Baldur Is (not) the Norse Jesus
Jörmungandr | Nature's Wrath
Which Pantheon is the Real One?
A Pagan Response to Atheism
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A Pagan Response to Monotheism
Can We KNOW the Gods Exist?
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How Does Worshipping The Gods Work?
Valhalla is (not) the Viking Heaven
The Five Gods of Yule
2 жыл бұрын
@justinbieberkillsall Сағат бұрын
You are a wise a man! You are single handedly restoring the balance. May your name live on in the heavens
@AerdernixLittleDragonMacDane 2 сағат бұрын
Gallic not gaelic btw, love the video
@XanSteel 3 сағат бұрын
Now this is likely to sound pretty crazy. But, is it possible the Glen, was a name to hide Mani from the Gods, as he and Sol fell in love with one another, and as a punishment to their father and them, the Gods took them and charged them with the cycle of day and night?
@shirtlessviking9225 4 сағат бұрын
He is the god of swedes, and as such i must love/hate him as a dane
@AerdernixLittleDragonMacDane 10 сағат бұрын
Just adding 2 things 1. Ugly Wendy is no a cryptid but an indigenous spiritual being that has been appropriated many times over 2. Although some similaritiescan be seen w sauropod feets and elegant feels, sauropod feels were wierd shape for sure in comparison.
@AerdernixLittleDragonMacDane 10 сағат бұрын
Clarification on the sauropod bit the back legs is kinda a combination of an elephant foot and an archosaur foot but the front legs are wierd as hell. Love the video and discussions and it is helping me having fun while at work
@caman171 14 сағат бұрын
sorry u felt u had to leave the Christian faith for paganism. you were obviously taught a false narrative about how salvation works. you shouldve studied the Provisionist view, which rejects original sin and knows the truth about pelgius and the lies of augustine. perhaps youd like this video which talks about how unfairly pelagius was treated
@AerdernixLittleDragonMacDane 20 сағат бұрын
Freyr, frej, fröj, frö, yngvi, ingvi, yngve, broder grön many names of a great one
@zmnicvander 21 сағат бұрын
I was a non-denom Pagan for 2 years and then a Polytheist Pagan for another 2 years (first Celtic, then Norse) and I realized that the UPG focus of some experiences is not meant for many of us. Living with neurological conditions (my case) or mental illnesses (not my case) really doesn't mix well with a world full of entities speaking to you, be it signs, divination, or direct UPG. So for health's sake (not denying the Gods though, just doubting my experiences), I'm moving onto non-theistic beliefs, such as Naturalistic Paganism.
@zmnicvander 21 сағат бұрын
First time I'm seeing this old intro and WOW was it EPIC! I mean yes, I can relate more now that we get to see your face, and puns are funnier that way too, but it's interesting to see how your channel has changed over the years. On a side note, I really wanted to dive into that fresh water because it's been a scorching 31-36 °C Spring in my semi-desertic area and it just looks so inviting!
@oldensad5541 Күн бұрын
Hm... I have a suspicion if she answered she is an atheist, she would be mostly fine. I dunno why, but a almost never heard of such a direct and shamles discrimination towards atheists (some forms of discrimination are common, but they usually pretty mild, and not consequential). And never experienced something like this, obviously. It's extremely strange and baffling to me. And it's sad...
@MattieK09 Күн бұрын
Tldr: almost nothing
@Pestilence476 Күн бұрын
Myself and my Fiancé are both looking to learn more about norse paganism/ Heathenry. I wear the Valknut on a necklace as I have found it a bit more appealing I guess? Cant really explain why.
@luciusvarrene3695 Күн бұрын
@XanSteel Күн бұрын
Have I experienced this with only polytheists, no. Monotheists absolutely, to the point that one might say they are rabid about it, and condemn others that don’t follow their particular path in faith.
@schrodingerskatze2162 Күн бұрын
Make s to keep lks b side at bay. Make sure to keep bvl awake.
@BjornWithASlash Күн бұрын
You could say he… VolunTyred
@ChadThomas-rq9ow Күн бұрын
Cry more race traitor
@SkepticCrankMan Күн бұрын
Not a fanboy by any comparison, but I find it impossible not to picture Heimdall looking like Idris Alba with gold eyes
@saivitewilson141 Күн бұрын
Thank you ! Also, there is great value in looking at this from a point of view of animism, which, to me, seems a practice much closer to how the elder ancestors would interact with powers, be they thought of as a deity, or spirit of another being, or the land. Relating in a manner of relationship seems to take the whole layer of christian, monotheistic structure/culture out of it. I have relationships that are based in reciprocity, respect, love, devotion with Deities, Ancestors and other Allies. My interactions vary as my relationships vary.
@SkepticCrankMan Күн бұрын
Over four or five decades, I've gone from non-theistic Paganism to Neo-Celtic reconstructionism trying to create an actual practice to feel closer to the gods and my faith. Last year, I finally figured out that all the times Odin has appeared in my thoughts and daily life might have been because he's been trying to attract my attention for many (many) years! Since diving into my study of Norse Paganism and Heathenism, I've come the closest I've ever felt to a deity (or, frankly, any non-human energy at all) in Odin. Somehow, he seems "real" to me, more than pretty much any god. I still honor the Celtic gods, too. Been mostly playing it by ear, but it felt wrong somehow to have Odin or Freyr share altar space with Brigit and the Dagda, so I set them up in different areas. I don't have a regular practice with any of them (yet), but I love the comfort of my home being full of little gods (that is, statues) surrounding me. I think practice will work out for me as time goes on. Meantime, I have a lot more studying to do. Thanks for your channel. I really appreciate your scholarly approach and your presenting style. Subscribed immediately. :)
@nicholaschiazza7926 Күн бұрын
What book am I going to pick up? Why the one YOU'RE going to write of course! Hope you find a way--if not, make one.
@Armilus666 Күн бұрын
At least you show respect the rest of you will learn!
@saivitewilson141 Күн бұрын
Yahhh, calling out truth to power is always problematic. Also, *sigh*, using crazy Christian Snorri's and others, telling of centuries old oral tales as the 'bible' for heathenry? So many layers of Christianity in shaping these tales. It's exhausting. I'm not a reconstructionist, and having so many poor experiences of brosatru and fundamentalist heathens pov, it all seems antithetical to our pre-christian practitioners of Scandinavian spiritual relationships. All that said, thank you for the video. Just discovered you and I also visit Arith Harger (sp) as well. If it weren't for the catalysts and change agents, in every mythology, there would be no growth, no advancement spiritually, mentally, or any stretch of consciousness.
@rabbilampshadeberg Күн бұрын
I also think if you’re an urbanite, you shouldn’t call yourself a heathen either. Many who call themselves heathens haven’t even been to a heath.
@rabbilampshadeberg Күн бұрын
lol gods forbid anyone be folkish about asatru. Having a closed tradition and being folkish about your ancestral faith is for everyone else.
@zmnicvander Күн бұрын
If you consider that well-seasoned swords have sharp dents, bumps, and nicks on them, not only the sharpness of the blade itself then yes, a sword "bites" when it cuts (personal POV from having practiced non-HEMA MMA). Funny that The Godless Ones relied upon their own strength and survived thus far, but then converted to Christianity and died. I mean if that doesn't tell you something... Personally, I'm looking into Non-theistic Paganism because I've had my fair share of religious trauma with Theistic Paganism exacerbated by neurological conditions.
@DevsQuillsandCartoons Күн бұрын
As someone who loves wolves, I am sympathetic to Fenrir 🥺 I think he’s a case of good dogs, bad owners 🐾🐺
@zmnicvander Күн бұрын
You have a great talent for summarizing difficult topics and making them digestible. Could one ask for such a summary/analysis of Naturalistic Paganism, Spiritual Naturalism, Nontheistic Paganism, Pagan Humanism, Spiritual Humanism, Atheopaganism, Secular Paganism and related paths, please?
@TEPMOBETEP 2 күн бұрын
5:59 - "is-ought" fallacy. Whole video based on wrong conlusion. Thank you.
@AerdernixLittleDragonMacDane 2 күн бұрын
Imagine The berserker being the only one not wanting to draw weapon when rejected
@c64os 2 күн бұрын
Mono-tree-ism! 😂
@speakingtowind 2 күн бұрын
I agree with you but I feel like there’s more to it worth contemplating.
@Lady_Kitsune09 2 күн бұрын
I am cis female but since a increadibly young age I had to care for my mother and older sister. Sadly my father, the role traditionally ment to protect us and provide for us, was the one causing us so much instability due to his addiction and caused really physical and emotional danger to all of us. Thusly I stepped into the much needed and unmaned role. I state this not for pitty but as a background, this was my lot in life and i grew up in accordance. I have been told I am the calm man in a storm dispite being a woman, I even now am sole income for my household as I have a young son and my husband is a wonderful homemaker. Much of what Ocean said resonated with me. I wish growing up I could have found heathens and Ullar to help me through. I will be adding him to my practice though part of my heart hopes that maybe he was looking out for me through all these years, and i may just be welcoming back an old friend.
@funnelvortex7722 2 күн бұрын
7:20 "Brain does stuff" is a super weak argument against spirituality IMHO. By common conception the soul is bound to and part of your body until death, what happens to the body affects the soul and vise-versa, so "cuz neuroscience" doesn't mean spirituality isn't real. A religious or spiritual person would argue that neurology and chemicals is an action of the soul itself within the body and that the divine acts via the material. It's only a stronger argument against things like weird new age UFO cults that actually claim we are aliens or extra-dimensional beings driving human bodies around like cars (like Scientology or Theosophy to a lesser extent), it's a completely worthless argument against 95+% of religions out there in the past or today.
@Auloss 2 күн бұрын
Indo-european pantheist
@user-pp6fx7si4g 2 күн бұрын
Why were the Germanic peoples Heathens? I put Christian, Muslims and others in that category. Their religions are based on pure emptiness or nothing real.
@ChristyP_heathen_ 2 күн бұрын
reconstructionist animus heathenistic polytheist shamanism. Maybe? IDK I'm new
@Daniel12.4Ministry 2 күн бұрын
Your argument does not exclude Christianity, but exposes false christianity.
@Daniel12.4Ministry 2 күн бұрын
John 3:16 speaks of believing to receive eternal life, YET the following verses explain what it means to believe - it means to LIVE ACCORDINGLY! Pelagius was right!
@kcfitness757 3 күн бұрын
Idk if youll see thid three years later but I am a professing believer and would love to provide apologetics against this video
@lokitheacrocanthosaurus8240 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much. My girlfriend is transgender and a Germanic Pagan, and I really appreciate you standing up for people like her. ✌
@michaelumholtz4800 3 күн бұрын
Hi I've been following your page for a while now since 2021. I was wondering if you could possibly do a video on the Vegvisir and if it's related to Norse Pagan? I've been getting mixed feelings about it so I'm not sure. Thanks for your time!
@hunnybunnyssunshineliving5155 3 күн бұрын
Or the sword was prepared with the poisonous berries to insure Balders death. Theres got to be a connection with the death of Balder due to his love and kissing under the mistletoe ...
@hunnybunnyssunshineliving5155 3 күн бұрын
Sweden holds the most ruins
@nathanvinson7992 3 күн бұрын
I enjoyed your train of thought
@seakay365 3 күн бұрын
I'm from Texas, lol that's why😅😊
@nicholaschiazza7926 3 күн бұрын
McNallen is a dangerous nut. A Nazi by any other name would still smell to Asgard. People like him show their true colors when a writer like Neil Gaiman comes out with "The Norse Myths" which these racists find fault with because he's Jewish. It's the same thing as Z Budapest dissing men who write about goddesses because they happen to be male. Sick politics.
@nicholaschiazza7926 3 күн бұрын
I wonder what his wife is like. Any sensible woman would throw this loudmouthed little creep out of the window along with his Bible.
@nicholaschiazza7926 3 күн бұрын
I've noticed these so-called "pastors" get very angry when they read the Bible; since wrath is one of the seven deadly sins, I suggest they throw it out the window.
@nicholaschiazza7926 3 күн бұрын
A manuscript dated 1477, reads, “Ave Marie mater Domini nostri Iesus Christi regina celi domina mundi imperatrix inferni misere mei & totius populi Christiani Amen.” (“Hail, Mary - mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Queen of heaven and Lady of the world, Empress of hell: have mercy on me and on all Christian people. Amen.”) After visiting hell and seeing the tortures of the damned, Mary persuaded her son, Jesus to give them time off. The above inscription is lifted from Pagan goddesses.