@denefreeland5369 13 сағат бұрын
If she wants to divorce the man, why should the man care about her emotions?
@stormchaser419 13 сағат бұрын
Women wear two masks. The first comes off after marriage. The second comes off after divorce.
@stormchaser419 13 сағат бұрын
Never cohabitate. Never marry. Priortorize yourselves men. Red pill truths are saving men.
@MishaSkripach 13 сағат бұрын
How to fight for your marriage? go and make yourself coffee. This might or might not bring your partner to come back but this will be good for you... such a clickbait. This is not how to save your marriage but how to pretend to be a coach without any knowledge or ability to actually help.n
@horizonofj362 14 сағат бұрын
Accountability is a woman's kryptonite. Women enter a relationship as they enter a business transaction - they "feel" to be entitled, that they can gain stability, security, social and economic safety - it is not about the man that provides, it is about them - what they gain by it. It is an outlier of hypergamy/biologically ingrained female preference, to "one up" a man, to find a better one at her disposal. As soon as she feels you are not enough, she replaces you, regardless of what you provided/achieved/contributed/created. A man will sacrifice his happiness for his family. A woman will sacrifice her family for her happiness.
@kat-601 16 сағат бұрын
They do die inside but it is because they have emasculated their husbands to the point they now no longer love their husband. They do it to themselves.
@kat-601 16 сағат бұрын
They have a switch to the relationship and the sex & its on or its off for the husband but not all the other guys in the world.
@thomasandrewmcgonigal5150 16 сағат бұрын
No she is cold because she checked out the marriage weeks or months ago.
@bobsmockus 17 сағат бұрын
Needed this today. Thank you.
@resetobserver7610 17 сағат бұрын
Women usually decide to divorce a year or two before they do it
@kat-601 18 сағат бұрын
Im doing better thanks to a few tools you have given me. Thanks lm still working on anger, 30 yrs later in relationship #2 but doing it better now
@kat-601 19 сағат бұрын
Men are victims of woman because we have put up with so much from them we keep to ourselves but yet still in the end we get vilanized & get our hearts stomped on & our family & children stolen from us, along with everything we had, & it is because of one thing only, l trusted a WOMAN. Do not trust woman guys ever any.
@kat-601 19 сағат бұрын
And 30yrs later l still hate her for what she did but thankfully in silent l thank her.
@kat-601 19 сағат бұрын
Was married 13yrs - Mine waited until we had just bought a brand new house, had been in it 8 weeks, new boy moved in took right over, and l got papers handed to me with my cloths & my truck & locked out. Pos woman
@kat-601 19 сағат бұрын
SHE copes by hiding her feelings. She's still a piece of sh*t. And l know there's 4 miserable people now not just 1, her.
@mentoraliji5081 19 сағат бұрын
Five years married to the love of my life and we had a two-year-old. Divorced because of not being compatible with each other anymore. She became from a loving person to a completely different person and just five years the problem I have why I can’t let go is because we remember the old person that we fell in love with. And that person does not exist anymore you gotta remember the current person not the past and that’s how you will move forward. I figured it out. It’s still gonna be hard. It still hurts every day but you’re doing what’s best because no one deserves to be treated bad specially, physically and verbally abuse should not exist and do not stay with that person that does that.
@Straightastheycome 22 сағат бұрын
She (as in woman) is not accountable or responsible just cause she is a woman.
@mosirispain Күн бұрын
My wife blindsided me with this. She is bipolar. She was planning future plans with me telling me how much she loves me and after watching our favorite movie, tells me she’s leaving.
@jesstexanderson Күн бұрын
Exactly what I'm in the middle of after 22.....almost 23 yrs of marriage. She's in business mode, and I'm a wreck. Such an insightful message in this video.
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
I'm glad this video was helpful, though I'm sorry you're going through this all right now. Do you have a good support system?
@John_Wood_ 16 сағат бұрын
She's in cash and prizes mode, that is what she is living for now. Protect yourself. In time reality will dawn on her.
@frankpagan3760 Күн бұрын
Thank you
@frankpagan3760 Күн бұрын
I could relate to all the comments I just read. Still hurting. Kids are grown and she decided to leave to start enjoying life after 20 plus years. I pray 🙏🏼 lot and will keep you all in my prayers.
@mw1606 Күн бұрын
Thank you. This was pretty insightful and I would not have let myself believe this unless a professional had explained it.
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
You're welcome. Thank you for watching and for being willing to be open to ideas that may feel a bit strange at first.
@brianjarrard869 Күн бұрын
Most women don’t bond…. They take until the well runs dry.
@BenWyatt05 Күн бұрын
I don’t need to hear anymore. If she can’t regulate her emotional state and be willing to take accountability for her behavior. I am tired of being treated like crap and constantly getting blamed for everything. Good luck to anyone that wants to go through this.. all the effort and sacrifices will end with splitting the family up, assets and the money. Don’t get married. As for the video, I thought it was very accurate and spot on.
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
Hi Ben, thanks for watching and for commenting. It sounds like you are putting up some important boundaries - you're right. Ultimately it doesn't really matter why she's acting this way, you don't deserve to be treated like this. I'm glad that you're able to stand up for yourself and say enough is enough.
@chaneymcdonnell5567 Күн бұрын
This is sooooo spot on to what I went through just several weeks ago. Thanks to Racheal and her network I’m doing much better now. Keep it up Racheal. You make a difference!!!
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
Hi Chaney! It's great to see you here. Thanks for continuing to watch and for commenting. Your journey is inspiring :)
@chaneymcdonnell5567 22 сағат бұрын
@@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach I must say the journey has definitely been an emotional roller coaster. In the beginning when she left my world was over and my mind could not push it down. I tried ohhh did I try. Then the gate broke with alllll that I’ve kept down for decades. I can say for anyone feeling that way now, that the sense of peace I have now by letting it alll go by way of talking, writing it down and screaming into our corn fields is refreshing and it does get better. If any of you guys just need a vent. Feel free to let me know. I can vouch for Racheal though. She’s the definition of life saver and she knows what I’m talking about!!!
@WolfofOdin. Күн бұрын
Thank you for this
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
You're welcome. Thank you for watching.
@Evolve0JAB Күн бұрын
Is there a way to come back from this?
@RachaelSloanRelationshipCoach 23 сағат бұрын
Come back from it how... like to reconcile the marriage? If that's what you mean the answer is always Maybe. It depends on both people, and their willingness to slow down and consider the role they played in the problems in the relationship. If you mean to come back from it in terms of regaining your self esteem and confidence, then yes, 100%! If that's what you'd like to do, please take a look at my free masterclass, it will take you a lot deeper into how we can do that: resources.rachaelsloancoaching.com/masterclass-register
@ronmexico8383 Күн бұрын
Remember men, it's your fault. You didn't make her "emotional safe" But Chad made her "emotionally safe" 3 minutes after meeting her in the bar. So safe she went to the bathroom with him 3 minutes after meeting him and now has his unit in her mouth. You are to blame for not making her "emotionally safe" Modern women get a huge thumbs down. They are so full of it.
@thunderandrain09 Күн бұрын
So let’s look at the opposite view- a woman who is denied money, told how to dress and what to do, has no autonomy in the marriage- she should leave too, right? Luke 11: 32 “They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.”
@Generic266 Күн бұрын
I'm in the middle of this mess at 24 years of I guess not knowing her and finding out she never loved me "that way". I have ASD and didn't understand that until recently, the diagnosis pushed her away more. She is going to come out really well and hid the fact her dad is a millionaire lmao. You know what it's really not worth it, I say fuck this planet. I will give sometime but I would rather go then see her be so happy after fucking me over so bad. In separation she is already out having a great time i guess. So you tell me....why would even bother putting up with this anymore............rejection and abandonment. Dating LMAO are you kidding in the era. It's done and I am glad that I know I will not be lying in a nursing home hoping for a miracle. Sorry that how I feel.
@Hashie19 Күн бұрын
Rachael slammed into the wall hard...ouch
@kevmiller6632 Күн бұрын
Nice,,, I could talk about the last many years,,, I'm tear a blaaaa, I can't word right,,,, I've have been in hospital many times... I want too go back.... My bed-hayyy <<< sorry,,,, I've asset to go back to the hospital ,,, NOP,,, apparel <sorry, I'm ok...NOP,, good video
@BigDaddyCane777 Күн бұрын
She acts this way because she *is* this way...your relationship with her was always a transaction. Losing her marriage to you is like being paid a fortune to dispose of an appliance that she's unhappy with. Women do not love men as human beings. Women love men for their utility.
@Boxcar808 Күн бұрын
This is very well presented and articulated. Im 9months in after 28yrs, agreed-very mistakenly-to leave our home and place of business. I stayed with friends and tried to find work and eventually had a complete break down, suicidal and broken. She has moved on quickly, after convincing me it was all my fault im starting to see some small pinholes of light through the darkness and grief. I was literally thrown out like i was garbage. I am not a villan, i dedicated my life to her and made the mistake of trusting her with mine, i would never treat anyone the way i have been.
@sstevo4066 Күн бұрын
This video is excellent and so refreshing to hear someone discuss. I'm going through the actual divorce now after being separated for almost 15 months. To the entire world she's the happiest person alive but like you said she kept every single thought to herself that led to our divorce. She never once told me she needed anything other than what I was providing, I even asked her occasionally what I could do better and her answer was always "You're amazing and I could never ask for more." Looking back that obviously wasn't the truth because we're here now. Comparing the way she's acting now to the way she must have hid everything during our marriage is SOOOO eye opening and helpful. Occasionally during child exchanges she's let slip how stressed she is, how tired and overwhelmed but 99% of the time she's GREAT! lol...Stay strong everyone. Every hard thing we go through with this situation can make you stronger if you do the healing and repair the proper way.
@timbo365 Күн бұрын
Don’t blame anyone but yourself.
@videogroove Күн бұрын
When you read some of the comments filled with anger towards women you realize how many men are hurting, thats why they are coming & commenting on a video designed to help heal their pain. It shows why someone like Rachel is needed today. So many hurt men looking for love & solace in a tough world
@Boxcar808 Күн бұрын
Well said, some of my best friends in the agony of separation and divorce have been women
@willembeltman 16 сағат бұрын
You must be a woman
@bc42875 Күн бұрын
This video helped me understand better. It's appreciated.
@urbanart7325 Күн бұрын
That mask is ugly
@urbanart7325 Күн бұрын
Her behavior or lack if emotion goes back to her relationship with her dad and her coping mechanism. Her true self is getting revealed by her stoic attitude. Good question: will the divorce make her happy? I hope to fund happiness with a feminine, intimacy loving woman after 20 plus years of laying next to a frigid woman.
@ronmexico8383 Күн бұрын
Don't worry, she won't be frigid with Chad. As modern lying feminists claim, "you didn't make her feel safe" She wasn't safe next to you (her loving husband that would have done anything for her), but 3 minutes after meeting Chad who doesn't care one iota about her, she'll be in the bathroom stall with his unit in her mouth. Modern women get a big thumbs down.
@urbanart7325 Күн бұрын
So true..As my wifecand i going thriugh a divirce while living together her survival mask annoys me while i am angry at the semise id a 32 years marriage even though i brought up the divorce. Her stoic vehavior is contra to more emotionally volatile behavior, cant let go of all the years of labor and funacial support
@dr.aashnasharma5598 Күн бұрын
What to do for women who hates that person and fears to live again with him, and not able to trust again and again because it happened 2-3 times and his family also very negative towards the women, then how should a women deal with it, how to trust that person again n again, bcoz for him its his pattern, of breaking the trust .
@steveholden9139 Күн бұрын
The negotiation book is by Chris Voss, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It. It’s a great read.
@steveholden9139 Күн бұрын
This has been so helpful, thank you
@talus007 Күн бұрын
Women act cold because they are not acting
@davemedlock6329 Күн бұрын
This happened to me 💯 percent. My soon to be x wife sat on the couch and was scrolling on her phone and she acted like I wasn’t even there packing up to move. Very crushing.
@user-zj5ml3yq7k 13 сағат бұрын
mine did the very same ! and in the end she said YOUHAD TO KNOW , i didn’t
@byronbayflooring Күн бұрын
Wow, that was powerful. Thank you.
@davelips Күн бұрын
Good insights Rachael. Curious, have you experienced a divorce yourself? Or is your experience and knowledge coming from working with others actively going through lost marriages? Survival self mask is absolutey true for both parties. Well said.
@Jason-ge3lv Күн бұрын
That is some spot on stuff right there! Good grief!
@Ekam-Sat Күн бұрын
1) Men love women. 2) Women love men for what they provide.
@markmoyer5572 Күн бұрын
Some females wont tell you what they are feeling i think that u are supposed to know but you can't read there mind its not like old times anymore used to be people had true commitment and for the most they stuck together thu good and bad times good luck for all you committed men stay strong be patient and it will pass