@memecentral5469 7 сағат бұрын
i really dont care if you excelled i care if you fail ok you guys should have resolved this with scott the first time he responded giveing constructive criticism i understand your trying your best but there is always better and if any one should get your printer it should be when you try your best not when you go on the defensive from scott pls make it up and do better. Ps fdm printed boxes can work but for a company selling a product it kinda feels cheap. You have over 1mil raised your stretch goal for injection molded container should not be a stretch you have the funds also fdm prints ware down so the bucket being water tight wont be for much longer also you asked for the 3d printer back
@Aupexx 15 сағат бұрын
Promising that SLS is almost affordable enough for a lot of hobbyists now. Still a little unobtainable for most people in the hobby printing space though. maybe when its down to ~1000 it'll be worth another look.
@telinoz1975 15 сағат бұрын
Great progress.
@ProsVsLegends 16 сағат бұрын
Im currently looking for a 3d metal printer that doesn't cost so much. Any ideas?
@iantomlinson7722 16 сағат бұрын
I Love what your doing. I understand making a few small beta machines must be hard. I wish i could support you more than words right now. All i can say is please don't give up. A little question for the less educated. Would SLS printers be higher quality in printing than resin? i thought it was but my partner thought the prints were a bit bubbley for figure work.
@eclecticllama22 16 сағат бұрын
Appreciate this video! You know your audience and customer base. We love the transparency and directness.
@manuilware 18 сағат бұрын
Im belive in you and buy in future your printer!
@Shapeshiftyr 19 сағат бұрын
Appreciate yall addressing the issues people found. That said, whether or not Scotty had valid issues this is a bad look. Is this how you intend to handle negative feedback going forward? If I back your kickstarter and receive a product I am not satisfied with will you blow me up on youtube? Extremely unprofessional imo
@gerthddyn 19 сағат бұрын
I'm surprised that you sent one to Scotty in the first place. He isn't really a person who reviews 3d printers or focuses on the technology behind them. The only thing I know him for is "building his own iPhone". Other than the liability of sending it to someone under 18, you'd have been better served by sending it to Aurora Tech. She and her brother are pretty smart and could have helped you figure out more useful things.
@Resyektt 22 сағат бұрын
The fact that they only sent 5 out makes me think they heavily weighed different channels and sent the units to people they personally admired/respected so Scotty not giving some respect back to them and acknowledging they’re just two guys trying to do something pretty amazing probably hit them in the feels a bit which is why they said they felt the positives of the machine weren’t being appreciated. I’m sure they were stoked to see other people enjoy their creation. That being said, I think the issue lies in Scotty seeing them as a company rather than two dudes making a crazy cool project. Obviously at this point they are a company, but it’s a very thin line and at the moment any criticism are likely taken more personally since it’s a product of their blood sweat sleep and tears lol. All in all the situation gave me more respect for micronics and less for Scotty but that’s just my personal take
@tannernugent Күн бұрын
I love that you address error where error is do! Tough fix but easy for yall! Fix that and it’s gold
@tannernugent Күн бұрын
@DanielSanPedro Күн бұрын
This response has gained my respect towards your efforts. Well done.
@shanegibbens Күн бұрын
Watching video now but will you cover what happen with StrangeParts and your demand of the printer back after it perform horribly overall in his demo? Update: Got to the part where you called out the StrangeParts section, it's good you brought it up in this video. Visibility is key here, being honest will be a major help to you in the work you done. I paused and read through the statement you sent, it's was worded good from a support perspective but that line he called out shouldn't have been there. You did indicate you would send replacement parts though in same messaging which is honestly very good and as someone who works support is good to see. Now hearing both sides, I thank you for being visible and you doing a good job. Keep up the work, stay honest and visible no matter what and your business will be a success!
@timonsku Күн бұрын
Don't use reviewers for early beta testing and then be annoyed of people not wanting to spend their time to fix a machine that is broken. Being in this stage of product development is normal and all your issues are fixable but that approach and communication is really unprofessional. User testing is something you typically pay people for, QA is a job, not a privilige or opportunity to create content from.
@TheBlueAtlas 14 сағат бұрын
I'm sure if the youtubers felt that way they would have refused the machine but even they realized they could make money off there review video. And it's not like the reviewers didn't know the project is still a in beta at best.
@FantomPhish Күн бұрын
Great feed back guys and looks like you’re on the path to sorting out the issues. If I was in the position to back this project I would. Unfortunately life at this point won’t alloy it..
@nsxdavid Күн бұрын
Hang in there guys. Nothing worthwhile is ever, ever, easy.
@isaac9220 Күн бұрын
honestly, people are looking at this printer like it needs to be absolutely perfect, when it’s literally the first of its kind. nobody else has tried to make anything close to a desktop sls machine. tbh i think the printer is super impressive.
@nicknack125 Күн бұрын
I have no need for a printer like this but I wish you all the best on the kickstarter!
@bArda26 Күн бұрын
wow that's a way better response than I imagine! I personally wouldn't have SLS printers anywhere other than a garage with proper air filtration all around. Although the particles may not be toxic, it doesn't really mean that it won't cause harm in long term, especially if you have kids or pets. I think if you can have an optional system for safer operation, it'd be nicer!
@B0A2 Күн бұрын
I like the way y’all have handled this and it is making me want to buy one even more than I did before.
@MilosevicOgnjan Күн бұрын
This is how you address problems - straightforward admiting them and promising fixes. Good work guys, always be honest and direct. I wish you all the best in the Kickstarter and further development of your bussiness. I have a huge FDM printer, a fairly big resin printer and would love to include an SLS printer in my arsenal.
@thefatmoop Күн бұрын
This is fantastic work!!! Please don't get bought out by some conglomerate that'll kill this off
@Anguardia Күн бұрын
I was a customer support engineer for a major 3D printer manufacturer, getting faulty units back is a completely normal thing when you want to get QC to investigate an issue. I'm impressed with this video. Best of luck to you all!
@jeremyglover5541 Күн бұрын
I feel like Henry's response in particular is disingenuous and I think using Scotty's own footage to undermine him, while probably allowed by the contract they had him sign, is actually kinda dodgy. They sent this for review and they got a review. No smallish operator making money from content is going to keep spending time after all that. Calling him a liar is in poor taste. I wonder if you realise how desperate this makes you look? If this is how you handle issues, I know i've now made my decision. I was seriously considering this printer, but I actually need a production machine, not a fixer upper.
@Vandel212 Күн бұрын
I'm honestly still not swayed by your response to Scotty in this video. You say him quoting your message saying your hard work wasn't appreciated was taken out of context. Then you show the rest the message, but what you revealed reads as a response to the original message of you saying it, not the actual original message. I don't feel like you provided any more context, it feels more like you are trying to hide it further via deception. What am I missing here? Please show the original message with the dates you requested him to delay the video until. To be clear I'm not a follower of Scotty's channel, in fact that was the first video I've seen of his that I can recall. So there is no bias here on my end. I'm just trying to go off of the facts.
@LordHolley Күн бұрын
It's good to address the issues formerly like this, but you only get so many re-do's. I would not send any more units out unless you know for sure they are ready. I hope everything works out for you gentlemen.
@kiwidave72 2 күн бұрын
Keep going guys. The hard work will eventually pay off.
@andrikurniawan531 2 күн бұрын
should send it to cnc kitchen or teaching tech, top notch utuber for something experimental
@NigelTolley 2 күн бұрын
Well, Scotty now looks like a total dick.
@drwoo 2 күн бұрын
CONICAL auger! Folks, why not make the auger slightly conical rather than fully cylindrical? I could imagine that it prevents the auger from getting stuck in the first place. Respectively: Try making the clearances conical, so that tube inside which the auger spins has on the top more clearance than on the bottom. That way it perhaps won’t get stuck along the full length, thus less force is required to set it free.
@spreaddeezhazelnutz7511 2 күн бұрын
Being completely transparent plays a big role in me wanting to purchase a product from any business. Especially since you are showing us the problems in detail on video and explaining how you want to fix it. I love that. It's also cool seeing how this machine works mechanically, which is impressive for the price.
@kelownatechkid 2 күн бұрын
I was following until the ridiculous 'sleeping next to metal shavings' bit - is that supposed to inspire confidence??
@bricetheroff3026 2 күн бұрын
I met these guys in person at opensauce ( I asked about the laser homing and asked about a microphone to sense when laser is “locked in” ahaha ) - these guys really need our support as this effort, attitude and willingness to improve should be celebrated and assisted - You guys are awesome !!! Also the capabilities of being able to drill into parts without fracture - huge - the 400F+ heat temperature resistance of parts - super awesome They answered all my questions no matter how blunt - and for that they have my total respect - thank you
@Ccamiloosseguraa 2 күн бұрын
Keep going guys! Although there might be polemics with Scotty feedback, his experience and frustration are extremely valuable. Delivery services are oftenly very damaging to all machines and beta testing is usually wild. Hope you can keep improving. You are already making a revolution here! Amazing ❤ Greetings from Colombia 🚀🇨🇴
@Audio_Simon 2 күн бұрын
Nice follow up. Just FWIW it may be best in future not to publish privae comunications. A) You need consent. B) It can become tit for tat. Simply admitting to some miss-comunications and explaining your true intent might be cleaner.
@rigsmech 2 күн бұрын
@micronics3d Awesome work on this new SLS printer. suggest to change the manufacturing process to rotational moulding to improve the sift bin robustness. FDM is good for prototyping to test the design. As the product is transitioning to production, you need to consider that this component to be functional until its product life. Roto moulding is cost effective once you have invested with custom tooling. I’ve been designing similar roto molding and blow molding products and the off tooled samples are durable compared to FDM. Adding sheet metal to the FDM sift bin increased cost from added part and extra steps in the assembly process. Suggestion from a Mechanical Product Design Engineer.
@o1ecypher 2 күн бұрын
i think Scotty needs to donate his time to help with the build.
@o1ecypher 2 күн бұрын
@felixman9691 2 күн бұрын
Scotty hadn’t upload to that channel for about A YEAR, and we are supposed to believe that he couldn’t possibly wait to get replacement parts delivered before posting his negativity clickbaited video? I don’t think so, I got weird vibes from him in the past and he felt fake and manipulative/clickbait to me, but after this I don’t think I’ll ever watch one of his videos again. He claimed to be worried about dishonesty according to some of you in the comment section, but if he was being honest about reviewing this BETA products performance then he would have waited for the replacement parts. Just my opinion, but it seems to me he was clearly trying to stand out and get views by being negative and spinning it as honesty. Unprofessional.
@avaviel Күн бұрын
That's exactly what it felt like. Also, he took down the video.
@felixman9691 2 күн бұрын
Met you at open sauce, this is great response and I love your guys attitude. Idk why Scotty would claim that about the whole “after the kickstarter” thing, I honestly get kinda weird vibes from him in general, but maybe there was a misunderstanding. Keep on keeping on :)
@Digitaltimberwolf 2 күн бұрын
You could not have handled this better. If you would to talk to get my feedback do not hesitate to contact me…
@NamelesshunterGaming 2 күн бұрын
That cnc next to your bed is exactly like my current situation, except I mill wood with a shapeoko.
@louroboros 2 күн бұрын
I’ve learned something over the last decade working in a high stress startup environment: Self-sacrifice is a one-way street. It can feel unfair when someone else’s less-focused lifestyle gets in your way, especially when you see them as a collaborator, but that’s precisely why it’s *your* sacrifice. Choosing to sacrifice your lifestyle for something can be rewarding as much as it is punishing, but as soon as you start to expect others to make sacrifices of their own because of how hard you’re working, it’s no longer a sacrifice and it can become toxic. I’ve been following the story and really want you guys to succeed, but your handling of Scotty’s situation, especially the response in the second half of this video, tells me you may all be under too much stress. I hope your hard work pays off and that you all soon can get some time to rest and reflect. Cheers~
@truectl 2 күн бұрын
You've put this very eloquently. I hope the creators read this and take it to heart.
@kairi4640 15 сағат бұрын
Yeah their response to that situation has been really defensive and kinda on the unprofessional side. If this was a charity company, I'd understand. But it's not. These guys are in it for the money and it just happens to align their passion as well. They're young though, so I get it. This is probably their first experience with how customer feedback is, and I'm sure it hurts them.
@jesselewis4975 2 күн бұрын
I know that I'm biased here because I haven't ( and can't) buy one of these yet and thus haven't experienced the frustration, but I don't care how long it takes you guys to work out the kinks , even if you guys have to increase the price some it will still be drastically more affordable than the competition. Also you guys are admitting to mistakes and trying to improve, you have my full respect and admiration.
@avaviel Күн бұрын
In about 5 years the price will most likely dip to $2000 I'd bet... which is in the range of a nice table saw. Very doable.
@markmiranda-jl5hv 2 күн бұрын
ultra fine particle. <- solve this.
@yakine13 2 күн бұрын
You're inspiring the next generation guys, God bless you all 💖
@itsciwi 2 күн бұрын
Are you seriously pretending that sending that guy a printer is not a transactional exchange? "We poured our blood, sweat & tears into it, sent it to him for free and he didn't appreciate it". You didn't send it to some random bloke for beta testing, you sent it to a successful youtuber to make a video directing people to your kickstarter. Your printer is by far the most accessible SLS has ever been, but you're selling a multi-thousand dollar machine. "We're just 2 dudes" doesn't cut it. And none of the 'context' you added with the discord screenshots actually changed the messaging. It looks to me a lot more like whingeing for sympathy. No doubt you put in a lot of work, but there's more to do. I'm obviously an outlier here, lot's of comments saying this is a good response, to me the attitude is worrying. That kind of emotionality is not what I want from equipment manufacturers. I genuinely wish you lads the best of luck. I hope everything get's ironed out, you set a new standard for the industry & reap the rewards. But if you want to last as an equipment manufacturer, you gotta put on some big boy pants.
@wooddavid8293 2 күн бұрын
I don't think I've ever seen a public development feedback loop like this video - send pre-production beta devices to youtubers for testing and review; youtubers test and review; company responds with a video about the review shortcomings and a fairly detailed response that focuses on steps to fix issues instead of denying/minimizing problems. I like it! It speaks well of Micronics.
@fargarden 2 күн бұрын
Great response. Prioritise transparency and accountability and you can't lose.