Are these AI pins redundant?
14 күн бұрын
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Minecraft's mob vote problem
@niggacockball7995 7 күн бұрын
raylib is great introduction if you want to get into openGL in my opinion it lets you more focus on the game itself without drowning you in lower level stuff so that once you get to opengl you can better focus on the inner details and behind the scenes work
@futotta-neko 17 күн бұрын
Currently learning networking programming using raylib, and Rust™
@koto9x 18 күн бұрын
@undeadpresident 23 күн бұрын
I've been messing with raylib for the past week and was excited when I realized how easy it was to load and render a 3d model. But as soon as I tried to add lighting I hit a brick wall and couldn't do it. The basic lighting example program works but when I add my own model it won't light it. So I dug into the code and it appears no less complicated than doing it straight in opengl. Perhaps even moreso because raylib is automatically assigning uniforms and it's a huge pain in the ass to figure out what the hell is going on or what is going wrong.
@iamdozerq Ай бұрын
Cos tsoading using it lol?
@harrisbuild 25 күн бұрын
cos he's the only one you know whose using it lol?
@ilikegeorgiabutiveonlybeen6705 19 күн бұрын
exactly lmao
@henrikholst7490 9 күн бұрын
For me that is 100% true. ;-)
@zanagi Ай бұрын
So its like a Util? well at that size its a framework i guess...
@benbowers3613 Ай бұрын
What I'd add to the library vs GUI engine is it really matters if you are working on the game solo, or if you need to collaborate with non-programmer artists. If you are collaborating with artists and level designers, the GUI is more for them than for you. Level designers need a "Halo Forge Mode," if you will.
@Siroitin Ай бұрын
Raylib is also good for statistical and simulation visualization when there is a lot of particles and nodes
@bibliusz777 Ай бұрын
I use Bevy and want to transition to just wgpu, ECS and my utils
@encentaber6653 Ай бұрын
does bevy give you too much overhead? i.e. performance concerns
@bibliusz777 Ай бұрын
@@encentaber6653 no. i just don't like frameworks - i prefer having just what i need
@kidpudel Ай бұрын
I’m using Raylib-go and i love it. This framework gives you just the right amount of abstraction, so you have all of fundamental blocks of functionality for all basic aspects of the engine (that’s made very easy), yet you are not bound to the engine, you are free and productive
@undeadpresident 23 күн бұрын
I was hoping that would be the case and it very initially appeared that way until I tried to add lighting to a model and couldn't get it to work.
@tx7300 Ай бұрын
that comparison with game engines isn't very apt. yes obviously something like raylib is awesome for getting into game engine programming without building absolutely everything from scratch, but if you set out to make an actual *game*, you're going to end up reimplementing the same patterns and abstractions present in pretty much every game engine ever in some shape or form. it doesn't really mean anything that it's "more familiar" to a non-videogame programmer, because making any game that holds up to any sort of modern standard (not talking about AAA, this applies to anything that sells as a game on steam for at least a dollar, or something you see made for a 48 hour game jam) will require you to learn how to program a *game*, which is something very complex and deep, which programmers with experience in other fields might see as very alien. so in any case, what you'll be doing will be unfamiliar. a proper game engine (i.e. Godot) allows you to only need to get familiarized with some basic abstractions like scenes and nodes (which typically exist in other engines with names such as rooms and entities), but not have to deal with any of the heavy lifting that requires months if not years of study like collision, lighting, shading, rendering, optimization, and so on. the programming itself is exactly the same, thus the barrier of entry ends up being far lower than if you had to code your own game from scratch.
@undeadpresident 23 күн бұрын
raylib seemed all fine and dandy to me until I tried to add lighting to a test model then I couldn't get it to work. Looks like to get it to work I have to not only know how to do it from scratch in opengl but also figure out what raylib is doing automatically vs what it isn't, and where the data is going which is considerably difficult.
@solotechoregon Ай бұрын
i have plenty of old servers..but the requirements have other hidden dependencies... such as avx2 or better. While avx2 hit intels cpus in 2012 with the haswell tech... the cpu in your server could predate avx2.
@chris_php Ай бұрын
Yes the CPU predates any avx which contributes to it's very slow speed which is why I had to disable avx entirely to get to even run.
@0000kk Ай бұрын
I think start citizen uses lumber yard
@xormak3935 15 күн бұрын
It uses the so called Star Engine, which, at this point, is basically a heavily modified version of Lumberyard which in itself was a heavily modified version of CryEngine.
@scoo73r Ай бұрын
I just started learning go and I plan to use raylib for gui elements of programs and experiments more than I do games.
@SB-qm5wg Ай бұрын
So yeah, but hella slowly
@skejeton Ай бұрын
i wish the C bindings didn't clash with Windows API, preferably had some sort of optional rl_ prefix
@colleagueriley860 23 күн бұрын
Yep, doesn’t seem like something Ray is going to add tho
@jasonpenick7498 8 күн бұрын
There are a lot of design choices like this, and like the other commenter pointed out Ray is not going to change them. He has an overly stubborn and asinine view on LOTS of things, which is why I do not use Raylib. Its a solid idea, screwed up by one mans insistence on being retarded.
@hebedite4865 Ай бұрын
I'm currently learning my way around both Crystal and Raylib by just coding a bit of the basics every day l- ike moving a 3 frame sprite on the x axis - and then gradually adding more features, or rewriting things I notice could be implemented in a better way, etc.. and it's genuinely been such a joy to work with. Plus the community not being centered around one single language means you can get more broad advice, get so much inspiration, and easily find something you like and translating it to whichever Raylib bindings you're working with as once you get used to it it's fairly easy to translate from one language to your preferred one. The examples in the github repo are phenomenal and easy to read, plus the cheat sheet and live demos via their website are a huge help. Plus the creator is equally, if not more-so, passionate about everyone's projects and their genuine gratitude and excitement for every new project using Raylib is infectious! I would not hesitate in recommending this amazing assest(s) to everyone and anyone!
@nexovec Ай бұрын
I've had some limited exposure to SDL couple years back and it felt ancient. No wonder there is such demand for a simple unifying API with bindings for a lot of languages that's also not older than you. Where else are these people supposed to go?
@grimvian Ай бұрын
Me too, I was not compatible with SDL, but Raylib YES!
@raindroptimemain1651 Ай бұрын
I did not hear anyone talking that affinity is sandbagging. Autotrace code is available for ages, but not finalised, since it is not perfect enough. Now it would be nice if also AI is added to to autotracing. The affinity team is already 90 people for ages. Income is large enough for a bigger team. And if needed always an update like 3.0 can be sold. Now for good updates, for sure a subscription model is coming. It is no longer in the hands of affinity, too bad. The promises are empty words.
@replikvltyoutube3727 Ай бұрын
It's simple, easy to embed using C FFI. Handles most of what is needed. And also because of tsoding.
@volvoxpl 2 ай бұрын
This video is longer than needed, and does not answer main question (but honestly skipped part of it) - why game that was small, now it's so bit without big improvment in graphics.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Because it's diminishing return. Increasing polygons or raising the resolution of a texture gets to the point where the difference isn't as notable but still takes up a lot of memory.
@volvoxpl 2 ай бұрын
@@chris_php I was mostly thinking about Battlefront remaster (as it was used in this video). Change in graphics is baerly noticable (models, maps, sounds are this same, textures only a bit better), while size is like 10x bigger.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Because it's upscaled to 4k which is why it is 10x bigger.
@KermodeBear 2 ай бұрын
Build dependencies. You need to do X in your application. Play a sound, for example. So you look for a library, already written, that does that for you. You include that into your product. That library depends on five other libraries. Each of those depends on two or three more. And when you build your project, you're not excluding all the routines you're not using; you're just leaving them all in there. See it all that time, everywhere.
@Mightydoggo 2 ай бұрын
Because they can. Everybody has huge ass SSDs nowadays and compressing/optimiziing your product takes time, time that you have to pay people for, which is bad for your investor´s RoI. I worked with AI upscaling myself, it´s not like you just hit a button and it´s done. It´s faster yes, but not as fast as people think. Not yet anyway.
@kieranhosty 2 ай бұрын
Exactly the question on my mind, though I expected all these answers. Not much we can say without seeing the process that went into this, other than speculate about the usual suspects of greedy publishers/developers, though given the relevant history of the Devs, very likely a mix of their inexperience and publisher greed.
@skurtov 2 ай бұрын
The best approach to this would be to offer 4k textures as an option. Gaming is at 1440p now. No need for those massive textures. Having a massive asset library is cool, but I'm sure it's a massive headache from a development standard. Also a better optimized compression methodology perhaps combined with AI could even further reduce file size.
@brendanhickey4955 2 ай бұрын
The game is already 40 bucks for a game that is worth less than 4 dollars now you want to suggest the consumer to pay for 4k textures for a game that is already commercially worthless. These games should be both packaged together with updated textures for 15 bucks. Nothing else is added. Its just a cash grab man. You shouldnt have to pay for something that should be at bare minimum have updated graphics attached to the original released content. Your position is just delusional man.
@tonedeaftachankagaming457 2 ай бұрын
@@brendanhickey4955 Many games offer the largest texture sizes as a free add-on. Pretty sure this is what OP meant
@SigmaMegaStud 2 ай бұрын
I bet its the in game shop
@rickamsler3088 2 ай бұрын
I don't think I would mind so much if I could actually make use of the standard drive for my game storage. but on xbox only the proprietary SSD can store and run current gen games. So that $20 external hard drive is now useless because I cannot actually put games on it. because it is "too slow" And to add that we are now really seeing the consequences of not optimizing games (or game engines.) you end up with most of the current generation of frustration in a gameplay experience. Destiny and Destiny 2 are a couple of the worst optimized games and even the developers have voiced this frustration. taking hours to load map/level editors and that un-optimization leading to the "sunsetting" of content that was paid for. just because the game file is too large.
@mobiusrazgrim 2 ай бұрын
The short answer: "Because they can". Understand that "optimization" takes time. Hours of dev time, it costs money. Tuning texture resolution/compression, vector count, arcane tampering with render settings. Sometimes you need to invent brand new tricks to deal with novel bottlenecks. And the goal isn't "make as optimal as possible", it's "make it as accessible as profitable". 99% of people can afford 70GB of storage. That remaining 1% they're going to miss in sales, isn't worth the cost of optimizing for them. Sure it's shit form. But it's business.
@scumbaag 2 ай бұрын
First off, nice vid- Ill throw ya a sub/like/bell. Gratz on getting picked up by the algo, you were in my home page recommended. 🤙 Because 99.999% of dev studios are factories, not stuidos. They don't care about the finished product. MONEY MONEY MONEY. Also, if the majority of the game installs through a launcher- a large portion of users outside of the US will run over their 2 hour playtime return period by simply installing the game with slow-ish internet, ez money. Mainstream games and steam releases are on the same level as google play store trash these days. These fuckers are lucky im somewhat mentally stable, this is unibomber-deserving levels of ineptitude. You did make a few valid points, though. I remember a few PS1 games that were about 100mb themselves, with 400mb of various language data and voice dubs.
@TrueBarlowed 2 ай бұрын
While you do make some good points about how games were always "relatively" big compared to your average storage space at the time, it might also be important to remember that back in the day, you didn't necessarily even write all that data to your hard drive, often a lot of the data was just read off the CD as your were playing. These days however, physical media games don't even have anything on the discs anymore if you get a disc at all.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Yes that is true storing games on hard disks and ssds is a relatively new thing. Most laptops and pcs no longer come with even a disc drive anymore.
@cmikhail7289 2 ай бұрын
The thinking is probably along the lines of Wyatt Cheng goof 2018 Blizzcon. Here's how I reinterpret it to this continual install size inflation "The current plan is to keep inflating Install sizes on all OS platforms, we do not have any plans at the moment, to compress our game files to conform your 2004 tier install size." *audience boos* "WhAT Don't You guys NoT HaVe 32TB drives?! their dirt cheap too."
@czarkusa2018 2 ай бұрын
Higher game size means you can install fewer games, that means less competition. Also increases dependency on funded digital distribution while making it less appealing to fileshare among pirates.
@MrChooseYourUsername 2 ай бұрын
You didn't need to make this video. This is massive Randall from Recess energy.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
What a classic show
@TakumiJoyconBoyz 2 ай бұрын
So I think you're a bit confused on this matter. Look into the case "Sony VS Bleem". Bleem was an emulator for PS1 games that ran on the Sega Dreamcast. It was sold as a disk for money. They won the lawsuit against Sony so it is actually settled law that for-profit third party emulators are legal. The more likely reason was that they announced support for TokT BEFORE it was released, meaning it would have had to have been a pirated version being used for testing and playing.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
I'm just going over possible reasons why others are sued even if they can win in court or not. In a lot if not all of the cases some form money was being earned by the projects this combined with other incidents like showing the pirates games are just more evidence for them to discuss in court.
@UndertakerU2ber 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@chris_php I can tell you this, the “damages” that can be quantified in terms of money makes a WORLD of a difference when it comes to copyright infringement. Quick example: Nintendo made a debug ROM that tested the hardware of the SNES and used Disney’s “When You Wish Upon a Star” to measure its audio capabilities. If Disney sued Nintendo, a judge may declare that Nintendo violated Disney’s copyright ownership, but won’t rule in Disney’s favor since they can’t prove there was any money made on Nintendo’s part or sales lost on Disney’s. Likewise, when Sony tried suing the makers of a PS1 emulator for Macintosh computers, the appellate court ruled that while the developers _technically_ violated their copyright of the PlayStation’s BIOS by copying and pasting it, and that the creation of this emulator has likely resulted in lost sales, the developers of the emulator were considered to be “a legitimate competitor” to Sony’s PlayStation in the market and copyright law wasn’t intended on being abused to shut down business rivals. For Yuzu, I think what I listed above shows the arguments in favor of the Yuzu team, but the “piracy” association with Yuzu was the best ammunition Nintendo had against Yuzu specifically more than any other emulator out there; even more than Ryujinx. Because another very important part of the assessment involves the judge trying to figure out the _intentions_ behind the alleged copyright violations, which means that if Nintendo can convince the judge that Yuzu is a criminal organization that’s trying to run a global blackmarket piracy scheme to forever ruin Nintendo’s business, then the judge will _not_ be merciful to the Yuzu team to say the least, and they’d likely have injunctive relief and punitive damages calculated against their favor if the court brands them as being the makers of piracy tools.
@BigFunnyGiant 2 ай бұрын
Bleem also ran on PC
@Hecklezz 2 ай бұрын
Why have they not gone after Ryujinx then? It is also a Switch emulator that works pretty much the same as Yuzu and they make money from Patreon as well and have been around since the same time as Yuzu (1 month later, but I think it started development before). Some consider Ryujinx better than Yuzu in the accuracy department when it comes to emulation, at the cost of some performance, whereas Yuzu had some inaccuracies but was more performant.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 ай бұрын
Yuzu was selling a version of the emulator through donations tho same as citra but anyway I have yuzu backed up and the source code
@ricardowilliams3765 2 ай бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual all citra versions are free, what are you talking about? there is only canary and nightly which are both free.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 ай бұрын
@@ricardowilliams3765 citra was created by the same team as yuzu tho it was collateral damage bro
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Entirely possible for Nintendo to still sue ryujinx but ryujinx is from Brazil where Nintendo does not have an office in.
@perrymitchell7118 2 ай бұрын
What would you recommend to run a chatbot trained on website data locallY? Thanks for the video.
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
If it's a small model like a 3B you don't need much ram like 8gb so it can even run on lower end graphics like a 2060 and get quick responses.
@ecswest6083 2 ай бұрын
the only advantage I see for going through all this to run locally is if you are running an uncensored model like mistral dolphin , which could be useful. but if not , why not just use gemini online or claude or chatgpt , they are free and have nice UI
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
You can get a nice UI with a local llama as well. You can also get some more fine tuned models for certain needs like for coding which may give you better results than the online ones.
@onebigsnowball 2 ай бұрын
I was just working on something like this. I didn't even think about using a depth buffer... instead I used an approach that will only work for tile based games. It's not very flexible, but very fast for the CPU. I think stardew valley does something similar
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Ah nice what solution did you use to solve this problem?
@onebigsnowball 2 ай бұрын
​@@chris_phpIn stardew there are like 4 different layers. Some of those layers make tiles appear in front of entities if they're behind it and the other way around. The other layers are the floor and tiles that always appear above or below the entities. My version is a bit different but that's just because it's more specialized for my game's usecase
@NyanCoder 2 ай бұрын
Meh, depth buffer is not necessarily OpenGL/Direct3D/Vulkan/Metal/WebGPU exclusive thing. It's not even that CPU-hard work either. All you need is additional buffer for depth-check and your own sprite_copy function, that would check depth buffer and write to it if pixel is going to be written
@chris_php 2 ай бұрын
Ah I didn't know that thanks!
@NyanCoder 2 ай бұрын
@@chris_php It's just already made solutions in those graphics libraries (in OGL it enables with single line of code even), so because of that some people could feel like it's hardware stuff or library exclusive thing, but in fact a lot of techniques (even raytracing) were made in application-side first (and in case of raytracing there are even specialized commands now to boost compute time in exact this case so modern gpus could keep up in reasonable framerate)
@IpfxTwin 3 ай бұрын
I have my eye on a Proliant Gen 8 server with 393 gigs of ram (dual socket / 12 threads each). I know more ram would handle more parameters, but would more ram speed up simpler models?
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
RAM speed is important since the whole LLM needs to be read from so the smaller the model the quicker you will get a response. If the LLM is 40gb in size and you can ready 40gb a second in bandwidth that means you'd have 1 token every second.
@meanmole3212 3 ай бұрын
typescript: 21.50 javascript: 4.45 bruh?
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
I guess because typescript requires all the type definitions it uses more energy or something like that?
@CollCaz-2 3 ай бұрын
Yup thats ridiculous
@CollCaz-2 3 ай бұрын
TIOBE index is a literal joke they are ranking VISUAL BASIC higher than PHP more than 70% of the web is running on PHP while visual basic is literally discontinued and much much more ridiculous examples. But thats beside the point, you're completely right! GO MAKE GAMES performance only matters when it does. Good video bro keep it up!
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
The TIOBE index is based on the search results and general popularity not just what software runs it. A lot of old systems use COBOL but it's not a language that is really taught or used in modern applications.
@CollCaz-2 3 ай бұрын
@@chris_php so according to "search results and general popularity" Delphi/object pascal ranks higher than languages real people use like kotlin, rust, lua...etc? in what world does delphi score better in "general popularity" than the rust
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
It's definitely not the most accurate metric but gives a good general idea of what languages are trending and what people are interested in on a monthly basis.
@geekdomo 3 ай бұрын
please consider a microphone. Its really difficult to understand you with the mic/noise gate cutting out so often. Thanks for the video.
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, I've been making improvements to my mic in my more recent videos.
@Kaiserschmarren 3 ай бұрын
I think we need a licence, that doesnt allow Maschine learning, but humans are allowed to copy the work (maybe like CC 4 or CC0 but without AI training)
@Kaiserschmarren 3 ай бұрын
I would contribute to OS projects, but my programming skills are very limited (cant even make a simple 4 in a row game 😂) Edit: can someone recommend where to start? I would like to learn and contribute to games by myself
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
Minetest used lua scripting to create mods for the game so it's pretty easy to get into. That might be a good place to start. But it might also be good to use a game library like pygame or raylib to make a small game first just to get familiar with the structure of the code and how a game works.
@Kaiserschmarren 3 ай бұрын
@@chris_php how could I forget pygame. Should have started with it, there is even a great free ebook online.
@ScottLahteine 3 ай бұрын
I maintain a popular open source project hosted on GitHub, funded entirely by donations from users and companies that benefit from and appreciate our work. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the modern ecosystem around open source software has profoundly changed my life and there’s nothing I’d rather be doing. It’s great to be able to spend as much time as needed to keep making our product better, especially as competition is heating up in our space (3D printer firmware). I simply couldn’t do it at the same pace or level without services like Patreon and GitHub Sponsors, and without popular KZfaqrs who provide coverage of our work and help get the word out during times when funding wanes. What a time to be alive!
@jakethesnake2264 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for spreading the good word
@Godot-Game-Dev 3 ай бұрын
Great video! (:
@sofaking1627 3 ай бұрын
Pokemon glazers really out here bold face lyin on twitter cuz they can't handle Pal World's W
@chris_php 3 ай бұрын
It would be niuce if they put this effort on gamefreak to get higher quality pokemon games that aren't plagued with issues.
@egbert5871 3 ай бұрын
I feel like there reason to stop craftopia to work on a new game Palworld makes sense , Craftopia wasn't doing amazing hell i never heard of it