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@gabrieldevoogel6225 3 күн бұрын
I have a question, can you go further in depth on character in the future? Coming GX seasons have a lot of potential different readiness from Jaden being LGBT to just having a mental breakdown over all the trauma he endured, losing his friend Johan/Jesse being the last straw, and those are just two of the ways you can look at it
@WoodstockProd 3 күн бұрын
Sure, I can do that but that’s a ways away
@gabrieldevoogel6225 3 күн бұрын
@@WoodstockProd fair, do what you want, and it taking longer just means more effort and care from what I’ve seen of your channel, so win win for me
@WoodstockProd 3 күн бұрын
@@gabrieldevoogel6225 I really appreciate you saying that!
@trekon2023 3 күн бұрын
Elementary also has a great sense of humor (e.g., Sherlock's process where he smells everything, the clown running through the woods at night), excellently written lines (e.g., the exchange with Marcus where he says he was the most pitiable soul he could ever meet at the depths of his addiction, the scene with Watson where he tells her that maintaining his sobriety is like working very hard just to prevent a faucet from dripping), deep insight into humanity (e.g., Sherlock's criticisms of marriage, analysis of Watson's pursuit of traditional partnership), and excellent research into fascinating topics (e.g., quaggas actually did exist, malbolge is actually a programming language). There are so many layers of value add that the writers add to each episode and they actually do the research. Elementary is definitely a high quality, cerebral production. Far better than any detective series out there that generally caters to people's sense of justice.
@md.tanjilurrahman5949 7 күн бұрын
Elementary is the best ❤
@Arkus 10 күн бұрын
While I enjoyed GX, I felt like Jaden hogged nearly all the duels. In the first series it felt more balanced between Yugi, Joey and Kaiba. GX however, especially with the shadow riders, Jaden had to duel most of them after his friends lose. So I'm glad to know others felt the same way.
@WoodstockProd 10 күн бұрын
Yeah I like Jaden but his number of duels is really imbalanced compared to his friends
@special_summon 12 күн бұрын
I heard Kazuki Takahashi was helping others while scuba diving he died a hero, rip
@magicalnewsmaneditsbumpers4374 17 күн бұрын
1:20:00 This might be a deep cut reference to Jackie Chung from OG Dragonball, who was master Roshi entering the tournament under a false identity to continue to teach his students.
@WoodstockProd 17 күн бұрын
Didn’t know that! That could work
@foxesofautumn 21 күн бұрын
I’m not saying Elementary didn’t do well with the premise but I gave up after the first episode because I couldn’t understand a word Miller was saying. I don’t know why they had him talking into his beard but it made the show unwatchable for me.
@WoodstockProd 21 күн бұрын
Not sure what you’re talking about, I’ve never had an issue with understanding him
@OSleeperTactical 29 күн бұрын
The John Cena of anime? I can't see it 🤷🏻
@WoodstockProd 29 күн бұрын
I can’t see what you did there
@iamthehobo Ай бұрын
I don't understand the wrestling references but I'm just happy to be here!
@WoodstockProd Ай бұрын
I appreciate your viewership!
@gabrieldevoogel6225 3 күн бұрын
Not a wrestling fan but since your here I’ve got a comparison, it’s the equivalent of calling somebody the Dio or Escanor of the show, the coolest or in some cases just most fun characters and duels to watch
@ryanartward Ай бұрын
I dont know why people bash Elementary, I honestly like it the most out of all the modernized adaptations. The Moriarty twist was actually quite clever, IMO. I like SOME of Sherlock BBC but the writing and plot logic just doesn't make much sense. And honestly, Milller Sherlock feels very based and relatable.
@WoodstockProd Ай бұрын
@TheDragonsThorn Ай бұрын
All i know about Bastion is that hes a posh shithead
@athosgomesfonseca Ай бұрын
YU-GI-OH! GX is low key the GOAT of the franchise, it’s a real shame that 4Kids butchered it like it did the series before and after, and never even dubbed season 4.
@yasmin_the_asian Ай бұрын
Lucy was the best Watson IMHO. The chemistry between Johnny Lee and Lucy was top notch
@youtube-detektiven8839 Ай бұрын
Correct me if im wrong but i belive BBC sherlock does not see John as a dog or labrat a few example for my point series 1 saves John and his date in ep 2 putting himself at risk now that might now sound like much at first but sherlock is a sociopath and if he really did see John as a labrat or dog he would most likely just left or something idk but eny way series 1 again when Moriarty has straped bombes to Johns chest and has a sniper on the bomb so he could basicly have died at eny moment and i dont belive he is as cold as you say tbh he just kinda does not seem to understand social interaction at all witch could have to do with his sociopathy again and or his autism and continueing on my first point sherlock saves John several other times in the series and sherlock does grow a lot as a character but i feel this comment might already be a bit to long now so im just gonna and the comment here….
@bohansolo 2 ай бұрын
the “influencer” bit sent me fr 😹
@jessicaloveridge2759 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! I’ve been saying this since the beginning and people acted like I was not high brow enough to get “Sherlock”.
@WoodstockProd 2 ай бұрын
Not high brow enough? It’s BBC Sherlock not fucking Tree of Life
@jessicaloveridge2759 2 ай бұрын
Yes! I loved Elementary. Seeing the gradual growth and emotional complexity of Sherlock was amazing
@joshuagoforth1658 2 ай бұрын
Elementary is an amazing show and it genuinely brings me such elation to see more people appreciate it
@roryevans4295 2 ай бұрын
There’s literally only 1 tv show I’ve ever seen thats rated 100% both from the critics and audience for every season it has and it managed it for 7, elementary is clear not just of Sherlock but of any tv show that’s existed
@user-se9gp7mm2m 2 ай бұрын
I'm only one series into Elementary and do think overhaul its the better show so far. I'll have to rewatch Sherlock once I finish this to judge fully. A few ticks in the BBC shows box thou, I preferred his apartment in sherlock! I don't know why but it just stood out to me the moment I started the first episode. It seems too non-descript and adds nothing. Whereas in Sherlock it's at the center of the show. I think the reason is related to my second tick to Sherlock, which is the general atmosphere (look and feel) to Sherlock was better. It look and feels like a quirky unique show where as Elementary feels like your watching a standard CSI type show. I also loved the blog in Sherlock, which I believe was a modern take on something from the books (not sure thou haven't read them). And lastly his landlady, I loved the relationship between her and Sherlock. If I remember right she is the only person he seems to care about in Sherlock, where as in Elementary he is overall a better human so has more meaningful relationships with a few people, which might end up being better in the end (just about to start season 2) we'll have to see. I liked this clip but my conclusion is, I think it's probably best to not actually compare them! lol. I know it's obvious and interesting to compare them because they are both based on the same characters and books. But as a piece of art they are so different its like saying what films better, Die Hard or Schindler's List? Put these in order best to worst - The Rolling Stones, the Godfather Part 2, and the Mona Lisa lol Ok maybe I took it too far with that one but you get my point. Oh I forgot to mention, I absolutely hated Moriarty in Sherlock, almost ruined the whole show for me, if he was in it more I wouldn't have watched it. I don't understand why they made him like that, was just dreadful and completely out of place. It reminded me of the brother and sister from the original Resident evil games. The ones that owned the company Umbrella lmao. In fact it reminded me of the voice acting in allot of those old games, like time cop as well. "I'M EVIL AND I'M HERE FOR YOUR DEMISE!!! MWWAHA HA HA HA!! In conclusion I like both shows for completely different reasons! lol Good video thou:)
@MrEffectfilms 2 ай бұрын
I know you said that this is, like your last review, a review of the American 4kids version and I assume you've never seen it. If you have the chance I'd absolutely IMPLORE you to check it out especially since the final season was never dubbed in America which means the final step of Jaden/Judais character arc just never happens and the final duel of the series (as well as my favorite) is never seen. I get that the 4kids censorship doesn't bother you but this is a case where not only is it basically a different show here in America but it was never even finished. Trust me, it goes WAY further than Chumlys dad having a sake business instead of a hot sauce one. Also I know you probably didn't know this but it's slowly becoming known that JK Rowling was in fact NEVER transphobic. Checked into it myself and my wife did the same, there's no evidence whatsoever to support that she ever was or is.
@WoodstockProd 2 ай бұрын
I do think I will probably review the final Japanese season of GX when I finish season three, if no reason than I need to see Jaden vs Yugi properly
@MrEffectfilms 2 ай бұрын
@@WoodstockProd You won't regret it and if you end up liking it I'd recommend going back to your favorite duels throughout GX and seeing how they differentiate in Japanese. That way you get a good understanding of how the Japanese dub is overall without having to sit through the entire thing. Also yes, even in the Japanese dub Bastion did become a joke character after his duel with Tanya, one of the few complaints fans of both the American and Japanese dubs can agree on. Though I should mention that that as far Tanya coming onto a teenager despite being a grown woman, that can be summed up as a result of cultural differences between America and Japan. They're MUCH more lax on the sexualization of anyone under 18 than Americans are, that whole thing just doesn't matter as much in Japan.
@florofern6470 2 ай бұрын
There is another modern day Sherlock Holmes adaptation now- a podcast called Sherlock and Co. I have not watched either Elementary or Sherlock, so I can't say as to how it compares to them, but it is really good so far. It is fairly new (the first episode came out in october) and they are planning to adapt every single sherlock holmes story (including the novels at some point). The stories they have done so far have been really well adapted but my favourite part is that their Sherlock canonically has autism and adhd! It's a great podcast and I highly recommend it, there are lots of funny moments to enjoy. There's also a new episode every Tuesday!
@WoodstockProd 2 ай бұрын
That sounds pretty cool!
@IceyMoonShards 2 ай бұрын
SHERLOCK&CO REP YESSS! Absolutely amazing podcast and I’m glad more people know about it :D!
@tuiteyfruity5010 Ай бұрын
Ohhhhh I will have to check this out 😮 I’m a huge fan of the original stories
@zaktilton1680 3 ай бұрын
Chazz: In fact, forget the duel school and the black jack!! Ahh, screw the whole thing...😂😂
@tiftif56 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I think you were even a bit generous awarding Sherlock the Irene Adler point, like she's basically Moriarty you can't really separate the two, if you think Elementary's Moriarty is great then Irene Adler also is. Also Irene's characterization in Sherlock isn't very good in spite of the first impression she makes (which honestly is still very sexually objectifying), it's basically another "lesbian back on the straight and narrow" sorta deal and once it's done she's basically just a woman in love with the protagonist.
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
That’s a fair point, while I agree Lara’s Irene is filled to the brim with some pretty horrific tropes I just think she’s more interesting than the Irene persona that Natalie’s Moriarty created. I can see why Lara leaves a lasting impression on Benedict’s Sherlock, but I’m not really sure why Jonny Lee’s fell head over heels for Natalie. Granted 90% of that is just how much fun Lara’s performance is
@Mavakor 3 ай бұрын
Loved this. Only critique is that I would give one additional point to Sherlock for its superior production values and visuals
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, I think I’d even give that one to Elementary too. Sherlock is very flashy, but I like the visuals in Elementary more. It feels more natural, more earthy and warm. It’s a great vibe for curling up on your couch on a Thursday night after work and just relaxing with some good tv
@treasurewashington560 3 ай бұрын
Into the Spiderverse overrated😧
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
It’s a very good movie, but I don’t think it’s the greatest thing ever. Now the sequel however, that has a compelling argument for the greatest thing ever!
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
Rest in peace Toriyama sensei. You will be missed! Thank you for everything!
@kristienwhitney-johns5863 3 ай бұрын
12:39 i think you are forgetting that Yugi proves he can stand on his own. He beat kaiba, and kaiba was arguably at his peak. Sure, yugi cant overcome manifestations of pure evil. But i think its unfair to hold him to that standard
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
My argument for Yugi standing on his own against Diva isn’t Watsonian, it’s Doylist. I understand why Yugi needs Atem in that moment in the story, but I disagree with the writing decision to bring back Atem. I think it’s a stronger story decision to stand by Atem being gone forever. Atem’s story is done and bringing him back adds nothing to it. And Yugi proving not only can he stand against his opponents but against evil, proves that he’s ready to stand on his own without Atem.
@kristienwhitney-johns5863 3 ай бұрын
@@WoodstockProd For that to have worked Diva would have had to not be there, but I guess that kind of speaks to the overall argument of Divas story being on of the weak links as it forced Atem to return. I personally loved the momentary return, but I will admit it was sheer fanservice. Like Vadar in rogue one. Unfortunately I absolutely love that form of fan service. Not too much, just enough.
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
@@kristienwhitney-johns5863 Yeah I think this story is just more interesting without this Diva character, and as far as fan service goes, hey to each their own! If you like it, that’s awesome! It is a cool moment, I just don’t like it as a story beat
@kristienwhitney-johns5863 3 ай бұрын
Hope you did give 5ds a go. Its arguably the best series of them all
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
Not yet, I’m planning on watching it after I do videos for seasons two and three of GX
@TheExhaustipatedBookworm 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE ELEMENTARY, AND I SORT OF LIKE SHERLOCK. I LOVED JOAN A LOT!!! Especially when she became a detective herself
@sky_lounger 3 ай бұрын
I'm gonna make a character stan Pegasus in a show one day lol
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
Have at it!
@nessie_roswell 4 ай бұрын
Finally someone said it
@jurtra9090 4 ай бұрын
20:14 thumbs down for unnecessary Roman Reigns bashing! 😂
@WoodstockProd 4 ай бұрын
One of my best friends is a big Roman fan, so I kind of slipped that joke in to tease her
@gabrieldevoogel6225 4 ай бұрын
This is such a great video series I’m glad this can be an occasional thing to look forward to every so often
@ripapa6355 4 ай бұрын
Loved them both. IMO Elementary is the best iteration of SH.
@CaptainTrips19 4 ай бұрын
Uh Abominal Bride was totally canon!
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
Wouldn’t know if it was, I never watched it
@CaptainTrips19 3 ай бұрын
@@WoodstockProd Great, someone who is ill informed trying to compare the two. Super duper!
@WoodstockProd 3 ай бұрын
@@CaptainTrips19 I said at the start the scope of my analysis is just season one vs series one and two
@Kari-qv1wn 4 ай бұрын
Elrmentary is my second favourite adaptation after the jeremy brett one
@ym10up 4 ай бұрын
This review is such good shit as well. I am currently on my xth rewatch (I've lost count...) This time, I'm focusing on the two lead actors' acting, how they portray the development of their characters and relationship with each other. The nuanced performance is really impressive.
@WoodstockProd 4 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you like it!
@ym10up 4 ай бұрын
When I watch a novel adaptation series or movie, I want one of two things: complete faithful to the original from casting to plotline (think David Suchet's Hercules Poirot), or creative retelling of the story while keeping the true essence of the original work (Elementary in this case).
@Spectrepulse 4 ай бұрын
Elementary is such a great show
@dragonmastersk7913 5 ай бұрын
I remember falling in love with Yu-Gi-Oh When I was 9yo back in 4th grade. I loved the entirety of DM era. Even the filler arcs. Except Virtual World... Noah isn't a good villain, I cannot take him nor the Big Five seriously.
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
Fair enough! I can’t say I agree but to each their own!
@JesseNightingale 5 ай бұрын
I will never understand the logic behind tributeing Ishizus monsters implanted a bomb within Obelisk but said bomb doesn't transfer to Blue Eyes once it was also tribute summoned lol
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
Taking a shot in the dark, I think the trap only works when the original monster is sacrificed. If you sacrifice the monster you originally tributed for, then the trap is null and void
@JesseNightingale 5 ай бұрын
@@WoodstockProd still makes zero sense to me because if you have to have your monster tributed in the first place for the bomb to transfer youd think it would dontinue to transfer if the monster with the bomb is tributed like if Obelisk was sacraficed to special summon Blue Eyes that would make sense to me lol The only reason why I wont dock any pointd to Ishizu is because she literally has the best power and knew that the card would've worked without literal divine intervention lol Still love the show but stuff like this will forever perplex my brain lol Hope you have/had a great day
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
@@JesseNightingale I agree I was just trying to come up with SOME kind of explanation. Hope you have or had a great day as well friend!
@Smarod 5 ай бұрын
SPOILER for one episode: I knew elementary was my favorite Sherlock show when a scene of a murder showed Sherlock open a fridge and looking confused, then pays it off by showing that neither of the occupants could've drank milk as one was vegan and the other lactose intolerant leading Sherlock to deduce it had to be something other than milk which lead to the killer being identified. The best part is that the camera didn't focus on the milk at all and while it was front and center so everyone saw it, it didn't draw attention to it in any way
@kriskenard 5 ай бұрын
Good grief!
@patronus_edits 5 ай бұрын
I love both Shows
@Takumi-vl7nz 5 ай бұрын
Excellent review as always! 🎉
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
Thanks Pony!
@a.a.2752 5 ай бұрын
i feel like every teenager who thought bbc sherlock was the shit back then is now looking back on it years later and realizing hey this show was not all that actually i am definitely one of them lol
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
@treasurewashington560 5 ай бұрын
I’m so embarrassed I didn’t know the characters were voiced by most of those people😀.
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
I mean I didn't know anyone besides Tom Hanks so you're fine
@KarlKristofferJohnsson 5 ай бұрын
So to summarize, the two points that Sherlock actually got were: - A character who was barely in season 1 of Elementary, but Elementary got a half point for her anyway. - A character who in Elementary was only a fake persona, used by a different character that Elementary got the point for. I find this hilarious. And I agree, Elementary is the much better modernised TV adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
Even when I tried to be fair, it was still a landslide 😅
@TristanButler23 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the vid! I’ve been looking for more and more GX reviews. I can tell we must be around the same age because of all the references you make, and we’re definitely into similar things. The orange Cassidy reference for Jaden is perfection! And I loved when you said Chaz is going to a better academy with blackjack, and hookers. One of my fave Futurama episodes 😂 just gotta lower the volume on the music a bit, but I enjoyed this thoroughly regardless
@WoodstockProd 5 ай бұрын
Yep, might just axe the music next time, I tried to lower the volume on the music but it just made it silent or even louder. I’m glad you liked the video though! Thanks for your comment!