@user-yw1xy6jy5p 4 минут бұрын
@FredericCoyett 43 минут бұрын
How about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
@billsze3947 Сағат бұрын
Trump has a weird liking for dictators. Let's not forget Xi is a dictator. Trump is also a transactional person, if Xi throws Trump a bone, let reduce trade deficit by a significant amount, Trump will gladly exchange Taiwan for such a deal. Let's also not forget Trump is against aiding Ukraine. So, is it possible that he will not aid Taiwan? My belief is yes. Biden, on the other hand truly views Taiwan is a core interest of the US and will defend Taiwan not for freedom and democracy, but to defend the US's national interest.
@user-tc7cx7ce1e Сағат бұрын
The Debate is disaster
@user-tc7cx7ce1e Сағат бұрын
2024 MAGA
@jenliaw6507 2 сағат бұрын
21世紀霸權爭奪戰 中美對抗不會停止 不管川普單打獨鬥 或是拜登結盟威懾 都是長期的糾纏 美國是聯邦制 國內誰當總統差異不大 美國靠的是科技領先 大企業獲利富可敵國 政府不斷舉債每況愈下 川普上來通膨更嚴重 台灣安全是決定於中國 不是誰當美國總統 中國覺得要發動就發動 美國只是回應戰爭
@user-yw1xy6jy5p 3 сағат бұрын
@user-yw1xy6jy5p 3 сағат бұрын
@joeweng6189 4 сағат бұрын
@axis8634 5 сағат бұрын
@yangyang1412 6 сағат бұрын
DEMANDING REVIEW of the 2024 presidential debate
@demiyang9859 8 сағат бұрын
Great comments and really encourage you go as this video❤
@user-sl2bv5yv1f 9 сағат бұрын
沒什麼差別 因為兩黨唯一共識就是中國是威脅美國霸權的敵人 對台灣非常有利
@cecilyyeh3758 10 сағат бұрын
@Steven52077 10 сағат бұрын
Thanks for Toph's detailed explanation and analysis about the US election between Trump and Biden.Each one has his own problems and family scandal like a bad TV drama as Toph said.😅
@itsjustHappy 12 сағат бұрын
would like to hear you opinion on this subject again after the first debate. thanks uncle topher.
@actuallyUncleTopher 11 сағат бұрын
I left a comment here after the debate. I think Biden is obviously too old to be president. The Democrats should find a different candidate. I'm not sure how many people will really change their mind after this debate though, most people voting Democrat are not voting for Biden but rather against Trump.
@itsjustHappy 8 сағат бұрын
For the past 3 elections, it’s been… which one is lesser… bad/evil.. IMO.. 😅
@baab4433 12 сағат бұрын
my best advice for Dem is to find a replacement candidate right away.
@stellasky478 13 сағат бұрын
@q77610 5 сағат бұрын
疑美論仔 少來帶風向
@yichi620 13 сағат бұрын
Both sides have different flavors of corruption xd LMAO
@lilychen8195 15 сағат бұрын
That’s actually what I thought, even though I am Canadian. It’s a similar situation in Canada. Most people don’t vote or don’t even care because it doesn’t really affect us common people. But if one candidate seems crazy, I will definitely vote against him or her. Some of Trump’s speech sounds irresponsible to me. I always wondered how rational Americans could trust him as a president. Thank you very much for making this video. Looking forward to more.
@actuallyUncleTopher 11 сағат бұрын
@razor7s 17 сағат бұрын
@harrywang9341 17 сағат бұрын
Great inputs on the swing states, it’s also refreshing to hear different insights other than Trump constantly claiming he’s got a better relationship with the military. I don’t believe China sees Biden as a frail old man; Chinese culture has too much respect for wisdom that comes with experience and old age to do that. On the contrary, Chinese mass media has coined the nickname川建国,literally translates to Trump country founding, a popular name for Chinese people born in 1949 to commemorate the founding of People’s Republic of China. The insinuation is that Trump secretly contributes to China’s prosperity and electing him bodes well for China geopolitically. Personally, the conjecture that China is moments away from occupying Taiwan militarily is a byproduct of political campaigns from both Taiwan and U.S politics. China’s bottomline is that no political entity or individual declares independence and the upholding of One China policy, which previous Taiwan Administrations have abided. U.S just cant have Chinese army take the island. I say there’s a lot of room in between for all 3 parties to coexist and do well.
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
好吧,看完今晚的辯論後,我對美國的政治局勢感到更加尷尬和沮喪。我想澄清的是,我沒有提到移民、經濟、槍枝管制、教育等議題,因為這些始終是總統大選中的問題。然而,回想起來,我應該要提到通貨膨脹對拜登的打擊。問題是,每個投票拜登的人並不是真正投票支持拜登,而是投票反對川普。川普是一個兩極分化的人。我個人希望看到詹姆斯馬蒂斯將軍擔任總統,但這顯然不會發生。 Well, after watching the debate tonight I'm only more embarrassed and frustrated with the political situation in the USA. I want to clarify that I didn't mention issues like immigration, the economy, gun control, education, etc. because those are always issues in a presidential election. However, in retrospect, I should have mentioned how inflation is a knock against Biden. The thing is that everyone who is voting Biden isn't really voting FOR Biden, they're voting AGAINST Trump. Trump is that polarizing of a person. I personally would like to see Gen. James Mattis as president but that's obviously not going to happen.
@baab4433 17 сағат бұрын
I respect your opinion, I really do. the problem is the Dem that is way too extreme from the norm. there will be no return to democracy if we go this route.
@fanrei7226 10 сағат бұрын
@jonesyng 2 сағат бұрын
天啊!看了两次,为什么他们两个都不能好好辩论,就事论事,沦为互相攻击对方。Biden脑退化了!好几次他说话都是磕磕巴巴,有点不知所云。Trump保持他一如既往的风格,自信地胡说八道(撒谎)。推特上有网友分享2012年Mitt Romney VS Barack Obama的辩论,那个时候的政客才是有风度、就事论事的美国精英吧。
@user-rm4qk8rx5x 19 сағат бұрын
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you!
@shuhanchen5752 19 сағат бұрын
Topher, you are amazing and you don't have to care about those haters' comments. They are everywhere. Do what you like to do and be who you are. I like every topic of your channel. 加油
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
Wow! Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support! 🙏🙏🙏
@coold8d 20 сағат бұрын
I agreed everything you said. In my opinion, you would not have needed to well deploy that many troops and build bases and donate huge money to Ukraine or Taiwan if Trump were the president. Biden and his team is very good at mending the situation before it is too late while Trump will prevent all this shxts from ever happening. Trump is arragant and sound crazy, but he got the repect and fear from other dictators. Agree? You moved to Taiwan during Biden's administration which says it all.
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
I left the USA for Japan when Obama was president. I later moved to Vietnam. I only returned because of the pandemic when nobody knew how serious (or not serious) it was going to be. I stayed in the US for awhile because my old dog was dying and I wanted to be present for her last moments, and my niece was born so it was fun to see her first years. I was planning to leave the US no matter who the president was. I just don't fit in well with American society.
@whity2508 20 сағат бұрын
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
I never said I'm voting for Biden. I don't think people are voting for Biden, they're voting against Trump. As I mentioned, most Americans are single issue voters, so there's a lot of people who have an issue they care more about than the economy and that's why they vote the way they do.
@ericyu9182 20 сағат бұрын
I watched the presidential debate, looks to me that trump is debating against three of them, but still had to admit it’s better than the one 4 years ago. CNN is just like a propaganda machine for the left, pretty much one of the CCP’s media
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
Biden is too old to be running. He clearly has some form of dementia.
@patliang7822 20 сағат бұрын
it was sad to watch how biden performed in the 1st presidential debate. please let him go home and rest.
@baab4433 20 сағат бұрын
Joe should go to a nursing home.
@actuallyUncleTopher 18 сағат бұрын
That was terrible. It's like the DNC is trying to lose. They are completely out of touch with America... People aren't voting for Biden, they're voting against Trump. Still, find a candidate that can complete a sentence.
@091016yu 20 сағат бұрын
@baab4433 22 сағат бұрын
我想分享一下我對今日美國亂象的看法(我在美國生活了近四十年)。 退任的第44任美國總統才是台灣人所謂的藏鏡人,他指揮下的木偶也是造成美國敗壞的禍首。
@baab4433 21 сағат бұрын
yes, Obama is the puppet master.
@user-ph2uq4zf9b 23 сағат бұрын
美國勾引大陸打台灣,台灣的態度是心甘情願去當餌 ? 美國勾引大陸打菲律賓,小馬可仕的態度是心甘情願去當餌 ? 美國晃動菲律賓這塊魚餌,要中國吃,讓中國上鉤? 小馬可仕很願意當魚餌嗎? 美國晃動台灣這塊魚餌,要中國吃,讓中國上鉤? 賴清德很願意當魚餌嗎?
@michaelchiu2727 Күн бұрын
@actuallyUncleTopher Күн бұрын
Thank you so much! 😁
@user-sv8ub2ph1q Күн бұрын
既然兩個都對中國不利 而川普支持crypto 但拜登很反對 所以我支持川普
@user-yf1dw6iv7f Күн бұрын
川普已經說得很明確了他絕不會援烏克蘭! 自己的國家要自己顧! 我是喜歡美國人愛自己的國家! 但我現在更喜歡拜登! 因為世界沒人再怕美國了!
@dukecliff Күн бұрын
Well, there is one option on the table to China which is to give up supporting Russia, and US will turn around and cares shit about Taiwan. Taiwan is just a tool to balance Chinese position on some global subjects let’s tbh.
@seihaikun Күн бұрын
@weberismail1076 Күн бұрын
這很好啊, 就算大家的立場未必一樣, 也能從兩邊的優缺點進行討論和比較, 最近看了HR Mcmaster的書,也有類似模式比較, 這模式比不少地方支持某一邊就要單純反另一邊的更有利和健康。 川普行動上能 Surprise, speed & violence of action, 但容易沒耐性於長期發展&受其他人往後影響, 部分事很有遠見,但對盟友易起摩擦; 拜登容易被猜到,但對團結盟友上有較正面效果. 但兩者的戰略同理心仍然不足。不能抹煞的是,川普把奧巴馬的失敗政策帶頭扭轉。
@yanlinli1146 Күн бұрын
if Biden is really a good politician. Ukraine-russia war won't even break out.
@zero1111fly Күн бұрын
很諷刺的事情是川普當選世界可能會更和平 俄羅斯,北韓很大機率會再一次賣面子給川普,結果就是世界會更和平
@alantham4184 Күн бұрын
Thank ❤😮😮
@poiounhotmail Күн бұрын
and which country have dementia. the entire country.
@ryanwang6119 Күн бұрын
無論誰獲勝,都不會改變台灣是棋子和犧牲品的現實... 台灣只是用來對抗大陸的戰耗...我們下場會比烏克蘭更加可悲
@Chu_bao Күн бұрын
@davidt1831 Күн бұрын
Trump is so capricious that you can't depend on him at all. The only thing he can be depended upon is to spin anything and everything in his favor regardless of whatever he said before. So Trump is worse for Taiwan as he can suddenly just turn against Taiwan without warning, as demonstrated in his past statements.
@jimmy1018 Күн бұрын
川普似乎是近期唯一沒有大規模對外出兵的美國總統 他把人命當命不是軍火商食糧光是這點我佩服他 但是他對抗衝撞你們美國內部這食人軍火體制的後果就是被搞下台 哀哉
@user-gp3tk4ve4q Күн бұрын
@laylowstaylow Күн бұрын
川:習是好友 拜:習是老友
@whereaspa Күн бұрын
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr)
@buzzlee-iv7ti Күн бұрын
@whereaspa Күн бұрын
10:02 flavors of corruption,哈哈哈~