Hades Haste of Hermes Trophy
11 ай бұрын
Hades Pierced Butterfly Trophy
Bloodborne - Troll the Trolls
Bloodborne - Rite of Passage
Bloodborne no HUD is P R E T T Y
BUWell Productions 1
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This Is How To Play Bloodborne™
@SieNoel 20 сағат бұрын
stream crashed and i didnt notice for a while :( i will play a little more later!
@dennisbetts5574 23 сағат бұрын
I am really trying not to blame what happened a long time ago for my inability to understand how this technology stuff works. I must, of course, apologize for accusing someone undeserving of accusation because of my ignorance. After the phone thing that I have already said someone should at least apologize for that about, I became technology ignorant. It caused some social problems for me too. As for His Church, I do not want to become very involved with another Church. God keeps sucking me into the heart of the leadership. Three pastors and a deacon that hired a liar was enough for me. I saw it all after listening to God. Now I have this burden to pray for. There are Seven Churches. Only one did not receive a rebuke from the Lord! Time is short, and God wants to do the things He promised. He wants His bride ready. I am not going to explain His House. I am too close to that, and they will argue because of that. You are so close! I am so in love with His House, and I can't explain this love I have after having handcuffs put on me and being told I had to leave the calling God gave to me before that detour.
@dennisbetts5574 22 сағат бұрын
When I explained that I discovered that the default view always comes up with "top comments" to my sister-in-law, and what happens because of that, she asked the question that was completely relevant. Who decides what is more important. I told her that, in some views, I am one of the closest people to the camera in this video, and yet the things I write are not even seen because of this. She does not think it is my vanity that has me upset about this, and she explained how frustrated she would be concerning these things. What I found is that "something" is deciding what will even been seen, much less placed in some order on this page. Whoever, or whatever, is choosing these things did exactly what I explained. The one post that talked about love, faith, and hope was gone. It was a loveless thing that did that because it did not understand that short statement had these things contained in it. If it was an AI, people programed it to make the decisions it makes. I was not joking about the "stuck poop" ads. This makes me wonder about the AI? It also makes it very suspicious, that an unbeliever in Jesus Christ is actually making those decisions and deciding on those ads that come in distasteful timing. Or the AI is programmed by people that are so ungodly, that this is how the AI behaves! I will mention the phone thing again. I really don't think people understand the negative impact that had, and has, on me.
@dennisbetts5574 21 сағат бұрын
I think about the phone thing on occasion, and I realize that if things were right in a marriage, that woman or that man would have absolutely no reason to want to listen in or read a private journal. In fact, I now remember how my brother and his wife kept a personal journal. It was a journal of thoughts for each other to read. What an awesome idea! I am thinking, I would rather be completely honest, about everything...no matter how ridiculous or wrong I am... with the woman I love. I would hope for the same respect, and that if we cannot stand each other's actual wrongs (not personality dislikes) and help each other in those things rather than walk away from each other, then it is time to work on ourselves for a lack of forgiveness.
@dennisbetts5574 18 сағат бұрын
The bad news is that the strange ads were coming way before I mentioned them. I realize that now I have to see them even more often! I really don't need these products...but the AI doesn't know that either.
@dennisbetts5574 10 күн бұрын
My simple response to something I heard this morning came to me in the past few days. I can't seem to forget something Allen Hood said about how teachers and prophets don't always see eye to eye, and he laughed. I am not laughing.
@dennisbetts5574 10 күн бұрын
That guy doesn't want anyone else, and he doesn't need anything else. Maybe he needs someone else to help him understand that God placed us here for a reason, and that counselor that he says he doesn't need might help him understand this...but he doesn't need other people...all he needs is Jesus, even though he won't listen to Jesus telling him he needs another person to confess to...like His Word explains.
@dennisbetts5574 23 сағат бұрын
It is not time to delete this statement yet. You can keep arguing a point if you want, but this man came out there for an argument. He needs another person in his life to confess his reasons for arguing with me. He might actually need some counseling too. I don't know him, but I believe he came out there to directly argue with me. Why? That song is problematic, and it is causing people to turn His House off. I still have to wonder why that does not matter to His House leadership that is trying to survive this. They can lack wisdom if they want, and I can now move on from this argument. One day, I came back after about 20 minutes. I had something to do, and she was singing these words when I walked away. When I came back, she was still repeating the words. I wonder how many new people were turning His House on because they read about the controversy. If they had not heard this when they first turned it on...they might have stayed with you. But they heard this and made their decision based on a song that is problematic. I have to wonder if that proud woman that did not mind it pissing my mother off is going to keep being proud like that?
@dennisbetts5574 20 сағат бұрын
In talking about confessing our sins to another human being, God puts one person at a time in my life for such a purpose. His timing is also perfect. One of the most difficult and personal sins is easily eradicated when I am completely honest...every time! God gave me the perfect person to communicate such things with. The fact that the person's face turned red the last time I confessed tells me there will not be a next time, and I will not lie or omit such a thing again. In this way...God put a stop to somethings I used to do. This is why we must confess to one another and be honest! It is embarrassing to have to admit something to someone else. It is much easier to tell God and keep on sinning...it is not as easy when confronted with the human aspect of confessing.
@dennisbetts5574 11 күн бұрын
One of the best things said before every meeting was...take what you need and leave the rest. That is another one of those everyday helpful things to remember and live. There were many things I heard there that I left there. I am really having to think about humanity. So far, two married men have tried to hit on my sister-in-law. My brother passed March 13. That is only four months, and they were both married...with wives in their houses. She talked to the last one about God. I told her that was right on, and we prayed for him. She wears her wedding ring. Why don't those things mean what they should for those people? God, help us. It is like it was in the days of Noah. Only in the days of Noah, there was not a camera everywhere...or has anyone noticed?
@dennisbetts5574 23 сағат бұрын
Something is happening inside that second guy. He is behaving very strangely after talking to him about God and praying for him. He works where she does, and he has been asking people about my brother. Then he went off on her about how she was putting my brother on a pedestal that he did not deserve? He also said that everyone else there was doing the same thing. He spouted out something about my brother's sins with another employee, before my brother met my sister-in-law. He seemed upset that all those people held my brother in such esteem. I am guessing that he is upset that she refused him, even though he is married, and she loves my brother enough to at least give things a lot of time in her heart before moving on. She is where I am right now on the matter of marriage. Considering what is happening in the world, there may not be much time left anyway...because time ends now anyway, but certainly after we are given glorified bodies. This will be soon, and I know where my heart is on this matter. God did so much to help me understand what He meant the day I wrestled with Him. I am with God on that matter after remembering the woman I still love like no other woman told me that God is not a liar when I was wrestling again later on. My sister-in-law remembered me talking about pedestals. When he kept talking about my brother being on a pedestal he did not deserve before her and everyone else's eyes, she was wishing I had been there. I told her that I wish for the same thing, and if he does it again, to call me, and I will come right over and set him straight! She knew his faults, and by no means placed him on any pedestal he did not deserve. It would seem to me they loved each other correctly. He was looking at God first and trying to love her properly in a human frame. She was looking at him because he was looking at God. She knows her relationship with God...and she also understood her place with her husband, that God gave to her. Yes...that man is acting very strangely! I am going to keep praying for him because something is obviously happening, and I pray that God grabs him in all that confusion inside of him.
@JAYYWAVY 13 күн бұрын
@VonGreen 16 күн бұрын
"There's a puzzle to this I don't want to give it away I'll explain at the very end" - the sheer definition of not wanting to be useful
@SieNoel 16 күн бұрын
stay mad 😃
@dennisbetts5574 20 күн бұрын
The thought of Sierra explaining how someone came to her residence, unexpected, which violated her privacy, has been going through my mind ever since I tried to explain the mantle God gave to me. I had to deal with three pastors, at exactly the same time, through the mouth of one of them. The other two explained to the one I was talking to, their side of a story concerning my life. They both explained their grievances with me to him. The one from the International House of Prayer had absolutely no business calling my current pastor, especially when that person explained things from their own warped perspective and justified why I was made to leave the calling God gave to me. It does not even matter if it was not the pastor that gave my current pastor, at the time, their one-sided story...that pastor was responsible for it all. It was his wrong teachings that caused all of these wrongs in my life and the life of someone I love very much. The one humble pastor in all of this, the one that actually talked with me about their problems, was humble enough to not tell me who called him from there. As far as I know, he may have been asked not to mention who called him. The other pastor was absolutely in the wrong also. It was the Holy Spirit that convicted that man in his office...not me. This brought out his anger and control issues. He was mad at the Holy Spirit because it was the Holy Spirit that came out of my mouth, using the very Words of Jesus in Holy Scripture, and that pissed him off! Then he called my pastor to complain about me. The only humble pastor in all of this went on to a ministry he loved that was suited to him and his wife. God did that for him...using me, as he listened to simple reason, given to me by the Holy Spirit, as I was looking at his certificates on the wall behind him.
@dennisbetts5574 20 күн бұрын
It just occurred to me that the second pastor actually lied to me because of his control issues about the reason for the meeting. I was there to talk about starting that ministry at his church. This was the supposed purpose he gave to me for that meeting. His actual purpose, after lying to me, was to confront one of my (my) leaders, that the Holy Spirit had already spoken to me about. The Holy Spirit told me to be patient with him and it would work its way out by the time we were ready. That pastor's control issues completely blew away that prospect of starting a Celebrate Recovery in his church. It was a few weeks later that he broke up with his girlfriend, under direction of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit spoke beautifully to that man, a very simple man that was my best friend for a time. More control issues came about, and we realized that starting a meeting in that now, gone, church would be impossible when he had to have someone that knew absolutely nothing about twelve step programs in charge, because it was his informant for that church. That was unnecessary...but who can tell an arrogant pastor anything that matters the most. He thought I was disrespecting him in his office. That was not me!!!!
@dennisbetts5574 20 күн бұрын
I actually had to lie to this pastor to calm him down after Jesus spoke to him through me. I lied when I told him he was right. It was the only way he would calm down, was to tell him a lie and say he was right. This is when, I tried my best to keep a straight face and listen to him explain his childhood and his issues after Jesus confronted him. The real expression would have been my jaw dropping to the ground as I sat and listened to this man confessing to me, in a meeting where we were supposed to be talking about starting a ministry! Then he calls my current pastor, at the time, to complain about me? I went outside again after writing this. The Holy Spirit fire surrounded me in a pleasant fire as some tears fell over all of this. I prayed for HIs churches again!
@dennisbetts5574 20 күн бұрын
I meditated again in all of this, and it kept coming to me something else that makes me cry...but at least this was better...coming from a humble heart. The Holy Spirit caused me to pull this pastor aside one day. Things had happened that I won't explain here, but those things He directly said to me to do caused me to see an issue with that church that He wanted corrected, and I listened to Him about how to do this. Although he did not want to go over the document that reached him, written partially and firmly by the Holy Spirit, he was thinking about telling me being there was in jeopardy. But he did not want to discuss that letter that someone that I trusted to keep that letter between us private...left it where someone would see it. I thank God it was just the sound person! The Holy Spirit can be very firm, and once again, this was my private journal that was mishandled by someone I was trusting to help me deal with this...one of my leaders. Sometimes, I have to wonder, is it truly God that is the only one trustworthy. I guess He is right again! But that was obviously supposed to happen, and I thank God for that wise and humble man. God bless him and his wife! I pulled him aside and the Holy Spirit asked him, through me, "Who is in charge of this church?" I had to stop him, almost immediately, twice. It was the third time that the light bulb came on. He then corrected himself, explaining that, of course, Jesus is in charge of His Church. God...help me, I just started crying again. If it took that humble man three times...please God, help your Churches!!!!
@dennisbetts5574 20 күн бұрын
I have to wonder why a detail like this would come to my memory as I am so loving the sound and words coming from His House. I remember that the pastor and his wife attended a pastor's event there, before he said something to me. I told him I was floored and bewildered concerning someone telling him anything about me...especially when he never heard my side of things. I basically told him I was ready to just give up on it all and walk away.
@disruptteo1987 Ай бұрын
On mine, she said, “Hey, Listen! I think the door’s opening!”
@pedinurse1 Ай бұрын
Can we just say how demonic this faux church was??? Yes,faux! Would Jesus have required this if you if He were on the earth right now? No no no, what a crock these morons were. I'm sorry they played you
@ElishamaKadzirange Ай бұрын
Such a weird video. Like, I have no clue what you were talking about.
@SieNoel Ай бұрын
Read the description.
@pedromoreira-ii7hr Ай бұрын
In ultra hard sneaking its almost impossible tbh ive got the legendary outfit from arena for sneak maxed out with 2 elite modules that give me +2 low profile and less noise and i still get detected as soon as i hit my first shoot so it becames a smoke bomb bonanza for me i want my sneak dmg boost 😂
@OnaxcliiFreiheit Ай бұрын
43:05 You did pretty good all things considered-- try not to use so much ammo due to you not having very high BT (thus making your gun mostly ineffective outside of parrying) and overall just being very predictable. GGWP
@Diverdjent Ай бұрын
Let's go! Salud. :D 💪✨🔔❄️🍻🙌🌞💛
@SieNoel Ай бұрын
Thanks! I'm feeling pretty dang proud of myself right now!
@mrnice111 Ай бұрын
When will we learn we don't need big organizations to follow the Lord. They are run like businesses to make money and most often end badly.
@avoiceintherough 2 ай бұрын
This whole thing is a sham in my opinion. The base of supporters are out. Noone really cares about IHOP anymore and whatever affiliates there are have severed ties with it. The vision has been outsourced to all the other mini 'hops' which was probably what Bickle wanted. There will be no justice for the victims other than monetary. They would've never repented because they ONLY pity themselves and use their 'healing' ministries to exploit. That's how they retain. The so called letter of repentance Mike of published a few years ago shows this. It's all words. They would've come to light with it then if it was sincerely in them
@TheCrownDontMove 2 ай бұрын
Bloodborne 4 Life
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
It's such a good game!
@GamerNurseGale 2 ай бұрын
Hey there. Hope you're recovering from your surgery. I didn't know you had it earlier this week. I was hoping we'd do coop yesterday, but your health is more important. We'll do it next time. Good to have you back 👍🙂
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
Sorry, I didn't realize you were wanting to play Co op yesterday! Hopefully next time 🫶
@GamerNurseGale 2 ай бұрын
You getting ready for our coop? 👍🙂
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
Heck yes!
@GamerNurseGale 2 ай бұрын
watching this in replay now Sierra. hehehe was asleep coz im at work this morning. hope you have a good weekend
@GamerNurseGale 2 ай бұрын
Listening to your 38th playthrough now Sierra while walking to work. Soon ill be in this area too. Let's coop again soon 😁
@iTheViciousV 2 ай бұрын
Like 6 here 👍 big respect you play souls games 🔥 From now support you my Friend !!
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
Thanks much! Feel free to hit me up for co-op!
@dennisbetts5574 2 ай бұрын
I sometimes look for meaning in things I see. I was looking through the couple of years' worth of journal entries I have left after doing that fifth step in Celebrate Recovery and getting rid of those past hurts the only way I know how. I remembered I was there, at Hope City when they were building that place. The platform was still raw with fresh wood. They had moved from the other two places I had also been to. I only looked back because timelines and when things took place are, and have always been, fleeting for me. That is why the Holy Spirit helped me write a five-page poem...ten with the pictures. I was just wondering if I may have been there that day. I was only looking to see if I had this date. I did. While I don't understand the first part, the meaning in the last two sentences was clear to me. It is the truth, and I have to wonder how many people have been hurt by this.........This morning, something came to me. It has come to my memory several times. The Holy Spirit once gave me a story that paralleled our story is many ways. When I reread that story, the numbers didn’t add up. I knew the numbers weren’t correct, but the Holy Spirit said not to change it. Just because there was a flaw in the way those numbers mathematically didn’t come together, does not change the fact that God wanted something in the lives of those individuals that the leadership were fighting with. He put them in that place together to bring them together…but the leadership was fighting with God in the lives of those individuals.
@dennisbetts5574 2 ай бұрын
The more I think about it, I have to wonder if the numbers did not add up because of the second part, but there is nothing I can change about that. Only that I can keep believing. The name of that journal entry was...To Bring Them Together.
@robertburke9920 2 ай бұрын
Well then, perhaps read the page-turner novel "Where Do We Go Now, LORD? - Burke." Explains much. Very much. A fun red, yet quite ameliorating. Enjoy!
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
Are you seriously promoting your own book in my comments? Get out of here.
@robertburke9920 2 ай бұрын
@@SieNoel Well, how do pastors control audiences (or lie to them)? How do they actually do it? Well, have you considered that pastors use NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming? Well, actually they do. The Leader at IHOP KC... did, in fact, use NLP on congregants and staff. Therefore, you might be interested in the book. If you don't want to look into it, then forget the book. It is good to know how pastors can tell lies and get away with it. Answers are good. It is good to know how cons work.
@robertburke9920 2 ай бұрын
@@SieNoel Are you curious HOW the leader of IHOP KC... actually gained psychic control and kept it all those years. The above book is a how-to-understand lesson for exactly, precisely what y'all went through. So learn what the answer is?
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
@@robertburke9920 wow, you have the one real true answer and all we have to do is give you money? yeah, you do seem to understand exactly what they were doing. dude. come on.
@zmythleo 2 ай бұрын
Ggs fellow hunter 🗡️
@PeacefulWarrior000 2 ай бұрын
Hi, I just want to encourage you after all that you've been through. First, I'm so sorry and those are just words for all that you've been through, but my heart absolutely weeps for all that you've experienced, along with the all of the others. The entire spiritual abuse process, much less, the years of being under that kind of control, I can imagine was just horrific and very, very hard. I also just want to give you hope that healing is in your future. Bc of my experience of being sexually abused, physically abused, and emotionally abused, and I wouldn't dare compare, I just want to encourage you that Jesus really has brought me a great deal of healing. I've experienced a lot of counseling and a lot of prayer ministry as this was also a very powerful resource of healing for me, not only with that, but also with a plethora of false beliefs I had about myself and God. If you're interested, there is a very safe group called Freedom Fighters. They offer sessions online and there is an orientation first to explain how it works so people are well-informed of the entire process and it's been amazing for me. The best part is that it's not one-on-one. There's an intercessor, 2 discerners (they pass notes to the leader), and a leader, so there's no room for spiritual abuse. It's also by "donation only." Their website, if you're interested, is freedomfightershq.org. I'm praying for you, that Jesus would hold you oh so close knowing He's nothing like them and He will heal these deep wounds. He loves you so very much. Blessings to you.
@GamerNurseGale 2 ай бұрын
Next time we do this ill check.if you're live too hehehe. I should've done that earlier 😁😁had fun doing the coop
@SieNoel 2 ай бұрын
It was fun! Thanks for having me. Hit me up when you're gonna play next! Happy to help.
@PeacefulWarrior000 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree and I wasn't confused at all. Your thoughts were clear and I appreciate you expressing them. Thank you for making this video.
@JhutaNabi 2 ай бұрын
Wow! Just wow! 🤦‍♂️
@CGXMakesMusic 2 ай бұрын
Yoooooo sick gameplay
@dennisbetts5574 2 ай бұрын
Wow...that was beautiful all around. I can't even express what the words meant to me, and it is so beautifully done. thanks for this!
@nonyabusiness9747 2 ай бұрын
It seems to me everyone on this "justice" campaign against m.b./ihopkc appear to have a certian glare likely induced by a certian experiment and the language being used seems to sure be tainted by a certian political CULT-ture.. As a young man, i was once S.A.'d by a man in a minostry leadership position. I exposed him privately to leadership, tottaly released the guy (and ministry) from my judgment, and MOVED ON! Not lending another thought to the ordeal, man, or ministry except that of real, genuine, prayer from the place of Fathers LOVE.
@laurie9993 2 ай бұрын
Breadstone: Hi, blessings
@fishboysunny7913 2 ай бұрын
They did me and my wife this way also.
@kayrenlonneville2035 3 ай бұрын
I agree, being told to pray can totally be avoidance, while sounding like the spiritual answer. Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take action (i.e. write a policy).
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Made the mistake of contacting Roys, because I felt she was talking about me in an article. Her friend Rebecca did the same thing that I dealt with when I was there...holding my words already written hostage. Telling me she would give my words to Julie after I tell her more, when I had already said plenty to give the information to Julie. I was hurt by that manipulation that went both ways, the worst memories had just come back right after my brother had passed away which catapulted me into those memories coming back when I started talking with my sister-in -law, and I felt violated once again!
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Damn...the tears started falling again!
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
I could write a book about my experiences there. I'm glad I was able to clarify that you weren't talking about me...I wouldn't want to be and I am not that other guy! Light should be shined on all of this because the pain of past hurts remain when things are kept in the darkness!
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
That's so strange how I listened again and realized how I got it wrong. I mean hey...I have been wrong before. I wonder why I would feel like I was being talked about or why I would care...oh yeah, now I remember, and then I realized you were talking about IHOP, and remembered all those thousands of memories, both beautiful and hurtful. You mentioned a thousand paper cuts in a video. Those suppressed memories must have really been hitting me hard when I twisted what you were talking about, but at the same time, on a few of your sets, you had the perfect vantage point to be looking over someone's shoulder and seeing me in tears. My bad! But I'm glad about my mistake now. It got me talking about the pain I endured and inflicted from your vantage point looking over someone's shoulder from the bass player's position. I felt silenced before, and spies in that place that were trying to manipulate me were telling me to be silent. Just wondering, do you know of any IHOP support groups (live person groups around KC) for the multitudes that have been hurt by that place?
@SieNoel 3 ай бұрын
For whatever it's worth, I wasn't typically trying to look at people in the room when I played, the exception being when my friend told me that they were being mistreated and I could see the meeting happening in the side room. Generally was focused on playing. I do not know of any in-person support groups and I have not lived in Kansas City since 2019 to be up to speed on what's going on there Appreciation the clarification that you misunderstood because I really am not sure what you were referring to! Is your username your name? I am not sure if we ever met, which team of mine'e sets did you come to? You don't have to answer, just trying to place what era you're referring to
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
@@SieNoel Never met, just remember people...love music and had admiration for those that make the music. One reason wish I could go back...there was just something good about being in the prayer room, minus the manipulation, lies, spies, arrogance, Mike Bickle, and on and on. There are a few that would know my name. I will no longer be silenced!
@Jillousa 3 ай бұрын
I think and maybe therapeutic to listen to testimonies of people that have left cults and then came to Christ. There's some similarities. My heart is broken because I enjoyed a couple of visits that I had to IHOP and enjoyed listening to the prayer room online. I'm glad that I didn't move to Kansas City like some of my friends did during a certain time period in my life. I just felt like the teaching would have taken me hours and days and months to try to digest it to see if I would agree or not agree with it so I just wasn't going to put the hours into trying to analyze it. So I didn't get super involved with the teachings at all.
@Jillousa 3 ай бұрын
King Ahab called Elijah "the trouble maker of Israel".
@SieNoel 3 ай бұрын
Nancy and I had a conversation about that a little bit before all the mike stuff came out
@desireelandreville4969 3 ай бұрын
Now that all these issues have finally come out into the light! What are peoples thoughts surrounding Bethany Deaton's death back in 2012? and all the "choices" the ELT made leading up to her death? "Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand." Genesis 4:9-12
@elia.maleakhi45 3 ай бұрын
I love you Israel. Do not fear Israel.
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Again...thank you...I will have to write all that down and add it to my collection of self-help books.
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Makes me glad I'm extremely introverted. I hate groups...too much stress!
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
I can't begin to explain, I don't know why I feel like saying this here, and yet I do. I don't want to go into detail...I don't want to bring up old wounds, but a memory came to me that never left me of how badly I had treated someone. I had never been like that before, even in my darkest days. She told me of things that were happening in her life and I listened. I won't go farther except to say that I so wanted to apologize the next day. Of course, I understood her reaction and given the shoe on the other foot...I still feel so badly about that day. I told my sister-in-law about it and how badly I felt about what I had done. In the way of confessions, she told me a dark secret of hers. God forgive us for all the deepest mistakes we have made!
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Again and again and again...thank you! The Holy Spirit placed it on my heart to change some comments, but I think this one should stay!
@mattpoulsen520 3 ай бұрын
Your comments about the abuse of Matthew 18 are spot on. It’s almost as if there is an abuser play book….
@tinakempf5845 3 ай бұрын
Why are you chatting about this in public?
@SieNoel 3 ай бұрын
Why are you asking me this question in public? Why wouldn't we chat about this in public?
@mattpoulsen520 3 ай бұрын
Because exposing evil is always a good thing.
@dennisbetts5574 3 ай бұрын
Shining a light into the darkness is done through speaking out!
@SadieandStealth 3 ай бұрын
They are brave and truthful, perhaps. Those of you attempting to keep the evil perpetuated by Mike Bickle and his “followers” , in the dark are failing!
@iseiyoulaitre 3 ай бұрын
You're not wrong in asking that question. What's revealing is how the host avoided answering. Blessings.
@marymcreynolds9171 3 ай бұрын
Nicolaitans rule the people when people give them the salaries and the authority to do so. So goes the western church age.
@BreadstonePublishing 3 ай бұрын
You seem to be filming off a phone. If that is the case you should turn it 90 degrees to achieve more of a landscape view. That way y'all can be in the shot better.
@SieNoel 3 ай бұрын
Nah. This was an Instagram live that I imported here. Didn't ask for feedback on the shot, it's not what's important about the content here.
@mvg5165 3 ай бұрын
@@SieNoelit seems you have an issue you seem to be fighting everybody we get it you had a bad time in ihop but stop Acting like a bitch someone is just trying to make your awful video better so you can reach out more people isn’t that the purpose of the video?
@laurie9993 2 ай бұрын
Headstone: good point, an improvement
@BreadstonePublishing 2 ай бұрын
@@laurie9993 "Headstone"?
@laurie9993 2 ай бұрын
Breadstone: Opps, sorry! My mistake