interview with my mom (Petra)
cohousing for autistic adults
why is gender important to me?
2 жыл бұрын
what does the term 'spoons' mean?
@atarileaf 3 күн бұрын
If your home has electrical issues, they can't be fixed by swapping out your plumbing
@rnettles6241 15 күн бұрын
I had no idea how many people are "disabled." Or that "disability" is in the eye of the individual. With like 10% of the country disabled, and the other 90% sincerely believing they're disabled, why not operate like Tokyo Disney and make EVERYONE WAIT IN LINE. That's one of the reasons why Disney Japan still has the magic while original Disney is worried about offending a 50 year old man who insists on using a woman's restroom. Or one disabled person claiming another person is "not disabled." Sorry, but if you have the intestinal fortitude to go on "Tower of Terror," you are fit enough to wait in a modern, air-conditioned, line.
@pofftuba 16 күн бұрын
I did the call twice and was denied twice. I have an actual diagnosis with paperwork for ASD and ADHD, I am 100% disabled vet with sugar instabilities, mobility issues, PTSD and told them and the nurse they had me talk to all about that. It seems because wam an adult that was diagnosed later in life and have no coping training and have just had to limp along when over stimulated or having a meltdown and didn’t have an action plan I was made to feel like I was faking it. So instead my family and I decided the only way for me to deal was to buy the Genie+ and Lightening Lane. So $800 later we were finally able to get through lines without my anxiety making it impossible. Disney should be ashamed and I will be surprised if lots of people don’t start suing.
@FemaleMatters 16 күн бұрын
WPATH has been completely discredited. They laugh when discussing how they know that children and parents can't provide fully imformed consent and are extremely aware that there is high levels of regret. They laugh about it. About sterilising children. Let that sink in. The world's authority for trans healthcare laugh about leaving children sterile even when they know that many regret it a few years after full gender reassignment. Puberty blockers are not just a pause. 85% of all kids put on them progress to cross sex hormones. These drugs have extremely problematic, adverse effects. "puberty blockers" is a benign way of saying chemical castration: Its the same drug. Male puberty gives over 200 differences and advantages over women. From lung capacity, heart size, adrenal sensitivity, lactic acid response, oxygen absorbtion, muscle fibre density and distribution and many more physiological differences, theres also the height, limb length, weight, and many physical differences. That is exactly why the average 14 year old male athlete matches an olympic female athlete. Thats why the IOC and many sporting bodies have now banned men from women's sports.
@blondie4512 16 күн бұрын
I am disabled. I have sensory issues. ADHD. Let me tell you waiting in a line for a ride is only a very small percentage of the issues of going to a theme park. The gift shops are crowded. The food lines are long getting into the park is a process going through security, the heat in Florida can be overwhelming. We started paying for the genie plus and it has worked out wonderful but if your health issues are pretty severe, I would say going to the theme park should be the last thing on your list. As I am aging, I am looking at other vacation spots that would be more relaxing.
@kylaedge901 18 күн бұрын
Although the website says DAS is for autistic people, many autistic people are being denied DAS under the new rules
@ER-eu4ci 18 күн бұрын
We are done with Disney. Recent interaction was final insult. Have been going for years from Uk. Thats a 2 week holiday usually averaging about £10000 for the trip. I have 3 x metal work in right ankle and although fully mobile, when standing I very quickly am in significant pain. This is additional to the pain of having that issue and trying to navigate a park all day. I take 3 x pain meds over the day plus NSAID gel just to cope. So with that background the only way I have been able to visit is with the DAS accommodation. With the updates I enquired about this and was told the following: 1. Disney refuse to speak about this unless I buy a ticket. In UK that is illegal. 2. My partner can queue and wait for the duration and then I can join. 2 weeks spent on holiday, where only chance over the year we get to be together and supposedly half of our day we part ways and go solo. 3. I said I simply cannot do the park without accommodation, again refused to even discuss options unless I bought a ticket. In UK we buy 14 day tickets unique to the UK, this cost > £500. They expect that outlay without even knowing if I could use the ticket. 4. They say oh just buy a single day then get a refund to discuss. Thats not an option as these tickets are not refundable in the UK and if no accommodation why would I transfer to another date when still the same issue. 5. 8 of us are going but I only want the accommodation for me and partner, still no discussion. Result all 8 of us have said 100% thats us finished will not set foot in Disney again. Not only that, we all have Disney +, that is being cancelled too. Reality is I don’t think they give a damn. On the reverse, Universal’s system has been amazing, really accommodating, easy to navigate and based solely on the letter from a doctor. If my doctor states I require the accommodation who are Disney to put so many barriers in the way. I said it feels discriminatory but they say not based on US law. Bottom line people won’t be bullied into spending if they won’t meet you half way. I am a registered nurse and the thought of abusing a system fills me with horror but was left feeling labelled as though my request was not valid. Its disgusting. I implore people to speak out about this and not accept it. Please raise awareness, if not illegal it is certainly unethical.
@XinaGri 18 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience. We will be visiting from Europe with our semi-verbal child who has a diagnosis of Autism and A.D.H.D also. It's helpful to hear another Autistic person giving their views, especially for a parent who's child cannot voice their struggles with such busy places as Disney parks! 💙
@justjohnny05 19 күн бұрын
As an actual permanently Disabled person i have found for years that the Disney corporation has discriminated against disabled people for many years, i live only 11 miles from Disneyland and have been going there since before i remember and after i became disabled and electric wheelchair bound it was more important to my emotional and physical health then ever to have a place to go where it was park like with trees and hope and happiness to provide positivity for my life dealing with several life threatening illnesses, and I go alone with my mother waiting for me outside the gate, its just me in my wheelchair as i only have enough energy to last 3 to 4 hours total, but when Disney started literally "cracking" down on disabled people i no longer felt welcome and it became a place of negativity for me to the point where i went less and less then i stopped altogether and havent gone back in years and now i have nowhere to go and spend my days laying in my bed. Now i have been paying attention to all that has been reported so far and i feel that this is almost a "war" Disney has started against the sick and injured, why, why is that? To say to the public that only people who are Autistic are to be considered "disabled" shows an outright ignorance of even the most rudimentary medicine i can only come to the conclusion that they dont want someone making a noisy "fuss" in a long line that might annoy other people in line. But now i am hearing horror stories how Disney is sometimes not even allowing Autistic people to be helped out so that they dont have to be in long lines what is that all about? There are hundreds of "hidden" illnesses that make people with them have a very hard time dealing with day to day life. I could go on for hours about people being told to "well wear diapers then" or "practice being immobile in a long line at home first so you can get used to it" etc etc but i dont need to clearly Disney Corp is blatantly Discriminating against the Disabled for their profit and feel they are too "big" for any one to do anything about it, I call on everyone who is negatively affected by all this to find out all the things they can do to put a stop to this contact local, state and federal offices that protect the ones who can protect themselves not so I or others like me can go and spend a lot of money at this corporations venues I dont want to go anywhere near these places anymore but to stop this sort of inhumane treatment of those who still have a wish or a dream that life can be hopeful no matter how ill you may be.
@matthewthecoasterjunkierom437 17 күн бұрын
Hello did you read the fine print no litigation clause so you can't sue I did
@universalorlandochica 5 күн бұрын
Go to Universal, they have a system that might be better for you. It's a fun park both sides in fact
@matthewthecoasterjunkierom437 4 күн бұрын
Well I got denied they are looking for triggers
@WoohooliganComedy 20 күн бұрын
@cherrymintrose 22 күн бұрын
I had to delete the previous version and re-upload it due to certain sections only having audio on one side. My apologies, that was my mistake! I feel bad for anyone that listened to that on headphones because that would really bother me and I wouldn't be able to listen like that, and I know it's not accessible to a lot of people either. Anyway, all the video segments now have the L and R audio channels working! 🎧
@CuteCatsofIstanbul 26 күн бұрын
Oh my the DAS procedure alone seems so ... unfriendly to those are not neurotypical! Why can't they work with people with disabilities to make things easier. The other day I went to a protest for Turkish stray dogs - on my way there, I noticed how you have to go up these HUGE steps up and no ramp, so my expectations were at a minimum. In the area itself there was no shade, no place at all to sit down, and no toilets!!!!! No toilets! The world needs to hire people like us to tell them to think about every single detail. 😿
@klauds6375 Ай бұрын
Ive only recently discovered how much my autism has effected my livelihood. I would shut down during lunch breaks. Put my head on my knees and sit absolutely still throughout the entire lunch periods. I would get overstimulated on the noisy, dusty and uncomfortable bus I took to school every day, i would get off the bus and walk 10km home-not even entering the school. I never really thought about why I did this. I felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable and knew that the school day would be hell if it tried to push through. But I never questioned why I was uncomfortable on the bus in the first place. I also experienced something I called "light blindness", the sun or even just a bright day would be completely blinding to me. There were times were I genuinely saw nothing but white in my vision, usually overstimulated by noise or a crowd at the time. I originally thought that this meant I needed prescription glasses. I did need glasses, but that didnt solve my light blindness. Theres countless things across my life that now I see were all autism related. Im 20 years old now, and with my first proper job. Ive started to fall apart. Ive never been evaluated for autism. My dad has it, and I suspect my mother has it as well.
@SheWantstheDiction Ай бұрын
this is such a good and real video. have you checked out Devon Price's new book Unlearning Shame??
@rfishrfish4242 Ай бұрын
I am an autistic person. It’s my first time experiencing your videos same, always nice to see an authentic autistic person that really shares his inner experiences. You’ve truly helped me get through a hard time myself and 54 years old I work as an educational assistant for the board where I live in Canada Ontario because I am autistic and I act differently. I am a bottom up thinker nothing is hidden for me when I am working with autistic children. I’ve been doing it for 35 years now, I’ve been having a horrible time at work lately with some of my coworkers because I react differently in different situations and I’m really good at my job. They are jealous. They want to control me in fact they’re trying to get me to lose my job by doing horrible things or putting words in my mouth or setting me up for failure , which doesn’t end up working I am an autistic dyslexic person ADHD. Also we have a new principal even union war he was horrible with people that need accommodations even if I open up my mouth because I also have they called face blindness to me recognize different parts of my mind , there’s nothing wrong with my intelligence. I just do things different differently and I’m affected by parts of the world differently but every time open up my mouth to just ask for a little bit more info. I’m told I need to go get a doctors note if it sounds like I want an accommodation treat me horribly. I hurt myself 20 years ago on the job. I use a chair because I can get sore my lower back and hip and he told me to put somewhere else cause I don’t have a accommodation for which I did but in the fine print, I noticed it said will check up in a year , but never happened. I don’t know why he doesn’t have any info but anyway we are disabled just we shouldn’t need accommodations so we could talk to Neurotypical people I’m treated horribly ignored. You know crazy my motto is it doesn’t matter what I think reality and truth around me is what I perceive , atypical mind and the Neurotypical mind working together they can do things I can’t do and I can do things they can’t do together we’re better. I just wish they would treat me like a normal human being nasty I mean they close doors on me to hurt me type rude they’ll say things that happened that didn’t happen , every conversation I’m going to have to start taping that’s how bad it is. Insane God help me thanks for doing your videos. I appreciate it very much. You just being there for the autistic community. Thank you. Keep up the good work. I wish the best for you and your family.
@HareWithGlasses Ай бұрын
Thank you, that was a lovely interview! And your mom seems super nice 🤗💕
@Dayglodaydreams Ай бұрын
I am having trouble transitioning out of my parents house, into a job. I am 34. Some of it is my own doing, and being pretty anti-social towards my parents, and towards certain authorities (middle and upper level least in the's somewhat consistent), at any job site. It is incredibly hard. Establishing any sort of monetary base is incredibly hard. Not only does it mean doing things I don't want to do, or that involved being in the heat, rain, and snow. It means a) Being nice to people who are outright mean to me, and don't have any common interests relative to me. b) Being extra nice around any manager or supervisor (no exceptions). c) Being nice to customers (I guess this is reasonable). d) (I didn't even think about this for a long time) Save money, and build wealth.
@icqme8586 Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I'm about the same age and had some similar experiences of trying to live out the cis-het life in my 20s and struggling with a lot of issues normal doctors brushed me off. At about 30 I kind of had a breakdown and started living as a woman and felt a lot better and also found a lgbt clinic who didn't brush me off. Got through most of the awkward trans stuff and feel like I can blend in now as a woman and hoping I can make the best of my 40s. My parents disowned me but thankfully I managed to keep my IT job which helped provide stability during all this.
@HezekiahLaronda Ай бұрын
Thank you! I just had an episode of selective mutism last month and couldn't figure out what was happening! I'm ASD and can see this occurring many times in the past, now that I'm aware of it, but didn't know this was due to autism or that it even existed. Thank you for sharing and your help!
@cherrymintrose 19 күн бұрын
Thank you i'm glad that my video could help you a bit! 🙂
@cherrymintrose Ай бұрын
I'm going to just assume that some people in the comments are sincere and actually want to read some research that counters the misinformation that has been spread against 2SLGBTQIA+ people recently. Please read the well researched and referenced PDF ("Trans Inclusion In Sport") on this page: Also please read this Statistic Canada article "Experiences of violent victimization and unwanted sexual behaviours among gay, lesbian, bisexual and other sexual minority people, and the transgender population, in Canada, 2018"
@marci.curious Ай бұрын
I absolutely ❤❤❤ your jersey(👕), hair color & wow do i get it about "every emotion feels like anxiety"!! When this type jf anxiety happens to me i really struggle. What do you do? I focus on a breathing exercise a very kind counselor taught me that helps me distract & re focus myself on positive vibes✌🏻😊😊
@cherrymintrose 19 күн бұрын
Thanks, haha! 😊 It's from last years Disney pride collection! For anxiety stuff it's taken a long time to learn to cope better and still feel anxious a lot of the time, but being able to stim for me helps, and figuring out what kind of stimming helps most. Also being able to have breaks and control my living space. Some amount of medication helps me also just to calm my nervous system a bit but thats different for everyone of course. Doing things that put me in a flow state really seems to help, like learning a new skill or learning stuff for a special interest or playing a video game or listening to music.
@marci.curious Ай бұрын
HIII MILLIEEE!😊🙋🏻‍♀️💌 Its a pleasure & a treat to make your acquaintance dear one🫂🫶🏻🫂. 👍🏻Suuubbbed!!👍🏻 🙏🏻✌🏻Thank you for making awesome videos!✌🏻🙏🏻 PS- I have moved almost 8 times in the last 4years. My health suffered pretty badly.. most ppl aren't aware that moving is sometimes the actual cause for major "health events" because of the level of stress it causes a great deal of us humans 😉, as a matter of fact, "Moving is one of life's top 5 "traumatic events"' Theres also other issues like, relocation stress syndrome, relocation depression & many other clinically diagnosed syndromes/illnesses that I have to believe could be healed with therapy & therapeutic exercises. I'm about to move again, to another State. Moving states doesn't bother me. AT ALL. that's actually the fun part for me, getting to know my new surroundings, exploring is such a treat for me, as im nosy as heck, lol!! I aldo like to say I'm "naturally inquisitive" but saying I'm nosy is just funny sometimes🤭😂. Thanks for the video ✌🏻🫶🏻🫂
@cherrymintrose 19 күн бұрын
Hi! Thank you and thanks for sharing. Every move does feel like it takes a chunk out of my life expectancy from the stress yeah, haha, 😵‍💫 but really yes it can be properly traumatic. I agree though there is the novelty seeking side of me that looks forward to a new space to set up and decorate and new surroundings! 🙂
@razzledazzle355 Ай бұрын
Completely off topic but your hair and outfit is absolutely stunning. I really want clothes like yours!!! <3
@superdrwholock Ай бұрын
This just got recommended to me, thanks for sharing. I'm 21 and I often think about age, I still feel way behind my peers and wonder if I'll just always feel like this
@achilleus9918 Ай бұрын
thank you for this video. i rarely experience meltdowns (maybe three in the last few years?) - usually i shut down. for me there's two kinds. the first is what happens when i'm in public, and it's like my executive functioning just shuts off and making myself talk or do anything other than fidget/scroll on my phone without really looking at anything/dig my nails into my skin just feels impossible. it sucks because i look like i'm just being antisocial or grumpy or sulking, but i'm actually emotionally overwhelmed and/or overstimulated. the second is what happens when i get through an overwhelming event, or was overstimulated for a period of time and have now got out of it, and it's like my brain and body force me to rest - most recently i was at a protest, and the weather was hot, and i got through all that and walked 40 minutes to get home feeling horrible but able to do stuff, and i showered, and then i was like "god i need to lie down" and i just... couldn't get up again for a couple of hours. all sounds were too loud, the light from my phone screen hurt my eyes but i felt too emotionally fragile to let my mind wander so i needed the distraction, and i knew i needed to get up soon to go to a choir rehearsal but i just physically couldn't make myself. it's more than tiredness, it's like half my body and brain functions have been turned off. on the rare occasions when i melt down, it basically just looks like crying for ages. i'm very lucky that it doesn't involve lashing out or hurting myself/others in any way - it looks more like a panic attack or anxiety attack i think, and i'm still not 100% sure i can tell the difference.
@cherrymintrose 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience!🙂 I relate to a lot of what you said. It's so frustrating like you said about how these things are viewed by people externally. Like feeling so vulnerable during a shutdown and like I need help, but as you said, to other people it might look like I am just grumpy or antisocial so they are even less likely to be of help. For meltdowns vs panic attacks differences, I think for me a meltdown is much more whole body physical and more crying, and a panic attack is more mental but also a lot of worrying about my heart and being able to breathe.
@warpup9150 Ай бұрын
I definitely relate to the seeing thoughts in a sort of vapor and having to talk fast so you don’t lose connections
@turtleanton6539 2 ай бұрын
@WoohooliganComedy 2 ай бұрын
Wow, these comments were absolutely mobbed with ignorance & hate comments. I'm sorry. 🫂 I'm also autistic (dx) & probably adhd.
@WoohooliganComedy 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Millie. 🫂💖 It has been real scary for us since before covid... I had already planned to make a video about trans genocide before the pandemic although that didn't happen for a variety of reasons, my mental & now physical health being part of it. I'm thankful that I pass for male (I'm agender), but we need to stick together regardless, so I'm here to help if you need anything. 💖
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your support, I appreciate that! ❤️ Def take care of yourself first (sounds like you are🙂)...making these videos is super draining sometimes. I had to take a break after this one.
@WoohooliganComedy 20 күн бұрын
@cherrymintrose gladly. And yeah, video work is definitely work, it can be very draining... I cried a lot while making my last video about autism. Thanks re: my health. My trauma recovery is going well, I'm down from weekly to monthly visits with my therapists... but my physical health is worse... I seem to have developed covid-induced POTS that keeps me in bed most of the time.
@heatherwalsh9761 2 ай бұрын
Why add such a layer of huge stress to your life by changing genders when you already struggle with the small transitions of every day life? The cross sex hormones will be affecting your body and your brain which will not help a neuro divergent person manage their activities of daily living.
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
The simple answer is because transitioning was hugely beneficial by reducing stress. Even though it reduced my stress overall, there was still some things that were increased stress of course, but those are mostly social things that could be fixed by people being more accepting of me. Transitioning pretty much cured me of chronic depression as well. I can't prove that of course because i'm just one person, but that's been my experience so far. Also just being alive, which I might not have been had I not transitioned, is still a good result in itself. Activities of daily living wouldn't matter if I wasn't alive. At least this way i'm alive, not depressed, and that helps me deal with the other challenges of being ND much better.
@carrielynnlandry1348 2 ай бұрын
25 is when your brain fully developed
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
As far as I know that is true for most people, yes.
@carrielynnlandry1348 2 ай бұрын
dr cass s report just came out please read it
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
I have read it yes, thank you.
@pablolowenstein1371 3 ай бұрын
An estrogenated, castrated, cosplaying, flamboyant homosexual is still...a man.
@infidelcastor 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, I can relate so well to this. I think it’s helpful to hear others experience to get useful words so I can explain this to myself and my closest ones. I’ve never realized until lately that I actually have meltdowns, but only when I’m alone. Like I have to rant or something when I get inside, like I have so much frustration built up, sometimes hitting a pillow or something, never hurting myself/anyone or breaking things. When others are around I just shut down. I usually shut down when I’m with my partner for too long, even after a couple of hours. I can’t process anymore, don’t have the energy or patience to listen to him talking anymore, can’t speak, can’t be touched, it’s like there’s so much energy in my skin. It’s just so hard for me to be in a relationship for all kinds of reasons, and I’ve come to the conclusion I have to end this for both of our sakes. I need so much freedom and so much quiet alone time to function my best.
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing! You have a very clear and thoughtful way of describing your experience. I'm sorry about your sounds like you have a good idea of what you need though. I haven't been in a relationship for a long time, and sometimes I want to be but then I don't really try, for I think similar reasons to yours.
@user-fh6uq6wt7p 4 ай бұрын
-These are children we are talking about not an adults own personal perspective of transitioning! -It has been proven that 85% of children grow out of it and an additional 15% by 25 yrs old. 0% IF put on blockers, as stopping growth, stops ability to grow out of it also! You have had the opportunity to know it was right for you (although I am unsure if you were provided proper treatment and other options, or have done yrs of independent psychiatric therapy or only affirmative care) but taking away the opportunity for 85% plus kids that would have grown out of it, to grow out of it, is wrong! -Affirmative care is wrong! No psychiatrist does an evaluation and determination immediately and only can say YES you are and yes do it. Can you imagine a professional psychiatrist saying that to any other person with issues? Humans need to be challenged in order to get to the root and the REAL diagnosis! Too many detrans have discovered they were NOT trans and had a different disorder AFTER the fact and have permanent damage BECAUSE of affirmative care! -Puberty blockers, their is a halt for a reason! There is not enough data and not enough studies were done to paint the full picture. Admittedly nobody did proper follow up and nobody considered the 85% that would have grown out of it, they are now also looking into the fact affirmative care was not actually treating people and the heavy influence of social-media on teenagers! -Woman's change rooms/washrooms, it is NOT 2 different things! Allowing MEN into woman's change rooms is ONE thing! Whether someone is a male that is innocent or guilty of watching woman change, sa, exposing themself etc, they are now ALL allowed in! The guilty men are allowed in because of only ONE reason! NO men is what protected woman and children! -WOMAN are not privileged! They live in a world of enduring physical violence, SA, harassment, being murdered, intimidation, domestic a b use and are the VULNERABLE ones as well as children! This is why men should not be in woman's private spaces OR brought in through the means of any other! -transexual vs trans gender, this change is also what has made it worse, now a big hairy straight guy can just simply put a barrette in his hair and come into a female change room! Is Lia Thomas considered a creepy? No! yet showed her male parts to the woman and watched them change! So even the "innocent" trans, not straight males with a barrette are CHOOSING to do what makes woman feel threatened, intimidated, degraded, forced to look at a male part (that's why indecent exposure is a crime). I watched a trans debate and 8 out of 9 said they will NOT put a towel over male part in presence of woman and children in female change rooms! Also stating "why should they have to do anything to make woman or kids feel safe, they will do what they want". So it's ok for that treatment PLUS the male creeps? A separate trans washroom and change room is the only thing that makes sense!
@Amanda-lx6dt 4 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for being brave enough to say what needs to be heard. I am behind you 100%, and I totally agree my Sister(or non-conforming Sibling??) lol Love ya
@cherrymintrose 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your support! 🙂
@armaan8463 4 ай бұрын
My issue is with biological pervymen having the right to go in real women’s locker rooms 🚿🚽 🍆🧴🤜💦🧬🦠🤢🤮
@joelhenry4643 4 ай бұрын
We dont want transgenders taking over the world.
@geraldcoffey3303 4 ай бұрын
Men should not be allowed in womens spaces. Leave the kids alone
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
Trans women aren't men and they wouldn't go after children all they need to do is to go to the washroom when they need. A lot of transgender people are scared to go to the washroom because THEY get harassed just because they need to go.
@cryptameria666 4 ай бұрын
Everyone is a victim these days
@AlexExale 3 ай бұрын
Especially you
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Some people are actually victims, you just hear about it a lot more than you would have before the internet, and people are more open about talkng about these things these days, making it seem like it's more widespread than you think. I think this is why people feel this way. It's certainly not everyone.
@cryptameria666 21 күн бұрын
@@cherrymintrose I disagree. There is a larger mentality of victimhood which is rooted in a socialist Marxist agenda that is going to destroy our economy and society
@lydiaembrey2778 4 ай бұрын
Thank you ,this is very helpful
@dynosgarcia7645 4 ай бұрын
I am definitely in the conservative side, but I like hearing ideas and arguments from bith sides from time to time to try and avoid the "echo chamber" And I can tell, you are proyecting a lot here, I can tell you actually get a rush of emotion talking about this kind of topics, but the way you express yourself clearly shows that you are scared of the effects this policies will have (fear) and don't want to dive in the other side of the argument because you dismiss it by default (ignorance) This last point is specially clear to me when you share ideas along the lines of how a man abusing the "I am trans" card to creep on woman is not a trans issue but a "bad men issue", yet the idea of some families not accepting their children being trans is a trans issue instead of a "bad family" issue You take to heart the issues trans acceptance have but dismiss those that trans acceptance generates and if I had to guess why, it would be because you just asume trans==all good & trans=/=anything bad Yet, you were calm about everything (which os refreshing, most people are far to emotional about this stuff for my liking), so I applaud you, and I encourage you to keep in the path of reasoning and to dive into the other side of the argument from time to time
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts, I think you'd be surprised I do consume a lot of information from both sides. I know it's easy for me to just say that but it's true. If you have some resources related to the examples you gave i'll have a look at them. For your second example, I don't really understand the point so well because to me it's a trans issue and a parenting/family issue, but maybe i'm misunderstanding your point.
@handlebecauseihaveto 4 ай бұрын
You already have the same human rights everyone else does, and you don't deserve special privileges. Tolerance of bullshit isn't virtuous, PARTICULARLY when that bullshit is castrating CHILDREN, on the same shit the actual NZ experiment doctors were with the sex changes but WORSE now. FUCK your religion, I believe in science, and in science there's no such thing as being "born in the wrong body". The people you claim to be supporting are fucking ceasing themselves because of the horrific medical experiments they were duped into having done to them by the likes of YOU, endebted to a lifetime of irreversible pain, isolation, and physical and financial distress. You are genuinely horrible. There is no virtue here, and your mental illnesses don't even begun to excuse this shit. Thank God I didn't continue with sports in school because a man exposing himself to me in the locker room and the school system trying to gaslight me into pretending that wasn't a problem would've been sexually traumatic.
@LauraReed-wu2ww 4 ай бұрын
Sorry, but . . .no. Youre wrong
@petraschulz9471 4 ай бұрын
Did you read any of the articles linked or talk to anyone before you pass judgement?
@LauraReed-wu2ww 4 ай бұрын
@@petraschulz9471 no, send me some. Prove me wrong. This is literally common sense. Stop pushing this agenda on chuldren
@LauraReed-wu2ww 4 ай бұрын
@@petraschulz9471 no, enlighten me Please explain why it's okay for children to be able to transition. I wanna hear this.
@carrielynnlandry1348 2 ай бұрын
wrong you really might want real research by Dr cass blockers in non reversible
@Bloody_Corpses 2 ай бұрын
​@@LauraReed-wu2wwno children are transitioning!
@jerrimenard3092 4 ай бұрын
I am an American who is nonbinary and on the Autism spectrum. Yes, all that you mentioned is happening here. Please stay strong and safe!
@cherrymintrose 2 ай бұрын
Thank you I appreciate that, i'm trying! 🙂
@Subcomfreak1 4 ай бұрын
I don't think that the scientific data is out yet on what the long term effects of these sorts of treatments will have to warrant a high level of certainty. I'd 100% grant that in the short term we don't see serious medical problems, but... we haven't been stopping puberty and giving cross sex hormones to children for very long and the cohorts are quite small to add to it. What makes the problem even worse for the data is the fact that the number of people who stay in these studies over the years is small and could easily create a biased sample (if only better follow-ups could be had!!!).... This is all to say that I don't feel as if we can have a high level of certainty over these matters on a currently heavily contested issue. Remember, some European countries (who were on the forefront of these sorts of treatments previous) have started to pass similar laws... I highly doubt those European countries are making these policy decisions based upon right-wing ideology. Rather, as they say, such is based on inconclusive (again, INCONCLUSIVE) data and waiting to see what the actual long term effects will end up being now that there is a bigger population of people who have gone under the treatments you talk about here. I don't think we can know what the right or wrong side of history is, when we haven't yet had the conclusive data to support such a strong claim... again, it is about the strength of the claim, not about the claim itself.
@Subcomfreak1 4 ай бұрын
just to note and be perfectly clear, I enjoyed your video and your clear articulation of your position. I think you could do a great service to all of us (pro/anti/whathaveyou) by actually going through the studies systematically and doing the debate work that is often missing in these things from the pro-trans side. Your measured tone, clear articulation, and flat (as opposed to embellished! It's a compliment here!!!) way of presenting the issue has been something I've been looking for as someone who is more analytical.
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for that, if I thought it would help to change peoples minds if I went through the scientific research, I might be more motivated to do that. It's also not my expertise, as in I don't have science education or a degree, but I read a lot of papers and articles, and I have lived experience expertise. It's just so much more impactful if people can read the information themselves and come to their own conclusion, but that's a huge barrier I know. There are others that are better at summarizing the science than I am so I try to point people in that direction if I can. To your previous comment, I think it's dangerous to assume that European countries are not making policy based on right wing ideology. For example that seems to be what is happening with the Cass Review. People who understand scientific methods better than me have pointed out the problematic way that report was written and how it ignored a huge amount of research that had been done in the past, without given a really good reason of why that research was ignored. You are correct though that in general there isn't a lot of high quality research, but part of the reason for that is that there isn't really an ethical way to do high quality studies, as far as I understand it.
@sophiacalon3463 21 күн бұрын
@@cherrymintrose I’m sorry to be so noisy, I’m leaving after this, but I’d recommend hearing from the kids who did go through with puberty blockers as children. There are many and they’re speaking out more and more! If you want to, it’s interesting. I’m leaving you alone now😅
@jimjones1130 4 ай бұрын
Good God wtf happened to you?? Stay away from kids please 🏳️‍🌈
@nancyhopkins389 4 ай бұрын
These sound like good, science-based policies.
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
I'm not sure what science you are referring to? Thanks for watching anyway.
@nancyhopkins389 21 күн бұрын
@@cherrymintrose Science based Biology that says that a man cannot become a woman. You can cosplay as the opposite sex, but you’ll never BE the opposite sex.
@ryan7288 4 ай бұрын
What makes me sad is you have a metal illness that is being treated incorrectly. What Alberta is doing is right, parents need to know when their child is in need of proper care. And you are not in danger, no one has ever gone after you randomly that you don't know, unless you provoked them first. None of the things being done in Alberta is dangerous. And yes biological men shouldn't be in women's sports or bathroom, because YES they have unfair unsafe advantages.
@reincarnatedtobuildaharem 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm fine with these laws. Protecting children from castrating themselves and protecting women rights? What's so wrong with that?
@Oysters176 4 ай бұрын
Nothing, whose interests is it for people to become trans? Think about it? What does confusion help? Unless.. this is only a Phase in some nefarious plot.
@petraschulz9471 4 ай бұрын
Gender affirming surgery has never been available to kids. This policy does not change that. Trans women are women too and need protecting. There is no evidence that trans women present a risk to other women.
@cherrymintrose 21 күн бұрын
Transgender women are women and so also need protecting as part of women's rights. And kids are not and never have been able to get bottom surgery anyway. Also calling it 'castrating' just feels like purposely trying to make it sound negative.
@reincarnatedtobuildaharem 21 күн бұрын
@@cherrymintrose 1. Calling trans women, women, are disrespecting everything women do that got them where they are right now and should not be treated the same as a woman; 2. Jazz Jennings had bottom surgery before they were an adult; 3. I'm calling it castrating because that's what it objectively does to them. Talking to children regarding anything that's s*xually related that can make them confused. Children should be taught how to be a productive member of the society, not to question their body.
@FemaleMatters 16 күн бұрын
​@@cherrymintrosethe drug they use Lupron, as early as nine years old is used to chemically castrate males for decades. So technically, the kindly renamed "puberty blockers" do exactly that, castrate boys. That's even before surgery. Children cannot consent to lifelong medicalisation.