@SharvWld 3 күн бұрын
Thanks Jenny for this video...this video did inspire to organise the existing reading habit I have...specially when you gave some tools that will support reading say "Reading List" I was aware it before but didn't use it much now I feel it will help to Organize my reading habit...what you told in video is exactly me I like to organise the article which I haven't read completely as it bothers me...now I can flag it and finish it weekends ...I will keep you posted after trying for a week...Thanks.👍
@DavidJones-tw3ov 5 күн бұрын
Familiarity breeds contempt.
@76ersALLDAY 5 күн бұрын
Sometimes i lose interest in sex as well. Just depends on if i have my coffee that mrinong or not. 💩
@bernhard254 5 күн бұрын
She didn't even open up to me and then cheated on me. I was there for her and she kept being a riddle. I think that is not my fault.
@gregdenys7162 5 күн бұрын
pretty face
@socksincrocks4421 5 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but you shouldn't be giving relationship advice to anyone. You're too young. Talk when you in your mid 40's; when you've been through a decent amount of failed and successful relationships. My advice to both men and women. Everything is bullshit, don't sweat the small things, do things together that you both enjoy, and never go to bed angry. Go out to dinner and have plenty of sex. Have a European vacation together to solidify whether you want to marry the other person. Have kids early, late 20's. It doesn't get easier. Most importantly communicate how you feel and when your needs are not being met. Don't harbor resentment. Build with that.
@JeffJefferson464 5 күн бұрын
That’s the worst thing any partner can do, it kills all the love
@jamesnorwood4084 6 күн бұрын
I need ah road map here. I'm lost in all of this. Perhaps we're overthinking and we need to relax. If a woman really loves you in her heart, she'll make allowances. Most sophisticated women have the edge on men anyway. She can control you without you even knowing it. Men simply don't get it. All that masculinity seems to dissipate when a man loves his woman deeply.
@matt566 6 күн бұрын
Breakdown in communication is number one
@SharvWld 6 күн бұрын
Jenny this is my first video watch in your channel...I am glad I came across your channel which is authentic...I glanced other videos in your channel(just overview but will go through most of it related to Finance & relationship in a weeks time) went ahead pressed the subscribe and pressed the bell alert...this video is an eye opener specially it was making me think and do a self realization...I got some answers to my questions here...Thanks Jenny...I wish you and your channel all the best from Canada .If you ever start a coaching program please send a note I will be more thank happy to join...
@JennyPershin 3 күн бұрын
Hello Sharv, thank you for your support. Time will tell what the future holds. Take care!
@SharvWld 3 күн бұрын
@@JennyPershin You are most welcome Jenny...I echo that "Time will unfold things in our Journey"✨✨✨
@youyoutobio 6 күн бұрын
You said: "the ultimate reason why people leave is because they aren't getting their needs met." yeah most modern western women these days are like, you give them a finger they want to take your entire arm and fulfilling their needs are like trying to feed a black hole.
@PhantomFilmmaker-jd9ho 6 күн бұрын
I gave a girl everything she asked for and then she got angry because we never fought. She said that's how couples show how much they care. She cheated soon after, got pregnant by a guy who strummed guitar with a southern accent and became a single mother. I wonder if she still wants to fight?
@__Paul__ 5 күн бұрын
She is tryinf to make excuses for her monkey branching away from you. You say you have her everything, so it is very likely that to HER, you communicated that she could do better. Hypergamy is strong. In the end, no question that you dodged a bullet. From one guy to the next, she will come and go like the wind.
@robpolaris5002 5 күн бұрын
You were fortunate to not be stuck with a kid with her.
@JohnSmith-ij4xe Күн бұрын
You picked the wrong one and is unhealthy BUT you probably didn’t see the red flags 🚩. Fights are not normal but disagreements are but it’s how they get resolved to see how healthy or unhealthy someone is. Did she really ask for it or was it what you thought she wanted?
@PhantomFilmmaker-jd9ho Күн бұрын
@@JohnSmith-ij4xe red flags didn't matter to me 20 years ago I was doing what it thought was the right thing. I think her friends were telling her she could do better
@khangmai4680 6 күн бұрын
thanks for the video, i wish I saw it before my breakup though
@susmateja 6 күн бұрын
Great advice! I'm subscribing 😊
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for the support! :)
@Meatp0pp0t 6 күн бұрын
If women don't get what they want in the relationship. instead of being quiet about it and mentally check out they should communicate this. Blind siding your partner is fucking childish. Take responsibility for how you feel with your partner
@PhantomFilmmaker-jd9ho 6 күн бұрын
How is the man supposed to read their minds and subtle "clues"? That's what they need!
@fox1actual 6 күн бұрын
Underlying theme: What do women want? Everything.. Act accordingly gentlemen.
@dirtydan351 6 күн бұрын
Sometimes I think our primal psychological needs are incompatible with modern society, the part about how a strong work ethic can somehow translate to being able to handle a survival scenario made me audibly laugh out loud, since most men with a strong work ethic work a very specialized job that has nothing to do with survival skills. The one I really struggle with is novelty/planning dates, as someone who's a major home body, more of you girlies really need to pick up some hobbies, cause it feels like 90% of the women I date start to have an existential crisis and break down if they don't go out every day, consumerism is not a hobby. Great video though, not many people have a great understanding of how our sub conscious psychological needs have an effect on our day to day actions so it's always good to see someone acknowledge it.
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
Hahah, understandable, I don’t necessarily mean “out in the woods” survival, moreso “we both lost our jobs” survival. And yes, hobbies are great. Thanks for watching!
@robpolaris5002 5 күн бұрын
Materialism is the opposite of survival skills. Using/buying more than you need is just throwing away resources. Someone like that not be able to handle survival situation. They will expect you to do everything while they complain about what you aren’t providing.
@Anon-ct5fb 6 күн бұрын
What would you say if it feels like the man does things just to satisfy a need cause they term you as needy and don’t wanna deal with it? I mean just general everyday stuff or even sexually Plus if I know that he is always posting lust hungry things on other women online like 9GAG?? And plays if off as they’re just comments, I get that it’s normal for men to do that and there’s no communication there or two way conversation. But this is confusing me, like comments on other beautiful NSFW women like if they would ride him and stuff.. in a way I’m tired of asking him to justify or putting myself down. It’s negative of me. I get it and it feels bad. I’ve given the option to end it cause I don’t have that much energy but he starts about how he cannot do with me at all. So I’m not sure. Apologies I have too many questions from my 4+ years
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
There is a lot I could say, but the first thing that comes to mind is that you should learn to value your wellbeing. 😕
@Anon-ct5fb 2 күн бұрын
Omg thanks a lot for your reply! I truly value it. Yes I’m making up my mind.. I don’t think I can deal with this kind of pressure
@vesaliimatainen3712 6 күн бұрын
Läheisyys ja tunne! Muuta ei tarvita.. 😊
@joshb7326 6 күн бұрын
Women always pulled away from me when they had a better option in line and then discarded me as soon as it was convenient
@PhantomFilmmaker-jd9ho 6 күн бұрын
Do better? Better than who? Every other option she has.
@socksincrocks4421 5 күн бұрын
Keep looking, law of probably states that you will find someone you were met to be with. Grow yourself too
@karlpitzer5610 6 күн бұрын
Money is valueless, prioritizing income over integrity and dedication is pure vanity.
@Adonnus100 6 күн бұрын
I know this probably doesn't follow good advice to get a girlfriend, but... you are seriously one of the most photogenically beautiful people I've ever seen. Like, it's remarkable. Anyway, I agree with your ideas, I think you're correct in judgement.
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
That’s kind, thank you! Glad the message resonated.
@Adonnus100 6 күн бұрын
@@JennyPershin Also I wanted to ask you: are you still in Russia or have you left?
@Adonnus100 4 күн бұрын
@@JennyPershin The reason I ask is, I have a friend who wants to leave Russia.
@Adonnus100 2 күн бұрын
@@JennyPershin Oh, ok! I guess you're lucky, as my friend tells it :)
@Chris-hp2gg 6 күн бұрын
Women fall in love faster and fall out of love faster than men.😂
@PhantomFilmmaker-jd9ho 6 күн бұрын
Is that even love?
@GoldGollum 6 күн бұрын
That’s infatuation big difference, the only thing women loves unconditionally are probably their offspring and how a man makes them “feel”…
@antonpayne919 5 күн бұрын
i think people confuse having feelings with loving someone. you develope feelings for someone but you decide to love them. having feelings is something you cannot control while deciding to love is an active decision
@__Paul__ 5 күн бұрын
​@@antonpayne919One does not simply "decide" to love or not love. It all starts with attraction, and attraction is not a choice.
@antonpayne919 5 күн бұрын
@@__Paul__ didnt say anything else. ofc it starts with attraction but to love and commit to someone is still a conscious decision
@amarakhter4547 6 күн бұрын
Easy. You withdraw/lose interest because you ARE in a relationship.😅
@spaceman77777 6 күн бұрын
Don't apologize for using primal terms. Whenever I need to understand my relationships with women, if I use the "primal" lens everything makes sense.
@ShyMplsMale 6 күн бұрын
Attraction can't be forced. Women don't get sexually aroused by men opening up about their own feelings. Women say they want to connect with a man emotionally but what they subconsciously want is to be able to unload their feelings and for the man to just listen and comfort. Not fix anything. To a woman, it will feel like they both talked talked it out but its mostly the woman talking and the man just being present and doing reflective listening.
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
Yep, all of this is true and backed by biology and psychology. To touch on the second sentence, I agree; women don't get sexually aroused talking about their feelings. They get emotionally connected, which leads to sexual attraction.
@thatguy9668 6 күн бұрын
I think you summed it up in the first minute. People leave when they don't get what they want/need.
@socksincrocks4421 5 күн бұрын
and people fail to communicate their expectations upfront
@Turtleface869 6 күн бұрын
You are 100 percent correct but the other side of this is we want to do all these things for women we truly love. This happens too often because women don’t select men that love them more. This sounds crazy but the more interested a man is in a woman the higher the rejection, but the less interested a man is in a woman the more sexually aggressive she is in order to obtain him. This causes men to cave to the pressure. The woman who is less loved catches the fish and the fish realizes it’s caught and it wants to go back to the bond. It takes maturity and a lot of thought to eventually understand how cyclical this pattern is. If I truly love a woman the masculinity leaves my body. Women don’t understand this about men. It’s a sign of the best form of attraction. When we are only sexually attracted that’s when we appear most masculine. When you feel love you feel gentle from the core. Your desire is still there but your patience is severe because it’s much more than just sexual attraction. If a man is being really soft and you want them to act more masculine there are only two ways 1) present them with a serious problem you need there help with or 2) if your certain their soft behavior is love you may just have to suggest something dirty and then let it soak in. Our hormones will start to over power our compassion in a short time. I’ve seen women go through the same stages you described but in wanted them too. It felt terrible but it was beneficial. I used to be highly manipulable and I did not know it. Very intelligent but just not good at paying attention. This is a little skewed because the laws where I live it can be very hard for a young unwise man to break up with a woman because she can kick you out of your own place and assert her residency without any financial responsibility. So you learn to put them through the stages of grief by not giving a care and they send you a zillion I love you’s etc. Realistically they know they have you trapped. If you dump them you are sleeping in your car for six months. It starts by trying every manipulative technique to get you alone and unzip your pants. Then it’s the threat of shamming your behavior. The trap gets deeper and deeper. Lots of back story but just to make it all make sense. Biggest pointer is though the softer more patient and consistent attention a man shows it’s not weakness it’s authentic love. Not effeminate it’s balanced.
@Turtleface869 6 күн бұрын
This was all typed fast very rough draft format but the point is pay attention to men that show you a lot of attention but are very cautious. It’s not a lack of masculinity there are a lot of threats to the male well being picking the wrong woman presents. Women lose interest in these men they call them gay or mamas boys etc. Women must consider wise men know it’s worth losing 100 opportunities to find authentic connection. The fact that we always pay attention is authenticity. It’s not survival fear per say. It’s not the time of old. There are huge consequences for making the wrong selection even in the early stages of a relationship. Even just the power of female gossip can put a man out of commission in the dating market. Women can be ruthlessly manipulative to men who have not yet figured out they are not all fairy tail princesses. None of these things happen to me now but I’ve gone through all these stages when I was younger.
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
This is a very insightful perspective. I totally agree, and reading your second comment was especially insightful. Honestly there is so much that can be said about the softer side of men and boys. For now all I’ll say is thanks for sharing and contributing to the discussion! Appreciate it.
@Turtleface869 6 күн бұрын
@@JennyPershin The soft side. It’s oxytocin. Not estrogen. I guess is the point I’m trying to make. You can spot an estrogenic male by their digit ratio (hands), if they have fat thighs or fatty breast tissue. There are a lot of tells. Oxytocin is not femininity. I saw this post getting my morning caffeine I haven’t totally formulated my thoughts yet.
@floydross9000 7 күн бұрын
This is great advice, and I say that as someone who has been married for many years. I’m just afraid your even and measured analysis will be overlooked by KZfaq’s (and other social media algorithms’) tendency to elevate conflict and controversy instead of reasoned thought.
@JennyPershin 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the support! 100% agree about the algorithm, it’s sad but true.
@joerapo 6 күн бұрын
Deleting comments that you don't like isn't a good long term plan for growing a channel. Anyways it's not manosphere BS to simply see same sex statistics and realize the talking points around heterosexual relationships don't hold up. You see stats like nearly 75% of same sex divorces are lesbians despite being only 52% of same sex marriages or gay men averaging more sex in a week than lesbians have in a month. Those stats reveal that even when you remove the man from the equation women leave relationships far more often and have less libido than men. No amount of novelty or making her feel loved is going to overcome biology. I'm not saying to disengage from relationships. I'm married. My relationship got better after realizing nothing I can do will socially construct this mythical perfect relationship.
@JennyPershin 6 күн бұрын
Yes, if a relationship is destined to end, it is destined to end (as I wrote in the description). These are suggestions to control what you can: yourself. When comments are written in bad faith with no intention to have a productive discussion, yes, sometimes I block them. If my channel is going to “grow”, better it grows in the right direction.
@Alexsharesknowledge 9 күн бұрын
Have you pretty much given up buying physical books entirely now that you have a kindle?
@JennyPershin 7 күн бұрын
I still buy physical books sometimes :) But usually prefer Kindle
@jblasutavario9549 12 күн бұрын
That's a slick transformation. Nice work
@jblasutavario9549 12 күн бұрын
Good points and resources. I'm based in the UK but certain principles apply here too. Thanks
@stevelopinto4928 13 күн бұрын
Great job 👍
@jblasutavario9549 17 күн бұрын
Gah! I was a voracious reader years ago. Then portable screens appeared... Since then, my concentrated reading capabilities have since diminished. I think the best way for me is to put aside all distractions and just brute force it for a month until I've (re)developed my reading habits. Good vid
@mattg5978 18 күн бұрын
You are so pretty.
@JennyPershin 18 күн бұрын
@mattg5978 18 күн бұрын
I like your advice on not torturing yourself with a book if you are not feeling it, but there is nothing like the feeling of being on a roll with discovering something new. I have like grandma taste because I love low brow mystery though. I like that art piece on the wall behind you. It looks like there are little eyes in the plants.
@JennyPershin 17 күн бұрын
@@mattg5978 Valid! Art is Red Floral Jungle by Lara Meintjes.
@sergioramosguajardo1677 18 күн бұрын
100% agree, left social media 2 months ago and since then i dedicate that time reading, life changes incredibly without comparison anxiety. I tend to read always in an electronic device, however, would you considered is better to change to a physical format? You are so pretty!!! Greetings from Mexico :))
@JennyPershin 18 күн бұрын
That's awesome! I definitely wouldn't recommend reading on a phone/computer for long if that's what you mean, but e-readers or physical books are great. And thank you!
@HiesenbergHolmes 19 күн бұрын
Hi Jenny, Thank you so much for your insightful videos on financial matters in Canada. I also noticed you recently moved from Canada to the USA and was curious about what motivated that change. Could you share a bit about your experience and the reasons behind your move? Thanks again for all the great content!
@JennyPershin 19 күн бұрын
Hello, thanks for your kind words! This topic was on my list of potential video ideas, so it's good to know someone is interested. I will make a video about it in the near future.
@Retrosenescent 26 күн бұрын
Everything you said is true, but I think it's important that you also acknowledge that most women are already doing WAY too much and struggle with people-pleaser tendencies. The few women online who are vocal and narcissistic (the SheRaSeven girlies) are extreme outliers
@JennyPershin 25 күн бұрын
Hi Wesley, thanks for commenting. I agree with you. Perhaps codependency/people-pleasing could be a good topic to elaborate on in the future. Nice channel btw.
@ayyyejesterdazed 29 күн бұрын
Both are necessary in our modern world. Having the self awareness and maturity to discuss with one another where we need partnerships and where we need leadership is important. My ex was very much so a leader, but I would be the person to speak up and take the lead in social situations. We only broke up because we wanted to live in different places. He would pay rent, but I would be the one to tell maintenance that our stove is broken.
@jblasutavario9549 Ай бұрын
This comes at the perfect time right as I'm updating my CV/resume. Thank you for this
@JennyPershin Ай бұрын
Glad to help, best of luck!
@jblasutavario9549 Ай бұрын
@@JennyPershin Thank you
@mattg5978 Ай бұрын
I'm 32 and the major problem I face is almost every woman I meet and have chemistry with is usually in a serious relationship. It seems like after a certain age just finding women who are available becomes the biggest challenge. I see some guys that get into relationships and kinda let themselves go and it makes me question a lot of things.
@Retrosenescent Ай бұрын
Negging or back-handed comments about you are also incredibly important to pay attention to. I unfortunately ignored that red flag and ended up wasting a year of my life with a highly abusive narcissist.
@theironson1043 Ай бұрын
Feminism really did a number on women's psyche, women think they are better than this generation of men because they earn a living now, wow turns out our ancestors were on to something all along.. listening to this woman even though she has some good points is like listening to a call of duty player explaining effective war-fighting to a special forces commando.
@Ranechannel77 Ай бұрын
I'd add that Women shouldn't say strong, and independent nowadays to a man, it's very bad pair bonding etiquette it now means most of the time when a women says that that she has a bad additide/strong, and is a man hater/independent, but might also be a colossal cheater because she is independent lets not forget that part.
@robmansfield1241 Ай бұрын
Could it be that that is the only true goal in life? Maybe the real game is not the material game itself, but how you react to it. Maybe we are being challenged to maintain a state of peaceful gratitude regardless of what's happening around us; which can include fearlessly standing your ground. Then what we give back will be more true. It's a very different way to live than seeking pleasure and collecting the beast's casino tokens.
@Anthony071177 Ай бұрын
What I see in my local area from a large percentage of individuals which is a major problem that originated from many different sources is an unwillingness to accept kindness overall. There’s a ton of individuals from the opposite sex that find great joy & pride in the simple act of kindness, helping others & compassion; but many people convinced themselves that humbling themselves an respectfully accepting acts of kindness is a sign that they themselves are weak, unintelligent or will end up a victim in some way when it the kindness comes from an regular person and not their ideal top tier chose that in most cases is only a fantasy. Nobody is that special nor great to not be able or willing to accept kindness & hospitality.
@rc4361 Ай бұрын
I’m so happy I found your content, thank you 🙏
@JennyPershin Ай бұрын
Thanks, appreciated!
@octavianr526 Ай бұрын
Easy to say "Get over rejections". Self-confidence cannot rely continuously on self-confidence and positive thinking about one-self. It is linked to the responses/results. As a man, when I observe what poor criteria people have in admiring someone I get depressed. I wish women would try to experience themselves repeated rejection (after trying to open conversations and relationships) and see how their self-esteem survives. I have attended Latino dance classes for 10 years, and women are continuously told that in Latino, they have the same right to invite men to dance at parties. But very few are doing that, complaining about how hard it is to see some face expressions or avoiding behavior. If you are saying this is the man's job, it may be, but this does not mean it is not harmful. Read about the toxicity of how men are grown with a "man up" culture, which leads to a way higher rate of suicides in men. Women say contradictory things, they say men should express their emotions, but when we do, women are turned off by their assumption that this is not masculine. Overall, poor education and poor selection criteria in both parties play a huge role. Anyway, try the repeated rejection and see where your self-esteem stands after.
@octavianr526 Ай бұрын
Men also want, in the first place, peace from a woman. But this is rarely happening as the world is going through a mental health crisis. Overall, in 2024, there is almost no education in schools or families about healthy relationships, dealing with traumas and the psychology of relationships. Regarding reading, self-development, spiritual intelligence, I did that so much that I feel the women around are so unready for healthy relationships. Women too should read books, listen to psychology podcasts, TedX etc. Women and men are at the same low level of education generally. Finding an educated woman is hard, and when we find such a woman, she also has a checkbox list hard to check. It looks impossible to match 2 people these days.
@bpattontx Ай бұрын
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” ― Otto von Bismarck