An OPEN APOLOGY To Lori Anne Thompson
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@georgemurphy2579 7 күн бұрын
He left us with some very important points. Besides, he who be without sin, cast the first stone. God is the Judge.
@sunadsuhasini 8 күн бұрын
The wife has a large role to play in the infidelity of a husband. What a man does not get at home, he. may have to seek elsewhere. (Biblical concept) No judgements or justifications here. Just stating facts. The wife who does not satisfy her husband's needs is as guilty of unfaithfulness and immorality as the husband who steps out to satisfy his need. more important, the wife who is not sensitive or alert to her husband's needs does not really "know" him.
@g.k.dickenson9259 10 күн бұрын
The way Their Church "Treated Her" was "100% Proof of their Idolatry" in FOLLOWING A MAN and Not Jesus!
@Shofargirl1 10 күн бұрын
@MauiBlue 10 күн бұрын
As I get older and witness all the craziness happening in the world, I can fully understand why God gave the Ninth Commandment and its significance. I don’t think I will ever be fully convinced of Dr. Ravi’s wrongdoing and I also question the integrity of the inner circle of the RZIM organization. What really bothers me the most about this tragic event is how the leadership people working within the RZIM treated Margie. I have contributed a significant amount of financial support to the organization, and to see Margie treated with such callousness and disrespect convinces me of the shallowness of these top level leaders. The people who were involved in making such a horrible decision as to how Margie was treated will have to answer to God. Will they be vomited out of His mouth? I pray for justice for all involved in this sad situation and comfort and healing for Margie.
@freddiegarland4485 11 күн бұрын
I have benefited from Ravi Zacharias and his knowledge of the Bible and the many beneficial aspects there of. The sins of others does not change my belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. If a person writes a book with truth knowledge and wisdom about known verifiable facts that really help you through your walk with the lord. I am not going to burn that book even if it was written by the most horrible person I know of. I have no way of knowing if Ravi repented I pray he did. I can say that his wife and children can not answer for anyone else but themselves and When we take that last step into eternity we will have to answer individually for the choices we make
@user-fl1uo6uk2c 12 күн бұрын
I was a great fan of Ravi and learned much from his ministry. He claimed no divinity and was a mere human with all the victories and failures that come with that.
@Darwin-ty9jq 13 күн бұрын
My Filipino friend's last name is Ascue. He pronounces his last name this way "As Ku We" but Americans pronounce it as "As Ki Yu". He was so used to the American pronounciation that he just kept it. It was no big deal to him. It wasn't something to get mad over or fight for.
@karenschelhorn1326 13 күн бұрын
When I first heard about Ravi Zacharias' misdeeds I was very hurt. I couldn't listen to or read about it for several years. One of my first thoughts though was for his wife and family. People can have secret double lives and those that are closest to them don't know about it. Nothing that has happened is her fault. I'm ashamed of those "Christians" who went after her as if she did those things. I pray for continued healing for her and her children.
@1dayUwillfearGod 13 күн бұрын
I find it interesting that after the facts came out about Ravi, that some Christians are rightfully wondering if he was saved and others seem fit to accuse him of being down right unsaved...a "wolf in sheep's clothing." Most are questioning how a person who claims to be a Christian could commit so horrable a sin and live so long in it. But in Scripture there are examples of believers doing worse things and Christians believe they were saved and often admire them as Godly saints. For example, David took another man's wife, impregnated her and had her husband murdered to try to cover his sin. He doesn't repent until he is called out by God's prophet. How long would he have kept it hidden if he was not exposed? Solomon, David's son, not only went against God's law and married foreign wives but allowed some of them to practice their pagan religions and... (get this) ...have some of his children to be sacrificed in fire to appease their gods! Lot not only was willing to give his virgin daughters over to the sexually deviant mob outside his door to be raped but later on sleeps with them and fathers children! And don't get me started about Sampson! The point is, in the true Church of God, there may be a Judas who walks and talks the part but never are suspected as being unsaved and there are truely saved professing believers, who through fleshly weaknesses, sin, get found out and get accused of being unsaved. Having stated all of this, Scripture also tells the Church "if a brother" is living in unrepentant sin, "to note that man and have no fellowship with him!" Why? Because he may not be truely saved, so treat him as such that his sin does not pollute other Believers. But if he happens to be a true Believer, God will chastise him to repentance or kill him and bring him Home if he doesn't! So realize, Christians can commit some horrible sins at times as the pressures from "the world, the flesh and the Devil" are great! And "but for the grace of God, so go I." Finally, maybe the reason the Churches keep going through these types of scandals is because church discipline is very, very rarely practiced in our churches! Often, when a sinful scandle is discovered, church leaders try to quietly cover them up in order to not look hypocritical to others both inside and outside it's doors instead of doing what Paul said to do, "to bring it before the Church so others may fear!" Are our churches more concerned about it's standing in our communities, loosing the offerings of the sinning saint or having a church split over doing what God said for the churches to do and allow Him to deal with the fallout. It is not our Church! It is God's!
@joyholtzhausen8976 14 күн бұрын
Who conducted the investigation? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....
@brianh2476 14 күн бұрын
Very thought provoking!
@lyricstranslationtohindi5382 15 күн бұрын
Fellow believers... The case against Ravi is something very fishy... I believe Ravi is righteous... His closest friend,, who spent most of his time with Ravi, who went to all places with Ravi was not allowed to defend Ravi's case, and Ravi's family was not allowed to speak or defend the case in court... Only the Ravi ministry members have failed and manipulated...
@JeanBewick-vi6xh 15 күн бұрын
She has suffered enough and deserves our prayers. Ravi will be dealt with by God and unfortunately he lost a lot of followers but he is not the first to fall. She deserves support and care.
@horseman6437 15 күн бұрын
Why all the fuss about Ravi's issues. Who hasn't failed at any one time. How does it even result into persecution of his family. That's hypocrisy. Who's sure Ravi didn't even turn to God in his shame and distress. Remember, God will have even forgiven his servant and will remember no more. So accusers beware.
@kgktan 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this video,I will pray for Ravi s wife n children and the victims .God bless ur ministry.
@hottwheels6785 17 күн бұрын
God bless ravis family
@conniecanas1422 19 күн бұрын
Can we hear her talk? Not him
@NDWTI 19 күн бұрын
I feel sorry for the wife. God will deal with Ravi. Wife is a separate person infront of God. She and the children are innocent and they were kept in the dark as well. They are not at fault. Where is the Christ like character in belivers?
@billwendell6886 20 күн бұрын
Reading the comments making excuses for him. Typical. If you can't live the highest standard, get a real estate license and leave the ministry.
@georgeb8893 22 күн бұрын
I think you're using a soft g as in polygon, not hard as in George.
@EstherLuttrellsSundayStories 23 күн бұрын
My heart is with the family. I married a man I never dreamed led another life entirely ... never had a clue, would never have believed it if I were told. Margie is a precious victim who lost someone she loved and trusted. So very sad. God bless you, dear Margie.
@ItsWorkingTogetherForMyGood 16 күн бұрын
Only victims of gross deception in a marriage understand the depth of hurt and pain. Especially from husbands that are believed to be godly christians. It is so great a blow she probably questioned her entire faith in God. Only Jesus can restore such damage.
@joannaborg9850 29 күн бұрын
This is what true repentance looks like, forgiven by Christ 🙏
@ashanmendis8091 29 күн бұрын
Sorry they got caught
@wizerdave Ай бұрын
Complete waste of 12 minutes! Really, over 2 minutes about pronouncing Margie correctly? Stick to fighting fires. Im sure you're a good firefighter.
@wizerdave Ай бұрын
There are at least 2 possibilities that explain Ravi's duplicity: first, of course, is that even Christians are fallible and subject to temptations. But second, and easily overlooked, there's a difference between head knowledge and a changed heart, complete with submission of one's life and will to Christ as Lord, knowing you are no longer your own, but have been purchased by God, having no remaining right to exercise your own will. I don't know which case applies to Ravi. Only God knows. Your response to the sermons and teachings expressed by Dr. Zacharias are also uniquely yours. If you recognize the validity of his arguments, how you respond is independent of whether Ravi was able to live up to expectations, or even tried. If a fool gives good advice, take it. It might be the only difference between you and the fool. No - not calling Dr. Zacharias a fool. I received great blessings from his sermons. Just saying that however you feel about Dr. Zacharias is irrelevant to what you do with the truths you now know.
@garrettbarbosa4982 Ай бұрын
In a few weeks it will be 7 years since my late wife went home to the LORD she was only 48 when we learned she had a very aggressive ovarian cancer. She battled a brutal and painful disease and after 3 years of brutality she was gone. Only a few months before her death on my birthday the two of us were being cut open only a few blocks away from each other as I to had been diagnosed with a 911 cancer from my time as a nyc firefighter. It was just another brutal attack from the enemy on our family and our lives but we both have had lives filled with suffering and tragedy since we were both children. But just like Michael and Job we did not give up our LOVE AND FAITH IN JESUS!!! Because he suffered like no other and he is the only BEING TO EVER LIVE THAT DID NOT DESERVE SUFFERING!!! We suffer and fight and never give up on the HOPE of one day despite being a filthy rag that our LORD AND KING JESUS WILL BE WAITING TO GREET US WITH A LOVING HUG AND THE WORDS WELCOME HOME MY FAITHFUL SERVANT!!! Peace of the LORD BE WITH YOU ALL AND LOVE TO YOU DOC! I cried the morning I woke to the news of your leaving us and I still wheep at times when I think about all you taught me and helped me to know about GOD AND JESUS !!!! Your life was so well lived thank you and thank GOD FOR THIS LOVELY MAN!!!
@KamalNandy12 Ай бұрын
I do agree with you. We Christian forgot how to behave with fellow believers in crisis. My point is we all are sinners! Who is sinless to stone the sinner here?!?!
@jamesrosenberg5929 Ай бұрын
I hit Subscribe like you asked Adam❗️👍🏽
@NixonBenjamin Ай бұрын
My heart goes to Margie and her family God be with 😮and bless you.
@NurseEmilie Ай бұрын
I'm confused. Why would anyone find fault with her? What Christian wouldn't be so sorry for her and feel the need to criticise her ? I would say those people aren't really followers of Jesus.
@user-no3qu4ed6o Ай бұрын
Yes, thank you my brother.
@navitalaigonewai5309 Ай бұрын
Fiji supports Ravi and his family 100 percent. Sending them love and prayers
@sallybucket6924 Ай бұрын
Everything he said or did is erased by the truth he kept hidden. He was a fraud and is in hell.
@danitapowell2291 Ай бұрын
So heartbreaking
@prayerteam3425 Ай бұрын
@sharonhagan8541 Ай бұрын
Beautiful words xxx
@marykeith1178 Ай бұрын
Loved listening to him
@stick3024 Ай бұрын
God is Good... All the Time 1 Timothy 1:15 - ...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief!
@stick3024 Ай бұрын
We need GRACE... we are all sinners
@mjljbrivera Ай бұрын
My heart aches for Margie. Only those who have been through what Margie has been understands the pain she has and still continues to have.
@hanskellynogua7110 Ай бұрын
Another me too movement
@Olen_Lunastettu828 Ай бұрын
Hey, it’s your sister. ❤ I came back to this video again because I needed this reminder. Please pray for me ❤❤❤ things have been such a struggle and I made a real mess of everything. Love you.
@jamesrosenberg5929 Ай бұрын
I’m trying to pray for you too dear❗️♥️✝️👍🏽
@Olen_Lunastettu828 Ай бұрын
@@jamesrosenberg5929 thank you!!!
@taylorharbin3948 Ай бұрын
Did everyone just wake up and forget John 13:35?? God forgive us!
@jeanettelang1746 Ай бұрын
The lesser known and obeyed scripture
@Bankyschl Ай бұрын
Despite the sad stories, Ravi remains a vessel greatly used of God for encouragement to the body of Christ. His ministry was a huge blessing to me and I believe, countless people across the globe. He was mightily used by the Holy Spirit to turn many to Christ through Biblical and strong, convincing expressions of faith. I pray that the Lord continues to strengthen Margie and the family. Shalom 🙏
@josefinaescribano6214 Ай бұрын
I am sorry I misspelled the name Margie , I love you in Jesus name
@josefinaescribano6214 Ай бұрын
I pray for Maggie Zachariah’s, my heart goes to her, I will continue to pray for her. Ravi blessed me with his teaching . He who is without sin cast the first stone. I am still grieving over all that happened . God bless Margie
@user-ce4rz7rm4g Ай бұрын
When you are young you are susceptible to being judgemental but as you grow older you discover nobody is perfect. You only take from anyone life what is beneficial to you and discreetly put aside what you don't want the world to see simply because you could be next in the line of firing.
@marinagallant1847 Ай бұрын
Sorry, but any husband who has an apartment in Thailand 's red-light district to "write books" knows things aren't right. She buried her head because of his reputation.