@mikedickens848 6 минут бұрын
Bests builds never leave home without true strike.
@realIyreally 19 минут бұрын
Tried SMG and slingshot but somehow I cleared this with turrets and harvesting. Ended up with high speed, armour from 12 structures and high regen from Fairy and regen potion. With a few boxing gloves, just running like a rat in circles, visiting my medical turret from time to time. barely killing anything.
@bearnaff9387 26 минут бұрын
Get that bitch a stick, bitches can apparently kill everything in the world with enough stick.
@Vasiliy9hells 46 минут бұрын
"There is no hole in your party that you cannot fill with a bard" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@MartinLucaq Сағат бұрын
My favorite colour is water
@robbtc6419 Сағат бұрын
Thank you!
@caindgrantham 2 сағат бұрын
Broke menthara’s oath of devotion by stabbing he who was after bringing him the ledger. No scratch killing needed
@CreatorOfTheRoom 3 сағат бұрын
I gotta give a special shout to crossbow on Renegade. Not even because the crossbow itself is good, but it makes Shurikens show up in the shop and those things rock with him!
@Lash1001 4 сағат бұрын
Bard 10 vs fighter 3? Bard gets magical secrets but fighter gets champion and when paired with the deadshot bow and that Act 1 sword thats a crit on a 17. That math might outweigh level 10 bard.
@williamking7800 3 сағат бұрын
They're roughly equal actually. Bard 10 increases the Inspiration Die to d10, so +1 damage per hit, +2 for a guaranteed crit (ex: Luck of the Far Realms, paralysis). Extra crit threshold is about 5% of the dice portion of damage, so that averages to +1 damage if the average dice damage is 20, and +0 damage to guaranteed crits. Plus, crits are less consistent. So we'd want significantly over 20. 2d8+1d10+1d4 averages to 17, so you'd need to itemize hard to get significantly above 20 average dice damage even on ascended Astarian, and no extra damage on a guaranteed crit. I think the only thing that Champion has going for it is that Bard 10 is two levels from Bard 8/Fighter 2, while Champion is just one level. So if you're going strictly two classes, it's Bard 10/Fighter 2, but if you're dipping a third class (like War Cleric) then Champion becomes an option.
@williamking7800 2 сағат бұрын
Oh and I forgot to mention that Bard 8/Champion 4 gets 1 feat over Bard 10, so depending on how much you like Alert and where your Hair is going, you might want to go 8/4 for the extra ASI. Personally I think +9 to Initiative is enough, and that's pretty achievable with Initiative gear and no Alert, but if you want higher or more itemization freedom then 8/4 makes more sense.
@itme7685 4 сағат бұрын
This was my first character and I had no idea how powerful it would be for a while. 12 lvs of bard though. I kept charisma at 16 and went full dual crossbow early on. I used some kind of construct gloves for a long time to get advantage with sharpshooter. I had 24 dex in the end. Using the mirror of what was it again, I’ve forgotten? And also being a deep gnome there was a pair of gloves that boosted dex +2 only for gnomes. I got lucky on my race choice. Advantage on stealth worked great with greater invisibility, though I probably should have taken proficiency in it and I didn’t. 2 Ranged flourish, arcane acuity, hold person/monster/confuse etc as a bonus action with 100% accuracy or close! You know I went first with 24 dex. No shield as gnome but that’s a 7 AC dex boost on medium armor of agility.
@Gangrenous_Khan 6 сағат бұрын
Important to note that not only is gale the best origin companion for this build because of the aforementioned reasons, he can also get a permanent advantage on concentration checks buff early in act 2 fairly easily. This coupled rebuilding him to start as a sorcerer (con save prof.) makes him a great choice to avoid dropping those costly concentration casts.
@grittywaffle 6 сағат бұрын
hell yeah
@ozzuna5748 6 сағат бұрын
I started an astarian honor mode playthrough after watching this
@SpencerARodgers 7 сағат бұрын
I started my first honour mode run yesterday and happened to be doing swords bard archer. So this timing couldn't be better! Your videos have been immensely helpful in helping me (someone new to DnD) learn about the mechanics and systems in the game. There is SO much to know! Your videos condense down the information into a concise and witty format! Keep up the excellent work and I look forward to learning more!
@comebackqing8452 7 сағат бұрын
Weapons and equipment tier list next. It's the last tier list i can imagine lol
@christinehede7578 7 сағат бұрын
I have completed this game many times and even one honour mode run and a couple of tactician and I have never used minor illusion.
@blaizebriggs 7 сағат бұрын
Great video
@christophergonzales5182 7 сағат бұрын
The answer to "what does best even mean" is simple: the best build is the build that will cause you to uninstall when you get to the doppelganger fight in the gauntlet 😂
@mogwaidimanno5639 8 сағат бұрын
Great. Jeep It on
@dominicpinchott7432 8 сағат бұрын
The problem for me was action economy. Mu ranged character couldn't use these for sneak attack or ambush iirc. I also don't believe they could be used for off hand attacks with a hand crossbow. Most of the time, a character should have a better option for their action on their turn. I think these are best as utility items in a pinch.
@postyman86 8 сағат бұрын
Beer make me play good 🍺🍻🍺🍻
@ARatherDapperTapir 8 сағат бұрын
Welp, started out, spent 40 minutes in char gen, got crit by imps repeatedly, and died on nautiloid. Good start.
@raspvidy 9 сағат бұрын
Your videos are so good but they are so dangerous. They make me want to start over 😭
@alexw4482 9 сағат бұрын
Globe is so op it’s silly. If the enemy ai simply shoved the party out of it would be far more balanced. Too many explosive barrels + globe = unscathed party and dead Raphael. Only time I used it on honor mode, I did not want a party wipe that late.
@kevlap017 9 сағат бұрын
Hey cephalopocalypse, can I ask you to look more into Subtle spell metamagic ? It's much better than the wiki or game suggest. In addition to being able to cast spells while silenced, it also make spells silent, and thus enable you to throw fireballs and eldritch blasts out of sight without triggering combat. Out of sight is important here as obviously attacking a character while in their red field of view even with a subtle spell will trigger combat, but out of sight, it won't. I do recommend testing each spell, most work, some don't. I HIGHLY recommend it, yeah quickened is obviously better, but subtle spell is fun and cheap!
@rachelc8368 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks you for video
@celtcelt2669 9 сағат бұрын
Light domain shadowhart? Heretic
@alexw4482 9 сағат бұрын
Flesh to stone deserves its own tier for how damn bad it is
@LordGentle 9 сағат бұрын
Seriously. Fuck this game.
@williamking7800 2 сағат бұрын
Please elaborate.
@Carpi_car 9 сағат бұрын
Taking a momment to leave a comment.
@chiekohoki 11 сағат бұрын
Although not 100% optimal, I'd also like to give a shoutout to 2 levels of paladin instead of fighter. The bonus action heal is awesome (with Oath of the Ancients), being able to smite if you get into combat is awesome, and also it makes dual wielding more fun because it's more chances to smite. I did that instead of fighter for my first run through, and it was extremely fun! Also it's another way to get command for the band of the mystic scoundrel.
@seanjohnblaise820 11 сағат бұрын
Lore bard video next 👀???
@leeroyjenks 11 сағат бұрын
Imagine ranking confusion and ice storm so low.
@theomnidegenerate5236 11 сағат бұрын
Wait here you say 10 bard and two fighter but in your sword bard video it’s like a split between rogue fighter and bard so which is it?
@doloresabernathy9809 12 сағат бұрын
Ceph, what is "Astarion's unique ability" that you mentioned? His bite? Can you explain how that helps this build and when would you use it?
@SpartanAltair15 5 сағат бұрын
Bite gives you a +1 to all skill check and attack rolls until long rest when you bite a humanoid. The rest is completely self explanatory.
@williamking7800 2 сағат бұрын
Spoiler warning Astarian also has an optional side quest in Act 3 that can give him a 1d10 necrotic bonus to weapon damage. Constant, works on every hit.
@alexsamurai1230 12 сағат бұрын
Great vid as always! One thing to not sleep on is just because you have slashing flourishes doesn't mean its not worth picking up a few Arrows of Many Targets. They can be situationally better than flourishes for weaker enemies but also help make your bard charges go further into a fight.
@williamking7800 2 сағат бұрын
The appropriate Arrow of Slaying is almost directly equivalent to a Flourish. I guess it's technically -1d8 and can't split targets but still, decent at going longer between rests.
@alexsamurai1230 2 сағат бұрын
@@williamking7800 Aye, theres also damage riders that the arrows would give 4 instances of, rather than 2. Rougly I'd say use the arrow for low health horde types because just-about killing 4 enemies is much better than overdamaging 2. Use the flourish for mid tier enemies with higher health pools. It's situational but worth having as an option, as we said gives you more staying power as well.
@petermullins3935 12 сағат бұрын
Is it cheating that my favorite class/build is the strongest 😅. I loved the more in-depth breakdown of gear at the end.
@johnbarry5036 12 сағат бұрын
does angelic slumber work with Sanctuary?
@adrianchase9399 12 сағат бұрын
Ranged slashing flourish should get -5 to attack roll to compensate it damage early.
@theomnidegenerate5236 12 сағат бұрын
The open hand monk is actually weaker than it’s maximized potential. The actual best version of the open hand monk is four into rogue two into fighter and six into monk You want the two into fighter so that way you can gain access to both heavy armor and shields, as well as action surge, and having the rogue ability up level increases the sneak damage you can do. See you can get incredibly high AC way higher than anything you can get with a wisdom built monk Especially if you get the legendary resistance armor from the teefling Smith, whose name I forget. And by not having to worry about wisdom that opens you up to being able to put into more strength, constitution and dexterity personally, I put constitution up to 15 getting to 16 with Tavern brawler. And then I put strength up to 17 getting it to 18 with auntie Ethel’s hair. Then getting up to 20 using the magic mirror. And then 22 using the permanent strength vitality potion. And if I temporarily need to go higher, I can just use elixir of hill giant strength to get it up to 23 or 27. Temporarily. And I also put 14 into dexterity so I had at least some decent initiative and I think I still wisdom up to 12 so I had some resistance to crowd control. By the end of the game, I was so tank and putting out so much damage. Basically nothing could touch me. And thanks to action surge it’s also capable of at least one per short, rest quick burst damage especially if you drink a potion of speed or have haste cast upon you by a local support in the party. I was able to kill the undead dragon in literally the first turn in one of my runs because I literally went essentially three times in a single turn plus all my bonus actions. It is hands-down, one of the most overpowered classes in the game, only rivaled by one other And that is a necromancer build six into necromancer six into spore druid with the duel wield feat. aside from the bonuses you can get from two different staffs with shillelagh from the Druid combined with the necrotic damage. It adds to your attacks. It’s actually quite a competent male character. if necessary in the event you somehow run out of your slots but that’s just the ultimate fallback but still having it is great and still worth mentioning because you’re still good even in the worst case scenario Obviously, as a necromancer, you get the necromancer of Faye all of the pets in the game as well as your own fungal, zombie summons and normal zombie summons by the end of the game I had over 20 summons at a time I was literally a one man army. But it doesn’t stop there with that character specifically you also spec into fully the illithid tree. You also put on some pieces of equipment that give reverberation on damage instance and then you combine that with magic missile and that with culling the weak and if you do the right math you can clear out entire rooms in a single cast or two never mind the additional damage that your summons both deal and soak up. With the right equipment the magic missile alone focused on a single target could do well over 100 damage per cast and if the NPC has 130 health the week you could do over 130 effective damage. And again that’s just from the missile never mind all the summons. I had a campaign where I ran both of these two characters together The caster in back in the Monk in front and we absolutely obliterated honor mode and never even got remotely close to ever losing.
@rolancritz1853 12 сағат бұрын
I've been playing this build for my honor mode run and it really does trivialize most combats as well as give all the awesome conversation skills. Awesome build, thanks for sharing it again!
@ManduhBear 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you!
@utopian201 12 сағат бұрын
is the war caster feat worth getting? I had the impression it would be good when casting a concentration spell and maintaining that concentration while fighting in wild shape form.
@Th3Gam1ngCh4nnel 13 сағат бұрын
I just lost my honor mode run to the lift of the gauntlet of shar not working properly. Starting up a new save and wanted to try something different than monk or fighter. This video was timed perfectly!
@drewb.8059 13 сағат бұрын
"as a general rule if your hit chance is less than 30% don't try it".....unless it's Shadowheart. She could still miss on a 110% chance to hit.
@ABRUPTTROLLING 13 сағат бұрын
I don’t think any item or temporary boost from non spell should be included in a build,because they all require some work to search for and not inherently built in the classes that u can always play with
@lukebeall1068 13 сағат бұрын
Definitely thought darkness would be D and roaring thunder would be S+… wack
@wasienka 13 сағат бұрын
Why would you get alert on gloomstalker/assasin? I never do and Astarion pretty much always wins initiative. I also don't like limiting my dex on that build to just 18. Ethel's hair is great for PC but without it, I just increase my dex score with my second feat and I use graceful cloth (with mage armor for better survivability) to boost it to 20 until I get the mirror bonus in act 3. Then it's Armor of Agility turn.
@lakisoo 13 сағат бұрын
Hello! I have an idea. Maybe you will test some kind of multiclass with wild magic sorcerer? For example with rogue?
@MrNoahDanby 14 сағат бұрын
Wait...what is the final boss bug for the thrower classes?