Exogenous Ketones with Dr. Ben Bikman
19 сағат бұрын
Heart Health: Fat Matters
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Uric Acid with Dr. Ben Bikman
14 күн бұрын
Saturated Fat with Dr. Ben Bikman
Lipedema with Dr. Ben Bikman
@D.a.n.a. Сағат бұрын
Being a chronic "fat burner" is a metabolically defective state. Lol, this keto/carnivore fad is like the Vegan nonsense. Both completely confused by basics
@tuyendo7409 3 сағат бұрын
@skepticalmechanic 4 сағат бұрын
Why we get sick…
@greenwealth7781 5 сағат бұрын
Thank you Dr. Ben.
@blustar1856 7 сағат бұрын
How about the association of uric acid with hypothyroidism - or iodine deficiency. I've been keto for several years, and now carnivore. Uric acid still high.
@venussaturn3903 7 сағат бұрын
Which foods are there who don't spike insulin except meat????
@onyenmehieihenagarankeoma2070 5 сағат бұрын
Get you a Glucometer and a ketone test strips. We are all different By testing you will know how to eat to keep you in ketosis. Leafy greens, coffee, meat with it’s natural fat, exercise, all ensure you get into and stay in ketosis.
@ferminromero2602 7 сағат бұрын
Answers a lot of questions I had. Thank you Dr. Bikman!
@Jean-yn6ef 8 сағат бұрын
I really appreciate your work I am always frustrated for new mothers as I fed on demand for 2+ years with each of my children Which I believe is appropriate for our species So what are we supposed to do for mothers?!
@hmm___1111 9 сағат бұрын
Good God I could have used this info 12yrs ago. I was still working the programs...eat less and move more, calories in calories out, no red meat or saturated fats. I llived in spite of these horrid directive from doctors. Milk causes my blood sugar to rise and remain at 140 for 8-10hrs and nothing brings it down. I am healing slowly.
@tulipohare12 9 сағат бұрын
I take herbs for cortisol. I make my own tinctures and take licorice powder.
@veeveemille8830 12 сағат бұрын
Your lecture would have been much easier to understand if you drew diagrams of all the chemical reactions you were talking about.
@Chipshot2000 12 сағат бұрын
I am a nurse and I would have loved to have been in your pathophysiology class!
@Chipshot2000 12 сағат бұрын
So….i have lost 100 pounds with no fats other than lean meats, vegetables and low glycemic fruit. I used stevia as a sweetener. Also I stopped eating at 7 pm and began eating at noon the next day. So why is my cholesterol 290, ldl 200, hdl 38, and my fasting blood glucose 105 and A1c 5.8. I’m looking at insulin resistance but how can I correct this. Is the stevia still spiking my insulin levels?
@allfunnydogsstories2129 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you 😊😊😊
@davidzaharik5408 13 сағат бұрын
I eat fermented foods every meal... thanks to Dr Seam O'Mara
@barkeater7867 14 сағат бұрын
a coritsol CGM would be handy.
@eugeniebreida1583 14 сағат бұрын
Dr. Bikman - we need more info as to skinny postmenopausal woman who can’t sleep solely due to high ketone levels eating fatty carnivore. I am hardly the only one, eat this way to tamp,down late onset psoriatic arthritis (from stress, not heritage). And, so, heck yes, lifetime of high cortisol - but got it under control until keto carn woe .
@eugeniebreida1583 14 сағат бұрын
Deep ketosis eventually ramps up cortisol, etc, esp in thin folks and females (i’m a thin f 65yr old, I get into too deep a ketosis if i’m not putting down some carb ‘bait’ - for Mr. Sandman to nibble on …. Zzzzzz’s)
@garytango 17 сағат бұрын
@Trthsker24 17 сағат бұрын
Who is the gentleman in the yellow glasses? The descriprion says rick millerrd couldn't find him on yt
@Rocketscientist66 17 сағат бұрын
Thanks Doc!
@ARefinedMe 17 сағат бұрын
Any additional or different advice for someone who is steroid-dependent from Adrenal Insufficiency caused by immunotherapy for breast cancer? I do not produce my own ACTH and therefore do not produce Cortisol. Chemo also has acutely put me into menopause. My naturopath tested my hormones and LH & FSH are high, 3 estrogens, progesterone, pregnenolone almost nothing. Fasting Insulin (which I requested) is 22 (my hbA1C is 5.5). I have not had a recent lipid panel (last one 2022). I need to take extra steroids if I exercise or have any stressors. I’m still in cancer treatment. I am eating a carnivore / ketovore diet. I eat less than 20 carbs per day, meat and eggs are my primary diet, sometimes tuna or shrimp, some dairy. Fasting is very scary to me, as I need to take steroids with food or milk, and I need to take them at least 3x/day, starting 1/2 hour before I get up (6am).
@HML-it7te 17 сағат бұрын
40:38 THANK YOU!:) this has been a question/query/concern of mine for a while. When you said Aspartame does not cause an insulin response, I immediately had conflict as I remember the results of a study graphing the insulin response on different artificial sweeteners and sugar. They all had a response, it’s just that sugar was by far the greatest. I would love to know more about how the “cerfalic? response” (not sure of the spelling here) interacts with the addiction centre of the brain. I would love to see the results of studies to see what I can learn. It also proves to me why when on a Lion diet that if I tested eating only schnitzels only for at least 2 days (with the 3rd giving the strength of the cravings), I noticed the carb cravings coming back. It all makes sense. Can anyone point me into the right direction on this? Cheers
@tonisa24 18 сағат бұрын
Been carnivore for a while and fasting glucose keeps rising and I can’t get my daytime numbers out of the 200’s. Soooo frustrating! I wish I could figure out why!
@farooqbinadam 20 сағат бұрын
Question: I also go to bed around 10pm and I’m up and wide awake around 4am. Could this be because the hours before midnight are worth twice as much (in quality) as the hours after midnight? So although it’s literally 5-6 hours of sleep, in terms of quality, it’s more like 8? Is that true about the quality before midnight etc? Thanks!
@78cheerio 20 сағат бұрын
Minute 13:30…. My BMI is normal I can easuliy go for 14 hours without eating I have good energy. My tryglycerides always ride a bit high. Even when i did classic. low carb my lowest trigs were 158. But you say when insulin is low fatty acids (trigs) are high. So why is high trigs a bad thing? I might have to join just to ask.thx.
@nancyarchibald9095 20 сағат бұрын
It seems that whenever I eat, I immediately need to go to bed with my Bi-pap on for a 2 hr nap. Its getting rediculous. Its like clock work. I seem to sleep way too much in a 24 hr period
@masoudkhajavi8464 21 сағат бұрын
What happens if you are 178cm tall and weigh 60 kg's and have no fat to lose and have diabetes ? Thanks
@manojlogulic4234 17 сағат бұрын
Do you have diabetes type 1 or type 2? What is your diet?
@Mr-hn2bp 21 сағат бұрын
If the circadian rhythm governs the dawn phenomenon, what is the cortisol variation like around the clock? One source indicate the cortisol level rises from 3 am to 8am. This would mean we evolved to wake up 3am? I would reason daylight stimulates our light sensing cells in the eyes ( on top of cones and rod cells) which triggers directly or indirectly the release of cortisol and epinephrine to prepare us for the day. Following this logic I would expect negros (living in the tropics, produce more melanin, stable day/night ratio) should evolve to have different circadian rhythm (low melanin, wide day/night ratio variation from Summer to Winter) from Caucasians. Are there any sleep studies to investigate the effect of lighting, racial origins and seaons on diurnal rhythm?
@eugeniebreida1583 14 сағат бұрын
Apologies, are you possibly referring to melatonin, which sets circadian responses, similarly to sunrise, cortisol, etc. Would not think skin pigmentation would be much of a factor at dawn/bedtime - perhaps? Could possibly factor in at high UV times (re vit d synthesis, tho D takes awhile to reach the bloodstream. Are you of sark pigmentation? Being female I’m much more interested in whether this study applies to my half of the world’s entire population.
@Mr-hn2bp 14 сағат бұрын
@@eugeniebreida1583 Sorry, I am concerned about stress hormones and relationships with dawn phenomenon. Melatonin is a hormone promoting sleep and its level rises after sunset. Its level is more or less predictable.
@TheBroSplit 21 сағат бұрын
What if your in a calorie deficit on some carbs too. One will lose weight
@GoneCarnivore 16 сағат бұрын
Yes, in a healthy person especially. Now, I say this in my own experience as a 10 decade veteran gym goer. However I can gain weight when I go from a carnivore diet to a diet including carbs very easily. CICO is Bull$hit! My opinion, based on my own testing on myself.
@TomSmith-cv8hk 15 сағат бұрын
How do you determine calorie deficit, if eating carbs your body will try to prevent it, better to drop carbs ?
@TheBroSplit 15 сағат бұрын
@TomSmith-cv8hk not complex carbs from veggies. Eat processed stuff very sparingly or not at all
@DavidJJJ 14 сағат бұрын
The two things about calorie deficiency are the following Usually, hunger wins, so you will naturally try to eat more over time. The second thing is your body in a carb/sugar burning but calorie restricted state will lower its metabolism accordingly, so you will feel low energy lethargic and you won’t end up losing weight, because your insulin is high, so your body cannot burn fat. The thing with ketosis is your body has all the energy it needs because it can just burn fat. Keto doesn’t mean no sugar, under 40 or 50 grams a day, but your body can make its own glucose for ketosis regulation anyway. Dr Fung talks about hormones and metabolism a lot in this respect.
@milantoth2045 21 сағат бұрын
Excellent content, thanks a lot 🙏
@bobjay2559 22 сағат бұрын
Hi Dr. Bikman, could you do a video lesson on sleep apnea and tongue fat and insulin resistance?
@goldstar846 3 сағат бұрын
@Rqu000 22 сағат бұрын
Dr. Bikman, I noticed your book, and to the left, what I wonder is your scriptures? Can you comment on how you feel low carb / diets to lower insulin relate to the Word of wisdom? “Wheat for man, eat meat sparingly.” However, to control glucose and insulin, I try and avoid wheat/wheat products, Included fermented wheat products. Thoughts?
@marknease1631 20 сағат бұрын
I’m also interested in his take on ur question- could it be that wheat today is GMO and/or processed, compared to then? Israelites were fed manna and not meat, until they complained to God for meat - I’m wondering if a human body could survive on wheat then which was before processed sugar/and other foods which today cause insulin resistance. Dr. Bikman?
@Rqu000 19 сағат бұрын
@@marknease1631 for sure wheat has been hybridized and changed - even since the 1800s when the revelation was received. But, it was given for the latter days.. so why, knowing the changes wheat would undergo, would God say it was for man?
@Crimepaysaskapolitician 23 сағат бұрын
Do naps help at all?
@Rqu000 22 сағат бұрын
Yes also curious about this
@098anne 23 сағат бұрын
QUESTION: Can you address how iodine impacts metabolism?
@eugeniebreida1583 14 сағат бұрын
Eat kelp, if only encapsulated…
@jzcjca000 23 сағат бұрын
You put a lot of emphasis on sleep hygiene, but I suspect that lots of sleep problems are caused by medications. I went carnivore a year ago, and have gradually been taking myself off of my 14 different medications -- on my own, of course, because none of my doctors are interested in stopping any medications. When I dropped the triamterene + HCTZ pill, amazing things happened. For one thing, instead of waking up to pee every hour all night long, I now sleep through the entire night, sometime as long as 7.5 hours! Perhaps just as a consequence of not having to wake up to pee every hour, I'm no longer facing the problem of not being able to get back to sleep after only 4 hours of sleep. I used to think I had to get up to pee so often because I'm an old man with a tiny bladder, and now I realize it was just because of undesired effects of the meds. (I that the term "side effects" because it implies that these are rare and unimportant effects, which they often are not.) Another thing that happened -- somewhat off topic, but I mention it because it's so amazing -- my morning fasting blood glucose dropped from around 120 to around 80. That's a huge drop! My keto-mojo now shows that I'm now finally producing ketones, and my GKI is usually in the high therapeutic range. I did lose 25 pounds when I first went carnivore, but my weight loss stalled for a long time. After dropping those two meds, I'm finally losing fat again! (My percent body fat is falling faster than my weight, perhaps because I'm doing more weightlifting recently.) My guess is that the HCTZ was keeping my glucose high, which was keeping my insulin high, and insulin suppresses using fat for energy, which stalls fat loss. From now on, whenever any doctor suggests that something might be going wrong with my body, perhaps due to aging, I'm no longer going to assume they know what they are talking about. Instead, I'm going to ask what medication might be causing that as a side effect! I've have weaned myself down from 14 meds to just 3, and the journey continues. Now that I'm finally losing fat again, I expect to be able to drop my last blood pressure medication soon!
@gar6446 23 сағат бұрын
Type2 diabetic. If i try to keep bloods low i have to inject insulin. But if i dont, eat or eat low or no carb, my blood rises higher by about 3-4 (63 ish U.S) and steadies and i lose weight. Its a quandry.
@sylvestervoigt9836 20 сағат бұрын
Try performing some SPU's when You're forced to be inactive like sitting behind a Desk
@Debbie-rp1pi 13 сағат бұрын
Go on the Carnivore diet and reverse your diabetes entirely. Watch Dr Ken Berry's videos on diabetes and read the comments
@CarnivoreScott 23 сағат бұрын
First, Thank You Dr. Bikman!! I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and was prescribed a Bi-pap. Of course I am overfat etc, and not in very good condition. I have noticed how my glucose shoots up when I am stressed, tested via a finger stick monitor, and it is elevated in the morning as well. All this to say I have a lot of personal experience with the impacts of poor sleep on my health. I also believe my decades or rotating shifts while in the military has really exacerbated my sleep challenges. I now am very much on a low carb lifestyle, for about 110 days now, and I am trying to get 8hrs of sleep each night. But, I do experience a number of poor sleep nights, especially if I eat a lot, or if I eat too late regardless of how much I eat. So I am working to dial in what and when I eat, and getting my sleep schedule normalized. I just wonder how long it will take to see my insulin resistance go away?
@eugeniebreida1583 14 сағат бұрын
Congrats on squarely facing the importance of solid, regular, cool, quiet, sleep hygiene. It’s my challenge too. And yes, much better to have eaten too little too early, than too much too late. My concept of a medium-solid dinner must be down the hatch and digesting No Later than 7:30. I’ll likely sleep great by 10/10:30p. IF I don’t ‘watch the next yt vid”. Time to chuck the visuals, no later than 10, on a Very amberred/dimmed down screen. Zzzzzzzzzzz’s = health n’ hapiness❤
@CarnivoreScott 13 сағат бұрын
@eugeniebreida1583 Yes the YT rabbit hole can be a challenge. Great points too.
@hmm___1111 23 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately I learned about elevated cortisol late (in my 50s). By then I slept 4-5hrs a night if lucky and up by 5:30am to do it again. I compare my daily stress as equal to a car accelerator being floored 80% of my waking hours. I became very ill with no help from my doctors except the "eat less-move more" willful ignorance. But I lived to understand enough of the what and why to heal thanks to three doctors with the latest being Dr. Ben Bikman and his book Why We Get Sick and Insulin IQ. I'm grateful to be alive at this time because of Dr. Bikman and the other two doctors I understand what was happening to my body/mind. I don't have to die stressed, sleep deprived, obese with multiple diagnosis on 8 medications. I am healing reversing all but the two issues 💪. Thank you!
@colleenhaithcock216 23 сағат бұрын
For several years I was the main caregiver of my husband. I had previously dieted to go from 60 units of insulin at 180 pounds down to 140 pounds on metformin. and for a brief period off of metformin .He died nearly two years ago --the stress of grief is much less, and I realized I was not automatically waking up at 2 ( to check on him). I am now 120 pounds which used to be my normal weight and no meds.. Sleep and stress. Thank you Doctor Bikman!!!!!!!!!!!.
@Bama_J Күн бұрын
@rosiemom8499 Күн бұрын
I'm curious what effect, if any, will a nap during the day do to insulin if our night time sleep is shortened sometimes. Even after a low-carb lunch I get real sleepy. I think I'm turning into my dad. After a short nap he'd jump up and get back to work, he did a lot of physical labor.
@ld9044 Күн бұрын
@diditu1602 Күн бұрын
So this is why people with type 2 diabetes are feeling tired, as the brain says, "Go to sleep to allow insulin come down "( lol).
@tulsabrit671 Күн бұрын
I'm female, 5'3", 66, fell pray to food pyramid, gained 40lbs over 30 years. Arrived from England at 108lbs. Fasted list weight, now 127, need to lose 12 more pounds. Discovered I'm Celiac, can't eat lectins or Oxalates due to kidney stones, born Cesarean, now eat fish, beef, eggs, dairy (yoghurt made from raw milk), goat kefir made from grains daily, purple cabbage homemade sauerkraut daily, cut off eating by 4pm otherwise wake up in the night. However, if this happens I count down from 5 and it puts me back to sleep. Tried many things this works for me, also staying in my Circadian rhythm. No help from docs, use Medcalc app to calculate ratios, very useful. Fav docs, Dr Bikman, Fung, Noakes, Harcombe.
@alicat746 23 сағат бұрын
I get it ! I watch all those videos and yet my numbers are shite !! It doesn’t work for every one.
@nannygranny9534 22 сағат бұрын
You and I must be related!!😂
@bobeldredge282 Күн бұрын
Dear Mr. Bikman, when is someone going to make a home insulin meter? hint,hint. Thanks Bob the welder
@Celticcross688 Күн бұрын
Have been a diagnosed DIABETIC for 6 years, oh after today I have to go on this diet for six months. I cannot take metformin very bad side effects .. so I was put on 50 units of humulin 3 (isophane) KwikPen BD..9am & 4pm daily before I eat two meals a day.. IF after 7pm-9am. Can I come off insulin immediatly, continue on Low carb keto diet, eating below 50 grams of carb..I have gained weight (10 kgs in two years..
@Hertz2laugh Күн бұрын
*TIMESTAMP:* 4:24 What do you do when you find yourself wide awake after only five hours of sleep? Is your general thought to try to go back to sleep? Any particular strategies for that? I've been very-low-carb forbalmost three years now. Seems like the more time that passes, the fewer and fewer hours I sleep before I feel like I could get out of bed as if I had slept a full night. Sometimes it's only been four hours.I find it very easy to just get up and start my day, but I do get very sleepy by 4:00 p.m. I'd love to get more information on this sort of thing.
@LifeDIY Күн бұрын
Yes! So many people eating very low carb wake up at 1-3 AM and it's a huge issue for many people. It's disruptive to family members too. In the past I was totally unable to fall back asleep and had to resort to going to bed at 6 PM, to get enough good hours of sleep. Recently I started adding in small amounts of carbs with a couple meals a day and since then I've been able to sleep longer. If I do wake up (which happened last night), I often can fall back asleep which I used to not be able to do before.
@johannmayrhofer2967 23 сағат бұрын
Some expert are talking about, they say, eat for dinner complex carbs. vegetables with low glycamic Index, they claim our Nervus System needs that for sleep/at night. I do that often and for me it works. I think and also others say, keto or very low carb should be done only as a cure and for limited time, 3-4 month I think ...
@Hertz2laugh 23 сағат бұрын
@@johannmayrhofer2967 I understand what you are saying. Maybe it is so. However, I don't feel like I am getting "bad" or "poor" sleep. It is just that I wake up very alert after four or five hours. I do not feel bad or sleepy when I wake up. I feel full of energy and ready to start my day. But then between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., I feel like I am ready to sleep again. If I sleep for 30 minutes or 1 hour, I feel very good for the rest of the day. It is almost like when you have low carbs, you have a different sleep cycle. Not necessarily "bad", but just *_different._* All my blood tests look good. I feel good. I still have plenty of energy to lift weights and play with my young boys. Etc, etc. It doesn't seem like a " problem," really, it is just very different from what I am used to.
@johannmayrhofer2967 23 сағат бұрын
This sounds a bit of troubles with the adrenals. I mean the circadian rythem of cortisol production could be shifted to the night. A 12 or 24 hour test for cortisol would be interessting if you haven't done them ...
@Hertz2laugh 22 сағат бұрын
@@johannmayrhofer2967 it doesn't *_feel_* like troublebwith anything. I'm not suffering or underperforming. It's just different. But I will look into that sort or testing.
@suzannesmith8971 Күн бұрын
Dr. Aikman, Thank you sir for providing this information. I am type 2 and I have leaned more from your talks than from my health care providers. Again, thank you. Loved your book, straight forward and easy to understand. If I would of had this inf 25 yrs ago, maybe I could of helped myself more in delaying full onset.
@Momtocam1997 Күн бұрын
No matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired in the morning...even three years later on keto. I suspect my cortisol level remains too active at night..and/or the dawn phenomenon is to blame.
@thomassaddul6070 22 сағат бұрын
If you eat only meat (fatty), you must eat to the full. Try adding electrolytes like Magnesium, Salt and Potassium.