When Lelouch Stopped Using Geass
The Craziest Retcons in Naruto
The Downfall of My Hero Academia
This Scene Made Me a One Piece Fan
@questionking3553 43 минут бұрын
Bleach is not even over yet the Thousand Year Blood War is only on Part 2 right now
@aiken_sk 5 сағат бұрын
Jeremiah: hold my oranges
@Kollohv2 5 сағат бұрын
Snake had long been associated with some sort of trickery, sorcery and sometimes devilish. It was said the Satan disguised itself as a snake when tempting Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit.
@bustedkeaton 6 сағат бұрын
I think it was just a diffferent storyboarder, but i do like this episodes stylization a lot
@dochkodochev7680 23 сағат бұрын
My head cannon was that shukaku saw gamabunta using the henge no jutsu, Knowing it's not kurama,why address it, But also why not xD Also another head cannon, is that it was not minato in that coffin, but madara. Only failed because orochimaru failed to summon him....
@davidabiona7141 Күн бұрын
Kubo: Your favorite mangaka’s favorite mangaka
@Jahsandrea1 Күн бұрын
10:55 his fire alarm went off again
@Jahsandrea1 Күн бұрын
7:25 his fire alarm went off
@jacobytes8720 Күн бұрын
change that battery
@sk45612 Күн бұрын
@miavika1074 2 күн бұрын
Ok, I get that euphymia was a kind girl that didn’t deserve what happened to her. Be that as it may, I find it a bit weird how the people weren’t in the same room when the geass incident happened, all outsiders saw was VIDEO FOOTAGE of euphymia using a MACHINE GUN to cause a genocide. Any normal person should rightfully fear her after that. Why tf is Nina still so loyal if she saw all that? I get Suzaku, he got an explanation, Nina? Is she really racist enough to think a mass genocide is right?
@Person-fk6gi 2 күн бұрын
It's unfortunately way too late for soul eater to get the Brotherhood treatment which really sucks since the last third or so of the series would be improved a lot by that kind of do over.
@xlr8techtv576 2 күн бұрын
Writers got sloppy at season 3 and fuck up season 4......SEASON 2 WAS WRTTEN PERFECTLY NICE TIE INS
@GainingDespair 2 күн бұрын
smoke alarm beeping =/
@louisd1827 2 күн бұрын
insane is a fitting word. yea since the entire thing is ABOUT INSANITY? and how insanity changes people, how people go insane, how people control their insanity, how can one keep one's sanity, regain sanity? Sanity and insanity is the main thread going through the whole story.
@0BeMine0 2 күн бұрын
Number 1... dietard was UNDENIABLY loyal to Zero. We watched so many episodes where dietard basically was drooling over every move zero did. TODO can also be noted UNDENIABLY loyal. given his background and personality. Tomoki is a an idiot so his opinion doesn't really matter. As for the fact that zero could betray them since he's a brit prince, that all comes down to risk and reward. They know zero can win battles they know zero is their best option to win.
@SheffKane 2 күн бұрын
Its been NinaK since the first scene she was in
@flamingdeathbanana 2 күн бұрын
Instead of the BK's immediately trying to kill him, they coulda confronted him and MADE him use his Geass on them one at a time to make them do useless things like Spin in a circle 3 times that way he can't control them anymore.
@nmmbrrfine8158 3 күн бұрын
Where is the orange boi at like his who thing is no ur power doesn't work lol
@mrlefern4167 3 күн бұрын
OP Dress Rosa
@strife9878 3 күн бұрын
It’s just writing , Horikoshi is good at writing a scene but not the buildup . IMO , Deku should have gone into hiding maybe training under Stain . Give us that feeling that the world is going to shit. In the manga it’s just a couple of chapters and then he goes back.
@NathanDavis508 3 күн бұрын
Just finished the show; this made no sense. They should’ve at least given LeLouch a fair trial or something, but nah. They were gonna straight up murder my man without telling any of their allies or the people. I love the show, but there are a few dumb things like this that happen that really make you question the decision making by these ‘military’ personnel
@definetlynoone 3 күн бұрын
Seriously tho, even with all that reason i still think the betrayal is stupid , not by virtue of it not making sense but rather of who theyre dealing with, I could understand if its a completely third party group that revealed all this but for it to be an enemy is stupid by itself, yes theres a 100% chance that lelouch would throw them away if theyre no longer useful, yes lelouch have betrayed their trust a couple of many times, but schneizel have anything to prove himself trustworthy, whats stops him from using the black knights to defeat lelouch and do the same thing he warned the black knights about(which he did) , at the very least lelouch have given them enough results to at the very least warrant themselves to ask lelouch for an explanation and not outright betrayed him, Also vast majority of the people showned to have been geass'ed is either did not result to anything, result in them achieving victory, or just enemies they have no reason to care about, dalton? Why do f do they care why he suddenly betrayed his lord , as far as theyre concerned his an enemy much better off Eliminited irregardless of how.
@reyrey0009 3 күн бұрын
But why would making Shukaku a Tailed Beast make it different for the Akatsuki to go after Garaa? It can just be established that they are going after these powerful beasts because they are powerful. Even if you can say that it was all for the Ten Tails to be summoned, why?... It was pointless especially since it was all a set up to the big mistake of Kaguya and the confusing concept of why Chakra Fruits exist. It not only feels absolutely pointless for all the other tailed beasts being weaker based on tails, it just increases the bs that Naruto is just more privileged than anyone else... but yeh, why is the power distributed amongst the tailed beasts so uneven?... Why aren't they distributed equally?... Seems very arbitrary and meaningless. Lasty, child of prophecy is one of the worst plot devices that almost never work... especially when it's the plot device to say "all this was meant to happen"... its not creative, its just bad writing.
@alphaomega1580 3 күн бұрын
I mean.. they were a bunch of weak minded followers by nature. It's how Lelouch got in charge too.
@Torbby 3 күн бұрын
The writing is one of the most complex lmfao
@dietrichrache1975 3 күн бұрын
Everybody that shits on Nina for "table kun" needs to think about all the "tissue kuns" they've violated.
@dietrichrache1975 3 күн бұрын
I never understood why people hate Nina so much. She is a great, necessary character. Everybody in this show is flawed. I dont hear anybody calling Cornelia, Jeremiah, or Viletta a racist by the end of the series.
@mattredfield7072 4 күн бұрын
Cornelia the Witch of Britania killed the japanese with extreme prejudice and yet she has the gall to call lelouche a demon at the end.
@ekos8282 4 күн бұрын
Honorable mention: "Live" Suzakus curse compels him to live. He could use this to his advantage in a fight. Also it allowed his body to launch anti fleia weapon with split secomd accuracy. V.V/C.C: immortality geass. Both are virtually ageless and unkillable amd will recover from any injury. Also both are immune to geass powers Jeremiah geas canceler: enough said.
@user034 4 күн бұрын
The exam is clearly flawed. If the meetings are not supervised, you are exposing your most talented candidates given the random factor of the test. Additionally, you allow guys like Orochimaru and Kabuto to infiltrate. In terms of suspense and terror it is indeed the peak of Naruto, but narratively it is not.
@dakotacarpenter7702 4 күн бұрын
the last time i rewatched it, i was pretty disappointed by the lack of a dialogue about emperialism. it was certainly present, but the show seemed to focus on melodrama at times where it could have made some unique comments on imperialism that most westerners are totally blind to.
@GhostEmblem 5 күн бұрын
After reading the comments it seems like people think it doesnt make sense because they were both Britainian Princes. They didnt choose one britainian prince over another, they didn't care if he was Britainian or a prince, he ironically and long passed the need to hide it. He betrayed them all many, many times and fucked up their goals, relationships and lives for his benifit. Killing friends and allies so that he could assume control if they believed everything they were told then the Euphimia revelation should have been enough to kill him outright many times over. But they didn't want to believe it so they asked Zero for an explaination. It was all true of course.
@Zimf_ 5 күн бұрын
Are you macro
@Slixer 5 күн бұрын
Basically very dumb, a guy turned up and said their masked leader has mind control powers and then backed it up by having... more of his own people agree. Most would've known Lelouch wasn't Japanese, him being a prince in Exile was the most logical and reasonable conclusion.
@Chaoxide666 5 күн бұрын
Literally was just Ogi thinking with his D*** But it went so far south mostly due to Lelouch not defending himself at all
@BrandonCornwall-fn6mo 5 күн бұрын
I've never made it past the first season i just lose interest by the end I'm just like yeah i get it he's basically this worlds young Superman and is just boring as the regular Superman and no hate to the my hero fans or anything just my opinion
@stevenphillips8366 5 күн бұрын
What kind of questions is that of course third hokage was terrible I mean come on what did he even do to Naruto nothing
@costelinha1867 5 күн бұрын
Yang Wenli being this super talented soldier and tacitician who's constantly forced to keep fighting in a war he never wanted to fight in the first place because of the incompetence of his superiors just scream "suffering from success".
@Modie 5 күн бұрын
I feel like the video is too much trying to draw from other sources and misses the core concept of the show. There is a reason we keep hearing the phrase "All is one and one is all." Even Truth himself refers to it. While he says he is god, he also tells everyone that he is you. Why is that? Because there is not actually ONE god. God, like all other things does NOT exist in its own world since that would go compeletely against the main idea that everything is connected. God is an existence that is born through everything and everyone. Every person in this show has part of god in themselves (even the world in itself) and by that, god is not ONE being, but a combination of them all. When an alchemist performs human transmutation, they are transmuting themselves (shown since everyone of them gets disassembled despite who they want to transform), meaning they are opening up their soul to what's inside of them. This is where they meet "their" version of god which is not always the same. If you notice for example, Edwards truth, when he meets him the first time is a lot more childlike than the truth the homonculus meets at the end of the story. They are not just reflections in body but also in character. That's why it throws the exact same words, father used before back at him. Because it's the inner belief of the homonculus that this is the case. And that's also why Edward's truth at the end is happy that he found the true answer, because it's a reflection of Edward's own happiness that he found it. Now, the gate of truth is something, EVERYONE can technically enter, it's the combined knowledge of every person (and even the world itself) and therefore it holds the "truth" about the world, the universe and everything, because that's where everything IS connected. I would also say, it's not necessarily truth himself who decides the payment, but the person themselves even if it is subconsciously. The longer they stay in this world, the more they lose themselves and this is represented by them losing parts or abilites of their body. When Izumi looked into the truth, she probably looked for her child and therefore, subconsciously lost her womb. When Mustang entered the truth, he didn't want actually want to open and see it, so he lost his eyesight. Otherwise, it would be really weird, why Truth would be taking so much more from Al than Ed when Ed was the one who suggested the human transmutation in the first place. It's just that Al was less focused and therefore lost himself more while "looking at the truth". The point I am trying to make here is that there is not ONE god in this universe. "All is one and one is all" is the core principle that this world is defined by.
@guardingdark2860 6 күн бұрын
I don't know if it's intentional, but I think the depiction of the physical appearances of Truth and Father are interesting. I am not familiar with the series, so there's a lot I don't know, but the thing that strikes me the most is that Truth appears as a pure white figure with a black aura, which immediately makes me think of Yin and Yang, which, taken together can be interpreted as literally Everything, as Truth, as God, from certain viewpoints. That Truth takes the forms of whomever it is speaking to further reinforces the idea that every creature is just another form of that deepest Being, the One at the heart of all things. The surroundings in the realm of Truth are plain white*, but characters retain their color. In this realm, Father's essence is most obvious. Where Truth is white, the combination of all colors, all variations of light, Father is black, a complete void of color and life. Just after his short-lived victory and sudden defeat, Father's nature is laid bare; he could never become God, because he is the furthest thing from Truth that could possibly be. By the very act of defining God as something which Father is not, and must become, he already started walking in the wrong direction. Truth gives knowledge, power, experience, wisdom. Father consumes these things, treats them not as valuable in and of themselves, but as currency of conquest. Truth is the balance of Yin and Yang, but Father is completely Yin, the black void that consumes everything. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think it's interesting to think about in any case. * Again I could be overinterpreting this, but the structure of Truth's domain could be interpreted as pure Yang contrasted with the black pit of Yin within the door of truth; the blinding, overwhelming presence surrounding the all-consuming absence.
@jasonrogers9169 6 күн бұрын
This movie is deep and misunderstood. When he starts speaking the Bible at the end is when it all comes clear. He protected the Bible at all cost and his mission was to save humanity. The most powerful book in the world and the one that poseses it will have control be it good or evil. He was chosen by God and protected to carry out this mission just as it is written in the Bible in the days of Jesus. Mankind was starting over and so was the Bible as a new book was entered to start a new chapter. The book of Eli!
@131scavy 6 күн бұрын
While it's always tempting to view the FPA through the lens of modern American politics, it's much more useful to view it through the lens of late 80s and early 90s Japanese politics. At the time essentially one party rule had been going since the end of WW2 and the economy had been growing rapidly, despite the huge increase in bureaucracy and inefficiency that was coming to a head with the economic downturn in the early 90s, for quite a few decades the idea of strong, centralized leadership instead of fickle party coalitions had some serious merit.
@SheffKane 6 күн бұрын
if only he said "I can be very convincing" to euphy and stopped talking so much could've been avoided
@SheffKane 6 күн бұрын
completely agree
@Cyberb0i 6 күн бұрын
Or lelouch just ruling as emperor again with suzaku
@SwordlordRoy 6 күн бұрын
"Are you embarking on the path of blood?" "So the flower planted 8 years ago has finally bloomed. Ahahahahahahaha! Oghi! This man is a true mortal enemy of Britannia! His face must be hidden for vital reasons. I urge you to follow Zero and I guarantee that if you do, we will provide you greatly with intelligence and support." Taizo Kirihara
@_Banjo_ 6 күн бұрын
had to watch this after rewatching the series. Watching the scene where Tea talks to Yugi/Joey about wanting to be a dancer. Then somehow a mugger leaves her a note to meet her an old warehouse (which had basket balls in). Yugi also appeared there to find her. Something felt wayyyy off.... then i looked up what actually happened
@michaeldaley4777 7 күн бұрын
Lelouch used geass on the black arms dealer to get get his suit and other items (like the R.V. they used in part one) and they destroy any and all evidence that might link him to any of it.
@richardbarton5910 7 күн бұрын
Hero yeah as if heroes excute people on live tv to prove a point not to mention how he killed innocents and laughed sorry bud light was no hero.