Should We Make Sketches Again?
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@MollyHousel 3 сағат бұрын
9:26 I rented a movie theater for my 40th birthday to watch Mamma Mia with all my friends and family. You either get it or you don't! 🇬🇷
@117mel 4 сағат бұрын
it’s so funny i literally thought about disliking parsley as a dealbreaker before 😂 i feel very seen right now
@marr9999 7 сағат бұрын
otro día otra coronación de gloria 🇦🇷 viva el chimichurri
@Schmelon 7 сағат бұрын
How dare you, John! My wife is Greek!
@juliap8068 8 сағат бұрын
I agree with Gabe’s ex about the bedtime thing!
@stacylitwin1466 8 сағат бұрын
As someone with serious ARFID, food differences are a big bummer, I always feel bad that my partner and I can't really share food or make the same meals together, though we make it work. It's really hurtful when people say stuff like "Oh I could NEVER be with someone who didn't like all kinds of food", like well sure you could, you can't control who you like lol (not saying you said that lol)
@emilyb.8222 8 сағат бұрын
the herbs thing would be big for me 😕
@deja3963 9 сағат бұрын
All that guff about disliking herbs and her preferred parsley is flat??? That’s the worst one lol Rosemary tastes like pine trees in the most delightful way
@annajensen67 9 сағат бұрын
I totally agree with John on Mama Mia. Sorry Allison
@lisalove8532 9 сағат бұрын
4:16 This part got me. Love it😊😊😊
@sugaCat363 10 сағат бұрын
Knowing whats important to you is key. When husband and i first started dating we would try to get each other gifts, but thankfully we figured out that neither of us like giving or receiving gifts, so we just dropped it. Ive had past partners make me feel bad for having a hard time coming up with good gifts or with not appearing grateful enough. It was such a relief to not have to perform that relationship ritual. Also i like that we have different hobbies and he can go do his own thing. But it was really important to me that we share similar politics and world view.
@stacylitwin1466 8 сағат бұрын
I like buying gifts but hate that people only expect them during certain times, I like buying something because I found it and it made me think of you, not because there's a holiday coming up, my partner and I exchange holiday gifts but if one year there's only a gift or two and another there's a bunch we understand that it's just whatever spoke to us and there's no obligation to be performative about it
@sugaCat363 4 сағат бұрын
@stacylitwin1466 I love that it doesn't feel like an obligation and that you get joy out of it! That seems like a very loving, organic way to share that with your partner. I think having that mutual understanding is key, so no body is failing to live up to unspoken expectations or feeling neglected by a partner who can't show their love in the way you can see it.
@NotPMHarper 10 сағат бұрын
My partner and I are so similar and have so many of the same key life experiences that it was a little weird and we started a list when we first dated. This is the first relationship where someone "just gets me" and it's really cool. But also we have enough differences that we compliment each other and fill in each other's weak points. Probably our biggest pain point is that he's a "you have to tell me explicitly or I won't know" type of Autistic and I'm a "constantly on edge and looking out for subtle cues because I miss them all the time" type of Autistic. This can lead to me thinking something is wrong when it isn't and it can lead to him not realising something is wrong when it is. The solution is obviously just communication but we're also anxious people so sometimes things can spiral a bit before it's resolved.
@vegselene 10 сағат бұрын
Okay I’m totally with Allison on the parsley question. Curly leaf parsley is flavorless, contributes nothing to the dish, and is a sensory nightmare to eat. My hottest take about curly leaf parsley is that it is tacky.
@bluebear4452 13 сағат бұрын
The way that John talks about herbs like… it just makes so much sense that he’s Alison’s husband… destiny
@Excellor64 13 сағат бұрын
Me and my partner are happy together. We agree on some things and on other we both compromise one way or another. I got cheated on my previous relationship after getting married, it scarred me and it took several years of therapy to feel better. When I started my present relationship, my main thing was that I wanted us to be honest and communicate with each other. I am easy going and flexible with most things, so as long as we are communicating, I did not have any issues in changing certain behaviors or what food I would cook. This is why I mentioned that we are both happy, not sure if necessarily compatible, but we both definitely choose to be with each other :) And also, we just had a baby too, so there is a whole new dynamic!
@molly4556 13 сағат бұрын
I just put my finger on it! Is John related to Brennan Lee Mulligan? Appearance, vibe, even voice are eerily similar. Love you guys!
@no_one_you_know 4 сағат бұрын
Holy shit. I see/hear it. Lol
@kohlinoor 13 сағат бұрын
The way that the captions spelled "gourmand" gave me a teaspon (nay, a soupçon) of mirth
@cephinisemodestin3348 13 сағат бұрын
I’m so glad that John figured out his and Alison’s parsley situation, I was really worried for a moment there. 12:57-I feel like ‘privacy and secrecy’ and two different things. Privacy feels like ‘ this information is very personal and I wanna keep it close to the chest’ and secrecy feels like information that someone is actively working to keep under wraps. I feel like in a healthy relationship, baring things like surprises and maybe a few other exceptions that I can’t think of but right now, there shouldn’t be room in a relationship for secrets.
@hkcameras 14 сағат бұрын
Another amazing episode :)
@nimla 14 сағат бұрын
The type of life and type of relationship part was spot on!
@eesparza92 17 сағат бұрын
Best advice I’ve heard for compatibility is to think of the persons most annoying trait, and if you can live with that, you’re compatible 😂
@emiliapykacz5984 17 сағат бұрын
Yeeeees for Sketches!!!
@steakleyclaire 17 сағат бұрын
John is so funny
@SerenaPalmer 18 сағат бұрын
“i’ve been giving real advice now for years” -allison raskin 2024
@jenniferroche1130 18 сағат бұрын
John IS a star, he’s not wrong
@secondeye1574 18 сағат бұрын
"I'm kind of a goreman" the subtitles lmao
@Gameboyboy17 18 сағат бұрын
the votes are in: John's a STAR BABY!
@stephenie44 18 сағат бұрын
I’ve been told I’m hard to get to know. And I thought 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think it’s THAT bad. And then last week I realized that my partner of over a decade and best friend since 8th grade don’t know about massive portions of my life because they don’t feel relevant to our relationship, so like, why would I bring it up? I GUESS SO THEY CAN KNOW ME AS A PERSON OR SOMETHING.
@grmgt 18 сағат бұрын
To answer the question at the end of the video, we've been really compatible except for one small detail... She wants kids, i don't. Now that she's turned 30 (I'm 26) there's no more room for waiting on each other to "give in" to the other side. So, basically, my 8 year relationship ended last week 💔
@natenuit9643 17 сағат бұрын
This is really tragic, I'm so sorry. But good on you for pursuing what's best for yourself, not becoming a parent when you don't want to is an act of respect and not talked about enough.
@JustBetweenUs 10 сағат бұрын
Oh no, I'm so sorry. But you know what? It's good you did the right thing so you can each have the life you want. Very mature. -g
@stacylitwin1466 8 сағат бұрын
That sucks to go through but it really is good, you don't want the kind of relationship where one of you regrets a decision like that
@grmgt 6 сағат бұрын
@@natenuit9643 Thank you for the kind words. And that is so true. Since I'm also a woman, the expectations/pressure of me also wanting kids was really high. But i just can't bring myself to do something like that if I'm not sure, since i think if you can choose, kids deserve at least this certainty.
@grmgt 6 сағат бұрын
@@JustBetweenUs Thank you for the reply and the reassurance. Yeah, that was my train of thought as well. It's an oldie but a goodie a: If you love someone, set them free.
@colaty8P 18 сағат бұрын
waaaait i am the same lol i say i hate parsley but i love chimichurri sauce somehow!
@stephanierestlessinseattle5261 18 сағат бұрын
I have so many allergies and physical reactions that last weeks. Pet owners are also a no. I feel like I am done dating people who have no allergies. I ruin EVERY food date . I am the odd man out at friends gatherings. On top of the garden variety of personal needs and preferences (autistic) . I feel 100 percent incompatible. I have too many specific needs.
@hd259607 18 сағат бұрын
Nothing listed here makes you incompatible, just unique. There are a lot of people out there that could not care less. Sadly the ick ones are the loudest.
@wayneessar7489 18 сағат бұрын
I feel your pain. Lunch at work was the best social occasion in my eyes because folks brought their own food and ate it.
@ruledbyvenusss 19 сағат бұрын
can’t wait for this weeks episode of my favorite bible book club
@whitneysegar2263 23 сағат бұрын
allison and the fidget spinner is DEEP memory I didn't not know I had
@Juniperus_Godegara Күн бұрын
Wow you look very different from your videos 6 years ago. I did not even recognize you.
@PaigeCPify Күн бұрын
Add me
@charlym7088 Күн бұрын
if you do a three's company type world where Gabe moves in with Allison and John or just hangs around a lot, you could have a running gag of Gabe thinking that you're in a throuple or going to be in a throuple and not believing that Allison and John could be genuinely straight and monogamous. could be kind of a callback to old sketches where Gabe tried to flirt with Allison (I feel like this was a sort of theme, no?)
@jordananatale5284 2 күн бұрын
The fact that I knew every reference to the sketches😂 I’ve spent too much of my life watching this channel loooool
@MsLifesize 2 күн бұрын
Get bike shorts Allison!!!
@KarolaTea 2 күн бұрын
When you're young you can still plan your life. You can plan to move to a place and get a career that's safe for trans people. Or transition between schools and be stealth most of your life. When you're older and have already settled into a place and career that's maybe not guaranteed to be safe, and you're 'fine', you have to consider if potentially uprooting and risking your financial security, job satisfaction and general life will be worth the gender euphoria you might get in return. Probably not the reason to maybe not come out for all trans adults, but some.
@mattt2432 2 күн бұрын
I always loved that model shoot music video thing you guys did where you were like lovers or something lol it was so cute
@KarolaTea 2 күн бұрын
"all kinds of women want to be at a women only event" but like... not *all* women. (or vice versa for men) Probably? Like, do all women want to go to women only events, and all men want to go to men only events? I'm sure it can be useful to have a space sometimes for people who share your experience... but shared experiences go beyond gender, and some people may find more in common in mixed gender groups that focus on another 'thing'. Plus a lot of gendered spaces also seem to define what that 'gender' means for this space. A space for women can be advertised with pink flowers and cocktails, or a sexy curves dance workshop, or dungarees and DIY. And even if you're a woman who'd generally like a women only space you'd only sign up for the space that actually appeals to you (which may be none of the above). Sure, pink flowers and cocktails is a sexist trope, but like... some women are into that, so having a pink cocktail party is cool. (And so are some men and nonbinary people ofc.) So I guess similarly you could have gendered events that are open to women and nonbinary people, but in practice that means only nonbinary people who feel like they'd somehow fit in with a bunch of women (whatever that means to them) will actually sign up. Idk, rambly thoughts. One thing I've seen is an event being open to all genders officially but then adding a "but if you're a cis man, let us know ahead, cause usually it's mostly women/nonbinary people". Like... do you actually *want* to be open to all genders? Cause that sounds uninviting to men AF. It's like "yeah, on paper we'll let you in and take your money... but actually we think you're inherently a problem". If a cis man signs up to your pink cocktail party there's a good chance he's pretty chill with gender roles and stuff. And if you specify your event is open to all genders then all the women/nonbinary people signing up know there might be some men, they don't need extra warning if one actually shows up. There's enough strictly women/nonbinary only pick cocktail parties if someone wants no men.
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 2 күн бұрын
I've never ever *tried* to fit in with gays and lesbians. They have made it *very* clear that they hate us.
@gracegrass4462 2 күн бұрын
Damn excuse me while I go rewatch all the sketches on this channel! SO many good ones I forgot about.
@jasmint3207 3 күн бұрын
I loooved the sketch about the simulation! At the end you decided the weird things you experienced must have been aliens
@madhulih 3 күн бұрын
There are not enough likes in the knows universe for how I feel about this video.
@marykatespencer9097 3 күн бұрын
this was so cute and awesome XD yall made me laugh multiple times and also go "yeah i liked that" ahahaha
@elitettelbach4247 3 күн бұрын
“We’re not like Friends, we’re now kind of like Girls” was truly the perfect misunderstanding 😂 The sketches y’all did back in the day really did feel like a sitcom that ran for many seasons. I’d be here for a revival!
@PaigeCPify 3 күн бұрын
Allison's like "you didn't notice my haircut".
@PaigeCPify 3 күн бұрын
My wife finally called me this morning. I didn't here her voice in a year. Christine♡ gabe bro....I wanna get married😅
@AmeliaBell28 3 күн бұрын
I know it's been a minute since the KZfaq sketch days but you guys have made excellent sketches on TikTok/instagram in the years since then! Plus, all the ideas you came up with in this video are great! I'm in love with the idea of the "Gabe constantly experiencing wild and crazy things off-camera" bit. You could stretch that out into a recurring thing where Allison and John always think Gabe is making up these stories and then eventually we find out there's actually an explanation for everything (like, Gabe has been working as a stuntman to make some extra money so he can move out of Allison and John's house) and Gabe has just not been explaining it well. Plus, you can get so much mileage out of the "Gabe is in love with Allison" bit from the original sketches now that Gabe isn't a girl and Allison is still not into them! Throw in some "John and Gabe are best bros and Allison gets jealous but when they invite her to do bro things with them, she always refuses" and you're golden. Also, just saying, the perfect first sketch episode would absolutely be "Gabe and Allison have to start making sketches again but they can't come up with any ideas" and it's you two brainstorming increasingly absurd ideas that all get shot down by your extremely pragmatic producer, obviously played by Melisa, who in the end suggests "Gabe and Allison brainstorm sketch ideas" as your first sketch. As soon as I can afford to join the patreon, I will!
@AmeliaBell28 3 күн бұрын
I know I just commented this 10 seconds ago but I'm having so many sketch ideas...I might just have to keep adding more comments replying to this as I come up with them. First off: Allison's therapist suggests she take up a calming hobby to combat her mental illness and Allison spends the week trying to decide on the PERFECT calming hobby. She creates all these spreadsheets and powerpoints and stuff trying to optimize her hobby choice and we get a scene with her asking Gabe how he finds new hobbies and either Gabe says he picks up hobbies exclusively to impress dates or that he just stumbles into them ("I was walking Bean and these people in the park were playing frisbee and I threw it back to them and they asked me to join their ultimate frisbee team" or whatever).
@JenOverThinks 4 күн бұрын
Not Gabe fully missing the fact he has the strongest "main character vibes" of any internet personality ever...