Debate with a Muslimah
2 ай бұрын
Debate with a Larpagan
2 ай бұрын
6 ай бұрын
Bobby's Perspective REFUTED
6 ай бұрын
Why All Maps of Religion are Wrong
Neoplatonism in Islam & Rabbinism
Western Atheism is Platonism
@memememememe515 43 минут бұрын
I don't know... I am not convinced you should hate them.... Saint Paul was hating on the God of the Jews when he was persecuting the Church, not knowing that the God of the Church is the his God actually... when he was doing all this wasn't he blaspheming God's name... but somehow God didn't hate him. Plus the Saints are not all in agreement here... Saint Paisios says that the devil knows God loves him, but he acts like a sociopath trying to force Gods's hand...
@henrik_worst_of_sinners 50 минут бұрын
The West is fake and gae.
@GhostofFranky 3 сағат бұрын
Well what is your counter argument to referencing the early christian church? There is no way that any Christian was going to be trying to physically respond to blasphemy against Christ because it was illegal to be a Christian. Most of us in the western world are under secular authority which forbids any kind of retaliation against evil. This is why I don’t know that your recommendation is feasible or even what Christ would command us to do given that He did not command the early church to do
@cuevak3160 4 сағат бұрын
hi jeemy
@bobant3175 5 сағат бұрын
G-d and pictures have nothing to do together.
@henryy-tq8tn 5 сағат бұрын
Right but there’s no christian state so there will be no resolve even so
@kill3422 5 сағат бұрын
Jeem should make videos in Arabic lowkey just thought of that
@Dr.EMMI-Martinez 6 сағат бұрын
I remember standing in the same place during the intro
@AJKPenguin 7 сағат бұрын
Loving your enemies doesn’t mean being a doormat. Well presented, thank you Jeem. Holy Maccabees, pray for us in the Courts of Christ.
@ttenf3ct1ons86 8 сағат бұрын
I think the Muslim part has to do with people saying Muslims would attack back or something, or how they care about Jesus more which obviously ain’t the case. Then there’s Ryan Garcia who was talking about trans going to hell
@copticconcept 8 сағат бұрын
Blessings brother, may the prayers of Pope Shenouda III be with us all.
@Damascene749 8 сағат бұрын
No thanks. He’s outside the Orthodox Church.
@copticconcept 8 сағат бұрын
@@Damascene749 He’s very much Orthodox in his theology and his spirituality. May the Lord increase our faith that we may follow in the footsteps of holy men like him. As St. Philoxenus says, “the Christian life hath been trodden smooth by the example of the holy men of old, and their foot-marks are, like the sign-posts and mile-stones of a natural road, set to mark out the way for us.” May we heed these words of our fathers always 🙏
@greymatter-TRTH 8 сағат бұрын
You are trying way too much to make it so that Christianity is like Judaism. Way too much. You don't seem to understand that the law of the Old Testament was a RAW law, people couldn't handle it and that's why they turned into self-righteous sociopaths. That's why they killed people with stones, not understanding that they should have been on a continuous repentance in front of God. They didn't understand that in order to be righteous in front of God when taking the life of another human being, you have to be at a certain level of holiness. A level of holiness that God could give you the power to take the life out and put it back in the unrighteous without having to touch them. So, in conclusion, a proper response as you call it can only come out of loving God above everything and out of suffering for seeing God being offended and not being able to take it. If you're doing it because you hate somebody for not being as “righteous” as you, that is the wrong approach. You need to learn more about Orthodoxy. I don't know if you're a Romano-Catholic or an Orthodox. I saw another video where you were talking about Orthodoxy..
@greymatter-TRTH 8 сағат бұрын
The war in the Old Testament was fought on the outside. The war of the New Testament is fought on the inside FIRST. "You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of a cup, and then the outside will also be clean." - Matthew 23:26 If you're not clean enough on the inside, you will not have enough love directed at God so that you will do something against those who are offending God.
@coldjello8436 8 сағат бұрын
Algorithm boost.
@DomManuel_III 9 сағат бұрын
utterly disgusting what the paris olympics did. I absolutely do not tolerate this behaviour, we cannot love God's enemies. Thanks, jeem!
@varunsriram286 9 сағат бұрын
Do the "enemies of God" include people who advocate for their own religious views? For example if a Muslim or Roman Catholic or Copt were to promote their viewpoints at the expense of Eastern Orthodoxy would they in your eyes be considered enemies of God? I am guessing this only applies if they know something is true and still try to push back against it?
@varunsriram286 9 сағат бұрын
Also on an unrelated note, do you think ecumenism is worrying? I am still discerning between Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Oriental Orthodoxy and I have noticed that the Eastern Orthodox church have opposed the talks with Rome or with the Non-Chalcedonian Bishops. What are your personal stance on these talks? Do you think the schisms can truly be mended given how long these wounds has festered?
@dimitridawydow5176 9 сағат бұрын
I don’t see that there was any kind of response from the Christians in France yet. They should have at least occupied the Square in which the Blasphemy took place and stayed there.
@watsonblack7481 10 сағат бұрын
Good to see Chiraq in the beginning and at the end.
@EOCrusaderr 10 сағат бұрын
Couldn't agree more, keep up the good work, also leave smoking 💯💯💯
@claesvanoldenphatt9972 12 сағат бұрын
The Olympic tableau was a parody of a parody, a Flemish painting called the Feast Of The Gods. That subject, a parody of the Mystical Supper goes back to Titian. The French Olympic committee made a very humorous celebration that refers to French culture, which has a complicated relationship to Catholicism. Americans should not pretend they understand the visual language of the French.
@jessemiller6318 11 сағат бұрын
There's only one problem with what you said, brother
@klausdalang4936 10 сағат бұрын
This is the most ridiculous cope. Stupid frog.
@tradorthobrodyermanduginpageau 12 сағат бұрын
St. Philotheos Zervakos in his Paternal Councils said that it is not good to tolerate blasphemy, calling blasphemers lower than beasts. He said that not only should governments not tolerate it, but we should also aim to correct blasphemers and tell them that blasphemy is a sin.
@Bakamojo 13 сағат бұрын
Much heretical theology and proliferation of evil stems from people pridefully thinking they are more merciful and loving than God.
@andrew2715 13 сағат бұрын
So if present we should take the Maccabean approach?
@BIoomingOnion 13 сағат бұрын
Jeem keeps consistently being one of the best Christian commentators on KZfaq.
@Joshua_Burdono 13 сағат бұрын
Modern Christianity tends to forget this concept so thank you Jeem for this video
@Lucerna999 13 сағат бұрын
idk man saying God isnt omnibelovelant sounds erroneous but everything else is pretty fine tbh
@Jeem196 13 сағат бұрын
That’s a quote from Aquinas. The East says God is the standard for Love, not that He’s only Love
@LamentedGuide 14 сағат бұрын
Very well said, sir!
@joshuaparsons887 14 сағат бұрын
I disagree with the notion that God is not omnibenevolent. God is all good, people just don't know what good means.
@qzvl 13 сағат бұрын
I agree but for a slightly different reason. People can’t know what good means in a justified manner and therefore any opinion they have of god’s actions ultimately doesn’t matter. The only way you could have a true justified account of good and evil is through god. By definition, god is all good so through god’s teachings we can see how he is truly all good.
@Jewish_skeptic98 13 сағат бұрын
Category error, God isn't all good, God isn't all loving, God IS Love and God is Goodness itself, he isn't beholden to the Good or Benevolence for he is the source of these things, therefore he decides what is good and what deserves to be worthy of love.
@Jeem196 13 сағат бұрын
That’s not what it means in this context. Omnibenevolence is taken as only-loving by most Christians. God’s goodness includes destroying evil yes
@joshuaparsons887 12 сағат бұрын
@@Jeem196 ah I see, agreed. Would you agree with the statement that God destroys evil in the same way that light extinguishes darkness?
@EOCrusaderr 9 сағат бұрын
​@@joshuaparsons887 read History, modern sect of pu**y believers didn't exist in any form at least till late 16th century, so what Jeem stated is Historical Eastern Christianity and positions are also supported historically by Church Fathers, Sants and early commentaries on Christianity, don't try to easen it up, if you got disturbed by Jeems video and thinking 'i must have heard that wrongly' its exactly what you heard 'wrongly' ... in History Christian states(speaking for the east) indeed tolerated other religions in moderation and it was mostly for the religions/sects that were not cancerous like islame(which was mostly non tolerated in Eastern Christian stated and sometimes ended up as slaves for the fact that muslims spread and acted as cancer) but later when Russia liberalized somewhere in the late 16th and 17th centuries the pressure on Volga Bulgars easened up so they were left mostly unconverted till this day
@rokanfiction-benjackson7146 14 сағат бұрын
I wonder if Andrew Tate will see this
@quackquaackduckie 14 сағат бұрын
Olympics is so useless
@bubble-wu6fi 14 сағат бұрын
Based Jeem back at it again. Hope you get well.
@seraphim95 14 сағат бұрын
Nor are we able to say that the love of the Creator is diminished towards those rational beings who have become demons as a result of their demonic action, and is any less than the fulness of love which He has towards those who remain in the angelic state; or that it is less for sinners than for those who are justly named righteous. This is because the divine Nature is not affected by what happens and by opposition, nor does there spring up within it any causal stirring which takes its origin from creation, and which is not to be found with Him from eternity; not does He have a kind of love which originates as a result of events which take place in time. Rather, everyone has a single place in His purpose in the ranking of love, corresponding to the form He beheld in them before He created them and all the rest of created beings, that is, at the time before the eternal purpose for the delineation of the world was put into effect. For it was not with an adventitious love that He had, without any beginning, the stirring that initiated the establishment of the world. He has a single ranking of com­plete and impassible love towards everyone, and He has a single caring concern for those who have fallen, just as much as for those who have not fallen. And it is clear that He does not abandon them the moment they fall, and that demons will not remain in their demonic state, and sinners will not remain in their sins; rather, He is going to bring them to a single equal state of perfection in relationship to His own Being-in a state in which the holy angels are now, in perfection of love and a passionless mind. He is going to bring them into that excellency of will, where it will not be as though they were curbed and not [free], or having stirrings from the Opponent then; rather, they will be in a state of excelling knowledge, with a mind made mature in the stirrings which partake of the divine outpouring which the blessed Creator is preparing in His grace; they will be perfected in love for Him, with a perfect mind which is above any aberration in all its stirrings. (Isaac the Syrian, second Part II.40.2-4)
@seraphim95 14 сағат бұрын
This does sound like universalism in the last paragraph..
@anthonyp6055 14 сағат бұрын
​@@seraphim95St. Isaac The Syrian is a student of Sts. Diodore Of Tarsus and Theodore Of Mopsuestia so consequently he naturally inherited their Eschatological and Soteriological views. Sts. Isaac and Theodore's Theologoumenon(θεολογούμενον) or "heresy"(in the minds of some) isn't normative for the Eastern Orthodox Church especially after the Synod of Constantinople II. My opinion is God is not obligated to save all and if Hell is Eternal unending torment than that is Good because God is quantifier of what is right and wrong and not my individual self and my moral/sentimental opinions/conjecture. "If I ascend into Heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Hell, behold, You are there." - Psalm 139:8
@Jewish_skeptic98 13 сағат бұрын
​@@seraphim95St. Isaac was a desert father so take everything he says outside of how to live your private spiritual life with a massive grain of salt, my godfather is currently writing a book debunking the ideal of wide soread early Christian pacifism and mass martyrdom.
@OneDay38104 14 сағат бұрын
What do you mean by "physical aggression"? Do you mean delivering justice in a physical manner in a judicial setting, or starting an attack/war against those enemies? And, within that, are you implying death or pain when you say "physical aggression"?
@joshuaparsons887 14 сағат бұрын
Judicial I believe
@Jewish_skeptic98 13 сағат бұрын
Hopefully he means the Codex Justinianus/Law of Moses treatment 🪨 🪨 🪨
@Jeem196 13 сағат бұрын
Translate the Arabic in the thumbnail. It’s a ruling from a Coptic theologian on how to punish blasphemers even though they’re a minority in Islamic Egypt.
@Damascene749 10 сағат бұрын
Basically from the Arabic, it means to play Rock Paper Scissors with only Rocks
@EOCrusaderr 10 сағат бұрын
​​@@Damascene749 😂 as it should be
@rightnow7068 14 сағат бұрын
Christianity is a cult.
@tradorthobrodyermanduginpageau 12 сағат бұрын
@klausdalang4936 15 сағат бұрын
Let's go! ☦️☦️
@pood40o72 15 сағат бұрын
@Patrichor777 15 сағат бұрын
KZfaq won't let me comment what I want :/
@uberfeel 15 сағат бұрын
"But the Lord laughs at the wicked, as he knows their time is coming" Psalm 37:13
@claesvanoldenphatt9972 12 сағат бұрын
Who is the wicked?
@halfwaydead3087 Сағат бұрын
​@@claesvanoldenphatt9972 blasphemers
@henrik_worst_of_sinners 39 секунд бұрын
​@@claesvanoldenphatt9972 Who is gae?
@scottmcloughlin4371 15 сағат бұрын
"Whoever is not with me is against me." - Matthew 12:30.
@fullm3taljacket 15 сағат бұрын
Preach it Brother Jeem!
@scottmcloughlin4371 15 сағат бұрын
Boycott Olympic sponsors and TV advertisers. Just do it. Share lists of companies to boycott online. Get to work.
@Jd-808 15 сағат бұрын
Enemies means enemies. The early Christians went to their deaths rather than violently resist. Love doesn’t mean mindless tolerance though.
@supertigerroadtrip5193 15 сағат бұрын
What would they have gained from violent resistance in that moment? Once christians gained power we suppressed blasphemers by force. Do the saints contradict themselves?
@Jeem196 15 сағат бұрын
Feel free to refute all the material I've gathered on this subject. Enemies does not mean enemies in every scenario. Christ does not tell us to love God's enemies, and the way in which He speaks about His enemies in the Book of Revelation, Gospel of Matthew, and other books makes it clear that He has a limited level of tolerance for evil. The early Christians went to their deaths because they sought to convert the local people, and killing random Greeks who are completely innocent and ignorant of the Biblical God would not have been the right way to convince them of the Gospel. The Gospel teaches us to be civil and obey local laws, but not to allow outright blasphemy. It also teaches us to try our best to unite others to our faith, but per Matthew 18:16-18, you become a heathen if you repeatedly reject God. None of the ancient churches teach pacifism, but they do not teach to go crusade the world either.
@Jd-808 15 сағат бұрын
@@supertigerroadtrip5193 That’s the point. Imperial Christianity is dead and reading the views of the saints during the time of its ascendancy or peak is going to be misleading. We’re in a position that’s a lot closer to the first three centuries imo. People ARE ignorant. It’s not like it was for a long period where you have to put in real, serious effort to not be a Christian.
@Jeem196 14 сағат бұрын
@@Jd-808 So St. Philaret of Moscow who lived after massive reforms made to the Orthodox government, and long after the time period when Russia strived to conquer Asia, is an imperialist? Or St. Theodosius who I quoted, who exists long before the Czar of Russia becomes the superpower it would later be? Or St. Gregory of Nyssa, the famous imperialist who invaded Rome? In the first 3 centuries, Christians did not invade other people, nobody is talking about that. What we're talking about is punishing blasphemy within our own context.
@BlakeLandrum-yg4cb 14 сағат бұрын
​@@Jeem196I was the teen who called into your last stream on America and I enjoy your content. That being said it REALLY disturbed me when you said "something physical" and "I can't say it on KZfaq"
@Jeem196 15 сағат бұрын
The Arabic that I used in the thumbnail is actually not from the Old Testament at all, but is taken from an Eastern Christian commentary on regional legal rulings concerning blasphemy and its punishment.
@Lucerna999 13 сағат бұрын
What does it say?
@Jeem196 13 сағат бұрын
@@Lucerna999I can’t type that here
@150qwertyu 12 сағат бұрын
@@Lucerna999 "Then the wrath of the Lord will fall on them, and anyone who slanders God will be stoned to death." I guess.
@ChristianWario 10 сағат бұрын
Fr. Josiah Trenham quoted St. John Chrysostom in his video about this matter. St. John says that when someone blasphemes against God we as Christians are to publicly rebuke them and strike them on the mouth to chastise them if necessary (similarly to how St. Nicolas reportedly slapped Arius).
@bubble-wu6fi 17 сағат бұрын
Thought you were gonna say "Or is it Gay and Cringe" lmao
@Ac-ip5hd 20 сағат бұрын
Touching a nerve. They don’t want their train of thought identified and subject to definition, critique and historical patterns of behavior. When the same line of aggressive criticism they levy at us is turned around on them: they fare far worse.
@Ac-ip5hd 20 сағат бұрын