SEE YA 2023!
6 ай бұрын
@KorutesuSensei 8 сағат бұрын
why i cant click my crafting tab
@syzxgamingx 2 сағат бұрын
If you have no professions learned on that character, you can't click it. You'll have to visit a trainer and learn one first
@caranmirryuu9866 14 сағат бұрын
I play in WvW healscrapper and Holo, flamethrower and elixiergun and in pve Mechanist no turrets, but flamethrower instead and grenades.
@AB-pj7mc Күн бұрын
No clue what you run there on your Vindi but it's sad to see. Those meager 3k hits make me just sad. You could have been wrecking havoc with 20k-30k hits as your lowest damage that spikes up to over 70k per hit. And that with hillarious sustain since you have literally 3 heals, perma dodge, cond cleanse, stab, stun break...
@slytherben Күн бұрын
Good video, we just need more Asmongold type videos like this where people are just openly talking about the game
@jurionov5358 2 күн бұрын
only thing that made me finish griffon was parts of it were needed to do coalescence collection, otherwise id ignore it for forever
@skoomadealer5173 2 күн бұрын
Didn't see you using many kits, which really make engineer way too much fun and they also provide a lot of damage and utility. That being said, great video as always.
@syzxgamingx 2 сағат бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks for watching! Kits have always been my least favorite part of engineer, funny enough. I have started to come around to them a bit in recent times though, and I did have every intention of doing Core Engi with a kit focus, but just ran out of real life time this month to do it and make it meaningful for the video, so I scrapped it. I do however intend once these month long challenges are up, to do week-long ones to revisit certain ones I never really nailed down, Like doing Mechanist with some kits, or ones that I missed entirely like core engineer and some Guardian specs.
@skoomadealer5173 19 минут бұрын
@@syzxgamingx I get it. I used to hate kits until I started using them on rotations and stuff. Now I'm in love with the mechanic. A weeklong revisit sounds like great content as well! Thankfully you already visited my 2 main professions, engi and rev, so I'm more than happy with the content, but I'm guessing you'll really love Necro, mainly for the variety of playstyles it has.
@Mister5597 2 күн бұрын
Scrapper to me is fantastic simply because I can play glass cannon gear with berserker's and still have good survivability because of the barrier from Impact Savant trait and swapping in Relic of Zakiros for that sweet 4% life steal on critical damage, I feel very comfortable going up against many champions.
@noraks7969 3 күн бұрын
Love, love, LOVE this idea and the channel in general. You've motivated me to get out of my comfort (and lazy) zone and attempt new builds, try to get the griffon etc. As an alt-o-holic that struggles to decide which race-class combos I wanna play, let alone sticking to them, I think it's a good idea to force yourself to learn a class by playing it for a few weeks and in the process grow more attached to your character.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed the video and it's got you inspired to try new stuff! I Love to hear it! What's up first?
@noraks7969 2 күн бұрын
@@syzxgamingx Think thief is first, it's one of the classes I don't have yet. A thief asura sounds good. Actually interested in all of its specs too which is nice, but I don't have celestial gear so would probably have to find some happy medium between all specs in regards to which type of build I do.
@Jonaleth 3 күн бұрын
Rifle mechanist is objectively the best spec in the game (you can trust me on this one, I already play the game for a year!): 1. Its easy to play. You have the rifle with cc (immobilize, knockback), movement and aoe. You cant weapon swap in combat (awesome) and you can choose mine (aoe, cc and boonstrip!) instead of a kit. Rest is signets, one of them is a teleport! You dont need 1k apm to play, you can focus on the fight, environment, npc talking etc. 2. It has a pet. Its also the best pet spec (rip ranger). Your pet is tanky, deals constant significant dmg, if you go afk it protects you, its immune to some mechanich and you can send it in early like in Sunqua Peaks big fire aoe where you have to hide. Brilliant. Can give alacriy to melee while you run around. 3. Its ranged! I cant emphasize enough how awesome that is. I really hate when I play a melee class that when random mobs start spawning or you have to move due to a mechanic you cant really do much while as a mechanist you just keep going! Pet can stay on target, you can continue dishing out damage, you are always useful no need to try to step out of an aoe the very last second and fail both on the evade and dps departments. Also, you are doing a meta event where tons of players are present? Easy tagging time! You just press autoattack and the game will target mobs in front of you. You are watching a movie or youtube on the 2nd monitor? Spam rifle 1 time! Oh boy, not surprised they nerfed this spec since eod, else everyone would play just this one constantly.
@boutch1993 3 күн бұрын
It doesn't make too much sense using turrets with mechanists, because the mech is very mobile and you don't want to be stationary, considering most of your damage comes from the mech. My favorite is playing condi build with mech, with pistol/shield or pistol/pistol, elixir gun, elixir E I guess (the yellow one), superconducting and overclock signet. With the traits for mechanist, I always go full condi, close combat.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
Very true. I've sort of put mechanist in the mental column of 'Return to after challenges' so I can have another crack at making a more fluid build. It definitely got some work done but wasn't as good as it could have been.
@legendaryvicius 3 күн бұрын
Holosmith. The only Elite spec from engineer i actually enjoy playing.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
I had a blast with Holosmith for sure!
@Stands-In-The-Fire 3 күн бұрын
A really overlooked part of Shift Signet, and why it's Sneaky Good if you aren't reading carefully: "Boons you gain are copied to your mech.". Your Boons (so long as you run anything that gives you some) also being shifted over to your Mech makes it a true powerhouse. And the active being a Shadowstep for positioning a burst *and* a Condi Cleanse is just icing. It's actually, in my experience, *really* good in solo PvE. YMMV, of course.
@clowniefart 3 күн бұрын
YEAH i was sleeping on this signet until i tried it in pvp this week, super great get out of jail free card
@Stands-In-The-Fire 3 күн бұрын
@@clowniefart There are so many things in GW2 with the abilities where it can take a few read-throughs to see how the lego pieces can be fit together. So, stuff like that can be really easy to overlook. And then you start wondering "why does everybody seem to be using this?" But yeah, one thing that also goes overlooked is that it's a CC break, and it pulls you *and* your mech to the new location. So if your mech has wandered, it gets it back to you either for safety, positioning for ranged/melee, or just getting back in optimal stat-sharing range with it. The one signet affects so many things.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
Yeah my eyes must have completely passed by that part. I will be the first to admit that I have a bad habit of speed reading tooltips sometimes and often to my detriment, like that, lol
@asaskald 3 күн бұрын
My favorite profession! When in doubt, flamethrower with runes of Balthazar! Stability from Juggernaut in the firearms tree is great for leveling.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
Burninatin' the countryside, Burninatin' the countryside
@sevenember3332 3 күн бұрын
Now you have a hammer for your warrior! Seriously, it's my favorite warrior weapon. I homebrewed my Mechanist build with Rampager's gear and went Firearms-2,2,1 Explosives-2,1,2 and Mechanist 2,2,1. Mech holds enemies in melee while I apply conditions that increase my crit chance and strike damage that increase condition duration and becomes a nasty loop for my enemies. I run Superconducting Signet active, Rocket Turret as needed, and Force Signet for CC. Rifle 3 for Vuln and CC then 2, and 1 while everything cools down. It's not quite braindead mode, but it is very disability friendly. And I apologize, I am running off insomnia and too much caffeine.
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
I used to ROCK Hammer warrior way back before WvW even had a ranking system, but I think that was the last time I touched it honestly. I'm absolutely going to end up with some goofy Spear/Hammer build for open world PvE once Janthir Wilds is out because I want to love spear, and I love Juggernaut
@sevenember3332 2 күн бұрын
@@syzxgamingx I will probably do that as well, but more as something to just have fun with. If I want to get something *done*, I’ll probably switch to my Virtuoso. I love warrior, but some of the other elite specs just have a better feel to them.
@joshuaherring9674 3 күн бұрын
Oooooooh as a Engi main I’m ver excited for this video 😍🤩🤓
@no-ds7ro 3 күн бұрын
mesmer next 🤔
@syzxgamingx 3 күн бұрын
I'm currently doing Thief, Mesmer will be in August!
@selcukylmaz7946 11 күн бұрын
i played 1500 hours gw2 and 1400 hours Willbender
@trevorsreya8277 11 күн бұрын
100% chance method: BM Ranger's Bear & a Divination Wizard with at least portent dice 12. Make them both invisible (this can be done with an upcasted invisibility spell from the Wizard). Have the bear use Honeyed Paws to disarm Kithrac. Honeyed Paws already has a high disarm rate, but keep your Div Wizard in range of the bear to make sure it hits. Then end combat by despawning the bear.
@raptoraurion 12 күн бұрын
The weapon needs work to flow with the specs in PvE, there's potential tho
@antoniodeb94 12 күн бұрын
how tha fuck do I get so much unbound/volatile magic to buy all the nodes ._.
@330DKNY 14 күн бұрын
Just FYI, most of these methods are going to take you months to unlock as they are not available immediately.
@ambrant7422 14 күн бұрын
Why does everything have to be about money and maximizing efficiency, man? Don't we have to put up with that shit enough in life?
@syzxgamingx 14 күн бұрын
It's not. The overwhelming majority of my content I make isn't about efficiency or money. It's what you've chosen to engage with.
@marineboy8 14 күн бұрын
Buying that Summoning Stone for favor hurt my heart
@paulminor4707 15 күн бұрын
you absolutely neglected to take the cost of volatile/unbound magic into account. that does extend the time until the nodes paid for themself a good bit.
@pspdsi22 16 күн бұрын
For the charged quarts crystal do not forget you can trade them in the Wizards Tower for tokens to make legendaries!
@RhoVabien 17 күн бұрын
I agree, Imo you need both 🤔 they complement do well!
@Pablud3S 22 күн бұрын
#284 of the exact same video posted, just with a different head talking 😐
@Aereton 23 күн бұрын
TLDR; skill issue
@RecklessFables 23 күн бұрын
The Skyscale is a tool, the Griffon is Joyous zoomy fun. I've done all the races. It makes the new expansion zones a breeze to traverse. It makes Hero Point trains fun as hell. Everything is more fun on a Griffon.
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
another trick to get *6* mid-air dashes on the skyscale is to dismount from griffon at standing position and before landing on the ground glide for a split second and remount on skyscale then angle the camera up and begin stringing along the dashes as the auto-endurance kicks in 5 seconds after mounting on skyscale in the air.. you can use the manual endurance refill either before or after the auto endurance to get the most out of the mid-air dashes. the auto endurance is on a 10-second CD so it's super useful
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
as the 1st person to get griffon in 2017 i have to tell you that you can ascend as high as you want on the griffon.
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
cycle through the following hotkeys as fast as possible to gain altitude: dismount > glide > remount > wing flap > repeat 40 times and you're at max height
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
literally "X" > Spacebar > "X" > spacebar
@syzxgamingx 22 күн бұрын
This and your other advice is crazy, I'll have to try it out soon! Crazy levels of mount min/maxing going on out there
@roberts.2300 23 күн бұрын
Kind of would say the turtle gives me that feeling way before the griffon. Though it would be interesting if the griffon got a horizontal/vertical take off ability. Kind of like the roller beatle.
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
Turtle + Jump Jets = Flying Mount! GIVE ME UPDRAFTS FOR TURTLES
@syzxgamingx 22 күн бұрын
I can see that for the turtle a bit. I very much view the turtle as another tool in the toolbox, it's really handy in a few spots where you want siege damage. Also I'm going to admit I'm biased, because I have the Plush Seige Turtle skin and it's my favorite mount skin ever.
@nexeus7302 23 күн бұрын
A lot of ppl (it seems), don't realize that the gryphon works best with Skyscale in conjuction to reach faster destination. 250g nowadays is literally nothing considering the prices of most stuff on the AH. Back then when it was released 250g was a lot, but not by todays standards of the game. - Mount Skyscale do 2 fast (or 3) spins, mid air mount Gryphon (bar stamina refills 80% faster) then swap to Skyscale. Both mounts are very useful when combined. If you're on middle height I'd use skyscale to fast spin 2-3 times, then mount the gryphon and gain speed. The mount system in this game is out of this world, and best works when combined. If you dislike one mount, or another that's on you. In terms of mounts, the game offer nothing, but the the best, and that includes the gryphon.... otherwise - skill issue.
@nielsjensen4185 23 күн бұрын
The griffon Stamina refills even faster if you swoop.
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
hello fellow griffon rider
@ColdMystery 24 күн бұрын
If you know how you can jumpstart your griffon even without the Skyscale however Skyscale makes it much easier. I have my griffon since 2019 and it kept me in the game even though I wasn't actively playing the game. Now, I'm a member of Wing - The Griffon Academy - though I fly less now due to the constant shortage of time I have right now
@MusPuiDiTe 24 күн бұрын
I personally find griffon more fun and engaging than the skyscale, but I understand the useful side of the latter: the best practical use I have for griffon is the weekly speed clearing maps for new characters XP for black lion keys
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
i found practical uses for both in so many contexts that not using one of the fly mounts would make me less mobile.
@Penguin_Paladin 24 күн бұрын
Hello! I have been pointed to this video by a friend as griffon is mentioned! The griffon is my thing in GW2, most of what I do and I do weekly training sessions helping people get the most out of the mount. Unfortunately the game does not do a fantastic job of that, for example many players do not know about the speed boost(flap while diving) or do far too many pullups etc. Skyscale is a useful climbing mount to get height to start griffon but nowadays with jade bot stuff we can start from flat ground, even from on water! The griffon can also fly near indefinitely with proper redives which the skyscale absolutely cannot. The 250g is perhaps a bit much and should probably be lowered but I still think its the best value for money you can spend in the game by far. If you would like to train with us in [Wing] we could perhaps help remove some of your feeling of regret of getting the griffon!
@syzxgamingx 24 күн бұрын
I might have to take you up on that in a while, once I finish all the Griffon challenges myself! Are you on NA or EU servers? I'm on NA Myself.
@Penguin_Paladin 24 күн бұрын
@@syzxgamingx ​ Wing operates on both servers and I run EU and NA session simultaneously. I have an account on both with griffon maxed out. I can invite you to the server if you like but only i you want, its rude to link it without permission. I cover one of the adventures each week alongside general free form stunt flying, i know them pretty well having done some with the camera pointed backwards lel. Would be fun to have you and see if your opinions can change hehe
@DaffodilMoonNAGRIFFONPRO 23 күн бұрын
@@syzxgamingx I am always in queensdale most day from 6 to 10 pm east time in NA. look for the flying rainbow ask the local fence ppl. tho you will have to dm me if you want me to land. I never stop to fly otherwise...
@TheGearSol 24 күн бұрын
Random tip: swaping griffon and skyscale midair will refill your mount's stamina bar, allowing you to use skyscale barrel roll infinitely. Or when paired with beetle, you can easily refill stamina after screwing up. Yes, you can use springer for refilling beetle stamina as well, but there will be a small gap when you cannot use springer after dismounting from beetle due to being airborn.
@syzxgamingx 24 күн бұрын
That's amazing, I can't believe I didn't notice/think of that!
@Warcrafter4 24 күн бұрын
The devs put themselves into a corner with the Griffon's gold cost. Costing 250 gold for the Griffon is still over double the cost of all other mounts + both versions of the Skyscale combined. Its probably why they just gave players the Skyscale again because they'd know if they ever gave us the Griffon again that no one would ever get the original and a lot of those who got the original would feel like they wasted 250 gold(Which is a lot for most players).
@alexmarvin3093 23 күн бұрын
griffon is hands down the most efficient mount to have. allows me to event hop so efficiently
@noppis 24 күн бұрын
Skyscale is the mount i use 90%+ of the time and to be honest i wish they never made this mount. I do not like it and i hate how manditory it is just to be able to do metas in most of the latest xpacks zones. And before some of you kids goes "then dont use it", WHY THE FUDGE WOULD I HANDICAP MYSELF??? Still dont like it tho. it made the game into a tunnelvision hurry curry my get there asap fiesta...
@syzxgamingx 24 күн бұрын
I don't blame you, while I love GW2 in general, and especially the mount system - one of my biggest gripes for a while now has been that without a mount, doing some popular stuff is absolutely horrid. My girlfriend got into Guild Wars 2 for a while and she's very particular about playing in story order, so when Dragonbash rolled around the other year she didn't have a mount and gave up on trying to do hologram stampedes. And that was before the Skyscale update with the fireballs, which definitely made things worse lol
@shongueesha7875 24 күн бұрын
I have skyscale but no griffon.
@strangebirdraevenant 24 күн бұрын
So here's some interesting info regarding the griffon speed vs the beetle speed. When played normally, the griffon is indeed faster than the beetle. However, there are some techniques that the roller beetle community have discovered that allow the beetle to travel 37% faster than the typical speed, pushing the beetle *much* faster than the griffon. However, since this is difficult to pull off without practice, it's much more reasonable to say that in normal circumstances, the griffon is faster
@syzxgamingx 24 күн бұрын
That's...fascinating. I may be about to do a deep dive on this, because I'm intrigued
@1DMapler18 24 күн бұрын
in the process of getting the griffon, I was VERY lucky cause I got Dawn (precursor to the legendary greatsword Sunrise) from the mystic forge. i knew the importance of the weapon but I was a fairly new-ish account and I wasn't anywhere near ready to touch legendaries at all so I sold it and used the gold to fund my griffon expenses. if that didnt happen, idk if I would've gotten the griffon at all I love my griffon and though I use my skyscale like 95% of the time, my griffon still has a place in my heart (it did help me with getting my skyscale (pre soto) a lot so I owe it that too)
@SirPhatniss 24 күн бұрын
Bruh, I have the opposite feeling about the Skyscale. My wife and I worked so hard to get the Griffon while LV4 was coming out, and within a week of us getting the final items together we needed for the griffon.... The skyscale was announced. So now here I am, 6 years later, no skyscale and no desire to get a skyscale.
@syzxgamingx 24 күн бұрын
I can COMPLETELY understand that. That's a really frustrating feeling!
@PrypeciowyHovnozer 24 күн бұрын
can someone drop the timestamp when he gets to the point?
@lilgamgam4767 24 күн бұрын
@PrypeciowyHovnozer 24 күн бұрын
@@lilgamgam4767 thank you!
@manuelhenao8453 24 күн бұрын