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21 күн бұрын
Collagen Supplements for Arthritis
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Podcast: Q&A with Dr. Greger 12
@laurioneill6910 16 сағат бұрын
Is there a recipe I can print out?
@shermansmith6946 18 сағат бұрын
The how to die diet
@plowe6751 20 сағат бұрын
1:41 PNAS
@jts841 21 сағат бұрын
The way that your tone of voice kinda comes in and out like bursts of air or whatever it is you are doing is hard to listen to. Information is wonderful though😊
@jts841 20 сағат бұрын
Ya the voice things strange. Hoping you don’t do that in the rest of your videos because I enjoyed all the information you provided and I wanna hear morr
@bobbywhite1645 22 сағат бұрын
But but but I was told it was literally harmless and good for you and cured cancer! Oh well
@KYLE-zo4bm Күн бұрын
awesome! im so glad there was improvement
@Northeast_No1 Күн бұрын
Dr Greger I’m so confused with recent claims that vegetables are poisonous and now the best diet is meat meat meat!🤷‍♂️ Are the carnivore claims just a fight back against the Plant based diet?
@oe9276 Күн бұрын
Please can you do a review on benefits / or not of Akermansia supplementation?
@ytalchemy Күн бұрын
In the study at 2:41 Finns are referred to simply as "Finns" but Nigerians are referred to as "Nigerian blacks". Nigerians are simply Nigerians.
@345kobi Күн бұрын
This is the definition of concise. I will buy a few purple potatoes today.
@genuineimpulse9134 Күн бұрын
If you are a proponent of plant based diet why would you include eggs in the diet. It’s the same mistake of saying meat is bad when it’s given with a grain bun, it invalidates your hypothesis.
@lilo4784 Күн бұрын
I’m going to die from sleep torture from living next to a hotel
@lilo4784 Күн бұрын
Without melatonin supplements I was awake till 5am in bed for 5 hours because of the hotel until I took melatonin pill 3mg usually take 9mg melatonin
@cindyjackson108 Күн бұрын
Love this and all of your other books. I’m getting quite a collection. 😊
@Schu2505 Күн бұрын
I wonder about Pterostilbene outcomes in similar tests. (have there been any?)
@andredaedone7732 Күн бұрын
That's a big lie just like the food companies pushing their garbage food. Carnivore is the way. Veganism is a mental disorder.
@biowm Күн бұрын
Dr Greger at his best, overstretching the science to support a PBD. Starts by superficially describing the multiple lifestyle components and by the end it's all just about the power of a PBD, as per the title, without any justification. There are larger placebo-controlled RCTs suggesting some of the supplements used (e.g. b12/9/6 and omega-3) may improve cognition and slow brain atrophy in MCI. I would appreciate more humility and honesty.
@chrisj8764 Күн бұрын
As a patient who has benefited hugely from chemo, I cannot disagree more with this video. And btw chemo wasn't a big deal (I kept working and hiking throughout) and I have been vegetarian and eaten healthy for decades.
@veganchiefwarrior6444 Күн бұрын
Generally on this channel we find out that drugs aren't the answer, hopefully it stays that way, a 90 Minit webinar just to learn that the answer is no doesn't seem likely tho
@jamescastro5447 Күн бұрын
Yes it this
@hornsteinhof7592 Күн бұрын
What if we add a little baking soda to the tea to increase pH? I'm coming from soil science and farming where raising soil pH lowers the plants intake of aluminum and heavy metals
@katzensindweich3505 Күн бұрын
I have always thought we should give nursing home inpatients a wfpbd and watch what happens. It would be incredible, but humankind is just so stubborn, and change is not taken well.
@katzensindweich3505 Күн бұрын
This is great news!!! My Mum started a wholefood plantbased diet 10 years ago and became sharper every year. Both her parents suffered from dementia for years. She started because of IBD, which has been in remission ever since ❤
@WonderProfessor Күн бұрын
Love meditation! I do about 20 minutes, twice a day.
@mchagawa1615 Күн бұрын
This is SO amazing! Thank you so much <3
@chrisj8764 Күн бұрын
This title is pure clickbait - and makes every statement you make questionable Dr Gregor. From a vegetarian cancer patient.
@IknowGodIs Күн бұрын
You can purchase rice grown in Pakistan or India for lower levels. Jasmine and basmati are better choices. Lundberg offers a variety of organic and regenerative rice products, from rice and quinoa to rice cakes, etc. and they have worked hard to make sure the products they offer are have some of the lowest levels-they even publish them on their website. Scientists have found the best way to eliminate the arsenic in rice is to par boil, drain all of that arsenic water off, rinse and drain, then cook the rice the rest of the way. Some is removed by rinsing before cooking - rinsing before cooking also helps the cooked rice be less sticky
@JamesEdd3 Күн бұрын
The Danes are a bunch of racists. They should accept all citizens of the world.
@JoshBender1 Күн бұрын
The results from this study are amazing and will give hope to a lot of suffering people.
@jonathanmagic5633 Күн бұрын
Drug companies will always promote anything made in a Lab
@LouisUnnold Күн бұрын
thank you share this information, love this
@aphroditeg2712 Күн бұрын
@markbalogh9655 Күн бұрын
I have 0 problems smoking Cosher Cigars organically grown no chemicals added no synthetic filters added no 4000 chemicals no heavy metal smoke. I had a customer smoke 1 just 1 Nooport Cigarettes around me and I was in bed sick for 3 days weezing. I Swear.
@markbalogh9655 Күн бұрын
So would taking a Bone Marrow supplement help repair damaged blood vessels? would i help make these EPC Cells ls your talking about?
The biggest anti-ageing drug is not eating any dietary fat until you too lean, Carbs FTW!! 💪💪💪
@lilo4784 Күн бұрын
I vote for dr Greger to be on his treadmill again he rocks treadmills
@lilo4784 Күн бұрын
I don’t know if I sound crazy but this is how dr Greger changed my life, when my grandparents died a horrific death from Parkinson’s pneumonia I found dr Greger a book my grandad taught me my first words and my grandma was like my second mum I then went to a London conference pre Covid to see dr Greger speech and was paralysed with fear to say thankyou for his work I think he thought I was a crazy stalker but I was just really geeky on his book and meant no harm I kind of knew how to Finnish his sentance put it to the test really sorry if I scared him I now teach my friend who has heart attack how to use dr Greger book and he’s still alive maybe I’m crazy
@factitiously Күн бұрын
I'm sure he was very excited to meet someone who was excited about his work 🎉
@SeminarioMAE Күн бұрын
@rosek.5531 Күн бұрын
This is just a recommendation for severe agitation in Alzheimer's patients. Marijuana... but stop if the patient gets paranoid (even more than they already are). My Mother has Alzheimer's with severe agitation. After 7 months of her screaming and every medication failing to calm her and after the police came over.....I HAD to TRY something....ANYTHING, to calm her down. The neighbors were angry, my brother and I (we are taking care of her) were living in a nightmare and our Mother could get a stroke being so angry (trembling, grinding her teeth, wanting to rip you apart ANGRY!). I went down to the dispensary and got her liquid Marijuana and to my surprise, it worked without any side effects. My Mother still has some anger but she's not screaming out profanities. Regarding this diet: A weird thing happened in 2019 when my Mother was in the Hospital due to an Electrolyte imbalance because her Neurologist gave her Donepezil and it removed her sodium. After being on IV for 5 days, the Doctors removed her from her blood pressure medicine (they said she didn't need it anymore) and her blood sugar medicine (Metformin) (she didn't need it anymore). Then she slept for 16 hours and woke up with FULL COGNITION for 48 hours. I believe that her cognition subsided again when the Hospital food was introduced. Then it happened again with her memory coming back 7 months ago. She was constipated and we had to put her on an all vegetarian diet and a few days later her memory came back (on and off). These were good signs so we kept it up. When she got a blood test it came back with low protein and low iron, low B12, low folate. So, we didn't feed her right. We forgot the legumes, I guess. I think if you do this diet correctly and add intermittent fasting, it will work. My Mother's memory and condition declined faster (within 5 months) when she refused to exercise, that's when the constipation started, which affects your gut bacteria. I hired a Dietitian, which in turn had me pay $400 for a Gut Microbiome Lab test and $400 for a Food Allergy test. She's not allergic to any food and the Gut Microbiome Lab test shows Leaky Gut and high Bacteroides Fragilis but the Doctor and the Dietician are providing no help to fix this. What's causing the leaky gut if she's not allergic to anything? I don't get it. Who do you ask? I can only depend on video's like this and Google Scholar for my own research.
@contact2001 Күн бұрын
Look into gluten=leaky gut, if she eats it change the bread for a gluten free one, avoid all processed foods if at all possible. There are many recipes on YT search for buckwheat bread I bake it with ground Flax (high in omega3) and pumpkin seeds (high in Plant based iron) eat for breakfast especially together with high Vatamin C foods (Bell peppers, raw strawberries etc.) for better Iron absorption. As well Walnuts, Almonds and one Brazil nut a day. Keep it Whole Food Plant based, add sauerkraut or and other fermented foods like Tempeh etc. As well to heal leaky gut L-Glutamin supplements are very good for a while. Good luck. Of course don’t forget to supplement B12, Vitamin D3, an Omega 3 Algae oil, and if she does not eat algae then as well some Iodine…. Again Good luck
@Chicorodrigo781 Күн бұрын
You're speaking voice is most unpleasant. It makes me wonder why you chose to do voice overs. I question the validity of your content also as there are some discrepancies.
@robowen66 Күн бұрын
Bean burgers are not burgers, they're just mashed beans rolled into a burger shape and give vegan food a bad name. Just my opinion.
@lailisima Күн бұрын
I watched this video a couple of months ago and researched the Buchinger method and clinic. After a successful 10-day cure / fasting, my life did change dramatically. I lost 7 cm of visceral circumference, dropped nearly 7 kg (over 14lb) creating a new lower baseline, and more importantly: my systolic blood pressure dropped by 40 points while my diastolic dropped by 25 points. The physician at the Buchinger clinic also provided much needed minerals which have helped me incredibly, to the point that when my family doctor saw me he could not believe the results and said I did not have to take any medication after all. Thank you for having highlighted this study which in turn brought me to this amazing clinic.
@thaibistroclub6394 Күн бұрын
Coconut oil has been proven to raise HDLs that helps lowers LDLs. It is the fraudulent data by the American Heart Association, who was given money by all the “vegetable oil” producing companies, claims without evidence that Coconut oil is bad for you. Countries that eat plant-based diets have the lowest levels of CVDs. Vegetable oils are POISONs and are not made from vegetables, it is misleading. The world is waking up.
@user-qd5lo6oi8n Күн бұрын
I tried metformin and it seemed to make me too tired. Wasn't worth it. On a strict healthy diet anyway so my blood sugar isn't high. Would be interesting to see these drugs tested while on strict healthy diets. Rapamycin is very interesting though. I really think it is the future of anti-aging and should be easily available for people to buy with guaranteed quality.
@nenacardenasestrada9481 Күн бұрын
por favor en español 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@R.Reckless Күн бұрын
Anyone else notice this looks A LOT like AI?
@user-er4hx1zb6k Күн бұрын
I want a big list of the all food synergies or foods that complement each other boosting each other's nutritional value.
@sreenathj4218 Күн бұрын
3:46 try this