a mathematically illiterate athlete.
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
@dallinpepper_ You're absolutely right, Dallin. If you (and people like you) say nothing, nothing will change. And, I find it difficult to believe a man capable of working as hard as you are, is also the kind of man to essentially say, "There's nothing I can do, so why try?" Why not say, "I don't like the cuts because it corrupts the test. But, I'm training to make that corruption irrelevant."? Frankly, I hope you do make the cuts irrelevant...by taking the title by too many points for the scoring tables to matter. I say that not only as fan of yours, but as someone who wants an honest and accurate answer to the question, "Who's the Fittest Man on Earth?" (Incidentally, the part regarding "mathematical literacy" was a general statement intended for the people who say they like the cuts because of the "show" they allow, or the "drama" they inject. It was not directed at you. I should have written that more clearly. My apologies.)
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
​@dallinpepper_ You're absolutely right, Dallin. If you (and people like you) say nothing, nothing will change. And, I find it difficult to believe a man capable of working as hard as you are, is also the kind of man to essentially say, "There's nothing I can do, so why try?" Why not say, "I don't like the cuts because it corrupts the test. But, I'm training to make that corruption irrelevant."? Frankly, I hope you do make the cuts irrelevant...by taking the title by too many points for the scoring tables to matter. I say that not only as fan of yours, but as someone who wants an honest and accurate answer to the question, "Who's the Fittest Man on Earth?" (Incidentally, the part regarding "mathematical literacy" was a general statement intended for the people who say they like the cuts because of the "drama" they inject. It was not directed at you. I should have written that more clearly. My apologies.)
@theunknown2352 4 күн бұрын
​@dallinpepper_ You're absolutely right, Dallin. If you (and people like you) say nothing, nothing will change. And, I find it difficult to believe a man capable of working as hard as you are, is also the kind of man to essentially say, "There's nothing I can do, so why try?" Why not say, "I don't like the cuts because it corrupts the test. But, I'm training to make that corruption irrelevant."? Frankly, I hope you do make the cuts irrelevant...by taking the title by too many points for the scoring tables to matter. I say that not only as fan of yours, but as someone who wants an honest and accurate answer to the question, "Who's the Fittest Man on Earth?" (Incidentally, the part regarding "mathematical literacy" was a general statement intended for the people who say they like the cuts because of the "drama" they inject. It was not directed at you. I should have written that more clearly. My apologies.)
@byronsmith4919 4 күн бұрын
Y'all are underestimating the Texas heat. It is different! Even at night. Anyone not from Texas or Africa is toast.
@chrisdeeming8573 4 күн бұрын
What if run swim has like grace or a Benchmark thrown in the middle? Mayb castro wasn't trolling Austin? And he does keep asking athletes their favourite Benchmark?
@kathiestan4379 4 күн бұрын
John you ain't staying with Ricky for 3 minutes. You be trash talking and Ricky's like "you never had me'
@kathiestan4379 5 күн бұрын
It's hilarious to me that John thinks a 1 mile swim is so long. That's just a regular Sunday of active recovery. 800 is absolutely nothing. It blows my mind that in 2024, a CF games athlete would be worried about a swim event
@simondhalliday3919 5 күн бұрын
Nipper is pre-junior lifesaving for kids ages 7-13. You then become a junior lifesaver. A note for Tyler is that this also exists in South Africa (I did it in Cape Town as a child as did my sister).
@simondhalliday3919 5 күн бұрын
I don’t know what Tyler thinks about South Africans, but many of us grow up swimming. I started swimming at a very young age (about 2). If you grew up on the coast, the likelihood is you’re going to be a half-decent swimmer if you’re into CF.
@lynnnjerik 4 күн бұрын
I agree - Africans will be mostly in the top 15 we're more comfortable in the water and in running. Expecting Ruan to make a big statement here
@carlcousar 5 күн бұрын
LOL Dani would walk into any gym in the world and FLUSH everyone in there in any workout, unless one of the 20 fittest men/women in the WORLD are in there too. Y’all need to stop acting like getting to the Games is easy.
@TheMovementDr 5 күн бұрын
@20:17 shots fired
@kyledotson4403 5 күн бұрын
The 4x400 team event needs to get back to Dave Castro so he will put it in there! That would be sick! Especially if they could do a bracket style elimination, they could have a short and sweet seeding rd wod of some sorts.
@kyledotson4403 5 күн бұрын
My thought on cuts is that it makes it more exciting for spectators #1 but #2 the athletes have to sell their soul on every workout because if not they could potentially get cut. I think it takes out the “oh I know im not going to do good at this wod so im just doing the bare minimum and saving my gas for the next wod” out of play. Cuts are good when done right and I think having it come down to the top 5 or 10 on Sunday and have a gauntlet of wods for a “Championship series day” type deal would be awesome
@parker5225 5 күн бұрын
The world record for the 500 meter swim is 4minutes. I was an average D3 swimmer and got 8 minutes in the 500(PR). I don’t think the swim is where you can make up tons of ground on event 1.
@imperfectstillworthit 5 күн бұрын
50:18 DO IT!!!!!!!!!
@boldhumans4147 5 күн бұрын
Make a group to paddle board altogether 😊
@zanehealey1206 5 күн бұрын
John my guy, you clearly haven’t seen Grace run much if you think she’s not a great runner. Girl is fast.
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
Not Tia fast
@zanehealey1206 5 күн бұрын
@@johnyoung7791 not speaking about Tia, but saying she isn’t a great runner isn’t exactly correct when she came 2nd in the 23’ Semis Snatches + 800m, 2nd in the 24’ Semis E1 and cleaned up at the 24’ WZA trail run beating numerous men she ran at the same time as. She’ll surprise you and the girls will need a good gap on her (which I don’t think they’ll have) before that swim if it’s anywhere near 800-1000m. Top 5 incoming 👀
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
@@zanehealey1206I don’t disagree with you I think she can top 3 this event I guess when I said not a good runner….im referencing the BEST runners…(Tia/haley/emily) she lost to Maddie in semifinals run event and I wouldn’t put her in the best runner category either….all that being said 10-15 in the run, top 2 in the swim = 3-5th place And then if she proves that logic wrong I’ll let the world know Zane tried to tell me and I didn’t listen 😂
@zanehealey1206 5 күн бұрын
@@johnyoung7791 I’ll accept that response, we’ll take a top 3-5 😂 see you in Texas on that Kayak you’ve now promised us 🚣🏽‍♀️
@zanehealey1206 5 күн бұрын
@@johnyoung7791 see you on that Kayak in Texas Mr. Young 🚣🏽‍♀️
@benital165 5 күн бұрын
Would the Dubai Burj Khalifa stair climb 2022 be a good comparison for Chad? Aniol Ekai came 2nd, ahead of Fikowski. Cringle came 2nd ahead of Rolfe.
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
100% probably the best thing we got to go off of
@benital165 5 күн бұрын
Ohh I like John's twist for Chad!
@benital165 5 күн бұрын
If there's a cap, then someone could just stop after the run. Unless there was a min work requirement.
@benital165 5 күн бұрын
Emma Tall came 3rd in 2021 event 1. But that kayak was a big chunk of time. Bethany Flores came 3rd in swim paddle 2019. Migala won the capital...is she an ok swimmer?
@andreykatsarski 5 күн бұрын
@JY I’m not Russian 😂 also I don’t support PEDs. I’m a fan but still think your proposal was stupid 🤝 8:04
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
Моят лош брат, независимо... азиатските/южноамериканските атлети рутинно показват, че не знаят как да участват чисто... и аз просто мисля, че трябва да се наказва сурово, за да се възпират бъдещи измами... само за да знаете, Аз съм голям фен на Karlos Nasarr, въпреки че той също беше използвал PED... различен спорт... независимо от това, човекът е звяр.
@Craig-pk5cc 5 күн бұрын
Can’t wait for the paddle boat broadcast we just need to start the cuts argument between Taylor and John and see how comes back out the water afterwards 👀😈😅😂
@davidwinslow5206 5 күн бұрын
Haley was 2nd in the Swimpaddle.
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
You are absolutely right….who was first?
@davidwinslow5206 4 күн бұрын
@johnyoung7791 long run, who wins that part? Swim- probably Tia, but we have not seen this distance combo. It should be great fun. But, if you are going to analyze, look at a variety of workouts. What about event 10 in 2021? Expand your analysis.
@davidwinslow5206 4 күн бұрын
And a swim paddle isn't a run/swim. Look at her Capitol run and her second place in the swim/paddle. Look at her 3rd place in Event 10, 2021, longer runs. Tia took 5th. Haley's engine may be the best when it comes to monostructural workouts. Look at bike to work. Also, she was 2nd in Event 1 of the Semis. The 800m run looked easy on her. But there is no barbell in Run/swim. Betting on Haley. Maybe it's a heart choice. But, we all make these, don't we?
@davidwinslow5206 5 күн бұрын
Haley is the fastest long distance runner. Look at the Capitol.
@davidwinslow5206 5 күн бұрын
Why do you think Tia is a faster 3.5 mile runner than Haley?
@johnyoung7791 5 күн бұрын
I think they’ll be together
@TheMovementDr 5 күн бұрын
But let’s be real. Tia will likely be ahead
@avera9636 5 күн бұрын
John, you made to be a cohost under the likes of Sevan and Spin . . . that is your zone. Your new gig with Wodprep is no-beuno. No chemistry. Stick with Sevan and Spin.
@jaclynrobertson6727 5 күн бұрын
I predict an Amanda variation. I'm always so impressed with how much spin knows! 👏👏👏
@molloplease 6 күн бұрын
this message is specifically for for Tyler: thank you for providing the push notifications to the Heat 1 app about games updates. As someone who does not have any social media outside of KZfaq it has been awesome to get these notifications in real time to keep up with everything. you da man. roll tide, war eagle, hottie toddy, go gata.
@Craig-pk5cc 6 күн бұрын
About time it came to Europe 🎉🎉🎉
@helsonalbernaz8207 6 күн бұрын
Totally out of the subject, but am I the only one who thinks Haley Adams looks like Angel Reese, but white?
@andreykatsarski 7 күн бұрын
John Young hit the bottom with his ridiculous proposal on Games spot backfill due to drugs 😂Btw you are not giving a hand out to anyone
@trishhigginson9888 7 күн бұрын
Why is he so over involved in running it and why does he put CrossFit info out on his personal channel.? Honestly losing interest
@Craig-pk5cc 6 күн бұрын
He’s the director of the games he can do what he wants as it’s his show Boz has been kicked over to teams programming.
@jessm96297 8 күн бұрын
The crowd will be so much better 🙌
@JuanaLove6931 8 күн бұрын
CHIN, you can't possibly be the Chin i used to know from bodybuilding. Wts, on the fence about that. The America's still in total has well over double the number of competitors. I agree with you that the reat of the world needs to be more present in my opinion beforehand. Between Canada, US ans South America..... that counts for more than half the competitors. Maybe try the East Coast 1st. WZA seems to do great. A lot can happen in 4 years, lol.
@CHIN-qw6xq 8 күн бұрын
It should be considering how much the sport is growing there
@molloplease 9 күн бұрын
I would like you guys to do a blind rankings of Dave’s CrossFit games athlete interviews !
@Pmpiron64 11 күн бұрын
I HATE CUTS!!!! WE want to see ALL OF THEM THAT MADE IT! THE FITTEST needs ALL the athletes in all EVENTS!
@tannersaurus 11 күн бұрын
Oh I thought there was going to be some commentary but really you’re just ripping content haha cool
@seanhamlett5197 11 күн бұрын
If I wear my new JY Barbell shirt every day back squats are programmed, will I PR every time?
@Slater417 12 күн бұрын
I blame John for the event release.
@johnyoung7791 11 күн бұрын
I am sorry
@Craig-pk5cc 12 күн бұрын
I’m watching this on Thursday and John predicted Chad 😂
@kendramaex 12 күн бұрын
Literally about to write the same thing 😂😂
@imperfectstillworthit 12 күн бұрын
As someone who just came here for the second time: maaaaan you had me good - was COMPLETELY buying it!😆
@thebarbellspin 12 күн бұрын
Haha. Welcome! And it’s not the first time we “booted” John 🤣
@johnjacobs3169 12 күн бұрын
One point I never hear about cuts is the potential long term gain if you don’t have them. Those athletes that aren’t as good will understand the volume of the whole weekend first hand and will change their training based on that experience and come back better. Cuts make a better spectacle for that one weekend but are they best long term…? Add into that Tyler’s point about exposure, money making etc and again, those athletes are also motivated to do better.
@vanillaghetto 12 күн бұрын
I hate the cuts on all and every level: *Goes counter to the CROSSFIT philosophy* 1) Relative point differential for each placement is increased from roughly 3 points to 5 points: Unevenly weights the events. Back-loads them. I.e., the 30 and 20-person events become more important than the 40-person events. 2) Fewer Tweeners: Changes, that is, decreases the points volatility due to fewer lower placed athletes finishing in between higher placed athletes. 3) Cheats the cut athletes of the Games experience, exposure, possibly competing in their best event/s, and getting the prize money from a complete competition. 4) Prohibits a true finish ranking of all (40) Games athletes. Prohibits a true ranking of the top finishers. Does not (necessarily) find The Fittest, and nearly definitely does not find an accurate podium, top ten, or prize money ranking. --The Unknown gets it. Tyler partially gets it...but he doesn't get the point differential and weighting part of it. --Spin and JY don't get the metrics AT ALL. Nor does TDC, if that makes you feel any better. --Btw, JY, you don't know what you are even trying to say when you throw around the word "Average". Learn the meanings/differences of the terms "Mean, Median, and Mode". And use the correct term for what you are trying to say. --Saying that "tennis has cuts" is so obtuse and irrelevant. ONE event, one opponent, zero sum game...same thing each and every time. Having cuts at the CrossFit Games would be more comparable to having cuts MIDWAY during the (ten) events of the Decathlon during the Olympics. It would no longer be the Decathlon. Get it??!!