A guide to orienteering
14 күн бұрын
How to recover after a big race
How to cure the post-race blues
How to run your perfect marathon
How running gives us hope
3 ай бұрын
Unsanctioned races
3 ай бұрын
Unorthodox training methods
4 ай бұрын
Running and the LGBTQ+ community
Running and shin pain
5 ай бұрын
Harassment on the run
5 ай бұрын
The running highlights of 2023
Why runners need to do plyometrics
@estherkelly2451 6 ай бұрын
Rachel Hewitt
@frederiquechristiaens9858 8 ай бұрын
Congratulations with your 10 Miles record and your 2h 8' in the London marathon Emile. I'm sure you'll soon run under an hour for a half marathon Emile.
@barefootbeachrunner9498 8 ай бұрын
Interesting I was a 55 year old very fit runner and swimmer with no underlying issues I was fitter andstronger than I had been in years Had recently smashed all my pb's from 5k through to marathon 2 weeks after running my first organised ultra marathon I had my 3rd Pfizer vaxx and had a horrific lung and heart reaction It wiped me out I was so fatigued and spent time in hospital 2 weeks later I got covid and was completely debilitated Over the last 22 months I've been to hell and back Im still on heart medication for stabilising heartrate and blood pressure plus many other treatments for fatigue ,stomach issues muscle and joint pain etc etc Ive recently started swimming and doing some very easy slow walk jogs As you have stated in your interview being a fit runner is not a pass for long covid Im one of the unlucky ones who got it with both barrels The vaxx destroyed my immune and autonomic nervous system and then I got covid For some people the vaxx had the reverse effect and did not provide any protection And in most cases there is very limited support from government who mandated the vaxx and medical help from Dr's who are still learning about long term covid complications Long covid has left me a shadow of my former self I wouldn't wish this on anyone
@tomnth Жыл бұрын
Josh Clark - Couch to 5k Paul Sinton-Hewitt - Park Run Usain Bolt - 9.58 Mark Gainey and Michael Horvath - Strava Founders Sabrina Pace-Humphreys - Black Trail Runners Kilian jornet - UTMB Allyson Felix - 5 Olympics Jony Ive - iPhone Tegla Loroupe - Refugee Olympic Team Sophie Power - Preganancy deferment Georgie Bruinvels - Sports Scientist Charlie Dark - Run Dem Crew
@user-zf2vn2vg9s Жыл бұрын
I’ve been recently diagnosed with bipolar type 2 at the start of this year (2023) and just recently got into running daily after dropping Quetiapine and other medications from their harsh side effects. I can’t speak for others but running and diet works for me by far. Thank you for this podcast episode and for the guest speaker revealing their story!