German reacts to BOLEK i LOLEK
21 сағат бұрын
@kakak409 Сағат бұрын
wielkość ludnosci sie nie liczy . Polska w 1920 roku pokonała Rosje rozbiła radziecka armie w pył Dlatego w zemscie w 1939 roku bolszewicy dogadali się z niemcami słynny Pakt Ribbentrop-Mołotow by razem wziąśc w kleszcze Polskę , 1 września z zachodu napadli na nas germani a od wschodu 17 września bolszewicy
@KuzynDzony 2 сағат бұрын
CD Projekt Red is a Polish computer game developer, in my opinion one of the best, comparable to the likes of Ubisoft. And the game "The Witcher" (the entire trilogy) is a real masterpiece. To understand this trailer well, it is good to play the previous parts of "The Witcher" or read the books. From them we will learn about swords, potions, signs (magic), and monsters (Bruxa in this case, if I'm not mistaken. According to novels and games, Bruxa is a type of lower vampire ;) ). Chris, a little curiosity for you - Cyberpunk 2077 is also a Polish game (i.e. a game written by Polish creators) ;)
@KuzynDzony 2 сағат бұрын
Blue Line - this is the so-called helpline. An ambiguity was used here, because blue line can also be translated as heaven line. RUBIN was a popular TV set during the Polish People's Republic. Regarding visas, for a long time obtaining a visa in Poland was almost impossible. Yes, the reference to Windows 95 is also mocking, i.e. "we promise you something that is outdated and no longer needed, and you will be happy with it." And the sketch is probably from 2015, not 2000 ;) Yes, in Poland we have three types of car tires: winter, summer and all-season ;) Lech and Jarek - a reference to the Kaczyński twin-brothers (Lech was the president of Poland, he died in the Smolensk disaster). Please... Lech Wałęsa was the president of Poland, one of the most popular Polish presidents, also a Nobel Prize winner. 9:54 Here the actor made a mistake and used the name Lucjan instead of Lucifer. Lucek may be a diminutive of Lucifer and Lucjan. 10:38 yes, there was partial improvisation here and that's why this skit is one of the best 😂 11:16 - here is that song. 12:10 - The Yalta Conference, which had a decisive significance for the fate of post-war Europe, began on February 4, 1945. It became a symbol of the Allies' betrayal of Poland and their consent to subordination. The song is from the once popular song "I'll take you in the car" - link: 15:35 Loans in Swiss francs were very popular in Poland due to low costs - now there are problems with repayment, after the Swiss franc skyrocketed a few years ago. 16:45 - "something white", a reference to amphetamine - white is also associated with purity and God. 16:59 - The idea was to ring the bell via a rope held by the actor. We have a peninsula called Hel (like the element), but there is a reference to Hell. And the next sequence "what will happen to us when we find ourselves at a bend" is a quote from a popular song. NeoNówka as a cabaret consists only of these three people, but in addition to them there is also a music band and a whole staff of people responsible for the control room, lighting, etc. Disulfiram works by blocking an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of alcohol. Therefore, it causes increased feelings related to alcohol poisoning and its consequences. In exc The term "Action 'Wszywka'" was used in the sketches. This action helps people addicted to alcohol. Ancient Rome - another reference to the Kaczyński twin-brothers (Jarosław and Lech).
@robbicu 3 сағат бұрын
In American, most people don't know Weißbier, and have no idea what is radler or spatzi. Of the hundreds of types of German sausage, Americans only know bratwurst, but some regionals will also have колбаса. There are many people of Polish descent in my area of Wisconsin, and we still hear some Polish words or phrases around the town.
@nogibozekajora2116 4 сағат бұрын
Polska jest tak skutecznie skłócona między sobą przez odpowiednie służby, że pomimo NATO i innych zachodnich dobrodziejstw, zostaniemy zmasakrowani jak przy || Wojnie. Inteligentni wrogowie wiedzą, że naszą najmocniejszą bronią jest solidarność i chęć walki o swoje, dlatego nas niszczą od środka. Dopóki idioci będą się kłócić przy Świątecznym stole czy lepsze jest PIS czy PO, to czeka nas kolejny rozbiór.
@Fabian-fe3sx 4 сағат бұрын
hi Chris you know, I saw in the movie that you are shocked that the Poles have many more tanks than the Germans, but I have an interesting fact for you. Do you know that 80% of tanks in Poland are German Leopards? Poles buy tanks from Germany and have more of them than the Germans themselves.
@xbabyleech 7 сағат бұрын
We have die Stolpersteine also in Poland - i live in small city on a Polish-German border and i've seen few on Polish side also.
@grzegorzbaryla88 7 сағат бұрын
Brawo za dystans. Dzielą nas tylko politycy
@twisters999 8 сағат бұрын
I live 3km from a German border and I'm a Polish soldier.... I'm extremely happy that YOU have our back like it was during the P-L Commonwealth. Central Europe can be powerfull when We forget stupid things
@SupernovaRemodeling 5 сағат бұрын
Nope we can't
@tomasztomass 8 сағат бұрын
na dzien dobry wpierdol bedzie .........................................
@tomasztomass 8 сағат бұрын
bananowy chlopak kity zenisz
@Ruunawayboy 8 сағат бұрын
You must remember, Chris, that in Germany you have a cultural problem, Uncle Ali will create a brothel and the septic tank will spill out, it will be a failure, if there is no mobilization of more conscripts, in Poland it is a bit different with the newcomers, because they either assimilate, learn the language and become Poles, or they go away, our society is quite harmonious, no. it doesn't matter whether they are black, white or yellow, if you are Polish you know what to do. To the last drop of blood
@wojtekwosztyl615 9 сағат бұрын
Chris, You are a young Man. We, Poles, we hate war, but, if we have to do the war- We do the war. And we will die. For our Lands, families and our culture. Regards from Poland Chris
@lechoslawmarcinkowski743 9 сағат бұрын
@Abart166 9 сағат бұрын
Najlepiej wymienić się atomówkami i skończy się 1000 lat wygłupów narcystycznych chłopców z małymi ......
@leno_o17 7 сағат бұрын
Atomówki mogą się przydać na Rosję. Also, te 1000 lat to przesada. Polska miała nie najgorsze relacje z "Niemcami", oprócz Prusi. W czasie rozbiorów "Niemcy" z niektórych landów nawet otwarcie wspierali polską walkę z zaborcami. Jest cały zbiór piosenek niemieckich z tamtych czasów, popierający Polskę, wydany jakoś po I WŚ, gdzie autor wyraża radość, że wreszcie nikt im nie narzuca wrogości i mogą być przyjaciółmi Polski.
@antekg1036 9 сағат бұрын
According to war simulations Ukraine had no chance to survive Russian attack but they stopped Putin's army march. It's very hard to prepare a good simulation and no simulation knows which countries will support which sides and with how much supplies what is crucial today.
@igormleczkowski3611 9 сағат бұрын
Wojnę wygra Rosja
@RIDDICK19902721 8 сағат бұрын
Dokładnie pewnie by wykorzystali to że się bijemy i wbili by od drugiej strony, a że pamiętają iż Niemcy wyruchali ich w WW2 to może zatrzymali by się dopiero na zachodniej granicy Niemiec, patrząc nawet czy nie dojść Atlantyku.
@marekkonieczny2316 9 сағат бұрын
Polska dopiero się zbroi Niedługo będziemy mieć 1000 czołgów k2 i 350 abramsów 500 heimars i czunmho 100 apache i F 35 I jeszcze długo by tak wymieniać
@piotrjabonski1859 9 сағат бұрын
Odra r is strong
@MichaelWittmann268 10 сағат бұрын
We say ODRA
@MichaelWittmann268 10 сағат бұрын
AWACS is flying radar Bro
@AM-uc6rr 10 сағат бұрын
I'm Polish, why doesn't anyone write that Poles sold themselves??? then there were uprisings. that's the truth.
@mortenlexi 10 сағат бұрын
Bundeskhalifat deutschland (Germanistan 🧕) vs Poland
@antekg1036 9 сағат бұрын
Just 3,7% of German population is Muslim so no.
@PrzemysawPustuka 10 сағат бұрын
Stupid film (but not the reaction). Old data. Comparing countries in a close alliance is pointless. I don't know what political situation would have to exist for such a conflict to occur. Even then it is not known how other countries would have behaved. Germany and Poland would also build their armed forces differently. Total fiction.
@Vengir 10 сағат бұрын
Data was current at the time the video was released. And it's still interesting to see what would happen, even if it is unlikely to occur.
@kacperdudenko6828 10 сағат бұрын
We need to take into account that most of German capabilities are on paper, and some of their systems are almost useless in conflict. 3 pumas had gone through 3 day exercise in battle conditions, on second day none of them worked due to unreliablity
@janeqxpompapt803 10 сағат бұрын
Nie oglądaj filmów które robią te ruskie niedorozwoje🤔 W przeciwnym razie staniesz się głupszy.
@MsArci1 10 сағат бұрын
O Niemcach nie słychać 😅😅
@maciejgajoch1774 10 сағат бұрын
This is already not actual.
@jarodholder3824 10 сағат бұрын
I think you should do a video trying polish foods stuff like bigos, rosoł, pierogi, zurek, goląpki and pączki.
@MateuszSuchodolski 10 сағат бұрын
Poland people dont wont to fight but cant luck on suffer other people without reaction
@kamilplazuk6758 10 сағат бұрын
0:33 Man in the suit on car called Honker Polish President Mr. Andrzej Duda, Why foreigners flags? Because on Polish Hell march we allowed to be representations of our "Allies", 1:03 Those flags...Believe me Polish Drill is the one of the best in the armies of world, 1:54 mans with golden "bans" ;) yeah its navy forces, next from the right in blue suits - air forces, and green suits land forces. 2:15 - why sables? Its a tradition, conclusion to Polish Ulans, Hussaria as well ( you should read about it). 2:26 after navy forces goes Special Forces ( GROM, AGAT, NIL - its a story for another video). 4:17 Polish gendarmerie, and then special forces. 4:48 Polish heavy armoured Rosomaks ( one of the best vehicles of this type in the world). 4:50 Polish drones "Fly Eye", you should read about those in Ukraine war. 5:08 Leopards from your country ( However we bought them from Deutschland, But WITHOUT ANY SPECIFICATIONS!!( Friends dont do like that, we didnt have specifications about armour, weapons, engines. Our mechanics had to get this emelentary knowledge by decompose a few, what more, about tenyears ago there was an accident where our tankist just was burnt, because of failure weapon, why? BECAUSE YOU SOLD FOR POLAND EQUIPMENT WITH OUT SPECIFICATIONS!!! BESIDE THIS, Leopards 2A, are the one of the best tanks in the world ever. 5:47 Polish Self propelled howitzer " Krab", one of the best in the world - Range 40km, with 2 meters wrong. 6:20 Polish moveable Bridges which can take about 60 tones, tanks, heavy armoured vehicles. 7:07 tanks PT-91, also very good equipment. 7:30 Ulans, also refference to our tradition. I Write it as a ex-soldier of polish army N.C.O. . Best REgards
@kamilpustula2454 10 сағат бұрын
Fun fact, after changes which are happening now, Poland army will be not defensive anymore.
@wojtekmlody437 10 сағат бұрын
llu jest rosian a ilu Ukrainców przewaga ok 7-1 a tak nie dają rady liczy się sprzęt i waleczność a nie chowanie sie za Amerykanami
@KqrolTV 10 сағат бұрын
Those statistics are old actually, polish army is now more modern and bigger
@szymonpotocki7290 11 сағат бұрын
Na szczęście nie mamy żadnych krwiożerczych zamiarów.
@przemoziolkowski958 11 сағат бұрын
Are you use ai?
@worldcitizen181 11 сағат бұрын
Polacy nie zamierzają się bić z Niemcami, no chyba, że nas Niemcy napadną bo nigdy nie wiadomo co Niemcom uderzy do tych szalonych głów.
@lasken13 11 сағат бұрын
Another one. Why are we analyzing the miitary potential? The truth is - Germans wanted to conquer Polish land. Simple as that - do we need to justify it in he German way? Germans had more fighters, tanks and other machinery of war. It doesn't justify the way of thinking. Poland is not the land to be taken - it is the independend country. The sooner Yoy will understand - the better.
@DominioFC 11 сағат бұрын
Kto z polski daje tu 👇 Grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz
@JarrowJR 11 сағат бұрын
Lector of this movie is outdated (This is not his fault, he is only lector). Most of German tanks, planes and other military vehicles are not operational.Military exercises that took place 2 years ago at the training ground in Drawsko Pomorskie showed that not a single German plane took part in them because they were broken. When the Polish F-16 arrived at the military base in Ramstien, the German pilots were shocked that we had the latest versions of this aircraft.Flight controllers in the control tower couldn't believe that these were Polish planes. Later it turned out that only Polish and Dutch planes had any meaning during the entire exercise. Disappointed Germans returned from training on trailers or called service teams to return home. That's the true but the things like this you don't find on YT. Even a tabloid like the DailyMail wrote an article about this event.The war in Ukraine showed that German tanks are simply worthless and not adapted to the modern battlefield, only worthy on training grounds.
@felix8169 11 сағат бұрын
I like your final conclusions, but I still think that simulating a war between our countries is more bad than good. To tell you the truth, I would very much not want my country to invade another country and I definitely do not wish us to be invaded. The former is something we have influence over if only during elections, the latter less so - we can only act diplomatically and by developing military capabilities and, if the worst happens, by defending the country.
@Rapapictures 11 сағат бұрын
with a Trojan horse in the form of Herr Tüska, it's Germany XD
@MrMaterla 10 сағат бұрын
Rather Russia with Trojan Horse like Macierewicz. Tusk, whatever he is, is still a better guarantor of Polish's security and development than Kaczyński with his team. But someone who doesn't understand anything and who lacked time to finish his primary school, doesn't understand geopolitics and politics as such.
@zeus2zeus2zeus2 11 сағат бұрын
przestarzałe dane
@dawidnazir3390 11 сағат бұрын
Problemem Niemców jest niedocenianie Polaków i zmian jakie w Polsce zostały dokonane. Myślę że na dzień dzisiejszy Polska wygrałaby z Niemcami . Dzisiaj Polska to zupełnie inny kraj niż Niemieckie wyobrażenia.
@RIDDICK19902721 8 сағат бұрын
Nie jestem pewien że zaraz po wybuchu wojny rusek skorzysta z okazji tyle że tym razem rozjebał by i polaków i niemców. 2 niemcy mają na tyle mocną gospodarkę że w chwilę dozbroili by się przed wojną z 4 razy bardziej niż my. Więc jedyna opcja to by było zaatakowanie jako pierwsi wtedy mieli byś my jakieś szanse zanim rusek wpadnie.
@Nolifeforblackout 11 сағат бұрын
Licheń stary to bazylika która została zbudowana przez złe, nietolerancyjne części polskiego kościoła
@felix8169 11 сағат бұрын
I am not surprised that the authors of the original film are our 'Moscow brothers'. You can see that the film is already several years old, as the data is slightly outdated. Some of the equipment referred to there was given to Ukraine by Poland, and there is no part that has already been purchased. But let's say it's a play on a conflict that took place a few years ago. I just still think that some speculation is harmful.
@leno_o17 8 сағат бұрын
That Russian at the beginning put me aback. Leave it to them, to be thinking of war all the time.
@hatakekakashi7678 11 сағат бұрын
It would be even worse for germany now :).
@CZESKI_KOT 11 сағат бұрын
5:20 in Poland we say Odra
@LukNwa 11 сағат бұрын
Its Odra in PL ;)
@Nolifeforblackout 11 сағат бұрын
Kiedy pytałeś czy to pustynia tak naprawdę to jest przepięknych półwysep helski