Barbie vs Stanley Kubrick 💋
How "Anti-Vaping" Ads Manipulate You
Why is Clint Eastwood like that?
crashing | by maggie mae fish
2 жыл бұрын
@gmann6269 48 минут бұрын
19:32 Jesus Christ, it's called IRONY. And Otho (the man talking there) is meant to be a massive bitch.
@gmann6269 53 минут бұрын
Depp and Burton basing Ed Wood on Ronald Reagan is not a compliment to Reagan...
@shooter86-uw8ce Сағат бұрын
Noah Berlatsky? Youre using the pedophile apologist as a reference? LOL
@grafzeppelin4069 2 сағат бұрын
The most effective ad: "Vaping makes you look like a f*ggot."
@Vickolai 6 сағат бұрын
I hate the misinformation they're spreading on vaping and this is coming from a person who smokes cigarettes for a handful of years before switching to vaping and as a person who grew up his entire life and a home where both parents smoked a pack a day.
@TikoVerhelst 12 сағат бұрын
"All myths are universal and the Hero's Journey". Ok, Campbell...... I've often come across "the rpe song" in Western European oral traditions. It's not really standard, but it does kinda feel like a trope/category of song. These are songs about women, usually teenage girls actually, getting rped, usually in forests or other rural places, and taking some kind of lesson from that about the wickedness of men in general. Some examples are "ich was ein chint so wolgetan" from the 13th century in which there's no message but the main message is the girl cursing the trees along the road for staying silent while they saw the whole thing happening. Another example is La Rirette, a folk song from France in which a woman meets four men who lay her down, put up her skirt up and do something "we shall not say in this song" The song ends with; "The moral of this story, is that men are pigs" and then multiple different ends such as "The moral of this moral, is that women like pigs" or "The moral of this moral, is that that makes little pigs" or "The moral of this moral, is there's no moral". (Yeah, someone really felt like victim-blaming the victim of a group rpe apperently.....) Hey Campbell, how do "I was rped in the forest and no one could here me scream" songs play into your "hero's journey" exactly? Because the only thing these songs teach is that you should never be along outside as woman ever and should hate boys! Not exactly "heros". ;) (Btw, look up "ich was ein chint so wolgetan" it really shows you how women dealt with..... being a woman in the middle ages and is a really poetic and beautifull song!)
@TikoVerhelst 13 сағат бұрын
THIS is the stupid 1 hour analysis I need on my sunday morning. I do have the rule that "don't call it facism when you can call it X (conservatism, royalism, catholicism, racism etc.)" A lot of leftists have this annoying thing where if the Nazi's did it and someone else does it, that person is also a Nazi. That would mean Christianity is facist even though it's 1900 years older! So yeah, don't call it facism if another term is better. It gives too much credit to facism and not enough credit to all the lesser ideologies that eventually lead facism. Also, unless you're ok with peeping pooping everywhere and walking around naked, the argument "body restriction is facism" is also pretty weak. 100% freedom is never gonna work and that's alright. As a humanity, we need to find a balance between restricting everyone and giving them freedom. How much freedom should citizens get from the state/society? That's not a yes or no question....! That's gonna be a nuanced answer. Also, I feel like Cats is a perfect example of how living in a facist society can feel good. One thing that facism does really is, if you behave, it gives you a really strong sense of belonging. I feel like that's alsosomething you se in cats. And also, society has decided for you what to do, you don't have to think about! That can be an awefull thing but it can also, you know, be nice to not have to worry about exitentialism! You don't have to worry about the meaning of life, society already has done that for you. Usually it's a bad thing, but you can understand how to a lot of people it can also, you know, feel good? Again, I don't want it. But Cats shows how it can be attractive and what, the few, positive sides of facism are emotionally for the lower people living in it.
@dominicisnotstealingcontent 18 сағат бұрын
1:49 original video???
@roadrsh7056 19 сағат бұрын
When Ken discovered toxic masculinity, it reminded me a bit of Revenge of The Nerds. The Kens turned Barbieland into a big frat party.
@StevenRLegge 19 сағат бұрын
"I've never seen Event Horizon". Oh. Oh no. No no no no no no.
@badlilkitty96 Күн бұрын
Girl. Fascism?????? BSFFR 😭😭😭 Have you read the BOOK? There is so much more to this book. it changed my life. I could see you say this of you are on the wealthy side. Because a BIG part of Fight Club is "eat the rich" and the wealthy are basically scum. (kinda true,) and that they would be no where without US. REAL people that wash their cars and bring them their food and raise their kids. And in fact if we all banded together the rich would be VERY outnumbered. Also he is never really staying up and doing these things everyone he interacts with (Bob, Marla, and yes "Tyler" which I was his actual name. not Jack.) are not real and aspects of himself. Even the cult he starts doesn't exist. It's just him. Thats why Bob dies the same way as Tyler and Bob is the only person who knows about Tyler and Marla because he is apart of him too so he knows what Jack knows.
@CheesecakeMilitia Күн бұрын
I loved how the movie is edited like Lydia herself actively not thinking about the cause of her problems. Always glossing over important plot details and luxuriating in pompous bullshit the audience can see right through.
@FectoForgoGaming Күн бұрын
The part where you said "Hi. I'm Maggie Mae Fish" reminded me of Lesley in Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Speaking of that show, I think a good way to do an anti-drug PSA would be to have an escalation similar to DHMIS, where it starts relatively calm but gets more and more disturbing over time until it becomes a complete nightmare by the end, kind of like the progression of an actual addiction.
@kevinbonin6173 Күн бұрын
General Flynn is an American hero, not a disgrace. You are the disgrace
@simonappel2599 2 күн бұрын
Maybe if like Adam was saying the worms were a big point of tension, which would allow a character who potentially relies on the spice to make that realization more impactful?
@mmybickers 2 күн бұрын
Me, a Martha, caught deeply off-guard by the last line O_O
@ZMacGregor 2 күн бұрын
When I was a kid I thought smoking cigarettes was scandalous and evil
@Emeraldog 3 күн бұрын
i’m literally here to comment how i never once vaped or even considered it, so these ads just pissed me off to no end
@rottenteeth2623 3 күн бұрын
I keep getting ads that start like “illegal fentanyl has made its way into the drug supply” and it’s just completely ineffective to me. I’m just like, immediate skip. It’s not emotional. It doesn’t grab your attention. It’s just a solemn voice and a dramatic animation of grams of fentanyl. It discourages nobody
@HurricaneDDragon 3 күн бұрын
I forgive myself high school self for being obsessed with Zack Snyder’s 300 and Watchmen. I even forgive my early twenties self for enjoying the recklessly violent, over-the-top action of Man of Steel. However, I would NOT have been able to forgive myself if I had ever enjoyed Batman v. Superman for a single second, especially since it was apparently produced by fucking MNUCHIN!
@zeframmann1641 3 күн бұрын
I'm not a furry... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...
@KnarfStein 3 күн бұрын
5:39 Just deny them healthcare when they get fucked up by the drugs, then! ✌️
@user-sw3gv1hy2u 4 күн бұрын
As a brown working class that live in a gentrificated area (past working class now full of aspirationals and upper class) I saw Royal Tenembaum and I connected by the bad family and the disconnection, the mocking about the upper class and their lack of self awerness, the way in which they see money and the mocking of the upper intellectual class, the art ppl, the academics, the upper class trying to find some sense of humanity by interacting with the working class. I always saw Mr Fox, his family and neightbours as working class ppl from racialized groups, and the actitud of Mr. Fox as the common working class that sees themselves above her fellow class members as better and "special" thus the one that should live in wealth, becoming upper class or at least a middle upper class. The aspirational guy that we all know too well and that his lack of community sense comes from his lack of class consciousness. We all know Anderson thing for white thin ppl of western beauty, but this last years he have made more diverse casts and characters, and, at the end of the day, what I care about his fillms is the open critic about class struggle, the feelings of loneliness that brings in one way of another, the portrait of illnesses, the death and how we cope or not cope, the grieve of not only loosing ppl but ideals, history, your past and territorial aspects, oportunities, etc. I don't expect nor want to be represented by a thin white western usa texan director, I expect that from fellow people that comes from my world and that are directors and screen writters. I can't expect for example that a white cis het usa guy write specifically about what is being a trans queer brown disable nd person living in colonized global south, can I? Would I complain about his portrait don't convey my experiences? of course not, thats why we see films made by ppl that belongs to other groups, like queer directors, latino directos, south african directors, arab directors, koreans, phillipines, etc. And not even then we will always find a good representation. Why we always expecting that the ones with privilage speak for us about us? is like the ppl that expects that criminal colonialist disney speaks for and about them. Ppl complains about Anderson and Hollywood like there is not an entire world out there. They just don't want nor really care, and keep consuming only usa media or uk media. Then whine while paying to the mega rich that keeps helping making colonialist propaganda and culture while also funding our deaths, like disney eternally funding the military and coups. But hey, classic usa behaviour.
@sirllamaiii9708 4 күн бұрын
When the advertisement is trying to make you do something 🤯🤯🤯
@cyberdemigod 4 күн бұрын
This is hilarious and doesn't have bad takes. So many shows. Even comedic ones. Push this horrible sexist (feminist sexism) agenda against men. So many actors and writers. Sad to see when that happens. Good to see Rob isn't jamming false and hateful bull that is super sexist against men. Love to see when actors and writers don't get on their knees for the misandry and heterophobic mainstream agenda. So many times in cultures under hateful people did they bend. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Build a structure that says you are fighting hate and oppresion while creating it. Aka modern popular screen work. Feminist anti male sexism. Racist anti white theory Good to see Rob isn't just bowing to the hateful unfunny politically correct affirmative action shit, the white guilt - male guilt - hetero guilt - horrible agenda that so many things push. So many things now push that. Ruins the show or movie. He didn't really do bad here. Wasn't the best. But isn't bending and twisting to fit the anti male heterophobic agenda. Still did a good job. Not the best but still. Refreshing. This is nice to see
@a9fc 4 күн бұрын
My only complaint is that this movie was a little too on the nose. But as someone responded to me - most people won't get it otherwise.
@MangoKashInThePhilippines 5 күн бұрын
You want to see true off grid living visit the deep provinces of the Philippines you’ll see people surviving for hundreds of years with absolutely nothing not a single dollar to their name
@fokeslink 5 күн бұрын
I am not a big Dune guy, but y’all really didn’t understand the story or the movie. It’s hard for me to continue to follow your Lynch journey in earnest when you so confidently assert things that are so wrong.
@fokeslink 5 күн бұрын
I know you’re reviewing the movie and not the book, but it’s a 400ish page book. Seems like minimal research. Y’all dug up biographical information on The Elephant Man and on actors from The Straight Story. It doesn’t seem like reading a short book should have been a huge imposition.
@takke9830 5 күн бұрын
It‘s actually really absurd how closely this one mirrors breaking bad and how Walter abandons his family and son to manipulate and obsess over some student who was dabbling in dr*gs.
@nordiskkatt 6 күн бұрын
IDK, I feel like blaming Ficher for young men's inability to deal with what a text is blatantly saying, is a little uncharitable. It's a pretty straightforward tale: a bunch of dudes following the path of toxic masculinity are radicalized to the point of becoming terrorists, and do their best to rip society to pieces. Ficher himself has commented on it: "It’s impossible for me to imagine that people don’t understand that Tyler Durden is a negative influence,” he says. “People who can’t understand that, I don’t know how to respond and I don’t know how to help them.”
@doxophobiac 6 күн бұрын
I love how much they both get so horrifically wrong about dune because it’s both a comedy of errors of sorts and a perfect summation of how horrendously Lynch’s take on it conveys Dune’s core concepts. I hope the film doesn’t put them off reading the book or at least watching the Villeneuve films because I truly feel like Maggie in particular would love it.
@noahsepicgamingandstuff 6 күн бұрын
I remember the anti drug class i had in my school, they didn't tell us not to do drugs, instead they showed us the most drug addicted city in America, and showed us what happens to drug users, real testimonies in the video and such. And also showed us what products that contain weed look like as sometimes that's something easy to miss if you're not paying attention. While I completely agree looking closer at it, in retrospect, modern online tobacco ads (Truth and the real cost for example from the video) are ineffective, Is it weird that a lot of these modern anti smoking/vaping ads (like the "that's metal" ad and the depression stick ad) actually worked for me? They actually taught me stuff i didn't know about (Like vapes containing LED and causing depression) and got me to try and convince people I know who smoke/vape to stop.
@davemac9563 6 күн бұрын
Honestly, it’s not even how Wendy is treated that bothers me in the movie. The audience needs to be trusted to come to their own conclusion. What bothers me is knowing how Kubrick treated Duvall
@pawelkapica5363 6 күн бұрын
Don't forget that the Hotel was probably insured which makes it insurance fraud as well as defrauding people to donate for a fire he maybe even started himself to salvage a shitty old building and turn it into a better investment.
@Ellie_R. 6 күн бұрын
My parents watch this movie as a last ditch effort to save their marriage, my dad being an abusive narcissist hated the movie because it was a direct mirror image of his life at the time. They are divorced now and living better lives.
@loto159 6 күн бұрын
This is giving big RawBeautyKristi / Sweet Life of Zack and Kristi vibes
@orppranator5230 6 күн бұрын
Vaping is little more than a hail mary to get kids to smoke again, but this time without the previous social stigma.
@konflykt2325 6 күн бұрын
Something that many campaigns lack the cognitive awareness of is the fact that for some people, their parents are supplying them with cigarettes, vapes, pills, alcohol etc as young as 9 years old and telling them to partake. My mother literally kept me addicted to pills/alcohol until I cut her off when I was 19. It took me 10 years. On my own. No rehab. As a CHILD. to quit. No doctor saved me. No psychiatrist saved me. No dare campaignee saved me. I wasted away and no one helped. Most of the time you can't "just say no" without very confusing and traumatizing consequences.
@konflykt2325 6 күн бұрын
By the way, I was getting good grades on all drug abuse studies. I loved dare. I was their poster child. It does not work at all.
@jonnn420 7 күн бұрын
I can tell you you’re right about the ads but wrong about the effects it has. Lemme break it down for u as a kid who actually grew up struggling with drugs, and watching these specific ads. Basically these ads are all so corny that my peers and I just tended to ignore them all together and just laugh or skip. We weren’t dumb we all knew basic science by arnd 6th grade and knew the real effects of most drugs (as we all mostly grew up arnd others using) so basically to sum it up these ads are literal nothing burgers that don’t attract or affect anyone 😂
@Allandi89 7 күн бұрын
The famous famous you got it wrong
@borekminer 7 күн бұрын
the eu made it mandatory to make ciggeretes have pictures of absolutely DESTROYED lungs on the packages of ciggeretes but there still lagging behind on vape,because vape hides itself