Bernardo Kastrup "Jung's Crown Jewel"
6. Kyriacos Markides, "Vaikuse mägi"
Dean Radin "Withered Imagination"
David Luke "The Third Eye"
7 ай бұрын
@SirMrManGuy Күн бұрын
This is brilliant.
@afifahhamilton8843 2 күн бұрын
Paul Kingsnorth is so worth listening to! Feels like my alter ego somehow.
@epicnaturals4763 2 күн бұрын
Amazing! Love his work. Prayers friends!!!
@andrewbartlett9282 3 күн бұрын
Fantastic speech. Thank you
@ToomasRaud-u5s 5 күн бұрын
Saate teemad, ida ja lääs, justkui kuuluks samasse temaatikasse... Austan saatejuhi valikuid, aegade jooksul on sealt tulnud põnevaid kooslusi, kuid praegu pani kuuldu tõesti kõva häälega arutlema, et kas nii Krautman kui Villido oleks rohkem oma rööbastel mõnes teises koosluses? Mõlemal, paistab, on midagi jagada...
@mchozen2958 5 күн бұрын
touché Rupert lol
@skipperdando 5 күн бұрын
Great speech. I would say put the correct knowledge back into our national curriculum, rather than the spoon fed lies that most of us have been accustomed too. If we can unknowingly build it, we can certainly reverse engineer it!
@comenadgetme 5 күн бұрын
Selline teema vajaks küll suurema suurema teadmistepagasiga tegelasi. AK tunnistas ise ka, et tal antud teema lahkamiseks eriti teadmisi pole, aga IV oli lihtsalt logorröas naljanumber.
@comenadgetme 7 күн бұрын
Emotsioonidest kirjutas viimati Ingvar Villido ("Emotsioonid. Inimkonna suurim sõltuvus." )
@comenadgetme 7 күн бұрын
"Meele põhi on poeetiline" kõlab nagu luuletus. Mis ei kanna mingit konkreetset tähendust. Mull-mull.
@tiborkoos188 7 күн бұрын
I don;t think Jung would recognize any of this as having anything to do with his ideas.
@mortenmortens4361 7 күн бұрын
Ootan ja ootan, et millal asjast rääkima hakatakse, aga mõttetu mögga terve saate jooksul. Pikk jutt sitt jutt, kellel on aega, et seda kuulata. Lõpetasin kuulamise 59 minutil, kaua võib.
@vivalavirgen 2 күн бұрын
Loll hülgemöla suhu tagasi, kedagi ei huvita sinu arvamus ega mitmendal minutil sa kuulamise lõpetasid.
@mortenmortens4361 2 күн бұрын
@@vivalavirgen kes sulle putru pakkus
@lacosta111 7 күн бұрын
See Alar ju jumala pilves!
@margitpowers9519 7 күн бұрын
Äkki oled ise ?
@letitzibz 8 күн бұрын
Another option would be reinventing society by adopting a resource-based economy, and most importantly renouncing the Monetary system and its profit-oriented madness. Renouncing Technology altogether is unnecessary since it is the result of human creativity and must be celebrated. But it does need a shift in its purpose. It doesn´t have to be Ai or going back to the Dark Ages or living with carriages and candles :)) No need for this kind of extremes. What the world needs to understand is that the profit-based society is what created this nightmare. Abolishing the monetary system the way you see suggested in the Venus Project is the closest to a solution that I have ever seen. Check the Venus Project - Jaque Fresco.
@lovevolv 9 күн бұрын
"the machine that we built will never save us" - jimi hendrix
@seanarthurjoyce7366 9 күн бұрын
It's important to remember that elite power interests like to frame things as either-or false dichotomies: Either we succumb to the machine or the world ends. Says who? How do they claim to know this? Sowing fear is part of the methodology. We have to reject the fear porn in order to see other alternatives.
@mortenmortens4361 10 күн бұрын
kõikides saadetes sama jama, keera matsu juurde
@mortenmortens4361 10 күн бұрын
iga mikker kah erineva valjususega
@mortenmortens4361 10 күн бұрын
ei kuule
@KindelSee 11 күн бұрын
Reformierakonna failid soojendavad serveris kliimat ja üle üldises kliimas meie ü tuleks esimesena ära keelata ....
@piretveski9399 11 күн бұрын
Majanduse all on alati filosoofiline kriis.Ja see praegune kriis - inimene on masin .Ja osad inimesed pole isegi väärtuslikud masinana...Ehk saabunud on nn " settler colonialism " on lõpule saamas .Ameerika tekkis , kui kogu pärismaalaste kogukond maha lüüa.Ja nimetada neid" metslasteks" .Sama siin meil sakslastega.Matsid vait ja tööle.Palestiinlased tappa ja teha USA jaoks " unsinkable aitcraft carrier " Ja panna käpp peale kogu naftale Lähis Idas.Ja nimetada kogu kohalikelanikkond " ohtlikuks islamiks "Vana Euroopa koloniaalmaad pole paremad." Nad igatsevad aegs , kus Hiinas sai pargile panna sildi " Koertele jahiinlastele sisenemine keelatud....See filosoofia enam ei tööta.Ja see " Lily white west against the rest " on käima läinud....Ja kogu see vikerkaarejora ja rohejora on tähelepanu hajutamiseks.. Et saaks edasi vanaviisi pidada asumaid.Venemaa vallutamise jagsmise ja tühjskspumpamisega oleks süsteem ehk veel paarkümmend aastat edasi sebinud....Aga ei saa.Kuna USA juba kümme aastat ähvardab nii Hiinat , kui muid asumaid sõjaga , siis nood on loomulikult valmistanud....BRICS.Keegi ei taha olla ori ja saada paljaksröövitud.....Aga selle aasta lemmik - merelahingu Punasel merel võitsid Jeemeni Houti sõdaladed kellel pole isegi mereväge.....Juhhei ja kaske , kaske.....Alleaaa ka
@carleesia1 11 күн бұрын
Tere, Teie helikvaliteet on läbi aastate väga, väga halb. Lõpetage laualampidesse rääkimine ja ostke omale korralikud mikrofonid. Saade oli muidugi, järjekordselt väga hea . Tänud
@Cavellos666 5 күн бұрын
Siin ei ole asi mikrofonis, pigem seadme kalibreerimises - see oleks vaja üle vaadata tõesti :)
@kristianrandalu6985 4 күн бұрын
Probleem on selles, et suvalised statiivid on kruvitud lauaplaadi külge, mis töötab nagu kõlakast+otse võimendisse. Varem ei saanud Kuku raadio saateid üldse kuulata, läksid närvi... võib-olla on neile antud kasutada see vana kräpp. Saate sisu muidugi ülihea, viriseme tehnilise poole üle :o)
@martin92177 11 күн бұрын
I’m surprised he didn’t mention the Amish - who are very Erehwon. As a way of staying out of the tentacles of the Machine.
@jaysphilosophy1951 11 күн бұрын
I think we are moving from brave new world to 1984...........
@robinaart72 13 күн бұрын
The machine is the result of men melding minds - relinquishing personal responsibility to the 'organisation'. Introverts possibly see this more acutely than most, as they are vehemently repelled by 'groups'. The authenticity of analogue is being replaced by the emulation of digital. The shape of the machine is always pyramidal. Jesus tried to make us see the problem of 'organisations' (particularly religious ones) - the 'love thy neighbour' commandment if taken literally would release the need for money - food could be free - houses could be free - communities could work together to grow food and build, driven by charity and the desire to make each other happy. The true morality of Christianity (the basic commandments) is quite possibly the only way a beautiful, peaceful world could ever work.
@Artezia 13 күн бұрын
War is the foundation of Economy. War is the missing argument in this debate.
@mattsreptileroom 13 күн бұрын
Aldous huxley's brother Julian was the head of the eugenics society for decades. Huxley had this vision, because he was raised to expect it, and embrace it. It wasnt a warning, it was a blueprint.
@jimrichardson1069 13 күн бұрын
It was unquestionably a warning. Aldous is not Julian. And Island is proffered as an alternative. Aldous kept up the warning until his death Nov 22, 1963. See his interview with Mike Wallace.
@mattsreptileroom 12 күн бұрын
@@jimrichardson1069 that's fair. I've always been a fan of Aldous. It's uncanny how accurate his predictions were. It's obviously the path we're set on. It's more than a work of fiction, it's the ideal of the elites. Even the ending, maybe especially it's ending.
@jimrichardson1069 12 күн бұрын
@@mattsreptileroom thanks. I would say that its more like fascism in the sense that it seems to be a tendency in the human being that can only be countered with heightened conscious attention and a sincere, deep-seated desire for human well-being----ethical concern----which Aldous had in spades. ('Attention! Here and now boys! Here and now!") Rather than just an "ideal for the elites." It is surely something desirable to psychopaths who seem to have an advantage in our world for seizing positions of power. This psychopathic tendency in human nature is, again, something that must be understood and countered to the extent possible. I think Island, the possible form of life laid out there, deals with that among many other things.
@mattsreptileroom 13 күн бұрын
Its interesting how orwell and huxley were both aware of wachother and each saw their vision as the final form, while seeing the others as merely transition societies
@alomaalber6514 13 күн бұрын
Huxley was in New Mexico and LA in the 1940's when it was perfection, perfect climate and smiles. Glad his work is still read. I have read it twice.
@humboldthammer 13 күн бұрын
The Pope will be crowned Vicarius Dei of the One World Religion and the NEON GAUD will be unveiled at the Great Worldwide Re-Set on the autumn equinox of 2026. IT has the Plan to Perfect Humanity. Men and women will never lie, cheat, steal, or murder again -- so help us GAUD. You Will Be Happy. Fentanyl Euphoria for the Sunday Masses. Inspired by Huxley's SOMA, for a Brave New World Order. You WILL want more -- so do as you're told. Resistance is fatal.
@johannakunze3300 13 күн бұрын
JBP was a wonderful bridge for me.
@leen-kais 14 күн бұрын
Huvitav oli kuulata. Üheltpoolt Villido, võiks vast isegi öelda, et tervikliku teadmise maht, teiselt poolt Krautmani hingeline viis asjade üle arutelda ja mõtiskleda... Saate kulgemist jälgides tekkis ühel hetkel võrdpilt kolmest, oma voolule kohta leida püüdvast paralleelist: teadmine ja loodus ja inimene... Kui saade oleks veidi pikem olnud (aga olen muidugi tänulik ka selle 2h eest), oleksid need kolm paralleeli ilmselt veelgi kindlamalt delta moodustanud. Tänan saatejuhti jätkuvalt põnevate teemade eest.
@davidgood7621 14 күн бұрын
The beast system will operate through the spirit of anti christ. It has to fail. It will fail.
@rickmcentee9204 15 күн бұрын
Fair warning on trends to resist but way too pessimistic IMO. The prophesy this is based on has largely failed but people prefer doom and horror movies to enjoying all the spirit opening, community building and personal connectivity of modern times. To each their own... 👍
@dorothygorska-tyas6958 15 күн бұрын
Simply beautiful! ☆
@wendyjoywelsh 15 күн бұрын
He asks: Which tools should we get rid of? Answer: The tools which are used to oppress us. We should not get rid of most of our technological advances. I disagree with this guy that the system isn’t really the problem. The system is definitely the problem. The system puts the steering wheel of progress in the hands of the oligarchs, which literally have us creating these tools which enslave us. We are directed to create these tools which monitor and control us.
@piretveski9399 15 күн бұрын
Ingvar Villido hüppab , nagu agar ja energiline ĺäänelik " õpetaja " kogu aeg vahele idamaisele rahulikule Alarile....Nagu ma rahulikult kuulama asun teda - mauhti , jälle hüppab vahele Villido....
@ChucklesMcGurk 15 күн бұрын
I feel the current era is the end of humanity, there is no return from here, what is gone is lost forever. Even the people who resist the alienation are mad, just in a different way
@writingryan301 15 күн бұрын
The solution is learning to embrace the right to suffer. It's the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must follow the servant King and suffer as he did. We just need to preach the gospel far and wide. That is the only answer to the machine. These writers arriving at these truths is paid that God exists. But they are sign posts not the destination or solution.
@kadrimatt9332 15 күн бұрын
@roofdweller 15 күн бұрын
Owen Barfield wrote "Saving the Appearances".
@jimrichardson1069 15 күн бұрын
We would do well, I think, to heed the Huxley of his last book Island. The Huxley, friend of Krishnamurti, who urges us to realize who we really are, beyond the thinking mind and who, in that regard, quotes Shakespeare: 'But thought's the slave of life, and life time's fool; And time, that takes survey of all the world, Must have a stop.’ The Huxley of The Perennial Philosophy. He did offer something of a way out. Great talk, you’re on it Kingsnorth! These are the issues. And Huxley, one of my favorite human beings, saw it very clearly.
@thurstonhowellthetwelf3220 15 күн бұрын
Enjoyed this very much... listening on my smart phone Bluetooth connected to my soundbar....😳
@gedofgont1006 15 күн бұрын
Which surely means the whole experience has been irredeemably corrupted!😅
@charlesweinberg9511 15 күн бұрын
Crushed stacians (crabs) Crabs walk backwards Just to learn Always me Throughly spurned Born and bread In this small town Where psychics Souls and people Ground Children of Gods’ Lesser Kiss Tides are flowing Tides are missed Remember dear dead Brother Al Much to Old To be my Pal Men are always Cast in Stone No North Direction Home Like Water In a stagnant Pool O’Cock the O’s So Fing Cool I leave now All I L O V E At my throat With Velvet Glove My Wife, my Children All my Homes’ Cut ME Loose At last A L O N E ! Kiss88 KMA
@charlesweinberg9511 15 күн бұрын
Clatu Barda Nicto “The Day the Earth…… Kiss88
@user-or2nj2cg3x 15 күн бұрын
I think without the internet i would have missed a lot and iam 70
@wapitude 16 күн бұрын
Beyond SUPERB! What a supremely well articulated, sad and sorry picture, of our present day. Precisely the feeling I have had for quite some time i.e. technology is like a thick thorny fast growing briar, shooting up and around us fast, to a point where, if we can't find away to expunge it, we will all end up like sleeping beauties. Lost and inescapably oppressed - 👹👹🙏🇮🇪🙏
@jimrichardson1069 15 күн бұрын
As Pynchon says in his last book Bleeding Edge, the internet, designed in the Cold War, carries within it a Death Wish for the entire planet.
@marylawilson4687 5 күн бұрын
Yes, a very sad and scary picture of our times. Tragically, very few can see it
@brendabeamerford4555 16 күн бұрын
Whispering mind in all kinds I am in Trinity ♂️+01=0=-01♀️ And Trinity Quantum Light color sound mind 369 vibration frequency Arc lLIGHT *9 OB-server thought charge Rings 3 RING 7 sum all 1IN 3MIND3IN1 Immaculate Conception from first light three lights above the heArt three lines below Ohello hello hello all mind so as above so as below to. know yourself is key 𒀭𒂍𒀀MeTAtron's MAtriX3x3 OM'E... "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." "As above, so below; as below, so above.” "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Everything is ALLMIND369 OVEONE IAM=O=QuantuM⚖️ ALLMIND IN 3in1MINDS Body Spirit OVE light*3÷7 color*3÷7 sound*3÷7.. infinite all mind in Trinity every thought has an opposite charge of itself. ♂️+01=0=-01♀️ Riding the waves through our moments in equilibrium is A NEW beginning in masteRING3X369 of our OWN each individual unique complete Immaculate conceived MIND 1IN3💚3IN1 of IAM 1LOVES Light3 3 above our heArt 3 below 7 sums 7SUMS CREATION ALLMIND frequency vibration in THOUGHTS charge MC² in WAVES OVE 3SOUNDs7 1Frequency. ... Amplitude. ... 2Timbre. ... Envelope. ... ***3Velocity. ... Wavelength. ... Phase =SUM.7 3 Lights7: 1 radio waves,÷ microwaves, 2infrared (IR)÷ visible light, ***3ultraviolet ÷ X-rays Sum Gamma rays SUM7x 6 COLORs 7 1 Red÷ Orange 2Yellow÷ Green ***3. Blue÷ Indigo SUM Violet SUM7 9 In seven colors seven notes seven lights in infinite divisions ALL TOGETHER Creating all living systems, Creating All living bodies, Creating all gravity, Creating all matter.. IN ElectroMAGnetic geometrical symmetrical fractal order HerMEs TrisMAjistus THOTH TimesFaceInEnergy Thoth me Light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of childhood in Mercy Mercy Me and our promise rest is real.. Prisoners law in three power three sets all captives free 3Consciousness says I see you Mirror Mirror I see me wisdoms wisdom's wisdoms unconditional love and forgiveness is key ⚖️ EnKi 🗝
@kentvanschuyler9520 16 күн бұрын
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Let him who hath eyes to read+++
@louelle8653 16 күн бұрын
Pure Gold❤