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This is how a Pro Uses OnlyFans.
@Pitway_1.0 Сағат бұрын
Your pay to win point is a fair point I think, that being said, in the example used (buying a legendary weapon) one could argue that obtaining it is not winning. Or that paying in order to avoid playing the game to get said item is actually self-defeating because you pay to not play the game you are playing.
@kerumicaYa01 6 сағат бұрын
This is so accurate 🤣🤣🤣
@aminsin0 Күн бұрын
Started for the first time a day ago only a few lvls in but im having a blast. Planning to try out the reaper spec when im 80
@vellikaari3008 3 күн бұрын
I will die on the hill that meta slaves in any game are the WORST players of any given game. Period. This is coming from someone that has crushed meta players in a lot of MMOs.
@dviking7654 3 күн бұрын
As tank main , i felt that shit about the dps in my fucking bones dude bloody hell🤣. They're so frustratingly stupid it hurts
@alcatraz-nc2814 3 күн бұрын
I would take whatever Styx says with a grain of salt. Really. The guy now mostly cover gacha but his "cover" is just browsing reddit and copy pasting whatever is being said there. His TOF "Review" or "critics" are nothing but a compilation of reddit post and some random forums. I think at one point he even made a guide on a game and how much spending X$ on that game would looks like, only to be called out later by actual players that he barely scratched the surface of that game. Yeah really, whatever that guys says you can assume he doesnt know shit on his subject
@IlRe720 4 күн бұрын
You don’t even get xp for killing mobs out in the world XD
@katesmiles4208 5 күн бұрын
I had a blast playing gw2, but after 10 years, it finally lost its shine for me. I love being outside now. A wonderful change ❤
@CalliKira 6 күн бұрын
Yeah the leveling experience is only annoying in the "you must reach x level to keep doing story", otherwise I genuinely enjoyed it. Learning new abilities, finding out how my skills work, which weapons do what attacks, exploring the world for the first time... I really loved that. New content bothers me with "do some random events before you can continue story" 😅
@apoptosine1598 8 күн бұрын
"Fight the METAS that be! Fight the Power!" The thing about wanging around the meta/Anti meta arguments is that, especially @8mins in (A well illustrated example), Metas evolve out of need or open space within the game(not illustrated but another zone entirely). In the end what is a meta compared to another out of the can 'build.' A meta is sort of like a fad, but in a game a sort of power creep or 'play killing element,' say from a more abstract gaming design angle. From the social angle it's just a point of superficial contention. From the lower/beginner and casual gamer point of view it can be a "line in," to the cool kids crowd within a short window of time until the superficial social turmoil gets addressed by nerfs/revisions or --in the case of GW2 a lot of tweaks perhaps across all the classes, like hitting into the relic system etc. Not more than say 5 years ago some game designers became wary of the "meta" evolutions and in whatever way tended to address them, the best of them at least. Of particular note is League of Legends PVP because these things tend to become more glaring when it's other people rather than world content on the ass end, or the ahh.... other end in the case of a support meta, which framed a lot of unopposable situations to opponents. The question is really in how the game designers respond-if they do-that makes a game shine or just rot. Which leads to polemics like these! Very nice!
@Not_Soundwave 8 күн бұрын
So my guild leader likes to play around with builds. He put together a qheal scrapper. That build doesn't exist on the meta sites. He got into a squad for strikes and someone heckled him about "there's no such thing as a qheal scrapper, stop trolling and get lost." But the way this man plays? There _is_ such thing as qheal scrapper lmao
@tacticallemon7518 8 күн бұрын
i don’t give a shit what’s meta, i’m outclassing all of my team members except for maybe the support, them fuckers are a different type of
@jrcolacola 9 күн бұрын
You mean FFXIV... learn your roman numerals.🤦🏾‍♂️
@shogenx 10 күн бұрын
this is the most unhinged reaction video get halfway in starts talking about ejaculating in a maccas freezer
@shogenx 10 күн бұрын
i sincerely hope gw3 becomes the mmo redemption arc but even I think its dangerous move on arenanets behalf when all they really need to do with gw2 is add some new playable races and maybe a new elite spec every expansion
@nudgeynald3755 11 күн бұрын
thinging mac address wallies is fishing
@nudgeynald3755 11 күн бұрын
bs and lati da 4-5 on0x 0000 is literally no write access eosnms
@PrismaticFlower-zi8hi 11 күн бұрын
So I just had to comment about your Twitch chat. I haven't finished the video yet, but I kept seeing that one user talking about the game in... less then a friendly fashion, and now I just need to clarify on one of the things they said. "Yeah, horizontal Progression main cons: It's easy as shit." Yeah, no. I have had the honor of leading meta events in the most recent expansions, and let me just tell you. Those are not easy at all. If not everyone is pulling their own weight, the chance of failure rises exponentially per person. And by not pulling their weight, that means they need to have some form of rotation. That means not dying to the bright flashing seizure lights that show up everywhere in those metas and insta-kill you if your not paying enough attention to cracks on the ground. The game definitely gets harder, with this last expansion being a prime example as new mechanics(tethering for example) were introduced, and mobs were made to hit harder and be tankier than any previous expansion. Hell, the legendary challenge mode for the recent Strikes was entirely due to a bug that lead to the strike boss getting so much health that only the best of the best could beat him.
@PrismaticFlower-zi8hi 11 күн бұрын
Just as a note, in most cases paying money for stuff isn't using up less time unless if its something like a level boost. You are still using up time to get the money, and the dollar to gem conversion is kinda bad compared to the gold to gem rate. For context, its about 20 U.S. dollars for 1600 gems. Most of the stuff in the gem store costs 2000 gems at minimum. 2000 gems is usually about 1100 gold based on the conversion rate that fluctuates. Technically there is some time conversion, but not that much compared to pretty much any other game I can think of. Also, the gold to gem conversion isn't just a conversion. If you buy gems with gold, you are technically buying gems from someone who payed really money for them. If you buy gold with gems, your paying real money for the gold someone else farmed. Its a pretty simplified version off it, but this makes it so the conversion rates fluctuate based off of how many people convert in certain directions.
@PrismaticFlower-zi8hi 11 күн бұрын
They were actually planning on taking the backstories further, but it ended up being way to hard for them to do so. They would have had to make multiple branching paths, and expansions would have taken more than a couple years to make once they had to account for previous expansions branching paths.
@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu 11 күн бұрын
MU Online - the classic MMORPG released in early 2000s is the only non pay to win MMORPG that I played. Everything is a grind there and there is no cash shop.
@wiziek 14 сағат бұрын
yea sure sure
@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu 11 күн бұрын
Is this a new video or just a portion of the last video?
@RozeMMO 11 күн бұрын
New video reaction from Muk. The human content centipede continues...
@mortecai222 11 күн бұрын
I haven’t seen your critique vid yet but personally I think it’s because all the best MMOs have terrible leveling experiences whereas GW2 is decent (not perfect)
@DaosIures 12 күн бұрын
8:25 : Did you just assume their body type ? How dare you !
@Jaricko 12 күн бұрын
Fun fact if you just walk into heart of thorns content without having worked your way up... or even if you did work your way up. The enemies in heart of thorns are going to kick your ass. It will be significantly worse if you boost though.
@melonetankberry5211 12 күн бұрын
when i was listening to your aunts failed faked selfdeletion, i thought: that's how i wanna go someday (how to: off yourself without leaving anyone to blame themselves about it). also i was laughing hard. what an amazing story thx for sharing.
@713Lord 13 күн бұрын
"[...] and I think stealing ideas is a good idea." - I am gonna steal this idea.
@Jmvars 15 күн бұрын
I actively go out of my way to play off-meta builds probably because it makes me feel special. Example: I've been playing a lot of quickness Catalyst which is technically a "support dps" but offers probably the least support of all the support dps', and basically no one plays it in pugs since historically the best support dps' are the ones that provide the most support. In exchange I get to deal massive damage and I'm often top 4 in dps, sometimes top dps if the pug is particularly inexperienced.
@taa347 15 күн бұрын
I love the leveling in GW2 so much I actively delete level 80s just to remake them identically and get a fresh perspective on them That said I do not love the base story, just the actual progression
@taa347 15 күн бұрын
I still prefer that the gold seller is the devs and not a billion bots spamming the chat and clogging up servers. It's the better option imo
@marcotherrien5916 15 күн бұрын
Started not long ago to watch your videos and it's HILARIOUS, don't change your humor man, gooood stuff 🔥
@hiddenflowerto 15 күн бұрын
Leave WoW alone! 😢
@Tessa_Ru 15 күн бұрын
tbh if i wanted the story to work like that, I would play FF14. There's way cooler things to do in GW2 than just the msq (I say that as someone who was hardcore into FF14 for too long lol, it's only in the last couple years I branched out into other MMOs)
@leandromonteiro8972 15 күн бұрын
Hell no...
@okidj683 15 күн бұрын
Do you have a good reason? They literally haven't made a good xpac since Legion. And they killed off all the old lore characters, with nothing to replace them.
@whothis1031 16 күн бұрын
Have you seen Preach Gaming's video on how WoW solved the MMO problem?
@Dark_Wizard_of_Mu 16 күн бұрын
Blame the fanboys they keep supporting the product. They should have demanded a better product which will force Blizzard to make a new MMO.
@choryllis6646 17 күн бұрын
I've been playing gw2 since beta in 2012. Go watch his entire video. It's pure, straight facts
@Explitiv3 17 күн бұрын
You can convert gold to currency... It's not pay to win.
@floridianslip 17 күн бұрын
Everyone keeps shilling this mobile game lmao
@ediGoesPRO 17 күн бұрын
So grateful for this shorter video
@mrmack3176 17 күн бұрын
Game is actually good dude came in already bias on what happened before anyway you play gacha games and say this game is bad that's crazy 😂
@phonelyp 18 күн бұрын
Not enough GW2 content like what you put out. Please continue doing Guild Wars content. It helps my depression.
@CrimSolitude 18 күн бұрын
Creating a MMO might be the most difficult genre in game development. As stated, your competitors are still alive and you are now trying to lure players from those games to a new one with less development time and content. And you need to have a bit of something for all playstyles to lure a lot of people to your game. What a new MMO needs to do is combine the best systems of other MMOs, take inspiration from other genres and also create something new / unique that pushes the genre a bit forward. Only then can you realistically try to compete with the top. The amount of specific content like raids does not need to be much at launch but you need to have a roadmap of adding more so that the community has stuff to look forward while they play other parts of your MMO that needs to be repeatable / evergreen content. And the two last but important things for your success are that: Does the game look interesting enough for the player. The other is how is your in game shop. These can make or break your success from the start. Criticism of MMOs that people might feel for example: New World - no cute stuff. FF14 - "anime" or "weird". WOW - cartoony. Black Dessert - overwhelming to look at. Runescape - old. Etc.
@RyouTheMad 18 күн бұрын
not sure why the mmo guy made a 9 min video... he could make it 10 seconds intro this is a mobile game outro edit: 11:23 this is why you will never be in the top but this is why I am subscribed to you, for the blunt honest opinions
@zerghunter3545 18 күн бұрын
I find your channels pretty interesting + you're raw and funny altough i am too weak for the office rape jokes so i skip them 😂
@zerghunter3545 18 күн бұрын
Raw as in no filter
@jaxirraywhisper741 18 күн бұрын
Tower of Fantasy is not Korean. It is China again. BDO is Korean. Thats why BDO is a great game.
@jedidia3260 18 күн бұрын
You mean killing mobs 4h/day for 2 month so you can gamble all of thah time wasted for a number to go +10 on one item is good?
@jaxirraywhisper741 18 күн бұрын
@@jedidia3260 yes
@wojtekgabrielli2722 18 күн бұрын
oh man, i loved dungeon keeper !
@RozeMMO 18 күн бұрын
I would sacrifice the entire AAA gaming world at a ritualistic altar to some unknown dark god if it meant we could get a solid Dungeon Keeper remaster
@kennethvannorwick3557 18 күн бұрын
It is okay. It is average at best.
@michaelstein7715 19 күн бұрын
American here, Yes some of us know about Wallace and Gromit.
@RozeMMO 13 күн бұрын
good to know, thanks
@mishking9547 19 күн бұрын
I mean when it comes down to it, Tarisland is not fun....what a trash mmo
@ablkb1555 19 күн бұрын
Sad wow player here
@OdracPR 18 күн бұрын
Aww sad wow player go back to w.e remains of that game. K bye