Martins Licis' Last Video Was Kinda Sus
Stefi Cohen Got Into Some Wild Sh*t
19 сағат бұрын
Benching and Watching Bodybuilding Videos
Grow Faster w/ Better Bench Exercises
"Being Fat is Unacceptable"
"Reverse Stiff-Leg Deadlift"
Every Side Effect of Trenbolone
HUGE Announcement!
2 ай бұрын
@TheLockon00 4 секунд бұрын
Basically what would have happened if Dave Tate went into MMA.
@Jusgoaway Минут бұрын
I lived in Huntington Beach and everyone knew the rules- drink and hangout and don’t cross Tank😎
@DavidConesaSanchez 21 минут бұрын
Amazing ,thanks bro
@maxxsstrengthandpowerlifti188 23 минут бұрын
The 600 pound bench wasn’t real. Haven’t watched the video yet so not kill me if you talk about it lol
@maxxsstrengthandpowerlifti188 18 минут бұрын
Dont get me wrong he was bery strong. But the 600 wasn’t real it was a marketing ploy he was around a 500 bench
@squatcurldeadlift7346 42 минут бұрын
I thought his bench was fake to be honest, guess I was wrong
@blue_samurai_zero 46 минут бұрын
Recognized Abbott in the first 2 seconds of the video. Thank you for taking me back to when Tank was one of the few people I cheered back then. It was like suddenly being back in time.
@bearfootsteve6104 55 минут бұрын
Hopefully you don’t watch too much of Rogan’s shitty podcast. Alien, Conspiracy, Alternate reality, Mushroom headed 😅
@TrayCaddyyy Сағат бұрын
Rick De La Stick would approve of Tank’s horsing.
@brockstar1311 Сағат бұрын
His style wasn't pretty it was pretty aggressive though.
@freakied0550 Сағат бұрын
Seeing Tank Abbott's 600lbs bench was my inspiration back in the day (as I benched with a similar bounce press form circa 2008ish). I benched 300lbs the first time and started a chase for 600 based off seeing his bench. Came up 50lbs short, but it was a fun chase.
@Weighthunter Сағат бұрын
for everyone who disrespects tank: for my opinion, he had the potential to be one of the greatest mma fighters ever. if he had the knowledge of these days! and for sure more discipline, but we can't find it out 😉 i love his crazy brute force 😂 it's enough for 99,9999% of the mankind who ever lived on this planet.
@JakeSemeniuk Сағат бұрын
Tank was a 🐴 🐔
@caorosco83 Сағат бұрын
In a nutshell, the sport evolved. You saw that when Tank fought Maurice Smith and Pedro Rizzo. They destroyed him, but that was no reflection on his toughness. He fought two strikers who were outlandishly technical and strong hitters. Especially Pedro Rizzo who was frightening because of his leg kicks alone.
@misterbrickest 2 сағат бұрын
Never did Tren, never will. BUT Test makes me sweat, bad. I have used most AAS but for some reason, I cannot tolerate higher doses of test. Even my TRT dose is like 60mg/week (in four 15mg shots) I started on 200mg and could barely sleep. But I can handle Nandrolone (prefer NPP) better than most... unless during a relationship lol I told myself no tren, no HGH, and no insulin. Also no orals except Anavar. I have been able to stick with that. I'm good with on low dose test TRT/HCG and about 300mg NPP/week when I wanna bulk a bit.
@NoMoTheUFO 2 сағат бұрын
Tank was a force in the ring back in the day. One big hit and it's lights out. Remember watching his highlight videos. Would've enjoyed watching him in bare knuckle boxing if it existed back then because I believe he would've been great at it. Great video! 🔥🔥🔥
@angmori172 2 сағат бұрын
Damn brommeister, you're starting to look great!
@drip369 2 сағат бұрын
Nicknames aren't claimed, they are given and that man was called Tank for a reason
@darkness1293 2 сағат бұрын
Any tips for combining powerlifting and Olympic lifting workout programs?
@brentdawgs8905 2 сағат бұрын
You have red spots on your face and head. Thank you for the video
@Rhetorical346 Сағат бұрын
that's the tan
@Car_Fanatic 2 сағат бұрын
The moment i saw her in a video once i knew she was a psycho. Psycho confirmed lol
@whodat1884 3 сағат бұрын
Heavvyyyy fuckin hands Abbott had.
@SolRC 3 сағат бұрын
If he trained for fighting instead of benching, maybe he would have a winning record. Cant fix stupid.
@yukkuri_lifter 2 сағат бұрын
This comment reeks of soy.
@strengthandpower101 43 минут бұрын
​@@yukkuri_lifter no hes speaking facts. Lifting weights doesnt make you a better fighter, he should have spent more time training combat sports skills. Once u spar or fight, u will realise lifting doesn't help you in the slightest.
@jessewysong9680 40 минут бұрын
​@@strengthandpower101strength is never a disadvantage
@strengthandpower101 34 минут бұрын
@@jessewysong9680 agreed, but OP is speaking the truth. As someone with alot of combat sport experience, I see alot of people who strictly lift seem to think thats all they need, and that they could destroy actual fighters that weigh less than them
@strengthandpower101 33 минут бұрын
@@jessewysong9680 combat sport athletes shud be spending the majority of their time drilling n practicing their sport - something tank didn't do
@CrashMetaReligion1996 3 сағат бұрын
I think Tank has a good point regarding what he has to say about skill. Most guys who do BJJ or boxing or whatever are not good enough at it to really be super effective with it. There are plenty of accountants who weigh 180 pounds with blue and even purple belts who are in trouble if a big, strong, mean dude attacked them in the street. Because they don’t have the mentality. They can get another 180 pound guy with a 135 bench in a rear naked but when Jimbo who weighs 290 and can bench 315 for a set of 12 gets out of prison and goes after him he is getting hurt. You have to not only have the skill but also the physicality and the mentality to really be proficient in the ability to defend yourself. It’s like he said about Royce Gracie yes he was a great BJJ master. But he was also a man with a mentality that made him a killer. Those two things combined plus some level of physicality made for a dangerous person.
@angmori172 2 сағат бұрын
As a BJJer with about 18 months of experience, I can confirm. Since I am a lifter primarily, and a decently big Boi, I got about 30 kg of mass on the next biggest dude. The sheer size difference has me basically punching at least one belt above my level, now that I have some very basic skills. Sure, I don't get technical submissions on those guys. But I can use pressure to make dudes who are fitter than me gas out first. And I love the reaction they get when they think they have are about to submit me, only for me to foil the attempt with sheer power. My favorite is baiting them to try to get me in triangles. My size makes it much more difficult than they're used to and I love just pushing straight through at the right moment. So with all that said, in a fight with no rules, they wouldn't have fun when someone twice their size starts to pummel their face when they are 'safe' in guard.
@VitalFacets Сағат бұрын
​@@angmori172 this is the reason why most black belts are bigger, taller guys with an athletic history. It's just survivorship
@fuckoff5893 54 минут бұрын
This is why I train with and carry a firearm lmao I am not fighting you
@Cas_anova 3 сағат бұрын
Shoutout to THE BUGEZ
@whorunsbartertown24 3 сағат бұрын
Tank was good, but he would have stood no chance against Jason Blaha. Jason has 2 black belts, cia training and is a master of the fishhook.
@FemaleRearEndEnthusiast 3 сағат бұрын
Reptilian lord blaha allows us all each day
@angmori172 2 сағат бұрын
10 years ago I actually liked blaha Feel free to kill me
@drip369 2 сағат бұрын
Jason Blahblah*
@RiggsSteele 2 сағат бұрын
500lb + reverse grip. Though Blaha did bounce it off the chest and had a spot from his bros. Wasn't meet legal. We'll get there. We'll get there.
@FemaleRearEndEnthusiast 2 сағат бұрын
Reptilian lord blaha is no joke guys
@wotdefookbruv 3 сағат бұрын
Tank Abbot was featured in the Enquirer 2.0 channel as probably the only U.S. hardmen among U.K. Hardmen
@williamholmstrom489 3 сағат бұрын
I wonder how many fighters that could have taken the shots he landed on Don Frye, its like he was crying blood in the end.
@alaskan_bergwanderer 3 сағат бұрын
No wonder he hit so damn hard. 😳
@junichiroyamashita 3 сағат бұрын
Heey ,my fandoms are merging here. Are you starting to dip your toes in martial arts?
@shawnpatten6515 3 сағат бұрын
The wild thing about Kaz was how famous he was. Even as a kid in the ‘80s I knew of the legend. Not even sure how.
@kv7124 3 сағат бұрын
Why was I waiting for " he was a pit fighter... he was my dad."
@igelbeatz 3 сағат бұрын
Bromley - I could listen to you talk about anything brother.
@SuperhumanUnchained 3 сағат бұрын
Great video thanks for the upload hit that like button
@Noonesbusiness 3 сағат бұрын
That’s a “don’t fuck with me” kind of goatee.
@matthewmoeller2784 3 сағат бұрын
Just a beast
@robertcrompton2733 4 сағат бұрын
As I listened to this, I seem to recall some of Steve Holman's *research* which was the opposite of Nippard's research. Holman would watch Mr. Olympia workouts and attempt to draw training lessons from the workouts of the champs.
@trenmage 4 сағат бұрын
she seems crazy like dat
@5055672439 4 сағат бұрын
My favorite and most game changing tricep exercise is the laying on the bench single dumbbell behind the head extension. I never get a deeper more pronounced soreness doing anything else and it’s extremely elbow pain friendly. I let the dumbbell almost touch the floor at the bottom and try to finish the extension with my elbows still at 45- 70 degrees, then hold the extension bringing my elbows to 90 degrees in a bit of a pull over. At the bottom of the extension your elbows are rotated inwards, but become rotated outwards at the top which makes it half a press and half an extension. The best news is that you can easily throw this in as a third exercise on any press day loading it and treating it like a compound movement. My sweet spot is a challenging 4 sets of 7. The growth I’ve seen is disgusting.
@ashen11x22 5 сағат бұрын
So basically do the opposite of dr Mike’s squatting technique ?
@TheIncredibleFlyingSausage 5 сағат бұрын
Glad to see you're keeping the studio tidy. 😉
@chi7818 5 сағат бұрын
When you lie about the weight, you are destroying any beauty it might have had. Saying the true weight wouldn’t take away from it all but lying about it ruins the experience. For example a 20 pound Indian gada is amazing and hard to use, but lying about it and saying it was 50 pounds makes it bullshit.
@handsforwarrodneymorgan2616 5 сағат бұрын
It will never go yo trial. The attorneys for 5he state and hers will settle. She will get some type of probation and prob. Has an active EPO/DVO. Let's see if she has the discipline to not violate it.
@paulmikey83 6 сағат бұрын
Arthur jones method is too complex that people dont even do it correctly. High volume is pretty much for wasting energy and stroking impatient impulsive people's needs. The original nautilus machines are priceless and he was a genius 👏
@AlexanderBromley 3 сағат бұрын
Complex... ahahaha! Arthur Jones is what a slow kid thinks a smart man is. One set to failure on a machine is not complex... he made the machine to be accessible to the lay person. People who like winning, however, find ways to fit in more work. Every. Single. Goddamn. Sport.
@imisstheoldyoutube9845 7 сағат бұрын
I know this is all sports specific but out in the wild i feel like strength dont mean shit if someone bigger can just pick you up amd slam you on the ground.
@Dalthos2 7 сағат бұрын
Sometimes police use excessive force. In this case, they did not use enough.
@pierrejoubert7195 8 сағат бұрын
Im still at farmers walk. I do it after back and shoulders when forearms are pretty tired already and it does the trick for me
@hungniirulfur920 8 сағат бұрын
they had real food
@MichaelMillerVlogs 8 сағат бұрын
Just benched 405 no drugs.
@666legnadibrom 9 сағат бұрын
Plot twist none of them are very good
9 сағат бұрын
BS video and a lot of BS comments, really offensive and arrogant too. Please read till the end before judging me with nonsense. Just because modern western people are pincel pushers and surrounded by weak roid culture (all looks, all show), it doesn't mean there aren't people with spirits of warriors out there in places where life is way harder than in the US or UK. . At my work place, there's a dude, he's probably close to 55 yo or more. Zero gym experience, and he probably weighs no more than 70 kg himself. The other day I took some sandbags to work, and he lifted a 70 kg sandbag from ground to shoulder, with zero difficulty first try, no gym whatsoever. . Also at work, there's a dude who lifts an 80 kg atlas stone with a smile on his face, really easy stuff for him. He's 80kg at 6ft tall (not muscular at all) and zero gym work. An 80kg atlas is nothing more than an easy toy for him. . Olympic weightlifting: plenty of skinny and small frame athletes, who can clean and jerk close to 200 kg and snatch 150+ kg. You all wouldn't believe their feats too if it wasn't approved by western standards too, would you? . The point I'm saying is that it's not about looks or size, it's all about fast twitch fibers, neural connection, strong tendons, and the will of a warrior fully believing in yourself, and of course, lots of training since younghood. One can have all of those and still be considerably small by roid heads standards. . Just because modern western society is weak as f, that doesn't mean everyone in the entire world are weak as well. On a closing note, the weights presented are weighned, and there's honor and pride in those lifts. Faking is never an option in any culture, when you're doing it for honor and not looks on social media.
@AlexanderBromley 2 сағат бұрын
Whats your fetish with the west? I compete at Worlds Strongest Man. Im comparing against what the best stone loaders from Africa, Asia and the middle east can do. "Will of the warrior". Lol stop with that nonsense.