@halakon666 Сағат бұрын
Wait… random spread? You mean cone spread? That wasn’t a Fortnite or overwatch thing…. Im sure halo did that with their machine guns.… and perhaps even games before that… how is “random spread” different from a bloom, that has no pattern? As for the csgo style? Didn’t halo (2001) use it too before csgo (2012) was even a thing?
@bigdaddycheese8683 7 сағат бұрын
Met Vincent on rusty moose Monday this past week. Guy was a real asshole. And had a horribly toxic play style to him. Even though I’ve never met the guy until interacting with him via online, I do wish him the best in his future endeavors. I guess some roots are hard to detach.
@FERALxIMP 11 сағат бұрын
Kinn may have done some good but Kinn like any Cluster B personality types. He serves only himself even if it benefits others he ultimately serves only himself.
@Badhaircutguy-br Күн бұрын
What is the opening song pls?
@JackShephardTV Күн бұрын
@@Badhaircutguy-br legend of zelda ocarina of time
@DripLordGango 2 күн бұрын
11:28 dot.KiNN saying they were the only clan ever to "code raid" DMG. 😂 You just convinced their farmer to inside the clan he literally did nothing to code raid them. Talking about this was a big thing for his ego 😂😂 what a loser.
@cheesemaster113 3 күн бұрын
they redid the ak recoil so many times it is very frustrating.
@kfdugdsjksedokqdlfdnh2620 3 күн бұрын
The update that made me quit
@lmayonaise1802 4 күн бұрын
I feel very guilty from being so mean to Vincent as I was only 14 during Covid and repeatedly made his %SMG WERE COMING IN% quote into a crude humorous joke by saying %IM CUMMING IN SMGS MOUTH% I just want to say to Vincent I’m sorry for my childish actions in rust and I hope you turn yourself around for the greater good. - Waffler.
@RealXBit 5 күн бұрын
Warz was my thing man
@brandinoo 6 күн бұрын
cheers mate brought a tear to my eye
@Random_Dude.Online 6 күн бұрын
Enardo has the best clan with ready to call 1k+ zerg children on discord equip with rocks they destroy compounds. He is the only one I've seen that can organize mass people just to destroy stone walls and foundations with rocks. 😂
@JUNTERS 7 күн бұрын
people from usa have a very thin skin
@JUNTERS 7 күн бұрын
the chinese girl its absolutely ridiculous
@sourtaconinja1655 7 күн бұрын
im about as toxic tbh
@Jst_n9 7 күн бұрын
the luck loot is missing from old days but hard patern recoil on every weapon is just a thing for those who only live on the game so they feel strong against players that doesn't spend their life on the game. now that tehy realize they are ass they just leave
@lukex1337 7 күн бұрын
Stream starts at 5:00
@romanheinz25 8 күн бұрын
1:37 I am not an expert but that seems to be the problem.
@X-travagent-kd4iu 8 күн бұрын
My parents would never let me leave school for anything related to a computer 😭
@Thingsyourollup 9 күн бұрын
I can't stand to listen to broccoli-head's voice for more than 15 seconds so wondering how he had any subs or views at all.
@robertanderson1690 9 күн бұрын
lol the fact that it comes down to "WAHHH DEY CHANGED MY WECOIL" is classic Rust community.
@conflict_monitor 9 күн бұрын
But to no availability
@illusoryveils 10 күн бұрын
This is one of the most profoundly sad comment sections I have ever seen on KZfaq. I thought the community from the games I play (Soulsborne) were sad, but this is fucking embarrassing. When something in our games gets nerfed we just get on with our lives and find a different build. Holy shit this is shameful.
@zHoody 12 күн бұрын
Never forget when H1 died due to bloom spread recoil 😢
@JohnnyWad309 14 күн бұрын
Less people playing the game in general means the game dies. Video games don't exist simply to provide people with entertainment. It's a fucking business enterprise and these companies have a legal fiduciary obligation to do what they can to grow the company for their investors and producers. If the game is too hardcore people are going to quit or not even bother. Dark and Darker is an easy example of this. A game that's struggling because the learning curve is way too much and most gamers have their priorities straight in life and simply don't or won't waste the amount of time necessary to become competitive. It's beyond stupid to cater to no-lifers who are a vocal bunch of low IQ no social skill dolts if that means your business is going to suffer. The company exists not just to provide entertainment, but also to make money. And before you or anyone else makes some idiot complaint like, "CaPiTaLiSm eViL," THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT DRIVES INNOVATION.
@JohnnyWad309 14 күн бұрын
Couldn't give a shit less. If an update to a video game upsets you this much you have a serious issue with your brain and need to get your priorities straight in life.
@zHoody 14 күн бұрын
I completely forgot that guy made Fortnite videos. He was like one of the first ever Fortnite guys I watched way back when the game first came out. Holy!
@YouTube_can_ESAD 14 күн бұрын
“It’s a Miracle if God, I wasn’t arrested…” Not a miracle, you’re a white kid, congrats.
@Lapaizle 15 күн бұрын
This is like the TMZ/ your local news channel of Rust and I'm here for it LOL
@Drikkerbadevand 17 күн бұрын
Sweats still beam you down from 400 yards away with aks and sars lol
@romar. 17 күн бұрын
Lets not forget how the tech tree also just made things even more passive as well since people can farm scrap without PVP and research everything in the game, i have like 300hrs on the game and im not the best and I notice less people in the open world because of this as well lol. Kind of a bummer
@Drikkerbadevand 17 күн бұрын
people are so sensitive lmao
@VTrucker777 17 күн бұрын
Sounds racist Are you get bullied because u white or you suck? My school was all Christian or mostly, same as me Still get bullied, become a bully, and then bullied again cause i am sick of daily detention Either cause of self defense or my action, its the same
@rickhuisman7723 17 күн бұрын
might as well ban 70% of the rust players
@jackbelgum6808 18 күн бұрын
This has only been going around for 4 years.. cultural differences take time to understand, reorganize, this is nothing but a learning process. 10 years down the line I can only imagine the new era of gamers who are learning and understanding from what's going on now and in thier time they will adjust to all these negativity and unite towards making a online gameing community which will influence only good in this world.
@makeitrain8812 19 күн бұрын
As someone who played in CML, YPB and horse gang, I loved the old clan scene. Honestly Kind of see how it went and how down hill and toxic it all became. Great video and thank you for giving the players who deserver credit credit!!
@cataddict6378 20 күн бұрын
Just watch a whole video about a guy I’ve never heard of before Good vid
@LineckeKolecko69 20 күн бұрын
kids cant handle words on a screen :(((
@seandunn8035 23 күн бұрын
I forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me.
@minusgamingyo 23 күн бұрын
He’s a chill guy
@ysirtk6949 23 күн бұрын
NGL I Actually kind of feel sorry for the guy. He really is just a kid. Give him time to grow. People are quick to judge. Kids do crazy shit, I know I did when I was young.
@dill366 23 күн бұрын
I remember trolling those This guy is so hard I would door cam from when you would first start up or mlrs half the time when he was offline
@ttmiller5623 23 күн бұрын
Aww poor cheaters are mad.
@nightnight_boy7302 23 күн бұрын
@JackShephardTV I don’t personally like the guy because their is multiple instances where a rust KZfaqr makes a video and it has interactions with Vincent and then the comments say something like he needs to take it down a notch and Vincent will literally comment with his main Channel and tell this people to kill themselves in real life. I have seen this twice but he quickly removed them. If I see it again I will definitely take a screenshot but it’s not ok to say stuff like that in real life
@derekfolger8345 23 күн бұрын
Dude all the support for Vincent by other rust youtubers is heartwarming. I feel most people would just tell him to quit because hes an asshole and has no future. But people see his past and realize that he just needs time.
@jimmydean3076 23 күн бұрын
Just quit already, you dont represent the average player and all youre doing now is hurting the game by scaring people away in your temper tantrums... just go bro. WE dont need you at all lol. Bye~ Stop manipulating people into agreeing with your whack level cope now that yur content isnt literally taking candy from babies anymore. Work on that gamesense and you wnt be crying on youtube.
@jimmydean3076 23 күн бұрын
The main groups cheating now are you goofballs that hate the update lol. Spent 10k hours memorizing spray pattern and cant stand that you dont have a HUGE advantage anymore... Btw, no correlation between new players and aim update is completely bullshit lol
@jimmydean3076 23 күн бұрын
"The community fought back" literally a handful of spoiled kids mad they dont have a massive advantage anymore. And realizing their "gamesense" was non existant and it was really jist you having 10k hours memorizing a fkin spray pattern... keep crying lmao, OGs find it funy that you try to speak for us while literally killing the game in a temper tantrum by throwing your influence around.
@jimmydean3076 23 күн бұрын
OG players dont hate the new recoil update lol. Its literally. A Bunch of streamers worried they wont get EZ CONTENT and might have to go get a real job lmao. Youre mad because youve been pretending you have gamesense when in reality, you just had opponents that hasnt put 10k hours in aim train maps. Go get a real job and stop killin rust because you didnt get your way.
@Masterho310 24 күн бұрын
“Cultural differences” aka in our culture racism is ok so we shouldn’t get in trouble for it.
@AFUrust 24 күн бұрын
twitch not take many new players for rust ,new recoils make rust boring fast and bring more and more cheaters like DMA