Saving corals
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14 күн бұрын
COP28 - atskats
6 ай бұрын
@Adam-xr4or Жыл бұрын
@gilian2587 3 жыл бұрын
I hope that your poor and your elderly will not be at risk of freezing to death in the bitterly cold winters of Germany in the next two decades after you phase out coal, nuclear and fossil fuels. That would be a tragic price to pay for your choice of energy source.
@donaldpumo3447 3 жыл бұрын
lol seriously? if we keep going this way there wont be a planet earth as u know it
@gilian2587 3 жыл бұрын
@@donaldpumo3447 Due to CO2, you mean? You aren't comprehending the climate models, then, not even the IPCC is saying that life on Earth will cease to exist due to excessive CO2. And if you actually *DID* believe that to be the case; then you'd phase out coal and fossil fuels and keep nuclear as an energy source. Otherwise, you'd be opting to revert back to feudal era; and if mankind stayed that way for over a billion years -- we'll end up cooked anyways due to Sol's normal path of nucleosynthesis.
@kristinamickwitz3542 4 жыл бұрын
Kāda ekoloģiska pārtika? Radiācija pēc ČERNOBIĻAS,Japānas,Astrahaņas avārijām un citiem kodolizmēģinājumiem(Koreja) piesārņojuma. Dioksīna piesārņojums no aviācijas . Ar Raundapu migloti pirms ražas novākšanas kviešu graudi,neskatoties ka klimats ir sauss un saulains ,lielie ražotāji no cisternām tāpat smidzina,neapskaužu tos kuri mīl ''veselīgās klijas"'! Un visam klāt -cianīds (E 536) pretsalipes viela piejaukta partikas salij. Bet cianīds deģenerē smadzeņu darbību un nervu sistēmu. Nekaitīgu sāli ēd rabīni ebreji jo viņiem LSTK piedāva Košersāli.
@stevesanders3992 5 жыл бұрын
By stopping work, transportation and industry one day a week will drop off 15% straight away? But climate change is just a sign of the times. This world is growing old like a garment.