@FreightTrain54 2 күн бұрын
If you can't understand that the holes in a mask are 1000s of times bigger than the virus and wearing them has been proven completely ineffective for YEARS now... I'm not sure I can trust literally anything else that comes out of your face. Like seriously like a basketball being stopped by an open hangar door. FML
@NunyaBidness590 3 күн бұрын
Where is 391???
@YeOldeFatBadger 6 күн бұрын
I can't believe people are still talking about COVID 🤦🏻
@crrainger 8 күн бұрын
'Briar goes outside and gets hot' 🤣
@Remorse9.9.91 9 күн бұрын
Man it really is too hard for yall to have chapters for your "we talk about about a bunch of bullshit with no indication of structure" podcast 🥴
@codenamearc9958 10 күн бұрын
I think the iron banner thing is just cause of solstice. They don't run both at the same time.
@braedenhorton 10 күн бұрын
This has been one of my favorite Iron Banners in all of D2s lifecycle. Anyone else having fun with it?
@xbotLife 11 күн бұрын
Too busy having fun with valorant on Xbox to bother with a $40 overwatch clone.
@stevenm1753 11 күн бұрын
I never understood why Iron Banner prestige is not tied into your perks on your guns like ritual playlist does. If I had a chance at triple perks in the last 2 columns I would play much more of it.
@DEST-PMA 12 күн бұрын
I agree with Watts 1:33:17 TFD is a cool game so far, but seeing the same character repeated running around kinda threw me off.
@flaregun1163 12 күн бұрын
Chapter titles are from another episode, 388 I think.
@FranMirabella 12 күн бұрын
0:00 - Intro: Catching up on sickness, July 4th, thunderstorms, weddings and Final Fantasy concerts. 10:35 - Teft Thinks Elden Ring DLC is HARD 12:10 - Destiny 2 - Iron Banner Impressions (Now Two Weeks) 24:00 - Concord (Some Ex-Bungie Devs) New PVP Arena Shooter 32:30 - Destiny 2 - Episode: Echoes Act 2 Preview and Future Episode News 55:00 - Feature Interview on the Future of Destiny 2 and Episodes 1:06:45 - Street Fighter 6: Season 2 (and Watts Yells at Fran about Elden Ring DLC) 1:13:20 - Once Human Launch w/ Ms5000Watts 1:35:15 - Questions from Social 1:54:20 - Bonus Briar Story: What’s in the Box …
@NunyaBidness590 11 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@Nato2303 12 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but those chapters titles make no sense.
@bobbyyaga5340 12 күн бұрын
No way Fran actually believes content creators don’t affect Meta. Bruh…content creators affect the entire gaming industry….wtf are you talking about? Sounds like a “don’t blame content creators” joke whine
@shenanigans9604 12 күн бұрын
Anyone else just stop playing after TFS? I didn't even finish the battlepass
@NunyaBidness590 12 күн бұрын
No, lots to do besides TFS.
@DEST-PMA 12 күн бұрын
There quite a mix of good games and new stuff to at least try out right now… so yeah
@NunyaBidness590 12 күн бұрын
Every cold or flu is now "Covid". Ahem.
@anthonybyrne5641 12 күн бұрын
100% content creators effect the meta
@vishaldesai8968 12 күн бұрын
Poop in a box lol
@FatherOfKaos 12 күн бұрын
@NunyaBidness590 17 күн бұрын
Where is 390???
@FranMirabella 13 күн бұрын
We had July 4th here in the USA, and I was also out sick on top of other folks being busy.
@XxCloududexX 20 күн бұрын
Does anyone know why the DCP Live Podcast on Spotify hasn’t been updated? ):
@jacobruiter592 23 күн бұрын
I do not like the Saint-14 plot of "He's just a copy." It's already been established that the Vex cannot simulate Paracasuality. We literally went through time and rescued Saint before he was destroyed. Why on earth the writers keep forgetting that is established lore is beyond me. It would be different if Saint-14 came back with us and didn't have powers...then it could be implied he was a copy. But it's FAR TOO LATE for that. Bungie would be ve fundamentally breaking lore if Saint-14 is a "copy."
@bluejezter99 23 күн бұрын
Are we really going to sit around and believe Tefty will be coming back? Save us the suspense and be out with it, he won't. Also a bit of criticism, combining sidequest with DCP after they were once their own thing, kinda just waters down my perception of your passion for the content. If it was that way from the start, then it would be fine. Don't mind me though, I'm just another commenter.
@jr4653 25 күн бұрын
wow, what lego saying at 10 mins in about people skipping bosses in elden ring sounds a lot like intentional solo players in destiny and the dual mission drama lol
@nicklafave351 25 күн бұрын
Should the pedo be canceled?? Hmmm ???
@InsightfulAU 26 күн бұрын
Lego, I just want to apologize for Bungie’s matchmaking putting you on my team twice last night. Won once and got curbstomped once trying to get a Pathfinder node done for sidearms kills. Is PvP population already that low because I’m terrible and shouldn’t be anywhere near your bracket?
@Reyloc 26 күн бұрын
I wonder if we’ll have the dreadnaught as a new social space and any dlc going forward is made to be where we can choose what we want downloaded. That way we don’t have a 300gb game lol.
@myownaccount5058 26 күн бұрын
Just wanted to say this podcast gave me the confidence to continue trying to play elden ring and I’ve just now beaten the final boss! Love this podcast y’all are great.
@colossalsqvid4587 26 күн бұрын
I was really hoping episodes would play out like Diablo 4 seasons. Here's a mini campaign quest line (delivered in pieces via the acts), do it on your own pace, here's the seasonal activities for PVE and PVP. The activities are decoupled from the story delivery.
@DEST-PMA 26 күн бұрын
31:10 Its gonna be an interesting year for pvp and online games.. I wonder which ones stay and where Concord lands. Going against huge games, nexon and ubi trying to shake things up, its gonna be tuff… but for players, we’re getting a bit of everything which is great
@mythe6669 26 күн бұрын
I used to be excited for IB but the match quality is just always so bad even compared to sbmm Control these days. One would think more players would make for better connections but that's just not the case. It almost seems like IB uses a tighter sbmm than Control does (and even that mm is anything but good or fun atm). It usually takes me about 2 days max before I get tired of playing IB these days so 2 weeks is daunting. Also, I don't like any of the new game modes they came up with so having the second week of IB be exclusively Tribute completely turns me away from that playlist. If the rotators are also trash, it'll be a Destiny free week or two for me.
@dezzdinn 26 күн бұрын
Lego, seriously love yah man but that’s not at all what people are upset about. They are upset about the delivery being exactly the same just rebranded as episodes ….
@Trocify225 26 күн бұрын
Well that’s the usual Bungie, not surprised to hear this
@dezzdinn 26 күн бұрын
Yeah chat (we) were pretty bad on Myelins Elden.. *sad face…
@NunyaBidness590 26 күн бұрын
Who else went straight to the time stamps (and thanks for them!) to find Destiny 2 content?
@dezzdinn 26 күн бұрын
I appreciate the sidequest stuff but get it
@NunyaBidness590 24 күн бұрын
That's fair. ​@@dezzdinn
@kregadeth5562 28 күн бұрын
It’s too early to say if episodes are an improvement. As far as weekly game play goes, this feels exactly like a normal season. That we can definitely say confidently. As far as story improvements, it’s too early to say whether or not the amount or quality of story has increased.
@StuBaybutt 29 күн бұрын
Pathfinder nodes are longer than bounties were. Used to be 3 grenade kills, now 10, used to be 3 melee kills, now 6, used to be spawn 2 orimevild now 3, everything us much longer other than a few
@syndicategoretex4333 Ай бұрын
Why are u guys not putting these up on Spotify anymore 😢
@johnnynicholls1043 Ай бұрын
I never realized I'm basically grinding for materials to use to infuse the same gun every time we get a power level increase. How many times have I infused all my guns and how many materials and time spent grinding for them.? I really enjoyed the past couple seasons not needed too much for infusion. Cheers.
@djrange Ай бұрын
Briar hasn’t said much for a while lol
@FettySchleep Ай бұрын
Great podcast y’all!
@carl6969100 Ай бұрын
It’s literally what I say to my partner about destiny. So much to do, so little time. 1:16:48
@BrianGreen-gt9bj Ай бұрын
I don't know if you guys have tried fire team finder but it's pretty toxic. Alot of elitist post. No way to report people with racist names Zoe sexist,vulger names. Alot of people wanting insane amounts of exp. When there light levels are mad low. Just trying to use people for carrys. I feel like fire team finder should still be in betta it needs work. You should be able to write things in your post like on the old app. The way it's set up now you get paird with rude toxic teens are worse adults. I hate playing with other players. Fire team finder and LFG kills my souls after looking through to for a few hours. Makes me wanna just shut it all down. You can truly see the worst of humanity on that thing. I think most gamers are so desensitized to it all. It's just funny to them. They don't really stop and think of Jesus this is America's youth, with all these hyper sexualized, racist, biggited vulger screen names. Or worse still peoples Dads. F 40 year old 50 year old men . With PSN like " the white power hour's or "TittyJuggler " Imy point is fire team finder is not for everyone. For some of us it's the worst part of the game . For some of us the community can be the worst part of the game
@jamierobinson1923 Ай бұрын
Clicked on this to hear a about Episodes and got 40+ minutes of "boring as shit" perks discussion... Guys your going to hurt your view numbers don't this 😤
@darthspoompls Ай бұрын
I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t feel like this expansion had closure. I don’t feel like it’s the end of a 10 year story and more like the end to a 4 year story. The Vex have been my enemy longer than the Witness. I just feel disappointed and incomplete.
@GideonWetherell Ай бұрын
You basically are the only one, its overwhelmingly positive on all fronts even the usually "negative towards destiny" types. I don't see what more they could have done.
@dwwd1558 Ай бұрын
Pale heart pathfinder is fine. The Vangard pathfinder licks my balls
@germainewillz5614 Ай бұрын
They need 2find a better path with pathfinder.
@DukeOfCarolina Ай бұрын
Im burnt out and havent even got to raid yet or to the new dungeon release. Why didnt they add a patrol zone for all players like theyve done for every expansion since d1?! Pale heart is 3 man activity only..why would they do this?
@GideonWetherell Ай бұрын
Why would they make it a catered instance instead of a pointless zone where you oneshot everything and just use it as a highway to lost sectors?
@justjudah3014 Ай бұрын
In case anyone was in doubt there is only one true lore master and his name is not Mylin.
@stirfrysensei Ай бұрын
It’s so weird to me that people are so scared of losing their favor with Bungie that we’re dancing around how much this “episode” sucks. “You can feel the polish”? It feels EXACTLY like every other season has so far. It’s literally just a season with a different name. This concept of waiting until later weeks to fully judge the season is fair I guess, but it doesn’t change the fact that the first two weeks are run of the mill seasonal stuff. I know that if l was telling my customers that my new product was going to be different I’d 100% ensure that the first impression reflected that.
@voltus20 Ай бұрын
That's the thing. They never said it was going to be different. People made up that idea in their heads and are now trying to make bungie accountable for something they never said. Matter of fact, i'm yet to see anyone show actual proof of bungie saying what they're claiming, and the ones that claimed to have "proof" pointed to the TWAB where they revealed episodes, which directly discredits their claim. They said they were going improve upon the seasonal system, not remove it or completely change it. The only thing they talked about changing was the narrative, as they believed that the story was starting to get predictable. All they promised was bringing more content per episode than they did per season, and so far, the first act of the episode alone already has about the same amount of content as a full season, and there's still 6-8 more weapons to come, 2 more activities and an exotic mission.
@Chris-ld5vk Ай бұрын
I think TV and Fran's responses were a bit disingenuous to the situation at hand. Disclaimer: I've done the mission well over 20+ times and have taught the mission to new people a number of times as well. This whole situation just feels strange given that Bungie has been very deliberate about not including massive cases of vertical power creep in raids/dungeonesque activities. The only major exception to this being Stormchaser when it was broken at launch and was easily out damaging sleeper even with a body shot or two in each burst. Almost everything else (exotic weapons included) have been anywhere from ok to super strong but nowhere near a straight-up X is better than Y situation. Even with an iconic weapon like Gjallarhorn, they made sure to make it a support weapon that you only need 1 of rather than just making it the best Rocket Launcher like its D1 Y1 counterpart. They also (post-Forsaken) have been very good at not including these weapons in marketing and trailers to avoid spoilers and presumably this exact situation where more casual and/or solo players get hyped up over an item and then find out it won't be easily obtainable for them. Even as someone who always goes for raid/dungeon titles, guilds conqueror consistently, and has done the mission a lot already, it just feels incredibly off and I just can’t understand what string of logic they were following with this case as opposed to the vast majority of their actions of the most recent years.
@antiimperialista5764 Ай бұрын
You are totally right, let me copy a paste a comment I left on another channel. Most content creater are being d-bags about this subject. ---------------------------------------------------------------- All valid points but the issue still remains with certain group of our player base, they are physically unable to complete this mission. What bothers me is the following: Bungie likes to gloat about their inclusive culture but then purposely design a mission and put a meta defining item behind it leaving out people that physically can't complete it (I'll leave you an example below), so are we inclusive or not? I passionately hate double standards. You can watch easynow's videos regarding this topic, very similar to what I'm saying. This was planned and deliberate on Bungie's part, to "force" players into this situation in an unprecedented manner. Their main goal should be to RETAIN players and this is a business decision working against that goal, a lot of players (including me) will leave for another game if this is their MO moving forward. Also the seasonal content is very mid and time-gated, another thing that will not work for them the way they expect it to. I leave you this comment from a mute girl explaining why she's a solo player. This taken from another video touching on the subject of solo players. @Senuna-Asiyn Solo player-ish Reasons why: 1) Community toxicity. Speedrunners and Clear Farmers I just won't run endgame stuff with anymore. I've yet to run a raid with a speedrunner/clear farmer that didn't completely fuck up my day. 2) Loot. This isn't a point about the loot being bad. It's phenomenal. When I can actually get some. My RNG is beyond fucked at this point. I'll spare you the details, but tl;dr: 1 gun per raid and 1 every 3-5 dungeons is deeply frustrating. Also, why does 80% of everything roll with a Reload Speed Masterwork? 3.) I'm mute. I can't speak. Most teams won't have me, and most of those that will spend the entire time being abusive, disrespectful, arseholes to me. Hundreds of raid clears, day 1s, titles, it's all meaningless. "Get a mic, bro." Thanks. A microphone is clearly going to fix my dysfunctional larynx. 4) There have been so many prior bad experiences, from clans run like destructive high control groups, to nightmare LFGs, to harassment, abuse, racism, sexism, death threats, r*pe threats, people sending me unsolicited dick pics, creepers, obnoxious sex pests, griefers, trolls, throwers, jackasses, disrespectful douchebags, flat earthers, general time vampires, etc. that it's just not worth it anymore. I'm playing this game to have fun, not to get treated like shit. 5) All my friends quit. Finding new ones just isn't worth the abuse. I'll tell you how it's done in other games: After x-number of clears by the community this item will become available to farm from x, y or z activity in the game (i.e GM's or master lost sectors). Whoever enjoys the duality activity they can farm it but also you don't alienate players with real life struggles and/or new and returning players.
@RichieF_Jr Ай бұрын
The whole situation is messed up to begin with. Every solo player has a reason they play solo. People are being disrespectful and disingenuous because bungie has fostered a team oriented community since the beginning. Solo players are the bad guys in a team oriented game. There is nothing wrong with or wanting to playing solo. What is wrong is alienating people for any reason. No solo player wants to solo a raid. Very few people solo grandmasters. There a things solo players know they won’t get and accept it. But, you don’t go on a marketing campaign about a brand new way to play the game that everyone will enjoy and then lock it behind a wall from a portion of the community. Everone said it’s a 2 person raid. But why? They could have easily made it accessible by other means. You don’t even need a mic to do a GM nightfall, but you need a mic to get a class item? GM nightfalls don’t give anything that’s worth it and yet they are more accessible than the heavily marketed class item. There is no reason for this. Theres no reason for people to be toxic towards solo players. However, there is reason to accept that people like to play the game the way they like to play it and be respectful. That’s called being a decent human being.
@antiimperialista5764 Ай бұрын
@@RichieF_Jr The girl said it to: I play this game to have fun, not be treat it like this (by the community and by Bungie). The cult-like behavior in this community is pure cringe.
@RichieF_Jr Ай бұрын
@@antiimperialista5764 Exactly. Her reasons for solo playing is by far different than mine and i still respect the hell out of her for still trying to play the game anyways despite what she has gone through. It shouldn’t be about us versus them cause we all love the same game. Whatever Bungie’s reason for this was, it’s a huge miss because they know full well that there is a portion of their community with certain disabilities. They have gone on record saying that they will continuously try to help them but then cut them off from the heavily marketed class item that is exclusive to the new subclass they are so proud of and said we should be excited for. If they don’t address this in the future, then it’s just another slap in the face by which we should all be used to by now. The issue is that they have been taking W’s lately so it’s saddening.
@FranMirabella Ай бұрын
How are we being disingenuous? We basically said we totally understand why it would frustrate solo players, but Dual Destiny (assuming this is what we're discussing) is a cool setup for two players. The idea that everything -- every last absolute thing -- has to work for solo players has never been part of Destiny's DNA. But again -- totally get why solo players would want everything to be solo-able. But you can't have both unless they design two ways around it in the mission. I'd love that, but that wasn't the discussion here. And to your point you got it done a ton of times. I wish you could do it solo via unique mechanics, but having to find a partner for it for the co-op focus missions is "ok" for TV and I. I'm sure many feel that way, but that doesn't exclude who you feel.