Wait, Was Aldia in Dark Souls 3?
@MrWarmchocolate Сағат бұрын
This was theorized to be the case in Dark Souls as well, the reason why enemies were so large was because of the amount of souls they consumed
@TheEditorify Сағат бұрын
The vow is not between Miqella an Radahn. It is between Malenia, Miqella and Radahn.
@omrikamil2944 3 сағат бұрын
From what i know and understood from lore dives radahn simply grew bigger with age, hes just naturally a giant
@zanzaraloggan3713 3 сағат бұрын
9:04 do you think that here, this carnage was done by Marika, or by the hornsent trying to produce a "Saint", what it seems to me, someone bearing a Great Rune by mending people together (once that runes are extracted from lifesource)? That looks a lot like Demon Souls, and they event have "monumentals" at the sealing tree
@demonend7707 3 сағат бұрын
Now with the dlc we know for sure: she is no shadow just a simp
@zanzaraloggan3713 3 сағат бұрын
I always thought Radahn went to Caelid because in Selia, they studied any magic, not only glintstone like in Rayalucaria
@frayfra 4 сағат бұрын
"and the soundtrack is weak to the vuvuzela" fuck you for making me laugh at that .
@arkcantoscreampsnpc7274 4 сағат бұрын
I think you misunderstood one point, radaun in lifewas able to directly resist the charm, which is why miquilla became obsessed with him. People seem to be accepting the we the player are the one being mentioned as “refusing his embrace” but it’s much more likely to be raduan. After all, we can be directly charmed in the final fight, so clearly we aren’t immune we are just avoiding it
@Giacomo_112 4 сағат бұрын
Nah whats fucked up was Malenia whispering that shit to radahn and messed up with his mind by nuking him, wandering for years until we freed him but bro instead got revived by miquella
@cbear3476 5 сағат бұрын
I don't understand how Miquella was able to cure people of scarlet rot when he couldn't save his own twin from the same thing. Bringing back Radahn seems like something just to make fans happy. Why wouldn't Miquella try to revive his brother that he lost first and maybe tried to bring back during the eclipse
@facundovera3227 3 сағат бұрын
Curing people from the early stages of cancer ≠ making the literal cancer goddess stop being the cancer goddess.
@cbear3476 3 сағат бұрын
@@facundovera3227 I would think the Outer God influenced all of the rot not just the curse they put on Meliana
@leighsimmons2663 5 сағат бұрын
I much prefer the idea that radahn is holding back the stars to stop miquella becoming a god. However, does radahn know miquella is bringing godwyn back for this purpose? And why bring godwyn back when radahn was the vowed consort?
@RelativelyBest 7 сағат бұрын
Considering how much Radahn idolized Godrey, I could see him willingly agreeing to become Miquella's consort. After all, that's kinda what he strove to be. That said, note that all we hear Miquella say amounts to: "Hey, when I become a god, will you be my consort?" A younger, possibly kinda naive Radahn might have been like: "Hell yeah, bro, I'm in." That doesn't mean he agreed to being killed and having his soul Frankensteined into the corpse of his half-brother. Plus, he might have realized what a manipulative control freak Miquella was and changed his mind. By the way, I just realized, Miquella calls Radahn "lord brother", which means that not only did he know about the Radagon/Marika thing (which makes sense, I guess) but apparently so did Radahn. Kinda makes me wonder how many in the family were in on that. On that note, it's been bothering me for a while now: The first time we talk to Enia, Two Fingers straight up tells us that all demigods are the offspring of Marika. So, like, how did nobody put this together? Did nobody wonder why Radagon and Rennala's kids were demigods? Or why Ranni was an empyrean, for that matter? That's kind of a huge clue.
@average4154 7 сағат бұрын
1:23 HUUUH???
@nomas5082 7 сағат бұрын
Free will is a myth, you might as well give in to your inner twink.
@nemesissuperhero2078 8 сағат бұрын
It doesn't matter what ever we player do in this land we always in guidance of marika, grace to rest, respawn at her statue we are in her creation, can't escape
@axellycan5070 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you for using the eva music with this. It's fucking perfect.
@axellycan5070 8 сағат бұрын
I think that you're correct in that of the endings provided where we decide to keep the elden ring as an accessible concept to the world it governs, it's probably the best outcome. When it comes to Ranni's ending, I think she has quite some similarities in her ideas, but ultimately decided that the world might be better without gods and access to the world's programming entirely and let nature take its course for the next thousand years until the next reset.
@UltravioletNomad 10 сағат бұрын
The cutscene at the end and the figure in the statues HAS to be referencing Godwyn. Radahn loves his heritage and looks up to Radagon, but I have NO IDEA where people get this idea that he 100% loves the golden order or the greater will. The idea that he would pull freaking stars from the sky just to fight godlike aliens, does not sound like something in the best interest of the fingers. That statue is in no way depicting anything related to the choosing of a consort, it is clearly depicting the two afflicted empyreans seeking refuge in the hands of someone. While it could be cool to recontextualize that moment as the person giving refuge not doing so of their own accord, it seems to me that it would sooner represent the young demigods being assisted. And if they first tried Golden Order Fundamentalism to cure them, then it would more clearly be related to Godwyn the Golden, someone who actually practices it. After all, we need a reason to for Miquella to even try to revive Godwyn, they had to have been close, and that scene has to have been near or before the shattering. Getting Mogh and Radahn had to have been a plan B. But then there lies the problem, not every item description makes this sound like a plan B. Maybe it sounds different in Japanese, maybe its a retcon, maybe its just Fromsoft lore being intentionally inaccurate and vague. But IF they're serious about this one true consort thing, and IF they thought they were cooking by giving us a reason for Malenia and Radahns fight... well that's just stupid... we already had a reason for their fight. I mean the Shattering War and the Haligtree's altruism being opposed to the Redmane's opportunism is already enough, but Castle Sol gives us this great little mystery, and it might point to Radahn arresting the stars. And prioritizing this recontextualization of the lore, if that IS what this is, is kind of disappointing. We get no further context on Godwyn's relation to the Haligtree and the afflicted duo. And Radahn's a certified badass, and while I normally want characters to have a deep background, him avoiding Miquella takes away SO MUCH autonomy from him. Not to mention it makes Malenia and Miquella seem like idiots. Miquella has the power to charm people, and Radahn is just fundamentally opposed to Miquellas values. Not only could Miquella charm literally ANY demigod or would be Tarnished Lord, but he could just charm Radahn. If that cutscene is between him and Radahn, how the hell would Radahn not already be under that spell? Unless Radahn is resistant and Miquella... liked that? But Miquella divested his love, so why would we assume this is about Radahn being a perfect choice anyways. And if Malenia was trying to deliver Radahn as a consort, why reduce him to a mindless mess? Did they need too because hes resistant... why jump through so many hoops to choose someone whos resistant when literally WE, the Tarnished, are prospective lords but CAN be charmed. His plan ALSO hinges on a Tarnished finishing Malenia's job for them, and Malenia just thinks Miquella is going to return, but if she was in on this plan, surely she'd put together that Radahn needs to be dead now. I mean what the hell is Malenia even doing now? Ultimately me trying to justify this all is cope, because they make Malenia say that line. She wasn't there after learning that its Radahns fault the eclipse didn't come, shes there to deliver an unwilling mail order husband. And Mogh steals Miquella way when shes gone, and maybe possibly, she's in on that too... like if Radahn was of sound body and mind before their fight why would Miquella need Moghs body tho, he only needs Moghs body if Radahn is damaged beyond repair... so using Moghs body had to be an after thought after Malenia failed and he just wanted to enter the Realm of Shadow and Mogh lets him do that somehow, but now Radahn needs a new body... I want to believe there's a great story here but... it might just be bad... So like, Miquella tries rizz... someone, doesn't work (if its Radahn hes not giving up on him for... some reason) Tries to make his own Erdtree, doesn't work Tries to revive Godwyn, who may or may not have been the choice of consort, doesn't work Sends Malenia to get Radahn, maybe first, or maybe second, choice of consort Gets Mogh to steal him under pretense that HE could be consort, so he can access the Gate of Divinity and REALLY make a new Erdtree Malenia can't beat Radahn and instead leaves him a mindless beast, she may or may not know the full extent of this plan but who knows Miquella pivots AGAIN and hopes that some Tarnished kills BOTH Mogh and Radahn at the same time so he can Frankenstein them together And then gets his team of charmed tarnished to clear the way to the tower... why none of these charmed tarnished weren't sent to kill Mogh or Radahn is beyond me. Why we, the PROSPECTIVE LORD, aren't charmed during any of this, is beyond me. I suppose what I'm really getting at is that while it could be super cool entwine all these character's actions, and have them all be tied to Miquella's actions... this kinda takes the wind outta my sails with all the other implications it raises and the jumps of logic I need to take. But maybe Vaati will have some super secret and conclusive evidence that convinces me otherwise.
@hylianglitchmobber7570 10 сағат бұрын
Did I miss part of the ending? Or was it just super anticlimactic? I'm confused. One minute I was fighting Radahn & then all of sudden it's just over. Nothing but a weird 10 second long cutscene of Miquella..... choosing Radahn I guess. Is there anything else or...?
@akechijubeimitsuhide 10 сағат бұрын
I couldn't resist writing a fix-it where the Tarnished manages to break Miquella's hold over Radahn so the poor man can finally have some agency and make his own choices.
@shy221 10 сағат бұрын
Ranni: Doesn't fix the world. Becomes a God so at least another a God couldn't make it worse while people decide their own fate. Goldmask: Fixes the world, prevents Gods from messing up again, and then leaves everyone to decide their own fate. Ranni simps and their brainrot 😂
@gianlucaherrera5472 11 сағат бұрын
11:49 ranni could also be referring to Miquella, he’s seen by those who don’t align with the golden order as a monster that takes away people’s free will. Knowing how royal families have no problem with incest they could’ve intended to marry Miquella to ranni to keep their blood “pure”
@mgawsmestevan23 11 сағат бұрын
Don’t think Radahn was that big until much later in life. As his horse also was able to hold him before his huge growth spurt. Which explains why he learned Gravity magic so he could still ride him.
@OleDirtyMacSanchez 12 сағат бұрын
Radahn is just a Recycled Zombie. He's not really there in mind. Miquella was puppeting Radahn's Body, just like with Joe Biden.
@garrulousgoldmask 11 сағат бұрын
So if Radahn is Biden, does that mean the Tarnished is CornPop?
@OleDirtyMacSanchez 11 сағат бұрын
@@garrulousgoldmask Probably more like the Manifestation of the People's wrath after they had All They Could Stand, and They Could've Stand Anymore.
@classydeathclaw2101 13 сағат бұрын
You have a very pleasant voice to listen to
@garrulousgoldmask 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much! And I hope you have a very classy Deathclaw!
@GilbertVonArphostein 14 сағат бұрын
@garrulousgoldmask 11 сағат бұрын
@midouban628 14 сағат бұрын
Scarlet rot also might play a part in his size as well. The scarab beetles, the dragonflies, and the land squirts that dotting around aonia swamps are 5x the size of regular counterpart found else where as well
@garrulousgoldmask 12 сағат бұрын
Ah, I was thinking that but for Radahn, he is clearly massive in his showdown with Malenia before the Battle of Aeonia. It does make sense for all the other animals tho!
@orestis444 16 сағат бұрын
so, where exactly do we get the information that Radan was forced? also i dont really get all the hate on the charcater of Miquella, in a world of genocidal freak gods, he tried to create a good world, but failed cuz he tried in the wrong way, but at least he tried.
@puncherofbread 16 сағат бұрын
I'd also like to point it that thematically Radahn having a new form fits with the rest of the demigods/cast also having two forms. Pre-grafting Godrick -> Godrick the Grafted (or Godrick the Grafted -> Armless Godrick) Margit, The Fell Omen -> Morgott, The Omen King Mohg the Omen -> Mohg, Lord of Blood Preator Rykard -> Serpent Rykard Godwyn the Golden -> The Prince of Death Malenia, Blade of Miquella -> Malenia, Goddess of Rot Lunar Princess Ranni -> Ghost Ranni Messmer the Impaler -> Base Serpent Messmer so we get: Starscourge Radahn -> Consort Radahn With the exception of human Rykard (and Godwyn is debateable) each one of these forms can be met in game/ are shown off to show each demigods' transformation into who they are now. Consort Radahn fills in a massive gap in both Radahn's pastand future the base game just did a good job of making sure you weren't asking questions about that so it could be revealed later as a twist (also if you do Ansbach's quest he literally spells out who the final boss is going to be). Also the carian royals' fates are tied to the stars so it's likely he locked them as a way to prevent his own fate from coming to pass. I think radahn knew that Miquella would have made him complacent eventually so he chose to prevent his own fate as a way to try to stop that. Then when battling Malenia, chooses to destroy her sword arm (which happens in the trailer) so she would be forced to use her scarlet rot on him to win and it would destroy his body (Miquella can stop scarlet rot but can't reverse its effects or cure it) so he couldn't be resurrected back into it.
@otisvale9445 16 сағат бұрын
amazing video I was waiting for your insight
@garrulousgoldmask 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much!
@mrr_pch 17 сағат бұрын
i dunno why people keep insisting that radahn was forced to make the vow when there is no evidence to say that he was. Miquellas great rune broke and his controll of those he charmed were broken as well. Radahn could have escaped as soon as he was resurrected. I feel that people are just using miquella as a punching bag because Godwyn was not the final boss and its Radahn.
@PuskasMarton 17 сағат бұрын
I don't know if it's a specific accent you have or a speech impedement but your R-s are nonexistent. Good vid anyways, informative, concise and fast.
@garrulousgoldmask 11 сағат бұрын
It's both-and thanks! Brevity is the soul of wit.
@onehalfofunimportance4954 17 сағат бұрын
Agree with most of this, but to me, Miquella sounds terrified about becoming a god in the memory cutscene. He sounds like he's scared he'll fail somehow without big strong kind Radahn
@licht_22 17 сағат бұрын
I prefer to believe in Freyja words cause she was very close to Radahn, so Imo Radahn accepted Miquella's proposal, after all, who doesn't want to be a Lord?
@Laoruperteen18 18 сағат бұрын
Miquella got rid of his ability to love, and yet bound radahn in marriage against his will, merely through miquellas ability to charm. He has retained the naivety of a child, despite being centuries old, and believes he can make people love and care for him, and he was willing to steal mohgs corpse, who wedded miquellas corpse, to put radahns soul INTO mohg, just so he could brainwash and force him into caring for him, and malenia knew this, you have to wonder if she was brainwashed by miquella too.
@MusicaX79 18 сағат бұрын
Ayre is to Humans and the Coral in Armored Core 6 the same way Eureka is to Humans and the Scrub Coral in Eureka Seven. I moment she showed up she screamed SUS. The longer the game went on the more her character screamed "oh she's an ambassador to the coral." She has been given human ticks, mannerisms, and vocabulary clearly, she is an ambassador. Her goal is to evaluate, understand, and propose a symbiosis. Not a peace or recognition of sentience, and rights, no she wants the coral to merge with humanity. In all playthrough Ayre does nothing to remove this feeling. Ayre is a manipulator.
@jonhprime777 18 сағат бұрын
Ok George R.R Martin, you pass the limits now.
@kaden1991 19 сағат бұрын
I think Miquella needed Mogh's blood. His Hornsent heritage. I think it was Gideon who commented that no matter how much Mogh shared his bloody bedchamber with Miquella it made him no closer to creating the Moghwyn dynasty he desired. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the lord of blood would attempt to share his own sanguine essence with his God, and was ultimately infusing Miquella with enough Hornsent blood that allowed him to access the Realm of Shadow.
@Markmc9. 19 сағат бұрын
Radahn used to be smaller
@JeffDAPG 20 сағат бұрын
Miquella sounds upset to be a god though. He's crying
@matmil5 20 сағат бұрын
With dlc out and mother of fingers there... We know that she tried to communicate with the Greater Will. But she couldn't. It all just points that it isn't dead, but rather ignoring us. Like any Cosmic Entity, it might have simply lost interest in the world of Lands Between and its people.
@ammu7085 20 сағат бұрын
Well do I have something to tell you
@dragonlordplacidusax9413 20 сағат бұрын
hornsents didn't have a corporeal god. They were trying to create one when marika "betrayed" them.
@taylorport3463 21 сағат бұрын
No it's definitely the Greater Will.
@chrisdiokno5600 21 сағат бұрын
Here's on theory I stand by. Miquella didn't want Radahn as a consort romantically. Rather he wanted Radahn as an eternal bodyguard of sorts
@ramyresdavid6539 21 сағат бұрын
Despite being a twink, Miquella is Radahn's sexually sadistic master-proving even Gigachads can be tamed!
@incognitoinhell8742 22 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense. There was absolutely nothing in the base game that ever hinted at Miquella and Radahn having any sort of meaningful relationship outside of sharing their blood. You wanna know the only Demigod, baring Malenia, who was hinted to having a close relationship with Miquella? Godwyn. And since they just pulled this outta their ass, there's no reason why they couldn't have just retconned the lore and say that Miquella found a way to restore Godwyn's soul. Miquella is often referred to as being the strongest of the Demigods, and the closest to true god hood even before all his scheming. So I doubt he'd not have been able to find a way to pull one over on his four armed, blueberry looking ass half sister and said 'Nah, bitch, he's mine'. This should've been Godwyn. I honestly think that's why I hate this boss so much. Phase 2 is an absolute mess, but I think the real kicker for me is how they just recycled a boss from the base game and strapped Miquella on his back Lothric style. This should have been Godwyn's moment. And unless they decide to make an Elden Ring 2, we'll probably never get to see a restored Godwyn now. This boss left a bad taste in my mouth. A bad end to an otherwise great dlc.
@kennethgonzalez3618 22 сағат бұрын
I feel like Radahn and Miquella made the vow when they were young, and like you said that the DLC shows how Miquella's curse of eternal childhood isn't just limited to his physical body but I think his emotional state as well. So I think they may have agreed to it at first but I think Radahn grew out of it.
@andrewjazdzyk1215 22 сағат бұрын
I still of think the gold mask ending removes free will as well- but it's totally an interpretation thing