Why FFXI Didn't Have Party Finder
My Struggle With FFXI in 2022
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FFXI - The Origins of Vana'diel
FFXI in 2022 - Time to Come Back!
FFXI Mog Wardrobe Increase!
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FFXI February Update Preview!
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The Future End of FFXI
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2021 Was Great For Pantheon!
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FFXI Retail - 2021 Year in Review!
FFXI Master Levels - Who Loses?
FFXI Master Levels - How Are They?!
FFXI Classic - Raising Your Chocobo!
FFXI - The Return of the Lucky Egg!
FFXI Macros - The Brady Games Guide!
FFXI Classic - Over the Hump!
2 жыл бұрын
FFXI Theories - Beastmaster Sub Job!
FFXI New Site - We Are Vana'diel!
@AtreyusNinja 3 күн бұрын
Why Is this video so good?
@shirrenthewanderer414 4 күн бұрын
Voluptuous Vilma is unclaimed, let alone spawned? I call shenanigans.
@mikenash5125 6 күн бұрын
LOL Awww man! I remember these camps. I miss FFXI 2003-2007
@wb8ert 7 күн бұрын
I started in Bastok in March 2004. I have rank 10 in all nations. My in-game name is IBHalliwell on Ragnarok (formerly Caitsith).
@wb8ert 8 күн бұрын
Trusts that come and go aren't my favorite. Frustration. SE, please let us keep them
@rafaeldoraguille9169 8 күн бұрын
DRAGON QUEST X has one too
@rafaeldoraguille9169 8 күн бұрын
I've been playing Horizon and even with the numerous improvements, I can't help but be feel bothered by the leveling speed. I do think the way airships work and not having mounts add to the experience and make the world greater and more believable, with a better sense of a progression. But the leveling experience... is frustrating, even in comparison to many other old school MMOs. Taking 40 minutes to one hour to level up from 15 to 16 with food, EXP bonus and sub BST? That's something I'd expect from midrange/pre-endgame levels, not level 15.
@Coinspinner2 13 күн бұрын
It took me more than one try to reach Jeuno, more than that I do not remember. However I do have a fun story from some months later. My Linkshell liked to meet at the church in Jeuno. One member was a hume named Prettyboy. One day I made a mule named Prettierboy and walked him from Sand'Oria to Jeuno, at level 1, without stealth items. I logged him out at the church and ambushed my friend at the next meeting as his Tarutaru doppelganger. Later a friend joined in as a Galka named Prettiestboy. Good times.
@fenrishound5939 14 күн бұрын
Lucky items. eating up inventory space
@ZackstaDaxta 15 күн бұрын
Thanks doc
@Coinspinner2 16 күн бұрын
Way back in the day, I always told melee job players complaining about equipment prices "at least you can sell that later on". There were certain black magic spells I just never learned because the prices were insane. 300k for a spell you KNOW has almost no use-case... get outta town! And people who found out gave me crap for it. Even at low levels, the costs HURT and you could miss out on spells for while because they aren't sold by vendors and the AH had none.
@vincecardinal7411 17 күн бұрын
Yep I would dive back in if it was on console. I had PS2 w/added HD + keyboard. My friend noticed my vocabulary improved from playing FFXI. Also improved typing skills. Hopefully they bring it back to console. ❤
@Coinspinner2 17 күн бұрын
The worm move is called Gastric Bomb, a term I have not forgotten since first seeing it in 2003. Every single stomach ache I've ever has since then has reminded me.
@JohnDoe-cv6ij 17 күн бұрын
This sums up DRK from early in the game life. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/jJd2jaZ10srQe2Q.html
@Coinspinner2 18 күн бұрын
Qufim island. Gigas, leeches, weapons, every damn thing in the zone all piled up by the zone to Jeuno. My first time leveling there players dropped a gigas on the tunnel mouth. More players kept coming out and failing to dodge the agro, keeping the gigas on that spot. I put it to sleep and called for help, hoping other players would join in and help kill it. They... actually did, surprise. But it was touch and go for a bit. After hitting level 59 or so I would "volunteer" my time clearing trains there. Felt really good. But it's an experience that is lost to time now.
@dozer14328703 18 күн бұрын
I was there when that was still a thing until they fixed the agro and resets. It took me years to get DRK to 60.
@Coinspinner2 18 күн бұрын
There is no red magic, but there is brown magic.
@Coinspinner2 18 күн бұрын
Rasp is cast by low level worm monsters, like in Maze of Shakrami. Very likely the first one you encounter. Dying to Rasp after killing the worm will leave an impression on ya, it did for me and probably did for this author too.
@Coinspinner2 19 күн бұрын
I got a Sorcerer's Ring from BCNM at a time when nobody thought it was worth using, so the price was low. Kept it as a toy. After returning to the game from a 3 year absence the price had skyrocketed to millions, it was in the meta at that moment. I sold it of course, then a few months later decided I wanted one to actually use. D'oh.
@Coinspinner2 19 күн бұрын
My main money making activity, from level 50-75 probably, was hunting tigers in Batalia Downs to turn in the fangs in Sand'Oria. When elemental staves were new I farmed for MONTHS to afford ice and dark... then the prices crashed. I was broken.
@Coinspinner2 19 күн бұрын
ToaU definitely felt like both that they wanted to segregate BLM from melee classes and they gave up on skillchain. It added both Colibri and Flans, after all. People were attempting manaburn (aka bomber) parties as far back as Zilart. Anyone struggling to level DRG probably felt at least some enmity to BLM players seeing one of those in action, despite how janky it was back then. I think people embraced that separation eagerly, then got nostalgic skillchain and magicburst later.
@shirrenthewanderer414 4 күн бұрын
ToAU definately lowered the bar for players while making many things accessable only to cliques (esp. Assault/Nyzul Isle I.D. Tags, JP midnight waits), and DEAR GOD there is literally gatekeeping with the Imperial Gates in all the zones. It didn't feel like an adventure at all.
@Coinspinner2 19 күн бұрын
You have a later version of the Brady guide than I do, mine caps out at level 50. The text appears unchanged though.
@sherk8532 21 күн бұрын
When I just started I used dual blade because of the fast attacks and increase dodge speed when in demon mode but I do find my self taking a lot of damage because the sharpness goes down so fast
@wb8ert 22 күн бұрын
I'm afraid I have to disagree with the haze. I want to see as far as possible but to each their own.
@welp_dang 24 күн бұрын
I miss watching your FFXI videos
@Caelest 25 күн бұрын
back in the pre Abyssea days, and especially prior to Treasures of Aht Urhgan, if you were trying to level jobs that most regarded as "bad" (i.e DRGs, THF before lvl 30, SMNs, PUPs etc) most of the time you had to build your own party, simple as that...of course with that being said, not every composition wasnt a home run, hell i remember a lot of times you felt great if you could gather 5 other strangers within, what, 30 minutes to an hour, period. Thats not even counting the finding a camp, getting to said camp, and finally starting the exp run LOL. You know the ironic thing, though, is while at the time i would never admit it, that social aspect of FFXI was in a very cruel way, fun. Socializing with complete strangers, asking them how long they have to play, if they, by some miracle (lol) have any other jobs available to change to incase we find another DD, healer, etc (if they didnt already list it in their search comment, that is), if they know a friend around our level that wants to exp too. Yes, there was once a time where level sync didnt exist, and it was pure madness, but we OGs persevered heh. I think where FFXi is at today is great, its not as daunting to start 100% fresh outta the gate and feel overwhelmed mainly thanks to the Trust system, but that social part of FFXI that existed prior to Abyssea (yes ppl still talked to others to form exp alliances, but leveling pre 75 helped you learn how to play your job right, even if the exp grind was too steep) we will simply never see that again in this game, and thats a damn shame, b/c i made a lot friends ingame that i still talk to every now and then outside the game (im inactive atm but i do return to the game every year or 2 for shits and giggles). We didnt know it at the time, but forming exp parties was the fundamental core of what made FFXI so unique and special, it forced you to be social when maybe you didnt want to, and sometimes, especially if you partied with either ppl you thought did their job great or were lighthearted during the exp group and you felt "heck, maybe he/she seems like a cool person and i can do some BCNMs or something with them down the line, let me /befriend them".
@NickEnchev 26 күн бұрын
What? You don't like sitting like Steven Hawking and enjoying an afternoon of WoW? Wuss
@NickEnchev 26 күн бұрын
I actually just started playing for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and I have the weirdest love-hate thing with the game. While I find the game interesting, I'm intrigued by the different cutscenes that have hinted at what I can expect content-wise, the laid back nature is nice, the cryptic nonsense in this game, leaving out quest details, the fact that I have to constantly review quest walkthroughs in the wikis pisses me off. Whenever this comes up, people start talking about how its a OMG 20 year old RPG, which is weird, since I'm fairly old and used to play even older RPGs without getting annoyed, its not the game, its by design. I'll continue to play it as I'm told this is how the oldest content is, and that the game feels better further in, but man, the beginning parts can be frustrating. When I was in my teens, I probably would have been ok with a game wasting my time a little, but nowadays time is my most precious resource and this game gives 0 fucks about wasting it. Just when I say "f this game" and decide to stop, some cool cutscene happens and makes me keep going. *sigh*, we'll see!
@guyleclerc7324 Ай бұрын
Eldieme necropolis limit break farming paper of LICH !!! man memories fun time
@guyleclerc7324 Ай бұрын
BASTOK 2002!!!! i know everyone wanted to be a Taru in windust :)
@guyleclerc7324 Ай бұрын
dude skilling up was part of the game while camping HNM for hours that i cant agree with you ... as for QUEST go to Jeuno SHOUT and thousand of ppl were doing them 24/7 .... saying runnig out of MP really dude i play FFXI 2002-2008 and this game got maybe 1 or 2 frustrating thing .. 1 RMT guild sellers and other one was in the early days fighting HNM ppl can MPK you by bringing load of mobs or healing you to steal hate stuff like that !!! but your issues cmon they are the fun of the game nothing more . . .
@guyleclerc7324 Ай бұрын
RDM/NIN in early days were the BOMB :)
@guyleclerc7324 Ай бұрын
i remember in 2005 having a BST/WAR with a Ridill :) good old days of XI
@obZen327 Ай бұрын
Soul voice is S+ tier better than everything else in that S tier list. And that is a fact, not an opinion.
@hecticryry Ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks ❤for sharing
@hecticryry Ай бұрын
Really miss these videos, I hope they come back, need some more H4G back in my life ❤
@grantbishop1961 Ай бұрын
This is gold!
@Rameneater84 Ай бұрын
The community kept me for years
@obZen327 Ай бұрын
#1 should have most certainly have been whm.
@fortunateson6070 Ай бұрын
I really wish they never changed Treasure Hunter, for one I believe it was better before. I believe TH1 rerolled the item drop and every TH after increased drop rate by 1%. Also TH doesn't just work with a tag now, it needs to proc and it's pretty rare unless you do SA/TA with Feint. The mob can die with no TH applied if you're not careful.
@Trelltan Ай бұрын
@wb8ert Ай бұрын
I very much love level 119 and master levels.
@user-bx7kg1wy2u Ай бұрын
man i miss ffxi
@grantbishop1961 Ай бұрын
Reinstall the best mmorpg even to this day and let's do some end game stuff
@wb8ert Ай бұрын
Hello, What software are you using to capture FFXI and edit the videos (e.g., insert you, etc)?
@shirrenthewanderer414 Ай бұрын
My first starting job will always be White Mage, and that will be the hill I die on, Zegram or Womp hill depending on which zone of Gustaberg I start in. Hammer Hume Bastok WHM for life.
@sleepykitty4472 Ай бұрын
First character was windurst ,realized it was a mistake ,next character was sandy,and just loved it.And sandy was always 1st in conquest and got all my outposts fast,was locked into sandy forever
@Mike-ks6qu Ай бұрын
Really would love to see different areas. Sick as hell of being in moh gates. Would love to see apex mobs in old school zones.
@dontftkyourself Ай бұрын
Feels reenter chat 😂
@wesleydunphy9182 Ай бұрын
I miss peak ffxi
@richmarrero1313 2 ай бұрын
Miss this channel 😢