2023 Wellness Show Seminar
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Genealogy of Hemochromatosis
40th Anniversary Road Trip
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Généalogie de l'hémochromatose
CJAM September 2018
5 жыл бұрын
Not as Driven as Before?
5 жыл бұрын
Can't Get to Your To-Do List?
5 жыл бұрын
Having Trouble Reaching the Greens?
Joint Pain - Female
5 жыл бұрын
Fatigue - Female
5 жыл бұрын
Bronzing - Female
5 жыл бұрын
Joint Pain - Male
5 жыл бұрын
Hair Loss
5 жыл бұрын
Fatigue - Male
5 жыл бұрын
Bronzing - Male
5 жыл бұрын
@silent6142 3 күн бұрын
One thing regarding ALT's I found switching to whole grain bread, half fat milk, taking 1 milk thistle supplement a day and drinking Green Tea (5 cups a day) my ALT's for the first time dropped from 300 to 21. Im now trying yo discover if one or more of the above does the work.
@sabincioflec8413 15 күн бұрын
One of the worst presentation on iron i've ever seen, healthcare from the government is a joke
@nataliaetingen4254 17 күн бұрын
I have hemochromatosis( I learnt this from my 23 and me test) and recently for first time in my life I had all the symptoms of iron overload: extreme fatigue, brain fog, depression, joints pain, chest palpitations and feeling that I’m going to faint. I didn’t connect this symptoms to my genetic hemochromatosis. My doctor sent me for blood tests to see if I have an infection. My ferritin went up from 164 to 440 in the last 4 months. I don’t drink alcohol at all and I work out 3-4 times a week. I was in great health condition. My family doctor didn’t want to check my transferrin saturation. She told me that my ferritin levels are good. She said there is nothing to worry about. She said she sees people every day with much higher ferritin I went and donated blood I feel a bit better a few days after. However I can’t donate more frequently in Canada. My doctor wouldn’t prescribe phlebotomy for me. Because apparently in Canada it can be prescribed when your ferritin levels at 1000 or more. In USA and Europe ferritin of 300 and above is an indication for phlebotomy
@Renofirefly30 Ай бұрын
I was missed diagnosed for years. Thank God for 23andme. Thank you for the fun video.
@CarolReidCA 2 ай бұрын
??? Can influenza A (& perhaps these vaccines) turn on a carrier gene in heterozygous hemochromatosis persons (carriers), causing a spike in ferritin & iron? I've read that this may be a problem. I'd like to know if people have had this problem, as well as carriers not developing any, or developing little immunity when given certain vaccines (specifically Influenza A, Pneumovax & COVID-19.) Your thoughts on this issue??? Thank you for the discussion. There certainly needs to be far more awareness of hemochromatosis, especially in the medical community. Also, have you run into any persons with both hemochromatosis & Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency carriers? If so, any unique medical problems? (Thyroid disease, bone pain, atypical rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, acute non-alcoholic liver failure, muscle pain, bone spurs (& joint abnormalities), heart failure, diabetes or pre-diabetes heavy periods in women, spikes in ferratin & iron (15,000 & 400 respectively, during acute liver failure, yet levels drop after phlebotomy &/or treatment with NAC?) Thank you for what you are doing! Information saves lives! Also, do you have a pamplet on hemochromatosis diagnosis to give to GPs/PCP doctors on proper testing & results for hemochromatosis? Additionally for misdiagnosis for "fatty liver", when iron in tissues are the actual problem. (Some younger patients weren't overweight at all, yet very ill, and were told they had a "fatty liver," chronic infections, etc.) A pamplet for those with hemochromatosis & Alpha-1 in combination would be very helpful as well.
@hooligan2005 3 ай бұрын
I am curious how many commenting here about their high iron levels have Irish ancestry
@user-tk1ht6wn3j Ай бұрын
It's call the "Celtic Curse" for a reason.
@Renofirefly30 3 ай бұрын
My ferritin is over 3000 and I have 2 copies of the C282Y gene. I was just diagnosed with HH after I saw a doctor because of my 23and me results for HH. It saved my life. I start phlebotomy sessions next week.
@user-nq9gz4xf7f 4 ай бұрын
Im 71 ive had a heart attack, i quit drinking when my doc said my ferritin and liver enzymes were high. Ive started to develop arthritis it seems in all my joints, but i can still exercise. My ferrtin went from over the limit but at top edge of limit. I discussed with doctor how to get my ferritin down! Be cause i think it could be aggravating my arthritis. He said no tests, not worried, he showedva graph where i was normal because i was top edge, 97th percentile high ferritin or anything of the population is ok with him. I cant give blood because of blood thinners, he wont prescribe iron tests or phlebotomy. Im reduced to buying needle and try to do it on myself, the arthritis arrival is that scary. Doctors dont wantnto make you healthier, just handle the extremes, the 3 percent on the graph. They are pretty busy
@vanlifebiker 4 ай бұрын
My doctor prescribed draws but it costs $250 out of pocket everytime I do it because insurance won't pay for it & they say they have to dispose of my blood. Crazy
@user-wb4ty2ye7s 5 ай бұрын
I'm 32 and I just found out I have this. My ferritin was over 1500. I guessed I had this before my doctor did.
@shaerehgerami2022 4 ай бұрын
Hi , dear what treatment did u take ? My ferritin is 1700
@user-wb4ty2ye7s 4 ай бұрын
@shaerehgerami2022 I have to do weekly phlebotomy. The goal is 500cc every week, but it's been a struggle since I usually pass out. My hemotologist said it could take a year or more to get my levels under control.
@vanlifebiker 4 ай бұрын
​@@user-wb4ty2ye7sDrink black tea & or milk with meals
@iainhittel 5 ай бұрын
I get sooooo sick.
@michelbouvrette 5 ай бұрын
Merci pour cette conférence. J'ai beaucoup appris à ce sujet. Je suis présentement en démarche et le diagnostic est positif hémochromatose.
@Carolanne1926 6 ай бұрын
Hi from Queensland Australia i got diagnosed with hemochromatosis last week i was misteriosly lost weight im so under weight now how can i gain weight on the vegan diet with smoothies any ideas i no this has nothing to do with your video but loving your videos ❤️
@jacoblas1371 5 күн бұрын
Hi How was your hemochromatosis diagnosed? I had a blood test and my transferrin saturation is constantly around 78%, but ferritin is normal.
@user-rg9mi7ok1k 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Such excellent information and food for lots of thought!
@user-rg9mi7ok1k 6 ай бұрын
So excellent!
@Denise-ek8uy 6 ай бұрын
Good information but the background noise is too distracting.
@The_Resistance_1961 6 ай бұрын
Bleeding cures you of having 8 pints of blood for two days while your body replaces it and nothing else. Look up Eristratus and you will see that it has no basis whatsoever in scientific fact. "By the time most people find out they have HH most of the damage that will kill them has already been done." I had 49 years of damage before I found out I have it. At age 59 I weighed my life long usual weight of 97 kilos. My health then took a nosedive. I lost 27 kilos in the next six months for no obvious reason. Chronic fatigue, which had come and gone for years became a full time thing. There is no joint in my body I cannot feel, sometimes on bad days pretty much all of them at the same time. I've lost maybe half my hair, my sense of taste and smell have almost disappeared, and "foggy thinking" and breathlessness for no reason cuts in several times a day every day now. 18 months ago I developed serious chest pains which turned out to be a 38mm aortic aneurysm - now 48mm as of two weeks ago. I have since developed aneurysms in both legs below my knees and I am right now in Royal Melbourne hospital an hour from having a blocked artery two inches above the aneurysm in my right leg. I'll be lucky to keep that part of my leg according to the surgeon doing the job on me. A CT scan revealed an arterial aneurysm behind my right kidney along with a venous aneurysm behind my left kidney. Even without the fucked leg I would not have been able to walk a kilometer if you put a gun to my head three weeks ago when the artery first blocked. 2.5 years ago my only real concerns were chronic fatigue and aching joints. I'll consider it a miracle if I make May 4 2024, my next birthday. I find getting through any ordinary day to be a laborious, tedious and unpleasant chore, and it starts every day as soon as I wake up - if in fact I've gotten any sleep that night. I have had almost all of my recreational activities die off because it's just not worth the effort anymore. I've used EDTA Iron Chelation therapy for 12 years because it leaches iron from your heart and liver, up to a point. If I were American or Canadian I'd be on Deferoximine, a drug no Australian quack has ever heard of. Ask your quack what Hepcidin and ferroportin is and I'll bet both my balls he/she won't have a clue what you're talking about.
@stansirlmkhope2312 4 ай бұрын
I have hemochromatosis and I hear you m8. It’s hard to get through day without energy and pain. I hope you get some relief..I’ve written down some of those meds you mentioned..I’m in Canada so I’ll not be too hopeful.
@The_Resistance_1961 4 ай бұрын
@@stansirlmkhope2312 Canadian sources for info are some of the best on the net. I found out I had HH in 2010 and the penny dropped on all the unexplained symptoms I'd been experiencing since age 35 had a reason. I looked at Australian info and it was just so childishly stupid I went elsewhere, Canada being well up on both symptoms and effective, up to a point, treatment. No treatment whatsoever in Australia and I cannot even get some of the more unpleasant symptoms dealt with. Bleeding cures you of absolutely nothing. Good luck.
@Jimizneutron 7 ай бұрын
Probably had it all my life. Just found out i have it at 47. Its feels like i was digging my own grave really slowly.
@synchronisedsouls 7 ай бұрын
My son has a very rare form of hemochromatosis and i had to keep at the doctor to keep testing after his hemochromatosis test cane back negative. He was 15 and had no energy and was grey in colour. Thankfully the GP listened to me and sent the last vial of blood down to Oxford Genetic department and finally he was diagnosed with HC TFR3! He was the only person in UK with it in 2017. Very hard to find any information about his kind. If anyone reading this knows where to find some info on TFR3 i would be grateful ❤
@valerieh.2886 8 ай бұрын
My ferratin was slightly higher than normal, and I never eat red meat, nor take iron supplements. My red cells were also larger. I've been very fatigued, muscle weakness....shocked I had an enlarged liver on CT and I don't drink, never did drugs, do not have hep A,B,C nor any virus. 23&ME testing showed one marker for Hemochromatosis. Yet, my doctor WONT order a genetic test to see if I have the other marker. 23 & Me doesn't test for all of them . I've always been mostly vegetarian, started GI swelling and super fatigue suddenly a year after menopause. I still don't know if I have this, doc wont order tests. WHY?? My uncle and grandmother both died at 59 of "natural causes" too?
@Galbereth 4 ай бұрын
Personally I think your Doctor should sort this out for you. You could maybe get a private test... I do hope you can get some peace of mind quickly and here's hoping you'll feel Better very soon. Bestest wishes, Mel 🍰🌻
@valeries1347 10 ай бұрын
Explications très accessibles, bien présenté. Merci à vous
@tchalla3608 10 ай бұрын
I would like to know more on Juvenile Hemochromatosis.
@totalbodyfitness6103 11 ай бұрын
I'm 58 years of age and my ferritin levels were 66 with an iron sat of 60% back in 2018. Doc said it was fine to not worry about it. Fast forward to April 2022 and I stroked out! I am very fit with NO underlying health issues and docs found nothing that could have caused the stroke. All my clotting factors were perfect. So, they discharged me 3 days later and all was good, so I thought. Now fast forward to 7-13-23. I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. It would not go below 120bpm no matter what I did. So, I went to the ER and once again they did a series of blood tests and CT scans, EKG's, etc.. Turns out I was in a hyperthyroid state with my TSH <0.000 and my Free T4 at 4.4. Docs found that my total iron saturation was 76% with a ferritin of 152. They were shocked as to why I had such a high saturation and yet not too high of a ferritin. Turns out I have a genetic SNP H63D that could cause mild hemochromatosis in some people. Turns out it occurred in me and I would almost bet that is what caused my stroke back in 2022. I am fully recovered now and I feel 100% better after giving 500ml of blood. I checked yesterday and my total iron sat is now 54%. I plan on giving more blood until the saturation is around 35% in a range of 20-50%. So, the takeaway is this and I learned the hard way. IF your blood iron saturation is higher than 50% then you are most likely in iron overload regardless of what the ferritin shows.
@jacoblas1371 3 ай бұрын
Wow. What you described is similar to my situation. My saturation fluctuates between 55% and 72%. This has been going on for over 15 years. Ferritin is normal. Doctor wasn't concerned as he believes only ferritin levels are what's important and he could never explain the cause of my high saturation. I also tested negative for the genes for hemochromatosis, but don't know if they checked all the genes. I have been experiencing heart related symptoms like palpitations, light headedness especially during and after exercise for over 8 years and it's getting worse. How often do you give blood?
@The_Resistance_1961 11 ай бұрын
Blood letting is an ancient superstition with no empirical data whatsoever to support it's efficacy in ''treating'' any disease whatsoever. There is no long term study which compares a control group to a HH victim. It is absolute garbage and you should look up 'Eristratus,' a ''doctor'' at the Alexandrine school of medicine 2nd Century BC. The only way bleeding will cure anything is if you bleed to death. Taking a pint of blood every six months does not repair your genes and does not interrupt the process by which iron is dumped into your heart, liver, brain etc. At no stage, unless you bleed to death, do they ever get your blood-iron reading down to what is considered 'normal.' I've used EDTA iron chelation therapy almost since the day I was told I had HH. At 62 I am one of the oldest HH victims I've ever been able to find on the internet.
@dragontile 7 ай бұрын
Donating blood reduces iron levels, it's the only known treatment for this illness.
@The_Resistance_1961 7 ай бұрын
@@dragontile Unless you bleed to death, bleeding doesn't fix a defective gene, it doesn't stop your duodenum absorbing iron, and it doesn't effect the process by which iron is deposited in your heart, liver, brain, etc. At no stage do they take all the excess iron out of your organs. EDTA iron chelation therapy is what I've used for 12 years. If I were an American I'd be on defaroximine.
@joannesmith7042 11 ай бұрын
I was 10… the Red Cross spotted something was wrong because my recent mole pre cancer op wound on my back burst open a week later after stitches were removed and would not heal.. I was going weekly for months… said go back to your doc and get a blood test… and doc said..ohhh the Red Cross stopped testing bloods…sorry about that….. I was extremely tired and dizzy… by that stage
@joannesmith7042 11 ай бұрын
What… I have high ferritin…420 high ALT… 72 high saturation and back on monthly venesection….to bring them down again.. been chasing the numbers for 17 years… double C282Y …. I am confused… what inflammatory disease…. Living on Perth Australia… what should I ask my gastroenterologist?
@oh-brothers 11 ай бұрын
This is confusing.... do you need out of range or high transferrin saturation to have hemochromatosis or not?
@h.b.9694 11 ай бұрын
exzellent! great video, thank you sir!
@Starchaser63 11 ай бұрын
After years of Zinc supplements I suffered with iron disregulation/overload due to Copper deficiency. I had aging skin, grey hair and extreme fatigue along with other serious health issues. I stopped zinc and took Copper for several months and all symptoms were reversed. I am now in good health 😊
@robertdodds9325 Жыл бұрын
Obesity is a symptom of insulin resistance.
@robevans2114 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if a "normal" level based on a large unhealthy population should be considered for a "healthy" range. I understand that 100 is what healthy people should be. That is similar to BMI which has gotten higher as people get fatter and fatter.
@robertdodds9325 Жыл бұрын
Levels of 100 are associated with progression of disease and bad outcomes from what I have heard snd seen in the studies I have read.
@accountabilityisadmirable Жыл бұрын
F38. 2x copies C282Y. My life is miserable.
@toomuchiron Жыл бұрын
Sorry to read this. Hope you are getting the treatment you need and that things get better for you.
@MysteryGrey Жыл бұрын
So funny and informative! hahahahaha
@susanshaver912 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this excellent youtube video and excellent study. I am 77, recently had a hip replacement, had previously had both knees replaced, and just had my first Ferritin test since I had a lot of anemia symptoms. It was 454, which my Dr said is normal. Not sure whether to go to a different Doctor? I am not obese, have had maybe 8 glasses of wine total since mid December 2022. (5.5 months). Not sure if I have been tested for hepatitis B or C.
@toomuchiron Жыл бұрын
In Canada, a ferritin level of 454 is considered out of range. Speak with your doctor about having your transferrin saturation level tested. If that is elevated, then a genetic test is warranted.
@rubiccube8953 Жыл бұрын
Triangular genetics‽
@perrineanouzet1981 Жыл бұрын
Merci pour cette vidéo ! Un taux de saturation élevé est il forcément de l’hemochromatose? Une fois à 55 et quelques mois plus tard 66%… femme de 30 ans avec ferritine normale.merci d’avance
@sheilabrennan5543 Жыл бұрын
Should I be tested if my cousins and uncle has it
@toomuchiron Жыл бұрын
It might be difficult to have your doctor test you without any symptoms or first degree relatives with hemochromatosis. You can try asking for a serum ferritin and transferrin saturation test based on your cousins and uncle having it, and see what they say.
@JerseyCityGuy 6 ай бұрын
you can havemthe genetic test to see if you have the gene. when I was diagnosed my Dr. insisted I tell everyone in my family tomvet tested.
@JerseyCityGuy 6 ай бұрын
I wonder if CRSPR technology could hold a cure
@user-tk1ht6wn3j Ай бұрын
Of course. Get tested so you know one way or the other for sure.
@pamelafreeman2542 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed in 2019 with genetic hemachromatosis ...my ferritin was over 1000 , it is now regulated to 30 every 3 months with phlebotomy..... My arthritis is barely noticeable....my blood pressure drops to normal ....i was diagnosed with diabetes a few years before but i was feeling sick and exhausted....still have that feeling... I have cirrhosis but my enzymes are normal ....i am 71 years old ... Phlebotomy treatment is my feel better day ....love it ....exercise also helps
@linlivingstonjnr1615 Жыл бұрын
Pamela Freeman... how much blood did you donate please..???
@pamelafreeman2542 Жыл бұрын
@@linlivingstonjnr1615 500 ml every 3 months
@user-nq9gz4xf7f 4 ай бұрын
Same age arthritis increasing high ferritin decreased a little when i quit drinking. I cant give blood, blood thinners. Doc wont prescribe other treatment ot tests. Glad you got it done. I am stuck, exercise helps diet but doesnt decrease iron much
@pamelafreeman2542 4 ай бұрын
I also use collagen powder Ina protein shake and it helps with the arthritis...I read excess iron gets into your joints .. Along with the phlebotomy it helps with pain ....I noticed a difference when I stopped ....now I use it everyday ...easy to take ..no bad taste ....try it !!!
@vanlifebiker 4 ай бұрын
​@@user-nq9gz4xf7fMight be time to find a different doctor
@catfury360 Жыл бұрын
I was told by a Hereditary Hemochromotosis Nurse at the HH clinic that many people, esp women , with the H63D Heterozygous mutation (one copy of the MUTATION ) can experience very severe, life long worsening symptoms too !. So we need proactive healthcare interventions. like diet and supplements to prevent the disease from progressing into full-blown Hemochromotosis ! this is a hereditary metabolical disorder and effects your entire body but esp your liver, heart and brain. Has anyone heard of the Co Q10. enzyme supplement ? I i wonder would this help control some symptoms ?
@gregwells8764 Жыл бұрын
thank you CHS and Professor Brissot for this very detailed explanation. I am 61 and have been having venesections for 25 years ( in both NZ + Australia ) but the mechanisms were never explained to me. absolutely fascinating
@bruneauhe9587 Жыл бұрын
Merci pour cette conférence sur l'hémochromatose, avec le professeur Pierre Brissot. J'ai appris beaucoup de ma maladie, en phase d'entretien depuis 3 ans à raison de deux saignées à l'année mais avec une saturation de la transferrine aux environs de 75 %. Merci à l'association Canadienne....
@peterkennerley5705 Жыл бұрын
I was advised by consultants my elevated Ferritin was probably caused by probable NAFLD. I am heterozygous H63D. I had confirmed NAFLD from supporting private medical research using Fibroscan machine. I have T2DM and understand this can be correlated with Insulin resistance / NAFLD also. I have been practicing fasting up to 96 hours and have noticed that as my Blood glucose HBA1c decreases my Ferritin level increases when coinciding with HBA1c and ferritin tests at GP and phlebotomy sessions. If my Blood glucoses / HBA1c goes up my ferritin level goes down significantly. I can only speculate whilst fasting I am drawing fat out of the liver as well as Iron On average my ferritin has dropped 50 units per phlebotomy over six months despite the perturbations caused by fasting. The prevalence of T2DM in my relatives is high including non obese. This video was very informative and reassuring after more than 10 years of frustration. Thanks.
@isidromei5879 2 ай бұрын
Hi i am heterozygous h63d and i have HH , 1200 ferritin in time of diagnosis. I have nafld and problems with a1c too. But is not clear what is the cause of what. There are many people with nafld and have normal levels of iron and not overload in liver.
@jgraham9658 Жыл бұрын
Let's not forget that difference in blood type has everything to do with hemochromatosis especially in males.
@KC53557 6 ай бұрын
Please elaborate
@Datacorrupter234 Жыл бұрын
check transferrin and ferritin saturation. ferritin itself doesnt really matter in all cases
@thebigvoid3206 Жыл бұрын
I always try to listen to these videos, but the sound quality is always so poor, I leave.
@deltax1204 Жыл бұрын
Since November 2022 I have been having phlebotomy presedures once a week at the hospital. They use a #16 needle and usually takes about 15min to draw 500 mils. My ferritin levels was over 3000 and right now I'm at 1500. In 2017 I was 55 yrs and able to keep up with and sometimes outperform anyone in their 20's as a Carpenter. In 2019 I was let go from my job because I kept missing or having to leave work. The reason for missing work was a result of not being able to stand. many years ago i broke my ankle and now having osteoarthritis and hemochromatosis created a new problem where after a couple hours of being on my feet my legs will become weak and by weak I mean it's sit or fall. The other thing is my ankle hurts me so much I can't put any weight on it, and this could go on for a few days. My goal is to get back to work as soon as possible, and that will require me to be able to stand for 8 hours a day, breaks in-between, of course. I'm 60 years old now and feel like the clocks are ticking, and I'm running late. 🏃‍♂️
@daniellecorbin7615 Жыл бұрын
@wisdomoutdoors Жыл бұрын
Terrible video
@Erensalim321 Жыл бұрын
My face has become incredibly bronze I went to the doctor but the results have not yet come out Will my face color improve with the skin care routine? Or what should I do, I'll be very happy if you answer
@helenemontpetit4494 Жыл бұрын
Excellent! J’aurais bien aimé en savoir plus sur la ferroportine. Grand merci à vous.
@liamkelly5722 Жыл бұрын
I'm a C282Y guy with heritage from Donegal and Monaghan in Ireland and they settled in Birmingham in England.
@pierrelaporte5323 Жыл бұрын
If you have some geneological data and interested to be a praticipant with this projet, please contact the CHS
@brudo5056 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Is there somekind of syllabus, powerpoint or Txt(pdf...) or bibliography available from this presentation. Or can mister Laporte advice a specific similar publication that is suitable for non-specialists in hemochromatosis... Thank you for the presentation.
@pierrelaporte5323 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, I have no bibliography, or txt to suggest. It is very new aspect on the study of hemochromatosis. But if you have specific question, please send it to the CHS; they wil send it to me for a reply Pierre