Fat And Furious | League of Legends Clip
Darius 1v9 | League of Legends Clip
9 сағат бұрын
Unlucky Snipes | League of Legends Clip
Support Lulu Pog | League of Legends Clip
@conscripthornet4430 11 минут бұрын
Would have healed 2x that amount with sundered sky.
@Haljen 13 минут бұрын
Never buff these champs, just do the yumi thing and get them unplayable. Yone is pure bullshit design, such a shit show.
@kf532 39 минут бұрын
League has a short patch cycle anyway compared to other mobas. If the win rate doesn't even out after a while due to ppl adapting then it wouldn't even take that long to be fixed or atleast adjusted. Rly doesn't seem like a big deal to complain about it B4 at least one patch passes.
@ayomalsiriwardhana298 Сағат бұрын
He will soon get nerfed
@pissbaby9893 Сағат бұрын
Yone being weak is amazing personally
@leaguetoday3710 Сағат бұрын
This looks so broken
@tsuma2619 2 сағат бұрын
deserved for yone top
@brujasmedia2920 2 сағат бұрын
I tried yasuo and he is not easy to play, so i respect when i see a good yasuo, but yone... You cant say that champ is not broken and unfair... I understant that the skill ceiling is very high in high elos but you can be trash and stomp with yone without too much effort, champ just stronger than the rest
@eddi2565 2 сағат бұрын
Yone is completely different than Yasuo. Their kit might be similar but Yone is a whole different level of broken. Yasuo requires actual skill (hence why most Yasuo players you get in your team go 0/10). Yone on the other hand can miss every single skill shot and just kill you with AA's.
@cordgonsinged7676 2 сағат бұрын
They should buff yasuo and then gut yone more
@TheYoungonex 3 сағат бұрын
1:31 wtf relax bro
@hsum4 3 сағат бұрын
season 4 lucian
@Makersdeaths 4 сағат бұрын
Is like the main irelias, when they cannot make a oneshot to the adc even going 0 / 10 they start to cry
@thedyr4579 4 сағат бұрын
avarage illaoi main physique
@jzuo2901 5 сағат бұрын
the worst thing its they will probably be hotfix overbuffed and go back to the same spot where easy airbone stunlock yone will be able to turbo neg you earlygame even without lethal tempo... then they roll back lethal tempo without nerfing them....
@griffo73 5 сағат бұрын
So what if yone is weak for ONE PATCH in the HISTORY OF LEAGUE how many champs took YEARS to be even LOOKED AT while yone has been strong since release and NEVER directly nerfed in FOUR YEARS. Let the champ be weak for two weeks holy shit
@Dentas137 6 сағат бұрын
I am gonna make this comparison since it is happening in this patch. Dr Mundo. Yes he is a low skill champ champ, but just mechanically. To have success on him you need good game knowledge. Tempo, wave management, power spikes, etc. If you go on lolalytics and look at his winrate graph for the last 7 days. You will see that it dipped down by about 3-6% in pretty much every elo. This is because AloisNL posted a video of Mundo the day the dip started. He had one decent performance and called it broken so everyone that watched the video for the last few days has been trying to make the build he used work because it looked fun while ahead. They all quickly found out that Dr Mundo is literally not a champion before level 11. Guess what they all lost a ton of games on him while trying the build. And guess what one tricks all have above 54% wr on him. The reason why I am making this comparison is because Mundo is one of those forgotten champs that don't get as much attention as the toxic cancer champs like yone and yasuo. And since the start of season 13 Mundo has only gotten multiple nerfs, no buffs, no compensations of any kind. The mundo mains adapted to the nerfs and are still winning despite all the nerfs. Meanwhike yone yasuo mains have one bad patch and decide to start a riot. Cringe Tl;dr compare yone/yasuo players to mundo players
@sunvaroya 6 сағат бұрын
Not the first time a champ gets weak, but man these two being thrown off their VIP seat for once feels so good for everyone else
@ibrahimismail5625 6 сағат бұрын
I really wouldnt mind if they just delete yone at this point i dont like the idea of deleting champions but yea
@crackedboy701 6 сағат бұрын
**some random youtube comment is 4 paragraphs long** touch grass dumbasss
@1Plebeian 6 сағат бұрын
Yone has three cc immunes in his kit. Ult, E, third Q. Three. His ability to E at you under turret and out trade you with shield and stun immunity is toxic af.
@brydiginte6552 6 сағат бұрын
Yasuo is not a problem because he actually requires skill and I respect that unlike Yone
@ktskis1680 7 сағат бұрын
there are 2 crit amp this season, there is rage blade that doesnt reduce crit chance there is a 80 ad item that makes you impossible to be poked out of a fight there is attack speed ad item that gives % mr and armor pene if you cant fight without lethal, learn to hit qs
@GlidarGlidar 7 сағат бұрын
"fuck your cringe ass champions" WAYTOOBASED
@lemonscentedgames3641 7 сағат бұрын
Dzukill needing to have actual skill to get challenger: Whines and cries his champ doesnt work lmfao
@hydraxc2778 7 сағат бұрын
deserved tbh, this also should be applied to riven players
@josegenovez8456 7 сағат бұрын
I won’t lie yone is in a rough spot but why bitch on twitter. Yone has been broken in solo q for so long, the champ literally always used to have kill potential and outplay potential. And he still does to a lesser extent. But that’s the way the game works your champ eventually has a bad patch. Really weird to bitch the moment your champ becomes weak, patch just came out
@josegenovez8456 7 сағат бұрын
And this is coming from me, a gm dr mundo main. A champ that loses prio to 90 percent of matchups and relies on scaling in an elo that has on average shorter games. My champ is literal dog shit d2+ and it will never change but i just accept it because that’s how the game works, dzukills main champ is bad for 1 patch and cries like a girl. Mundo was viable for 1 or 2 patches in higher elos last year when his bonus ad was crazy. then he went back to being dog shit d2+ just like has has been for years. Imo lethal tempo should never have been in the game in the first place, next they should remove fleet.
@jurajturansky413 7 сағат бұрын
People should try to climb with Yone before crying that he is op lol. Most of you would barely get over 50% winrate
@yungtane8911 7 сағат бұрын
wow crazy reaciton
@user-gx3tl5fb8w 7 сағат бұрын
I sense a lot of s11 pandemic spawns in this comment section that don’t even know that especially Yasuo existed before lethal tempo existed. Get a grip you monkeys
@hernandiaz5290 7 сағат бұрын
Buff yasuo, yone now riot
@annaadotd6405 7 сағат бұрын
Yone (extremely 200 years kit) and yas (requires way more skill) aren't viable, but like half the roster isn't. Just wait for skins they will buff them. But some of the comments are stupid though its dzukill they are talking with.
@andypae 7 сағат бұрын
If one rune is a make or die to a champion, then that shows more about bad balancing between the runes, because the entire point of the rune system is to have options. If the rune is that essential to a champion's kit, then they should just integrate the rune stats into the champion and remove them anyway, because what's the point of going through the trouble of picking runes in the first place if it's something that your champion has to have to be viable?
@horusset9439 7 сағат бұрын
Yasuo and Yone are so weak that they cant play on toplane anymore and thats a fact. On every midlane tierlist they also bottom tiers
@Dani-of2zu 7 сағат бұрын
dzukil crying when it took pzzangg 5 games of experimenting to find a new good build. tfw ur otp is weak for 1 singular patch after 3 years
@tiloneujahr6067 8 сағат бұрын
disliked for playing vayne top in low elo 👍
@gustavogodoy5651 8 сағат бұрын
Ngl i know the champ is gutted but i want it to stay that way just because i hate it so much
@justalex7825 8 сағат бұрын
Not a yone player but everyone here is so delusional lol, yone broken my ass, and saying boosted bcs it csn play only 2 champs while you cant play even one, I swear this community has actual mental problems, worst of all is how omg so much yapping and cant get over it but you cry 24/7 about yone being op as if thats why u cant climb
@amethonys2798 5 сағат бұрын
Also Dzukill isn't even really a one trick. He does perfectly fine on Camille. Also his Malphite goes crazy ☠️☠️☠️
@alvinlau1238 9 сағат бұрын
Funny how that most of the ppl on tweet is probably low elo, and theyre trashtalking a rank 1 XD. They say yone yasuo is cringe and “was broken” but i dont hear the spam one shot mages and quite often skilless braindead champs, and ig i dont need to address the tanks too (take no dmg and deal a ton).
@yGKeKe 9 сағат бұрын
All I'm going to say is this. PZzang was complaining too...while having a 65% win rate at the highest level of play. If the champion is that weak, how fucking inflated is his ego that he thinks he deserves to keep that 65% winrate with a supposedly weak champion? It just doesn't make sense. You don't get to have a 65% win rate, steam rolling challenger lobbies and say "My champion is weak AF."
@Subchesire 9 сағат бұрын
F YONE, yasuo is cool tho, hate him but what can you do
@randomhuman5352 9 сағат бұрын
The problem is no item gives ad atk speed and crit they fucked up hard there like why did navori rfc and pd all lose ad and then u have er IE and collector with ad no atk speed they need to bring crit to kraken or shiv or make a new item
@joaquincaceresguibovich3182 9 сағат бұрын
Tbf, fuck yone. Yasuo could get a compensation buff though
@BronzeAnalystTM 9 сағат бұрын
Yasuo can be buffed, he actually takes skill and is a very cool champ with clear strenghts and weaknesses, and great tools for team play. Yone could rot with 0%wr in iron and I still would dislike his existence. Its obviously personal bias, but I HATE and I mean HATE Y*ne
@ilmw3980 9 сағат бұрын
Learn more champs? Dzukill one of the best malphites and really good camille player too
@jususi71 9 сағат бұрын
Oh no imagine having to farm 1100g for zerkers instead of becoming thanos from a rune so u can just statcheck from level 1, oh no =( its almost like thats completely normal and yone yasuo players has to use their brain now instead of playing like a dumbass and winning because of their rune =/
@jeremiemarion3966 9 сағат бұрын
A scaling champion that scale really hard is finally back to were it should. Ofc in toplane it makes him unviable straight up cause know you need to chill and get to one to two items. I'm sure Dzukill will figure it out.
@vroomzoom4206 9 сағат бұрын
No one likes yas or yone players. It's so nice to see those champs finally in a balanced state.
@spectralsh1t660 9 сағат бұрын
This twitter thread and this comment secrion is the best add for condoms ever existed. Yall unironically need urgent therapy i think
@highnoon2844 10 сағат бұрын
I like how yone yasuo become periodically weak and it's like the world is ending. So many champs have been weak for patches, some even years. I remember maining Urgot in s12 and he was considered weak. Barely any Urgot mains were complaining though. It wasn't until season 14 came out with the mythic removal and great item/rune set combinations for him that he became very strong. That's part of being an OTP. You go through both weak and strong phases of your champ.