IHOP-KC’s Cult-Like Tendencies?
Narcissism in the Pulpit
5 ай бұрын
Misty Edwards' Response to Bickle
Original Music; Storm Constructs
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April 6, 2021
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Your Beloved is Ready
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@Onethingneeded 3 күн бұрын
He just said he had god on his side!
@dashlamb9318 Ай бұрын
Make it simple instead of complex. Perhaps Bickle could find a ditch to "fall" in and never be seen again. Oh happy day.
@dashlamb9318 Ай бұрын
Mike Bickle does not believe a word he says regarding Jesus Christ. He is a Wolf, not a Christian.
@dashlamb9318 Ай бұрын
Mike Bickle is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
@deborahthorp758 Ай бұрын
Why it is so important to study the Bible for your self, never follow prophets ,test everything you hear by Gods Holy word, Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is light . What happened here is so sad, Jesus isnot a works based Gospel. He is the opposite of man centered ways , He gives each one gifts and abilities jobs , the Bible has been very twisted in all this teaching by so called prophets if God, i pray for all who were under this ,including Mike and his family, victims of abuse , as satan is a lier, deciever and hates the truth, hates mankind created in Gods Image , praying for you all .in Jesus Holy name.
@colleengetz1608 Ай бұрын
@allisongetz4841 Ай бұрын
Amazing!!! I love this. Benji is so insightful and articulate.
@Onethingneeded Ай бұрын
We agree!
@beheard5640 Ай бұрын
This was really helpful! Thank you. I didn’t know how to frame this especially because of MB’s years of careful expository and Bible teaching that was so sound. If we are to look for fruit his ministry bares much fruit… so thank you it helped me understand and gave me a way to frame my understanding of MB and IHOPKC. And I understand leaders who sin, we are all broken vessels… I just felt like such an idiot for not even suspecting.
@duskatdawn7 2 ай бұрын
Very excellent summation of MB yet he twisted scripture constantly and lied changing facts from one video to another. MB also as you state believed in the mysticism that the NAR believes they are takeing back from the new age. He was and is a mass of inconsistency’s which only con artists and psychopaths reflect.
@wretchlikeme2506 2 ай бұрын
I wish there was the same effort of such for many unbiblical antics in the body of Christ. From one lie of supposed prophecy or "move of God' which only moves into creating many other Gospels apart from the one we learn from scripture that aren't the Gospel at all. And where is Sam storms or all these Mike bickle friends of his from Francis Chan to bill johnson. But does it matter? when eternal life in Christ is actually the only real hope we have , more than any one man or thing. 1 Corinthians 15 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
@knockoutfever4 2 ай бұрын
A house built on sand…. The “prophetic history” was clearly bogus…. None of these guys were ever “gifted”. The discernment of the hypercharismatics is non-existent….. they will call on demons if they can get “signs” from them.
@wretchlikeme2506 2 ай бұрын
It would be very beautiful if the actual Gospel was understood and preached to everyone leaving ihop l. Plus mike bickle was not an apostle or prophet in any sense nor are other self proclaimed apostles are. From bill Johnson of bethel to anyone on sid roth or dr michael brown which Push the FASLE NAR BELIEFS (NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION)
@Onethingneeded 2 ай бұрын
Thats part of how he thrived; the watchdogs said he was NAR, looking at his sermons, he clearly wasn’t so we ignored the watchdogs and let our kids be with him
@beatlebomb452 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if he has rethought his life yet? He dropped out of sight, of course. He has a lot to repent over. I hope he does that and is now humbled and no longer filled with delusion. The devil controled Bickle. I hope he realizes that now.
@wingedinfinity6715 2 ай бұрын
I would have tapped out when he began to say that surrounding churches should fall under his leadership. WOW, what A HUGE RED FLAG !!!
@wingedinfinity6715 2 ай бұрын
He was either deceived himself, a deceivER, or a combination. Bottom line for me .... he established a cult and this is just a prime, POWERFUL example/Testimony that our relationship with God should be DIRECT AND UNIQUE,, NO MEDIATOR OR PROPHET IS NECESSARY .... We should be getting Divine Revelation DIRECTLY from our Heavenly Father and SUBMITTING TO NO ONE OR NO THING, PERIOD ‼️‼️‼️
@KevinHale-vq2xr 2 ай бұрын
No. He was self deceived from the beginning. Not a mistake but a life of manipulation.
@45squared 2 ай бұрын
24:40 ‘the broken vessel that carried them’ is quite a bit too generous of a description. A narcissistic oppressor who obstructs your ability to practice righteousness by selectively rewarding brown-nosing yes-men who enforce hush-hush silencing of victims…(Jer23v14 and Ezk16v49). This type of establish environment differs from one in which the leader carries them. Rather it is an environment which carries the authoritarian who seeks the benefits of dominion without the culpability of righteous servanthood. He is not a broken vessel, but a wolf in sheep clothing who was at last finally discovered to practiced exploiting lambs for 40 years. Praise YHVH that the predator who preyed upon the prayer movement unto the extortion of millions of dollars and countless souls lost into the eternal lake of fire, has finally been Matthew13v41 revealed publicly for what he always has been. Praise YHVH that sheep are now beginning to see what this devil has stolen from them. It blesses me that the Malachi4:2 young calves can begin leaping for joy because YHVH healing wings have come to flutter over them. There is FAR more need to pray for the little lambs offended by this decades long serial reprobate than praying that the well earned millstone be removed from the neck of this devourer of innocent sheep. Let us NOT disobey 👉🏼1John5v6 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.👈🏼 because to pray for HolySpirt blasphemy pulpits expends energy on that which is as twice dead as Revelation14v9-11 worshippers of that which inherits the eternal separation from the face of YHVH. Let the Matthew25v40 little ones live INSTEAD of the Matthew25v41+ fat shepherds who feed themselves all the riches while trampling upon Jesus’ little holy vessels of sincere praise to Elohim.
@wingedinfinity6715 2 ай бұрын
Beautifully said ‼️‼️ Although we must remember to pray for him, as he now has to be redeemed himself. 💥💕✝️💕💥🙏💥
@dbamom4 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your clearly spoken observations.
@10losttribes 2 ай бұрын
Wonderfully deep and thorough analysis of what was wrong and right at Ihop. What the young people were seeking will be found as the end comes to America and the World. The bride will make herself ready and get her skates on to meet the king. All the false starts and false apostles and detours cannot stop this train from reaching it's final station, the KIngdom of God and the return of Yeshua the groom. Arise shine for thy light has come.
@StreetsOfVancouverChannel 2 ай бұрын
I think that Bickle’s motivation for creating IHOPKC may have been wholly different than the mainstream narrative projects. IHOPU & IHOPKC were essentially ’grifting operations’ that preyed upon the naive and vulnerable/sincere optimism of young adults. Students raised their monthly support and provided the labor behind the mechanics of the organization. Obligatory fasting and mandatory/extensive journaling by each student provided both the psychological and spiritual pre-conditioning to grift extensively from the students. It’s far easier to manipulate young adults if you give them ‘prophetic words’ influenced by ‘prophets’ who have access to revealing student journals. It’s also easier to fund a lifestyle secretly devoted to mammon if you have a spouse who works in real estate in an office in the same strip mall area as your church/training center. Add to this the money generated from book sales and conference fees and you have very significant ‘griftage’ accumulatively. The predatory have known for millennia that empires are built upon the exploitation of the young by the middle aged and the older adults. Many of these young adults have had their genuine compassion and desire ‘to make/embody a difference’ for the Creator devoured by deceptive and cunning/manipulative narcissists. People in most churches have no idea for how long the Enemy has been infiltrating and strategically securing control of much of ‘Christianity’. Is the Holy One the least bit intimidated or vulnerable to these Luciferian agendas? Not in the least… but it’s up to each and every believer/follower of Jesus the Christ to consistently ’walk in the Spirit’ and secure authentic and informed discernment of “God’s works”.
@user-uk6fw1sq3j 2 ай бұрын
It was a cult they worshiped M B period hevwas a narcissistic sick man so terrible and he's not sorry. He got to make bake and eat the cake leaveing crumbs for all who. Desired to be like him what a loser !! Destruction Tear the place down
@tetelestai1 2 ай бұрын
Excellent analysis sister!!
@Onethingneeded 2 ай бұрын
Thank you kindly
@duskatdawn7 2 ай бұрын
NAR is one big scam nothing new the fake living the lies the psychopath cult behavior has been scamming the world for thousands of years with the weaponization of Gods word.
@joyalways1179 2 ай бұрын
But how could they not change? After 40 years, no change.
@robertburke9920 2 ай бұрын
Well then, read the page-turner novel “Where Do We Go Now, LORD? - Burke.” Explains much. Very much. Quite ameliorating. Enjoy!
@LynnsYouTube 2 ай бұрын
The Koolaid cult was Jonestown, not Waco.
@duskatdawn7 2 ай бұрын
MB is a narcissistic psychopath who believes his own lies he is a child predator a pedophile his church was built upon false prophets who were in themselves sexual deviants. Therefore the entire ministry was false from the beginning and based upon the sex cult that he and all the false prophets like Bob jones loved “Count Zinzendorf” which also was a 24/7 supposed worship but was a day and night sex cult that most writings make it to appear Godly but was actually Godless. The evangelical industrial complex looks at MB S their friend so they completely disregard all verses in the word of God like Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭2‬, ‭9‬-‭34‬, ‭36‬-‭40‬‬ MB secret sauce of adultery and eyes full of adultery and sexual pleasure of a pedophile abuser is through bridal mysticism using the word of God as a weapon for his luring women to sin with him in sexual positions MB has no discernment and no repentance for his sins or his hidden greed for money which blinds him from any contrition or negative emotion for scripture twisting, this is a trait of a psychopath. lasvegasapologetics.wordpress.com/2011/11/22/ecumenism-the-moravian-prophecy-count-zinzendorf-and-pete-greigs-24-7-prayer-movement-examining-the-correlations/
@albertlopez2237 2 ай бұрын
Ernie was on to something but his credibility is not much better than Mike's. If your awar of Enie Gruin story. He was if you will the Mike Bicke of his time. Not know for being prophetic in the sense of mike. But he was a charismatic pastor who was known nationalty he had a church in at the time a under developed community out side of KC that grew too 2 mabee 3k . At this time he was preaching it serves to reason he was al ready in bed with another woman. Later this same year he left his church. It would appear he later Repented sad because there is no telling how far his ministry would of gone. He got back into ministry a few years later but never the close to the magnitude he once had.
@angelirohival6270 2 ай бұрын
Wow! Bickle sure had Dr. Brown fooled!!!!
@45squared 2 ай бұрын
@honestlynow Because BobJones (1) said he had a 100 visions about Bickle (like about what Bickle was actively mistreating TammyWoods) before he ever met Bickle, (2) BJ met with Bickle under highly stressed spiritual warfare circumstances, and (3) they remained in spiritual warfare with each other continually, we can know that BJ absolutely knew what MB was and is, yet pursued that civil war inside of KC in order to make a genuine holiness stand inside of KC, to defend lambs from becoming a movement destined to become disposable fodder for nephalim parasitic Diotrephes Mike Bickle.
@alisonkulatea2989 3 ай бұрын
Yeah you were sinning !!! So glad the Holy Spirit never lead me to your sermons
@robynellison3790 3 ай бұрын
Are NAR prophets and apostles even from God? Or something or someone else? We are to discern and test all spirits. Matthew 7:15-23, every good tree bears good fruit, by their fruit you will know them. Stop telling us Patricia that we are not qualified to judge Mike Bickle's, Bill Hybell's, Ravi Zachariah's fruit, we are being taught by the HS. These wolves are still, if alive, hiding in sheep's clothing. How are not they being convicted ? because they are grifters .... false teachers and false prophets. Beware of NAR.
@robynellison3790 3 ай бұрын
Or are they just predators? Wolves in sheeps clothing, who are devouring the sheep. Test all spirits.
@fofokeith 3 ай бұрын
Yes he is a cult leader, compassion to those sheep that are hurting.
@45squared 3 ай бұрын
6:07 ”It’s cringeworthy.” I have never heard that term. Hmm, interesting. 😬
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
You could play narcissist bingo with all of his statements.
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
Being vague
@lolabear6788 3 ай бұрын
@joelwebster1451 3 ай бұрын
Wow ladies what a wonderful but terribly sad letter
@brooketurner1739 3 ай бұрын
What’s the website address?
@karenbuchan1 3 ай бұрын
The fox guarding the chicken coop! This is bonus, your already compromised. You should know that the victims who have been betrayed don’t trust talking to an insider. Your just damage control. Try politics, your getting good practice
@debergher 3 ай бұрын
I used “cult-like” to describe ihopkc from the beginning. After learning all we have from this scandal, I now know it was a full blown cult.
@aaronfletcherdanielsbibles8039 3 ай бұрын
Mike Bickle has already come out and said these accusations are not true so why are you still believing the lies of satan?! Maybe its because you, like satan, hate Israel and hate the Kingdom of Heaven! Mike Bickle loves Israel and loves the Kingdom of Heaven! JESUS IS LORD!!!
@rob5609 3 ай бұрын
I want to insert something here and it is we went to our insurance agent maybe 5 years ago to do insurance business on a policy and we as ministers as he knew we were he begin to share what happened to him at 13 years old with a catholic priest here in Savannah, GA which was in the newspaper afterwards how he took him over the bridge to a secluded area and molested him. Well this man is grown now maybe in his early forties and he went to court and sue him after all these years and won $7,000,000 in court. He did not really need the money he was already pretty well off but its the principal of the violation he encountered as a teen. The man who molested him he said did nothing but smirk at him the whole time in court room. The insurance man I will not name is still going through that trauma and no amount of money will take that back that innocence but he is at least compensated. He sit there in his office and cried really we were perfect strangers but he trusted us because of our credentials and clients. We prayed with him and ask God to completely deliver him from the shame and trauma of it all. He said he felt so dirty and like it was his fault like they all want you to feel. He also is married with children. So as was I listening to this story is no different with this young lady who is now a grown women and grandmother had this encounter with a minister or pedo. It happened and Mike Bickle needs the same treatment this catholic priest had he is not above the law. Hopefully Mike will make the right decision before lawsuits start because he will lose.
@marymatthews9766 3 ай бұрын
ihop was built on false prophets, pedophiles, sexual perverts, alcoholics etc....(bob jones and paul cain) bickle said he would meet a false prophet and when he met jones he thought he was a false prophet but hooked his wagon to him anyhow....it was run like a catholic monastery - the whole thing stunk to high heaven....cleansing starts in the house of the Lord...so sorry for the hurt and anguish of all the young people who went through those doors (I came out of all things ihop, bethel, etc in 08 - but my church sent our youth groups there all the time) I went with a friend for 2 days to see it - and looking back it's unbelievable that it lasted this long...so very sorry for the people - but Jesus constantly warned to watch out for false teachers, prophets and test the spirits...
@NormBa 3 ай бұрын
A mic drop or Mike drop? Powerful stuff.
@jamesholtz4489 4 ай бұрын
One false prophecy is enough. False prophets, get this out if the church. Its a cult
@trique9776 4 ай бұрын
For many years I heard her preach about giving up everything for celibacy and giving her time to God. Now we find out that she was in two different sexual relationships during that time. Worse that that, she lied about having a relationship with Prosche when the news came out. Bottom line is, don’t trust what any Christian says about their holier than thou lifestyle
@SomethingNewOficial 4 ай бұрын
Julie will forever carry the regret of destroying Misty s life, specially because Julie believes for real that Misty is a victim
@davidschefter4160 4 ай бұрын
Read and study your Bible, and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.