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@Liyahabisatradstionalcloth 2 сағат бұрын
Hell is a prison of everlasting chains from which there is no hope of release (Jude 6). It is a furnace of conscious torment where the fire never goes out (Matt. 13.49-50). It is a place of excruciating misery where the worm does not die (Mark 9.47-48).
@tomasandel3795 12 сағат бұрын
hell is the culmination of God's hatred of humans
@Thealkemistlab Күн бұрын
I gotta feeling theres some truth to this. For some reason this year they have been using fireworks for thier agendas this year. a recent big hollywood puppet streamer used fireworks to pretend he burned down a house.
@robertarodriguez6824 Күн бұрын
What a testimony! Sad thing is people will watch this and not believe it.
@MarilunaCastillo Күн бұрын
I need god in my life i have had 5 dreams going to hell and heaven what it is like it is not a beautiful place it is ugly torture negativity ugliness i want god in my life i need to change my life lord jesus christ i need you
@Murray-yw4vu Күн бұрын
Dude.... Cut down on the LSD!
@mrsdoubtfire534 Күн бұрын
@jean-lucdjukanovich4371 Күн бұрын
its crazy that I've watched a number of these and they all describe the same things they seen
@JonathanBradell-bo4oc 2 күн бұрын
That is and was created under a false reality based on a foundation of false convictions our nature is so precious and delicate that any thing outside of what is considered natural is overwhelmingly un- manageable.
@mick-iq9bd 2 күн бұрын
But this guy was not clinically pronounced dead?????
@chad1682 2 күн бұрын
What is the point of these "testimonies"? Nobody can be scared into believing something. You either believe or you do not.
@leohobbleohobb3781 2 күн бұрын
There is no place with pain forever like buring hell. what happen if u cast something in the lake fire(like a volcano) Total destruction witch no data can be recovered from the book of life, Those written in that book can God recreate, cause he has counted every hair on their head,meaning he has a "database" with people found righteous and unfair peopleof all nations will get recreated on earth, the last ones first. All those unfair dead back in history will. what he describes is a cruel God that torture peoples in forever. that is tha hate the devil and chuches has learned away to people. Bible dont hold that way of thinking at all. Second death is to be brushed out of the book of life. the first death is many. God is love, and to brush out those that will not listen after the trial with evidences and vitnes like angels and people that have lived up true times will resolve this question that satan started with the 1 lie.. Book of revelation it say God shall destroy those that destroys the earth. How could Johannes know that without devine ispiration. Those greedy tries to hide in the deepest caves, it will not save them at all. God laughs at humans planning against others.. In the end times(Now) Human wisdom has become stupidity for God, JHWH`s God`s wisdom become stupidity for humans. By the way Jesus is not God He has God over him. He sits on God`s rigth hand given tyhe position as king over the earth and will get humans that follow Jesus words to restore the earth back to the paradise, and Gods intent with the earth and humans are done. If God witch Jesus get power from cant restore to the original plan, well then he is not almighty, Just a sertain number of people will go to heaven where Jesus have prepared a place for them, they shall rule together with Jesus for a 1000 years. New Books will be written. so what planes he has after earth and humans are restored and never get sick or dies,nobody learns war. All hurt full memories will fade away. people will be teched the truth from those that God has found as righteous. This got long. It will be harder for a rich man to get into God,s kindom than for a Camel to get true a needle eye, In other words,no way. Depend how they have lived earned etc. God will give them a option. many material rich like Job or other Honest fair humans has a real good hope. God decides. Jesus does exactly what his father wants. Jesus is not God! he say so several others in the bible say so. and his defense in the tempel when they accused him of something would be meaningless if he in fact was God. What kind of stupid tactic is that. Like living his position as ruler in heaven with a enemy loose comes and goes still back then. This world is ruled by Satan. It would not be a temptation if Satan had no power to give away all kingdoms on earth if Jesus would perform a act of worship of him. This got longer than was ment. Good luck and read the scripture but pray and use God,s name so it is respect for he with the highest tittle witch is a real God. when jesus under him has a name , false god,s has names. Jesus used God,s name when he pray. Who is guilty of trying to cover it ut so no one remeber his God,s name, just what satan dreams of. a earth doing collective "suicide" for profitt like all the shit that is now is just the start of the last hour. If not shortened, nobody would survive.according to the bible. The global hate coming from a few with or behind powers infected with Satan, given one track mindset to ruin. many of them know they are conspire hurt starvation and hunger that will grip Europa hard.
@RolandAbaba 2 күн бұрын
@AbbeyLane721 3 күн бұрын
You don’t go to hell if you accept Jesus in your heart!
@zombii4125 3 күн бұрын
Or you see demons like that because you’ve seen them in movies.
@kalplereinsirah 3 күн бұрын
Hz İsa Tanrı Değildir. Bir peygamber yol göstericidir. Mutlak Varlık Allah cc dir.
@d2670 3 күн бұрын
What a beautiful testimony. The Lord is our savior! Love Jesus if you havent yet and become saved. Nothing good happens in darkness.
@marllomon 4 күн бұрын
no jerkin off then?
@hammies. 3 күн бұрын
ima jerk it to this video
@NicoleLiggett 4 күн бұрын
When i was addicted to pills, i was haunted by this demon. I still remember his face and hands and his clothes. He would appear in my dreams and i would wake up not able to move or scream or breath and he would still be there at the foot of my bed. That happened for a long time i knew i was close to death. I got better for a while and i would not see him but i was always afraid he would appear. A few years passed and i got bad again and he appeared to me while i was awake he was there and i knew if i died he would be the thing that ushered me to Hell. That was 8 yrs ago and i have been sober ever since. I found GOD and when i did he answered all my questions in one way or another. He still answers my questions when i least expect it. I know that if that demon exists then GOD has to exist. I will never question my faith again. I am not perfect and i can so much better but i try so hard because i know that thing is waiting for my to mess up.
@Zona-dw9rp 4 күн бұрын
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
@4moszimo 4 күн бұрын
We'll I was clinically dead for a bit over 5 minutes and didn't experience anything, just remember couldn't breathe then like waking up, first came the sound then I could see again. NOTHING at all 🤷
@Joseph-w3iduke 10 сағат бұрын
Same with me. Had cardiac arrest . The paramedics worked on me for 20 minutes. When I woke up 2 days later it felt like I just took a nap. I am a born again Christian. I know God has more for me on earth. What I do not know.😊
@cynthiapruitt6741 4 күн бұрын
I know of God's word and Jesus his only son was born worked as a carpenter and he was know for teaching and making miracles teaching the word of God. ❤
@Nicolee7764 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this testimony. These experiences are being shared more and more. So that people will truly understand. How important following Jesus and obeying the word of God has to be.
@user-uf3pe5fk8y 4 күн бұрын
My heart is racing and I have goosebumps
@davidreeves8388 5 күн бұрын
I came up hiv negative jan 12th at jfk hospital in florifa but had symptoms .feb 1 did rapid test at my methadone clinic came up positive .i thi k i got it from meth smokin hore.i had anal sex with her .but who knows im undectectable but.....
@davidreeves8388 5 күн бұрын
I have hiv now
@user-uq1rl6zs2b 5 күн бұрын
He was right ,look what happened mandatory vaccinations worldwide!
@bandido776 5 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@TONY19021965 5 күн бұрын
He talks about his dream, but so far he hasn't quoted any Scripture and this is 14 minutes into his dissertation. But he has definitely botched up and contradicted The Bible's clear-cut description of those who will be taken away, (Raptured out). 1 John 3:2 [2]Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. The Lord Jesus Christ left earth looking like a bearded 33 year old adult male. God is male, His Son is male, all the angels are male. We are called the sons of God. We shall be like Him. You figure it out.
@moniqueahola3235 6 күн бұрын
Can't watch that video she deleted all the videos on her channel. Cannot find a plane truth 9 either that's gone
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 6 күн бұрын
BIBLE TRUTH-PART 1 IS THERE A HELL? Absolutely not. How do we know that? The one person that would know for a fact is the one that's being slandered of creating it, God. Jehovah, our Grand Creator is love. Jehovah is personified love. 1 John 4:8 It is unthinkable for him to torture people in a fiery hell with the use of evil Satan. John 3:16 Jehovah, the most handsomely beautiful person in the universe. Jehovah feels hurt to hear the terrible things people say about him due to that rotten Satan the Devil. Not only is Jehovah , LOVE, He's Also a GOD of MERCY. Get the sense of it you people. Jehovah takes no delight in the death of anyone wicked but that he should turn back and keep alive. Ezekiel 33:11 and 2 Peter 3:9 When it comes to the wicked he sends no one to a place called hell, that they be tortured for all eternity. Where then, do the wicked go? According to God's word they go to oblivion, non-existence as if they were never born. Because the Bible says that soon Satan and the demons who support him will soon be destroyed. They will go into Oblivion. One day a demon possessed man caught sight of the Christ approaching him and said, "I know who you are you are the Holy One of God, have you come to destroy us before the appointed time?" Mark 1:24 What does destroy mean? Does it mean to be tortured for all eternity? Of course not. It means eradicated, obliviated or put out of action into nonexistence. This is what the Bible teaches. Will people ever live again, who have died. Do they actually go to heaven? Many people, yes will live again and even some will go to heaven. We'll discuss that at a later time but for now; let's examine further about this thing called hell. Let the truth be told, Daniel 12:4, it states that many will rove about in the time of the end and true knowledge will be made abundant. This scripture is fulfilled. Jehovah God wants everyone to know that he has not created such a place of torture called hell and that Satan the devil is slandering him. Take a look please, at the book of Genesis and read it. Here at Genesis chapter 1, Jehovah, our creator tells us the things he created. He talks about the waters, the earth, the heavens, sea animals, flying animals, land animals, luminaries, fruits, vegetation and man. Please, take note, nowhere does he say and I created hell to torture wicked people for all eternity. Besides, at the end of Jehovah's creative works in the book of Genesis; he States and EVERYTHING he made was "VERY GOOD". Would "HEL" be a very good thing? Of course not. For man to live forever is a blessing not a curse. Humans that will live for all eternity will be righteous people. They would be people that love God and want to do what is right. But those who hate God and despise him will go into Oblivion as if they were never born, forever. Take a look please, concerning Adam and Eve who rebelled against God and chose their own path of life. What did Jehovah say concerning them of where they went; when they died. let's take a look at what Jehovah has to say about the matter. PLEASE READ-Genesis 3:19l"In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you RETURN to the GROUND, for out of it you were taken. For DUST you are and to DUST you will return.” So then, where did Adam go? To "HELL" to be tortured for all eternity? No. God said what?, "DUST you are into Dust you shall return". "From out of the "GROUND" I took you, back to the "GROUND" you shall go". Other words, from non-existence he brought about Adam. Back to nonexistence Adam was sent. This is the true God, the sovereign Lord Jehovah, his way of dealing with the wicked. He doesn't torture or allow anyone to be tortured for all eternity. Mercifully, they go to Oblivion where there is no pain or consciousness whatsoever. Ecclesiastes 9-5 It is not l that's telling you these things, his representative; but it is God telling you these things. Who is greater a man or a beast? If a vicious dog breaks its leg and there's no way to mend it. And the dog is in great constant pain, but nothing could be done about it. What would you do? Would you go on and just torture it because it's a vicious dog? Of course not, Would we not put it to sleep? Yes, we would act mercifully, though, the animal is vicious. Why would we do that? Because God made Man In his image. We LOVE and know how to show MERCY. Get the sense of it, you people, how greater worth is a man than a beast? If you, although being wicked will give Mercy to a beast. How much more so, your father in heaven give MERCY to you being human. Get it? Our heavenly father put the governments and authorities in their relative position for our protection and the animals. Therefore, Jehovah finds it wrong to torture animals and foremost you, humans. Get it? Romans 13: 1-2 The ruler of the world is a liar and that one was a man slayer when he began and he did not stand fast in the TRUTH because the TRUTH is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition. Because he's a liar and the father of the LIE. John 8:44 Satan is such a liar, he lies even about himself. How so? He says through false religion that he tortures people in fiery hell. which is supposed to be deep in the earth somewhere or a form of dimension in darkness. Let the truth be told and look, it is fulfilled. Take a look please, at job 1:6-7 and 2:1-2. According to God's word, which we can trust. God is telling you that he holds meetings in heaven with his angelic sons. Jehovah God allows us to see a couple of these meetings that occurred in heaven. And the Bible States, Satan came at a couple of these meetings. Yes, Satan has been living in heaven for centuries people. According to Bible prophecy, He was kicked out of heaven in 1914. Revelation chapter 12 talks about it prophetically but it is fulfilled. At Revelation chapter 12 the Bible says Satan was hurled down to the earth. He's confined to the earth. Not thrown into a dense dark place where he tortures people. He knows he has a short period of time. Soon Satan and his demonic supporters will inevitably be destroyed. This fact, deserves a question. Since the Bible States Satan and his demons will be destroyed, who then, would torture people for all eternity? This is why we Jehovah's witnesses know by God there is no hell. Let me make this also, clear. God did not create Satan, that's another lie that Satan blames God created him evil. To the contrary, all Gods angelic sons were good and Satan was inclusive a good angel at one time. At some point, Satan started to think highly of himself and craving, desiring worship. An authority that belongs to God and God alone. Exodus 20:5 Matthew 4:10 Like Adam and Eve, Satan rebelled against God. Therefore, he became Satan, which means opposer and Devil, which means slanderer. If you notice the scripture mentioned earlier John 8:44, Jesus stated that one was once in the TRUTH but he forsook it because the TRUTH is not in him? Jesus is stating Satan was once part of Jehovah's angelic family but he left it and became a wicked Spirit son of God. Just as it is on earth. A family has four children. Three grow up to doing well, honoring their parents. But one of them grows up to be a wicked criminal dishonoring his parents. The reality on earth, reflects the reality above in heaven. Free will, God didn't make us robots but we have the ability to choose either to do good or bad. We will discuss this further in BIBLE TRUTH - part 2 If you can't wait then go to the website of Jehovah's witnesses. If I list the website, there's an algorithm placed that this message might be deleted in KZfaq platform. I guess because of copyright reasons. Google our website and put in the search bar, Hell to learn what the Bible has to say about it. Also you can call the local congregation of Jehovah's witnesses and request a free home Bible study. It can be done flexibly through video zoom, email, letter or in person. It is totally free. Rest assure, there is no Hell, there's nothing to worry about. Jehovah loves you and wants a close relationship with you and he desires no one to be destroyed nor to be ever tortured in some unbelievable uncreated Hellfire. Don't trust what I'm telling you but trust the living God and his name is Jehovah our grand creator. Next - BIBLE TRUTH part 2 I will discuss what exactly did the commentator experience. What did it mean. And since we learned that there is no hell. What is it exactly. Part 2 coming shortly.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 6 күн бұрын
BIBLE TRUTH Get the sense of it. The Bible is a sacred secret of God. What you think it's saying, it is not. And what you think it's not saying, it is. What you may think is symbolic, no, it is literal. What you think is literal, I tell you the truth, it is symbolic. No one can pick up the Bible and say, look here's the truth. No one at a street corner will say, look what a found on the ground the Bible. let me teach it. Unless authority has been granted him from above. For the wisdom of God is hidden from the world. The one whom Jehovah has chosen to declare it are like the locusts. Iike locusts everywhere and they're called Jehovah's witnesses. Get the sense of it, disciples of Christ once misunderstood him in the bread miracle he did earlier. But he corrected them and said, he wasn't talking about the bread but "watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees". watch out for their false teachings. How quickly imperfect man misunderstands. The way God thinks, it's not the way men thanks. Lord Jehovah's ways is not your ways. And so when God says "with us is God"many I tell you will say "God is literally with us"!!!. You are much mistaken. Jesus is the CHIEF AGENT and perfecter of the faith. Hebrews 12:,2 (nwt) Jesus is also God's REPRESENTATIVE. John 17:8 Connect , please, together, what do you have? You would have a chief REPRESENTATIVE of the Almighty God. You know, this is the first time I ever reasoned this. God's spirit is influencing me even now, I have no doubt. Father is teaching me even at this moment. Therefore, back to the scripture where it says God is with us. God's way of thinking is "I am in your midst". He means by representative and not his actual self. Get it? I tell you the truth, no one can see God and yet live. Exodus 33:20 When the nation of Israel left Egypt. Jehovah said to Moses. "sanctify the people today and tomorrow and they must wash their mantles. For on the third day Jehovah will come down before the EYES of all the people upon Mount Sinai. At the blowing of the horn, they may come up to the mountain". When the third day arrived, God came and what did they SEE? They seen a mountain shaking and smoking. A ground trembling and heavy sound of a horn. These things gave evidence of God's presence. Therefore, God's way of thinking, you see me evidentially. Though, God said he will be before their EYES, as if they would see him literally. MATTHEW 10:28, where God says fear him who can destroy not only the body but the soul. It sounds as if there's two different things that God is talking about. As if, when a person dies the soul leaves the body. A form of displacement occurs. Is this the case? No. Simply it means, fear the one who can destroy you as a person, and your future. Today, many people that are now dead will live again. The good, as well as, the bad. Jehovah has that power to cause you to go into non-existence, Oblivion. As if, you were never born. Judas, who contributed to the death of Christ. He is a good example of this, he is dead today and he will remain dead forever, as if, he was never born. Get it? At Genesis 2:7, the Bible States "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living SOUl". The Hebrew word NEPHESH or Greek equivalent Psykhe, means anything that breathes, the body, and that would be inclusive of the animals. The belief that the body has a soul that displaces after a person dies has PAGAN origin. The Greek philosopher Plato once quoted a statement by Socrates with such understanding of spirit leaving the body, the spirit is the soul. Which is not a Bible teaching. We've seen a good example of this pagan teaching in the movie GHOST played by Patrick swayze. He dies and his soul left his body to go out and take vengeance on those who contributed to his death. You might as well call it a Hollywood fiction tale. Factually, the Bible teaches the soul is the body. What you think the Bible is saying, it isn't. And what you think it isn't saying , it is. Indeed, the Bible is a sacred secret of God. Who knows it? The man whom God authorizes in understanding it. Simply put, don't take what the Bible is saying face value. Because if you do, being superficial in your reasoning, mistakes is at hand. Yes, you will come up with the wrong conclusions. Walk according to knowledge and understanding given to you by God. Which means when God says something about himself, he doesn't have to keep repeating it to you over and over again. "No man may see me and yet live". And so, they seen evidence of God's presence. So in the future they would know he means it in an indirect way. Remember, God's way of thinking he gave them evidence that he was present as if they would see him literally. Are you getting the sense of this? Many have eyes, ears, nose and tongue, yet they don't use it at all. They don't see anything God is saying. They don't hear anything nor smell anything good, when the truth is told to them. Are you such a man? It is written the GOOD NEWS of the HEAVILY Kingdom will be preached worldwide and than the end will come. Matthew 24: 14 God's people in the time of the end will be publicly preaching and go house to house Acts. 5:42 20:20 They would make use greatly the expression "GOOD NEWS" of the Kingdom Romans 10: 13-15 2 Corinthians 4:4 They will be associationed with the name of God, JEHOVAH Psalms 83:18 Acts. 15:14-17 Isaiah 43:10 At Daniel 12:4, concerning the time of the end. "Many will rove about and true knowledge will become abundant." This scripture you just heard is fulfilled. To learn more call your local congregation of Jehovah's witnesses, where you can request a free home Bible study. Your Bible study can be via video zoom, email, letter or once again in person. Or you can make the request at our website. Let the one who have eyes, listen to what the spirit says.....
@Crimsonzs 6 күн бұрын
If you're dead and a soul you wouldn't need to eat drink and sleep. That shits for your mortal body. You shouldn't have pain receptors for heat either. Again, thats for your body. Hokey ass shit because people want to have something to believe in.
@heraklit8.170 4 күн бұрын
Man has a great need for illusions, religion compensates that.
@stewieeboi06 6 күн бұрын
Well atleast we no were our politicians, scientists, celebrities are going. Saying that I think this hole God dam planet is corrupted. Satan going to have alot of souls in the next 100 years.
@ephemeraltheethiopianchannel 6 күн бұрын
100,000 testimonies throughout history.....which is true?....hell is not real and jesus doesn''t exist.....thank god for that.......brothers the truth is god doesnt exist and you're free...we are free our life is intact.
@Liyahabisatradstionalcloth 2 сағат бұрын
You said that because Demons inter in your heart and want you to said that when you dead he is the want welcoming you in hell because he is the want want you to think that way before you late accept God and be in good man
@sandragiambo7917 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽♥️🎚️
@marcusgomez5056 7 күн бұрын
Lol this shit is laughable
@Jayre3z 7 күн бұрын
Dude is a liar
@heraklit8.170 4 күн бұрын
He just forgot to take his pills, that's all.
@maxamahnken7325 7 күн бұрын
False testimony
@user-jh1uf1jl5w 8 күн бұрын
This is my favorite testimony. It is such a believable so relatable. I am amazed ..Amazing Grace❤
@gabrialramirez8970 8 күн бұрын
Hahaha. He said Rock and Roll was created by Satan. Haha
@REVIVE__REVIVE 8 күн бұрын
How can you call him pure love after what goes on in hell as per your description, there are reasons people sin, they are broken and need help. At this rate God is just pure evil. Is he not infinite and perfect that he creates people to live unsatisfactory lives and then be tortured in these unimaginable ways that you have described. THERE IS NO HOPE IF THIS IS GOD.
@Artyom-ej1pm 8 күн бұрын
Yeeeeeeahh right 😂
@user-iu6ug5cr9g 8 күн бұрын
My stepdad told me this exact story 23 years ago. He died and floated up to the ceiling of the ambulance. This is also not the only other time o heard this. There is something beyond death. What it is scares me.
@MarcusPinkney-mm2dw 9 күн бұрын
In the name of Jesus Christian with my whole heart I asked that you to be set free from my curse’s in life I’ve carried for so many years with fear and shame! I dont wanna be a lukewarm, hypocrite, drugs, unforgiveness or sexual sin. I want GOD to change me. I don’t wanna go to HELL with all my heart!!!!
@asappestcontrol1250 9 күн бұрын
Wolfs in sheeps clothing is what most of the churches are these days. SMH
@jasonrhodes2320 9 күн бұрын
So he fell asleep… had a nightmare, woke up and told everyone he went to hell and back…. Fucking idiot…
@heraklit8.170 4 күн бұрын
In children this is called vivid imagination. At some point, however, you have to grow up.
@gavhlev5051 9 күн бұрын
Very true.God bless brother. Because Hollywood is using 72 keys of Solomon description of demons they personally encounter with
@daisyq2501 9 күн бұрын
Scary testimony. God is the only way to go. Jesus is the truth, the way and the light.🌸
@Papiidgoat 9 күн бұрын
Amazing testimony god forgive us all for our sins , i repent in name of Jesus