Vampires Unveiled | DnD Lore
@jordanwilson4182 9 сағат бұрын
It’s funny the most disgusting looking people are the ones calling people incels.
@mattheww.6232 11 сағат бұрын
Squigs are a Terraforming (ork-a-forming?) organism designed spread the orkiod ecosystem. They also suppress and destroying wildlife that would otherwise hinder the orkoid life cycle. Remember, they are the first orkiod animal life to emmerge from the Orkiod fungus at 1-3 inches tall, hyper-aggressive, complete and then are driven to spread and find other habitats.
@star.hammer 11 сағат бұрын
We love our squigs ❤️
@derbestimmer1148 20 сағат бұрын
Is this Video serious? Or a parody? Are you saying the whole woke attack on fanspaces are something you are fine with? The whole female Custodes thing is just wrong. Nothing else. Longtime fans are the ones who made the game big. They have a say in this. No fan base has to diversify if it does not want to. The minority you are pandering too now alongside GW will never play the game or carry it's development. The woke crowd will scorch everything and will move on. Get some brains or think long and hard about continuing down this road. Your stitches are not funny BTW. The Twitter Post about pronouns left you in the dust.
@Mkxvandal 23 сағат бұрын
Please shut up
@mcdoogle_robotman Күн бұрын
No, you are wrong.
@hived3455 Күн бұрын
its sad that you twist the narrative that this whole outrage is about sexism... its about lore my guy... i wouldnt mind powerfull power armor dommy mommys in game just as long they dont GRape the lore.
@star.hammer Күн бұрын
They literally didn’t. Femstodes in lore has actually changed nothing besides femstodes are now in lore. The game hasn’t changed. The grander lore hasn’t changed. Get that crap out of here.
@kevoreilly6557 2 күн бұрын
You’re done.
@corvus_armatura7595 2 күн бұрын
Sure. Why don't you let THAT one Black Templar player in then? You know the one with the not-see symbol.
@star.hammer 2 күн бұрын
Bro doesn’t know I main Templars
@corvus_armatura7595 2 күн бұрын
@@star.hammer You know what I'm talking about. Why don't we upgrade him with a nice armband? Get a windmill in there?
@user-zg7lz8ds8o 3 күн бұрын
I don’t even play WH40K and I see how rong this is.
@ulfhedknarthedestroyer1753 3 күн бұрын
Social Justice Loooooooooser! HAHAHAHA
@N7Tigger 3 күн бұрын
pssst... he's never touched grass... or a boob.
@benfabz 4 күн бұрын
What a soyboy
@martinbudinsky8912 4 күн бұрын
Yeah sure... Just make every single thing all inclusive melting pot... Do you realize then at that point everything becomes the same unispired slop? If you take away what makes the thing unique/special it becomes mundane and uninteresting. Warhammer was NEVER meant to be for everyone in the first place. Can you imagine a hippie loving the grim-dark for example? Yeah...
@weirdestbudday5353 4 күн бұрын
No one cares who or what somebody is that gets put into a story including this one. All these fans care about is not twisting the lore and changing it into something to fit somebody's feelings. The worse part was they said 'it's always been that way' when it was a lie to everybody's face that was the most insulting to the fans. If they had just been more honest and admitting 'hey, we want to change this part because we want to encourage more female fans' I believe a lot would be more accepting to that and it would also put the company more in the right and less in the wrong but instead they *LIED* to the fans and now the company is in the wrong whether it was good intentions or not. If people didn't like women in these sort of things then you wouldn't have other popular games with female protagonist like Stellar Blade or Nier Automata. Women are in a lot of popular war games too. Just don't twist the lore and lie to the fans about it.
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
I agree that it wasn’t presented correctly, however adding female custodes in no way appeals to anyone’s “feelings”
@weirdestbudday5353 3 күн бұрын
​@@star.hammer So you're saying nobody felt like they weren't feeling left out or unincluded by not having women under certain ranks or fractions? If so, then why does it need to be included with a forced change?
@jiblyjably 4 күн бұрын
I am so glad that GW is on board with us. Stop being sexist, racist (except Xenos scum), homophobic and all around archaic.
@jiblyjably 4 күн бұрын
Also woke is such a stupid undefinable term and it's that way on purpose. I hate this community so much.
@martinbudinsky8912 4 күн бұрын
Its not undefinable. Its just a broad term. Thats all to it. Just like the word vehicle can mean car, boat, plane etc.
@jiblyjably 3 күн бұрын
@@martinbudinsky8912 yeah so that’s not how that works but okay buddy
@martinbudinsky8912 3 күн бұрын
@@jiblyjably In other words you are saying "I have no real counter argument"... Well dont worry. Its obvious.
@jiblyjably 3 күн бұрын
@@martinbudinsky8912 I’m not going to argue with some loser on the internet lmao
@martinbudinsky8912 3 күн бұрын
@@jiblyjably Well thank you for confirming what I said. Cant be any more obvious now.
@dorguinas 4 күн бұрын
funny how the dude saying that exalates soy.
@reggie9010 4 күн бұрын
This comment section is hilarious. It's always funny seeing grown men crying about their tiny plastic soldiers.
@ashtoncox2192 4 күн бұрын
show us your warhammer collection "fan boy"
@mr.mayhem9724 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, opposite of everything you said and stand for
@briarblack7437 4 күн бұрын
You're wrong, and time will prove you wrong. 40k end times in 5 years. Total franchise collapse in less than a decade. Watch. Wait. See.
@trashynecromancer1155 4 күн бұрын
it's hilarious that this changes literally NOTHING in the lore and yet people are treating this as if they retconned The Emperor to be a Genestealer.
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
That’s what I’ve been saying! Could’ve been presented better but at the end of the day it means nothing
@ulfhedknarthedestroyer1753 4 күн бұрын
Bahahaha 52 likes and a whopping 228 dislikes, Bro, you are the WRONG side of the fence. LOLZ
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
dude, how much GW and Amazon paying you? Multiple comments I have replied to that point at GW profits dropping, or mention Amazon and GW's investors and provide facts... all deleted despite being respectful, not insulting, not trolling... nothing. I thought you were open to discussion you said in another comment here? Update: My comments are back, either creator was trolling me, or, YT was being whack, so I apologise regardless if the latter.
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
Don’t lie, lmao. No comments have been deleted. That harms my metrics and doesn’t do anyone any good. You obviously haven’t looked at GW stock price or their 2023 financial reports, cause it’s all just going up over the past month and year I wish I could get that sweet sponsor money, but alas, I am just a little guy.
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@star.hammer I already disproved this in one of the comment threads where you said exactly that - yet that comment is exactly the one I am referring to that is no longer there... so if you are not deleting them, then please, who is? Their 2023 finance reports were up 11% - guess what, from then until yesterday, they are now down 11%... majority of which has been since April 15th... what a surprise.
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
@@BlackCondorXVII I’ve said it in several and no, you didn’t as far as I know. Narrow down which one you’re referring to cause I’m not about to dig through all 535 of these. Not sure where you’re getting your info, cause I just googled it and the stock price is still up and they have yet to release their 6 month report.
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@star.hammer I agree, there are too many for me to remember which thread it was in. But it was a thread in which you said to somebody that their stocks were up and profitting. Then there is another rpely I sent in another thread to Stephen regarding Amazon, DEI and Investors, which had disappeared. Then it reappeared, but now it has disappeared again -.- if it aaint you, then YT just being whack or somebody trolling me haha
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@star.hammer I am a man of my word and integrity and my comments are back and showing. So, if you truly were not the person doing this to troll me, then, please accept my apology :). I even ammended this original comment too.
@vitaliyred622 4 күн бұрын
Rage bait from a tourist, clicked for a dislike button, after first 2 minutes it was obvious what this person is.
@Keram-io8hv 4 күн бұрын
I was once gatekeeper, the I seen gatekeeping forum and I became Gate opener and I will rather wave rainbow flag above Terra then cry about primaris, Black Crusades etc. while twisting my nipples about ny 3d printer Like female custodians, people cry how terrible retcon it is and how it destroys 100% serious lore, which exists in the same universe as liteunant Gin Ntonnik
@juleksz.5785 4 күн бұрын
I remember getting downvoted into oblivion on Reddit for sayig that "People with unpainted armies should be able to play in tournaments". Apparently, despite the fact that vast majority of tournaments have no rules that punish for having unpainted minnis, it's the normal, logical and good think to do to ban metric ton of people, usually newcomers, but also many oldtimers, from praticipainting. Majority of peole from my town don't have fully painted armies, there are several guys with entire armies unpainted, many of them are years in the hobby and participated in multiple tournaments. Regarding femstodes : i do like the change but I fully undesrtand why people generally don't. Custedes were the perfect warriors of mankind, hand tailored from the best of handpicked recruits. It's only logical that all were males when pfisical prowess was the only thing they had to excel at. Plus there were no mentions of female custodes before, nor wheere they implied to exists.
@stephenferry3017 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I think the worst changes have been the tourny culture GW encourages rather than straight hobbying.
@merryreindeer5991 4 күн бұрын
I play this game and deepdive this lore since the *** 90s (Good old authoritarian Astra Mil - or Imperial Guard as we still should call them! But have to admit that I switched to Mars lately and think now the Emperor is more like the Mother of Machines ...;) ) and those People still would call me a tourist because I think the mere Idea of an Emperor FAILING his genetic knowledge so hard that he defies his own omnipotence by only being able to make Space Marines men - is an insult to the omnissiah themself. And after that to belive even further that Cawl would not be able to correct that grave mistake in order to restore imperial creed and that glory is nothing but heresy! Make love - not heresy.
@363AJFTW363 4 күн бұрын
You hate Warhammer and it's fans. You are the nerd who bullies other nerds to get the popular kid's affections.
@theREDdevilz22 4 күн бұрын
Dude I’ve been reading warhammer 40k for the last 25 years.. how the fuck is 40k not inclusive to all.. you’re just a little femboy that’s not happy that’s the lore clearly state women can’t be astartes and that they’ve added female custodians for the sake of it, even though they have their own factions and are integrated into every other faction in the imperium.. either that or you just trying to drum up controversy to get views and get your channel to grow 🤷🏻‍♂️
@clovistrotta6925 4 күн бұрын
You're onlyfocusing on the most extreme sexist people in the hobby. But most people against gw change to custodes are not these guys. Don't generalize the opposition to gw direction to these guys, this is just misunderstanding the point.
@clovistrotta6925 4 күн бұрын
Wow that's a crazy like/view ratio
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
the dislikes are at 209 as of writing this - clearly his opinion is the "majority" right? :)
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
Tasty tasty views
@Mrbibles 4 күн бұрын
Tolerance and inclusiveness dont mix with warhammer. Thats what literally makes warhammer warhammer lol
@andrewgreen2059 4 күн бұрын
Unless you're Tao
@paradoxical_human5246 4 күн бұрын
Warhammer is making fun of ideologies like that, you’re not supposed to agree with the imperiums racism and intolerance
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@paradoxical_human5246 100% this. I am against this change but your statement is true and is terrible to actually relate to the imperium
@andrewgreen2059 4 күн бұрын
Didn't the official warhammer twitter block all politics that aren't left wing? is that not gatekeeping?
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
100% - But thats exactly what the otherside does now days. Is funny, I always considered myself a little more left due to being very open, accepting, always told I am very catering and helpful to others etc at the expense of myself many times... but over the last 3-5 years, done a HARD AF u-turn due to the amount of bloody idiots there. They literally go: "free speech is important - but if you disagree with anything else I say then we will cancel you and silence you or force you into submission to think how I do and like what I do".
@star.hammer 4 күн бұрын
I have no idea I don’t really use twitter
@GankbotShuk 4 күн бұрын
You are entitled, self-absorbed and idiotic if you join a community then expect the community to change to adapt to you. You want in? You conform to the community. All these young brats expecting the world to change to fit them were probably told they were 'special' by their parents all their life. When did it become a bad thing that some aspects of life are not for everyone? This is ok. Where did this concept die?
@Adjm94 4 күн бұрын
Ignore the incels in this comment section. These are the kind of guys that Warhammer has been poking fun at for years. I have no doubt Games Workshop did this intentionally to rile up all these lonely guys and get a bunch of free advertising as they whine. Keep doing what you're doing dude.
@anaboli_o 4 күн бұрын
Well i dont want your or any other agendas pushing through anywhere, sorry. IT was BAD and it still is BAD.
@Irishman8778 4 күн бұрын
Ahh yes. The fabled "broader audience" of the niche passtime. Often persued, rarely attained, and always catered to at the expense of the core audience. Never a failed marketing strategy, amirite? 🙄
@krechey8285 4 күн бұрын
MFs are acting like the introduction of female head sculpts is the key that allows people to covertly enter the hobby in order to destroy it for some reason. Female head sculpts will not bring on the downfall of this hobby believe it or not. its not that big of a deal, its just another way for hobbyists to express THEIR army that THEY buy and build
@Leisurelee53 4 күн бұрын
"I cannot be wrong, for i drew myself as the chad, and you as the wojak." Yeah, you're still an up your own arse prim. Those imagined profits GW is chasing will recede faster than that hairline. Stay irrelevant.
@krechey8285 4 күн бұрын
"oh no my precious lore that GW retcons every 13 seconds is retconed again!! What will I ever do?!!?"
@Leisurelee53 4 күн бұрын
@krechey8285 lol what I did in the past was adapt or ignore. What many are doing with this idiocy, is move on to something else. It's almost as if you lot care more for the retcon than the setting. Though you at least had the grace to call it a retcon. The creators limply claimed "it was always thus"
@TheMadYetti 4 күн бұрын
People like you are the reason why gatekeeping exist, and why it is necessary.
@krechey8285 4 күн бұрын
"grah!! You can't like my hobby because I said so!!!"
@TheMadYetti 4 күн бұрын
@@krechey8285 like it all you want, i don't care what are you doing with that hobby but push your "thing" as new and mandatory
@maciejnikiel6492 4 күн бұрын
One of the best takes on this subject I've seen, although I need to say the introduction of femstodes was extremely lackluster (imo it should've been some bad ass trailer of new custodes units) it is definetely not some deep state CIA psy op of wokeness. I think its just made to appeal to a wider range of potential customers thinking Warhammer is some homoerotic male power fantasy
@jkdragonjk6895 4 күн бұрын
I think it really depends on what is being gatekept. Like the people who argue for female space marines. Those people don't understand the setting or the hobby and simply just want to see girls in power armor to get a win in the internet culture war, not because they care about the hobby or the setting. And another thing as well, not everything needs to be for everyone, and thats ok. Like should 40k drop the grim dark to appeal more to normies who don't like grim dark? No absolutely not. And saying that is a form of gatekeeping that I think we would all agree is ok and just.
@maciejnikiel6492 4 күн бұрын
I mean yeah Female Space Marines should never come in as permanent piece of the setting. I also agree that grimdarkness should always be a huge part of warhammer, on the other hand some characters being trans or whatever "woke" description do not change the overall grimdarkness of the setting. Matters not to a carnifex if it rips a male, female or non-binary person apart
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@maciejnikiel6492 so you agree that a Space Marine should never be female, but are ok with a Custodes being female? When one of the main reasons besides Gene Seed that space marines are all male is because of Physical attributres required to survive the process... a process that is not nearly as gruelling as a Custodes would go through? Surely, you can see how that makes no sense without some additional context of lore given for why this is now possible? But, also, on the topic of female Space Marines, I am getting slightly persuaded that it is only a matter of time. Ignore my very cynical take here, but is to be expected considering the recent shitstorm: I Just got my Chaos codex for example, and not a single mention so far regarding Chaos Marines and the creation, mentions their gender. Older books would always use the same mention of them being "Sons" to the Primarchs as the Primarchs were "sons" to the Emperor and it would be constantly referenced everywhere, either sons, or male, or men or w.e... I have not seen it yet and instead just ocnstantly uses words like: warriors, soldiers, generals, etc - but I am also only about 8 pages into its lore section. I am going to keep going through and if it ocntinues. I plan to check my Space Marine codex again at some point to see if that is the same and I just did not notice... would not surprise me if this is a start of a trend going forward like we have seen in other things. Very cynical at this point, but it would not surprise me at all.
@Marines_Memelevolent 4 күн бұрын
Gatekeeping is good, and always will be. The people who get gatekept are *never* the normal people that are eager to learn and assimilate into the fan culture they’re joining. The people who get (and complain about) getting gatekept are near always the friggin weirdos who want to change things to fit their own view, regardless of their politics. Beyond that, blatantly ignoring that the DEI investors took big shares before the most recent set of changes is something indeed. And: your shirt is weird.
@stephenferry3017 4 күн бұрын
DEI investors? Who? If you say Vanguard, I'll laugh.
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenferry3017of course you would laugh - you openly said you have shares in them 😅
@Marines_Memelevolent 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenferry3017 oh no Stephen the Good Citizen™️ will laugh, the horror.
@stephenferry3017 4 күн бұрын
@BlackCondorXVII I have a brokerage account through them, which is how individuals typically buy and hold stock. Tf you on about? How absent were your parents in your life that they didn't teach you the basics of financial instruments?
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@stephenferry3017 Projecting much? Neither was absent, but the point is, you are invested in them in some way, shape or form, whether thats money, using their services or buying products, that is a form of investment into a company. So I do apologise for misrepresenting the exact term of your investment towards them, but the fact remains the same for your opinion being biased. Nice to see your mask slipping though also and you finally joining your like minded poeople in deciding to insult, rather than be respectful. Let the mask go, we all know you want to join the herd of people screaming "bigots, racists, homophobes!" at us for having the memtal capability of enjoying our hobby without the need to force real life into it or relate it to the real world.
@dildoswaggins2907 4 күн бұрын
You’re a Democrat voter … I can smell the soy
@timmytheimpaler1750 4 күн бұрын
These comments are great Subscribing just to read the hate
@maciejnikiel6492 4 күн бұрын
It too brings me joy to read people say their decades of hobby are RUINED by a twitter post about women being able to join one of the factions
@tieloon1 4 күн бұрын
Remember folks if you don't gatekeep people who can only enjoy things that push their own woke ideology then they will change it to suit their interests and not the interests of fans. Anyone who accepts warhammer for what it is is welcome, anyone who wants it to change can move on.
@EisIzo 4 күн бұрын
Gatekeeping is bad until someone comes in dressed as an SS Officer with his Bad Guy Germany themed conversion of the Imperial Guard. But the Jew Hunters are fine, right? They are spreading the Imperial Truth and wiping out religion, true the lore, or deem the Jew as a heretic in defiance of the God-Emperor... which canonically they would be. Suddenly then "Warhammer is for Everyone" rings hollow. Some line has been crossed and people feel uncomfortable. Should they feel uncomfortable? What is this this hypothetical neckbeard doing that doesn't fit with the lore? Bringing in his outside politics, well... we've already established that's fine and dandy? Racism? No... can't be that, his guys are anti-heretic, not anti-human. Or... maybe... just maybe... we shouldn't be tolerating outside politics coming in. Maybe we shouldn't tolerate the lore being twisted to suit a real world political message. Maybe we should gatekeep enough to separate those who add to the hobby, setting, and atmosphere, from those who very clearly have ulterior motives to subvert that hobby to their own real world political leanings. Gatekeeping isn't for race, sex, or sexual identity. It's to separate the fan from the anti-fan, the This Guy from the That Guy, and the escapism from the real world mess that is modern politics.
@maciejnikiel6492 4 күн бұрын
Are you defending roleplaying as a Nazi or being racist as fuck? The imperium is known for not really caring what the fuck you look like (exception being abhumans but even they aren't fucking genocided or hunted down like in your example) as long as you do your quota and don't OPENLY speak against the emperor or worship the chaos gods. It of course differs from planet to planet but as a baseline imperium really does not give a fuck as long as the taxes are payed and the work is done
@paradoxical_human5246 4 күн бұрын
Warhammer was written as a setting satire while Margaret Thatcher was in office, it was explicitly a political satire of (at least then) modern events. It is making fun of the gatekeepers, and choosing not to see that is willfully plugging your ears and screaming NUH UH
@BlackCondorXVII 4 күн бұрын
@@maciejnikiel6492prime example of the problem - they clearly are not saying that, but that’s the only thing you took away from their comment so you plus try use it against them.