The Hidden Genius of Hoarders
How Do We Deal With Disasters?
This Man Can Save Hollywood
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You're Wrong About Optimism
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The 1970s are back. Yaaaayyyy.
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There's a Right Way to Get Political
The Smartest "Dumb Movie" Ever Made
Who's the REAL monster here?
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Squid Game is Wrong About Capitalism
Cowboy Bebop Proves That We Need Pain
Suicide Squad's Twisted Realism
@Vorpal_Wit 8 минут бұрын
I'm 54 years old and worked in the video-game biz for 25+ years. Nintendo has ALWAYS INTENTIONALLY SHORTED NEW PRODUCTS to generate hype and demand over and above what it would have been in they made enough to fulfill market pre-orders. That is to say, if a retailer tells their sales team, "we want 250K units because we think we can easily move that", Nintendo will come back and say "we can only ship you 175K". They might even go so far as to only make 150K for that order and tell the retailer some other story about a production or shipping woe. Then they will slowly roll out a calculated amount designed to maintain the demand curve as long as possible. They've done this with every single console launch and even a few game launches. It an intentional scarcity market approach.
@HerrBrutal-bl2fk 33 минут бұрын
In many ways the US is more socialist than a country like Sweden: - Sweden has no minimum wages - Sweden is more successful in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation - Sweden has lower corporate taxes
@dominicreed733 5 сағат бұрын
Star Trek original and next generation got more correct at a very early time in history
@klocugh12 14 сағат бұрын
He may in fact know it's not true, and still lie anyways to mislead others.
@namelessemperor9242 14 сағат бұрын
You can't just make more money, the higher the supply the less its worth. Scarcity creates value. Thats as true for currency as it is with anything else.
@noksuan59 14 сағат бұрын
all this tells me is that humanity as a whole gives money value, so yes this can be done, because we're being screwed by the economy and you're still taking it.....
@airteh8401 14 сағат бұрын
Imagine the US citizen have to pay 1k for a bottle of water.... Ok now imagine other countries that sometimes have to quadruple the amount of their currency to match the value with USD buying a bottle of water...
@biddinge8898 15 сағат бұрын
Giving EXCESSIVE MONEY is not good for the economy. Making sure PEOPLE CAN STILL SPEND MONEY is good rhough. So dont listen to anyone who says small stimulus checks are bad. It's better to have low wage workers rather than homeless workers.
@pumkin610 14 сағат бұрын
But we do have homeless people who work, but I'm assuming we have less of them than we would if we didn't help them
@MrDeadJasper 15 сағат бұрын
You've not seen the real sht, wait until the main debt holders began to ask trillions of dollars to be paid with interest. When sht hit the fan and economic system collapse only one thing is good everyone became a trillioners , because rol of toilet paper will cost billions ...
@jamesdinius7769 18 сағат бұрын
This feels a bit click bait-y. The Switch had scalping issues from day 1, but 2020 is when it got really out of hand. The supply chain destruction and forced factory shutdowns were hardly their fault or a lack of reasonable foresight on their part. Every console had scalping issues, and as someone who was trying to buy a switch with a friend trying to buy a PlayStation, Nintendo weathered the storm better than most.
@ratblack8207 18 сағат бұрын
There are a couple of things that are true about the Keynsian understanding of monetary policy. One, countries with monetary sovereignty can print money to a limit in order to mobilize wealth, but that is only if there is a slack in the economy between where it is and where the potential is. Where in countries with limited to no monetary sovereignty they have to consider their monetary purchasing power against their foreign reservs. I've probably over simplified, but the overall idea is as such
@Uziel-187AD 19 сағат бұрын
Recent proof, that Dalilama, (from the mud in Portuguese)... Was in a video, and he said it was a tradition! Young Boys sucking on his tongue? Ewww!
@DoomsSayer-D27 20 сағат бұрын
Good kids doing bad things for good reasons
@alexanderrahl7034 21 сағат бұрын
President Biden's chief economic advisor is as smart about economics, as a guy playing a retard written by a youtube cartoonist.... God help us
@michaelgarrow3239 22 сағат бұрын
Um,,, it has worked for 60 years why would we stop? Democrats: probably
@signaturewithcreativity 22 сағат бұрын
finally a not woke movie in 2024
@AlfredFJones1776 Күн бұрын
President Jimble is slightly more coherent than Cadaver Joe.
@droid4161 14 сағат бұрын
More like Trump magically eliminating taxes through tariffs 😂
@pumkin610 14 сағат бұрын
Well I understood Jimble here perfectly I comprehend which words he was saying, I don't comprehend his plan 😂
@caiushughlanus2070 Күн бұрын
There's no way the Stein guy was stupid enough to say that!!!!!! No freaking way
@islandred 15 сағат бұрын
He's right though, since the debt is in dollars.
@VulcanGray 15 сағат бұрын
If only they included more of what he said. They're misrepresenting him to discredit him. It's called propaganda
@mikeschwartz1764 14 сағат бұрын
​@VulcanGray could you elaborate? It did seem like a pretty wild stateside
@VulcanGray 14 сағат бұрын
@@mikeschwartz1764 the creator set the stage for you to feel a certain way about a person, told you how to feel and then provided a short clip out of context. He's right that the government can't go bankrupt. At least not in our lifetimes.
@caiushughlanus2070 10 сағат бұрын
@@VulcanGray the government most certainly can go bankrupt. A lot of it national debt is also foreign loans to Saudi Arabia, China, Russia even, and many other countries... If they called in their debts and if the world stopped using the dollar as the world reserve currency America would go bankrupt instantly
@hauntngu4002 Күн бұрын
And it will happen for real. Inflation's not going anywhere, and all the countries joining BRICS are dumping the dollar, and all of it will flood back into circulation because all this time, the government has just been exporting its inflation everywhere else. It will be at levels not seen since since Weimar Germany.
@tiredanddepressed 15 сағат бұрын
😂 BRICS is failing buddy. It's on its last legs. China and India see each other as a threat so they don't trust each other. Russia is going downhill with their war economy that can no longer be stopped. Brazil economy is lopsided and south africa still doesn't have electricity in all of its city building yet. BRICS was a long shot 20 years ago and it's only fallen since then.
@Chrisg841 Күн бұрын
Nope. U got it wrong buddy.
@jhoughjr1 Күн бұрын
@pumkin610 14 сағат бұрын
What's that mean?
@darkworlddenizen Күн бұрын
They want to print money and tax us at the same time. Its like getting two dicks in the same asshole.
@KomentarzZwiastuje Күн бұрын
Fight Club powraca i sieje rozpierdol w głowach ludzi którym czegoś brakuje.
@camerongunn7906 Күн бұрын
@lemond2007 Күн бұрын
I love this episode, it was the best one yet
@AlcaniZFilms Күн бұрын
Similar ending to the Chuck P. novel, from which the movie was adapted..
@Vile_Entity_3545 Күн бұрын
Just get to the shops ready for when it hits your bank account and buy the lot.
@youngnebula187 Күн бұрын
@c.w.johnsonjr6374 Күн бұрын
Could you do a video about the upcoming Reagan movie with Dennis Quaid? Thank you
@DoorNumber3Films Күн бұрын
Imagine what they could do if they qould publish their legacy content.
@videakias3000 Күн бұрын
scalping should be illegal. it does not benefit anyone with anyway aside from the scalper.
@jamesdinius7769 17 сағат бұрын
Yay! More restrictions on ownership rights. As if we aren't losing enough of those. I get your intentions, but such restrictions would end all second hand sales, both used and collectable.
@videakias3000 14 сағат бұрын
@@jamesdinius7769 what you are saying sounds dumb. How would that end second hand sales?
@oyakefire Күн бұрын
Tibet before 1951 was like a combination of slave-era America and medieval Europe.Tibetans are like black slaves, even more miserable than black slaves.They were killed at will, and their bones and skins were made into playthings for monks and nobles.
@steeltrap3800 Күн бұрын
"Wrong" vs "Incorrect"? So this is a moral judgement, which is necessarily subjective, and not an objective statement of factual error?
@andrewmontague9682 2 күн бұрын
I won’t be getting a Switch 2, the original is gathering dust as I type. Very underwhelming device and games.
@travelsizedlions 2 күн бұрын
Dang. FEE's usually right on the money with their topics. But this is clearly uninformed. First, Nintendo couldn't have predicted the Switch would be the 3rd best selling console of all time. Especially after the WiiU, which falls at 24th in that list. Selling out and the scalpers that follow can't realistically be blamed on Nintendo. The product was an unequivocal industry wide success. They never could have met demand. Second, this issue is not remotely unique to Nintendo. The latest gen PlayStation and Xbox were particularly low in supply due to chip shortages that crippled the global economy. The same shortage would have affected Nintendo, though post launch. Hell, it even affected the Car market. Third, the previous generations of consoles also sold out at launch and had problems with scalpers. It's an industry wide issue. Even the PC parts market has this problem. Fourth, Nintendo, unlike most game hardware suppliers, is EXTREMELY economically judicious, and are incredibly smart at sniffing out untapped markets. They're also the only game company I've heard of that managed to sell consoles at a profit (The Wii). Most consoles are loss leaders. Why in the world would you single out one of the single most economically intelligent game companies in the world for an issue that's so common? Fifth, unlike most consoles in today's market, the Switch isn't mostly designed with easily sourced PC components. It was a hybrid handheld/home console--a unique product. Don't you think that might affect how easy it is to manufacture Switch units? If you're going to censure game companies for not following basic economic practices, Nintendo really isn't the right target. If you're going to cover Nintendo's economic and business history, you've got waaaaay more to pick from than petty scalping. Nintendo's over a century old and their business' history is absolutely littered with more interesting economic topics than this. You could have covered the start of their rivalry with Sony or Sega, or their morally ambiguous third party quality assurance in the 80s and 90s. You could have covered the fact that the NES literally brought back the video game market after the crash of '83. You could've covered their philosophy of innovating on older technology, or their hit and miss attempts at finding new markets. You could have covered their approaches to dealing with piracy and how it affects their fans. These are not little known topics, and they apply directly to FEE's mission statement of spreading knowledge of economic principles. Come on FEE. You're better than this. (edited to fix autocorrect issues)
@FEEonline 2 күн бұрын
All these points are valid and accurate -- the strange thing here was Nintendo making a point to explain something everyone already knew as if it was part of their plan. Obviously their plan on the first go was to meet demand, and the chip shortage alone disrupted that. Their plan this time will be to meet demand, and next time, and forever. As for the suggestions in the last paragraph, those are great topics -- but this is a short, which is limited to about 45 seconds, and that's really only enough time to cover a few sentences in a major announcement as opposed to a topic that demands both breadth and depth.
@johnosborne1873 2 күн бұрын
Eventually the liberal hive mind will lose enough money that good creatives will take over… I hope
@joel-oquendo 2 күн бұрын
I wonder how much of this expense went to overpaying bad workers given how bad the special effects and writing was
@GeekIWG 2 күн бұрын
Scalpers were why I never brought a PS5. Instead I eventually bought a Steam Deck, which while were also in limited supply, was helped by the fact that Valve made sure to setup a fair queue system that verified people were actual gamers and made sure they would have a chance to purchase one console when it came their turn.
@observasaurusrex2099 2 күн бұрын
Why do people blame scalpers for "disappointing the children"? The disappointment is caused by Nintendo's failure to produce enough product, not people buying early and reselling later.
@travelsizedlions 2 күн бұрын
Not producing enough of your consumer electronics product isn't a moral failing. Purposely buying up a product that's in short supply to mark up the price 300% is.
@jamesdinius7769 17 сағат бұрын
Because they should've predicted COVID right? That was hardly Nintendo's fault. Their hands were tied. As for early shortfalls, after the dismal failure of the WiiU, expecting a slow start for the switch was perfectly reasonable.
@bencampbell198 2 күн бұрын
Cheeky steamdeck at the end there
@AlfredFJones1776 2 күн бұрын
Wait until they learn Basic Thuganomics.
@Evil-ZemoisaPsychopathmo-zn4ck 2 күн бұрын
He just doing is wrong all wrong.
@NothingHereForYou 2 күн бұрын
I did not have an Econ class in high school. You guys were my intro to economics. You guys John Stossel, and Milton Friedman
@GeekIWG 2 күн бұрын
John Stossel's videos were literally used in my economics class in high school (The class was part of a homeschool support group)
@HisShadow 2 күн бұрын
They did the same thing with the Wii.
@rosskwolfe 2 күн бұрын
Nintendo has had this weird obsession with never producing enough for demand. They limit supply of a lot of crap that would make them unlimited money if they didn't limit it.
@dxjxc91 2 күн бұрын
I got the switch on launch day, from a retail store.
@draconicdemigod9696 2 күн бұрын
Now if other buisness adopt this tactic maybe we can get some deflation. Or something Idk I'm not an economics expert.
@David_Bruton 2 күн бұрын
I was half expecting you to say they were going to start letting people bid up the price on their website. Cut out the scalper middleman 😅
@aaronlandry3934 2 күн бұрын
Not a bad idea to auction first generations of a new console
@bluemoonpanther6337 2 күн бұрын
The number of times I cried and still do every time I see this scene
@itzme88cory 2 күн бұрын
You gotta love Nintendo though! They always start off the next generation of consoles.